Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI IRONCOWBOY7 (Evil Ties)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - IRONCOWBOY7 Deserves this award because he has helped me through many struggles in KSI as a captain. I knew if i had a problem and my Co-Founders and general wasn't on he would help me out. He is one of the greatest leaders in KSI and is one of the most respectful men i know. He is constantly trying to help out other members with all the hard work he has to do as a Div Leader, by Holding recruiting tournaments and tournaments to help other members get games in ET. This is why IRONCOWBOY7 Deserves this award.
Gamertag: KSI Gwood 77, ET
Reasoning: Gwood deserves this award because of many reasons. He is a great leader, he helped me out a lot when i was a captain even if he was busy with other things. he is one of the reasons why i am a general today. He is a great friend and a very loyal and respectful member of KSI. A lot of people could learn a thing or two from him with spending just 5 mins with him. This is why i think he deserves this award.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HUCKLEBERRY (ET/CORRUPT)
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Reasoning why they deserve this- HUCKLEBERRY Deserves this award is because i wouldn't know half the stuff i know now. Also he is an outstanding, respectful, and helpful man i have ever known. over the past couple of months i've been in KSI he has helped me with Many KSI and Family problems. He is just an all around good man and im lucky to be in his squad. and remember "DONT KILL THE HUCKLEBERRY!"
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Motionz (General-ET/ANARCHY)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Motionz deserves this award because he taught me mostly everything i know now about KSI. He is a great leader and an outstanding friend. when its time to get down to business he doesn't slack.. He's always the first one to help others, even if he cant help out that much he tries his best. He has made an impact on my life and many others in KSi,I can say many good things about Motionz but that would take days to write, But this is why i think he deserves this award as a Major.