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About KSIxLeGiTxFaZeE

  • Birthday 08/05/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Interests
    Lifting, personal training, sports, black ops (I & II).
  • Gamertag
  • Squad
    JOURNEY LS-Last Strike
  • Rank/Title

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  • Skype

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KSIxLeGiTxFaZeE's Achievements


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  1. Name: (KSIxLeGiTxFaZeE, Journey, Last Strike) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7473-ksixlegitxfazee/ Award-/-Achievement: (Swat and Sniper/QS Teams) Reason-/-Evidence: (Newly appointed QS, HH, and SWAT CPT..And in the past I have always been apart of these special ops teams within Last Strike Division.)
  2. I am the General of Journey I am a witness to this, he is the HH CPT, and QS CPT.
  3. I am a worness to danky assisting members. He has helped me plenty of times and i hve seen him help plenty other people with assistance on forums and on xbox. He is my mentor and is outstanding. He tought me everything i need to know about ksi and has been the reason as to why my career in ksi is where it is at! Danky thank you. Danky was part of annihilate HH and siege HH. Witness that. Silver OS- Danky has been there for me ever since my first day in KSI. I have seen him be there for all of his members and higher members. He is always at game nights, meetings, participating in battles, active with everyone on xbox live. Has made so many adjustments to better his (old) squad when he was a gen and by doing so he inspired other generals to do the same. Even when annihilate was crashing he stepped in and did an outstandin job bring it back up strong and up to speed to make a squad split. The squad split he handled went amazingly well and is still prospering. As he is a cofo now he has been always teaching me and others everything we need to know. I addition, he has so many members trained, and he had recruited a insane amount of people into ksi. He is always active on the forums and promoting activity on the forums to keep informed and keep his members informed. Also he is very good at keeping members informed with security threats and ither important info reguarding ksi through xbox. Furthermore, on the forums danky will be EVERYWHERE he is outstanding with the places he posts, he is all over the forums and i think that is great. He always keeps things up to date with his members and others, and he is always helping anyone that needs a hand. Danky is a outstanding member and deserves this award. Danky thank you for all your insite and mentoring you have done for me brother, i really appreciate it.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZNCrLV8W_M Comatose - Skillet
  5. Witness to trainer and outstanding. I have known toonami since the start of my ksi career. He has helped train me and gave me plenty tips on other factors concerning ksi. He has done so much recruiting for ksi community and so many people respect him. He has done so much for the community and deserves these awards for his dedication and work.
  6. Danky, ohhhh Danky. There is nothing bad to say about Danky. The guy is an outstanding General, friend, and leader. Danky knows the ins and out of KSI. He has put so much time and hard work into growing Annihilate squad. Even though it has only been 4 months, he has put in SO much of his own time to help his members, grow his squad, be chatty on the forums, play with his members, and lead his members. He is my general and he is an outstanding leader. He is not only my leader, he is my mentor. He taught/ is teaching me everything i need to know to be just as successful as he is in the KSI Community. Danky is one of the most dedicated members i have ever known and have talked to in KSI. In addition, Danky is a great role model for how other member should be in the KSI Community. I am a witness to OS lvl 1 and trainer.
  7. if anyone wants to battle on black ops, hit me up, ill direct you to my capt, i want a batle (:
  8. Welcome to the forums KSI Vengeance :)

    1. xX NiNjA 7 Xx

      xX NiNjA 7 Xx

      I bet u still have the image in your mind of my dad being drunk and pissing in my mom's chair LMAO!!!

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