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KSI QueenJess 7

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KSI QueenJess 7 last won the day on June 10 2014

KSI QueenJess 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI QueenJess 7

  • Birthday 08/05/1984

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    KSI QueenJess 7
  • Squad
    Board of Directors
  • Rank/Title
    Chief of Staff

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  2. You will noticed some scores not updated or missing... ITS OKAY!!! lol Official overall results will be posted before the awards ceremony Sunday June 28, 2015 at 8pm EST! Thank you all so much for your participation this year! You are amazing!!
  3. ======================== -Spirit Week Divisional Totals- ======================== Dark Legions: Day 1 - 3 pts (3rd place) Day 2 - 1pt (participation xb360) Day 3 - 1pt (participation) Day 4 2pts (Participation xb1/360) = 6pts Total Demonic Mayhem: Day 1 - 1pt (participation) Day 2 - 5pts (1st place XB1) 4pts (2nd place xb360) Day 3 - 4pts (Second Place) Day 4 - 3pts (3rd xb1) = 17pts Total Divine Reign: Day 1 - 1pt (participation) Day 2 - 1pt (participation xb360) Day 3 - 1pt (participation) Day 4 - 2pts (Participation xb1/360) = 5pts Total Elite Forces: Day 1 - 1pt (participation) Day 2 - 1pt (participation XB1) Day 3 - 1pt (participation) Day 4 - 4pts (2nd xb360) 4pts (2nd xb1) = 11pts Total Eternal Souls: Day 1 - 1pt (participation) Day 2 - 1pt (participation xb360) Day 3 - 1pt (participation) Day 4 1pts (Participation xb360)= 4pts Total Explosive Outlaws: Day 1 - 1pt (participation) Day 2 - 1pt (participation xb360) Day 3 - 1pt (participation) Day 4 - 3pts (3rd xb360) 1pt (participation x1) = 7pts Total Forced Induction: Day 1 - 1pt (participation) Day 2 - 1pt (participation xb360) Day 3 - 1pt (participation) Day 4 - 1pt (Participation xb1)= 4pts Total Ground Zero: Day 1 - 1pt (participation) Day 2 - 1pt (participation xb360) 3pts (3rd place XB1) Day 3 - 3pts (3rd Place) Day 4 - 5pts (1st xb360) 1pt (participation xb1) = 14pts Total Harmonic Destruction: Day 1 - 1pt (participation) Day 2 - 1pt (participation XB1) Day 3 - 1pt (participation) Day 4 - 5pts (1st xbl) 1pt (participation xb360) = 9pts Total Last Strike: Day 1 - 4pts (2nd place) Day 2 - 3pts (3rd place xb360) 4pts (2nd place XB1) Day 3 - 1pt (participation) Day 4 - 2pts (Participation xb1/360) = 14pts Total Legendary Warriors: Day 1 - 1pt (participation) Day 2 - 1pt (participation xb360) Day 3 - 1pt (participation) Day 4 -1pt (Participation xb360)= 4pts Total Maximum Punishment: Day 1 - 1pt (participation) Day 2 - 1pt (participation xb360) Day 3 - 1pt (participation) Day 4 - 1pt (Participation xb360)= 4pts Total Wicked Intent: Day 1 - 5pts (1st Place) Day 2 - 5pts (1st place xb360) 1pt (participationXB1) Day 3 - 5pts (1st place) Day 4 - 2pts (Participation xb1/360)= 18pts Total ==OVERALL WINNERS== SPIRIT WEEK CHAMPIONS - FIRST PLACE - WICKED INTENT = 18 TOTAL POINTS SECOND PLACE - DEMONIC MAYHEM = 17 TOTAL POINTS THIRD PLACE - TIE - LAST STRIKE = 14 TOTAL POINTS/GROUND ZERO = 14 TOTAL POINTS (TUNE IN TO TONIGHT'S AWARDS CEREMONY TO WATCH THE TIE BREAKER!)
  4. Let the battle begin!! Good luck to all divisions!!
  5. Use the following format to sign your teams up for this event. Separate both teams for XB1 and 360. Only highest ranking leaders in each division are to sign up teams, unless they appoint an authorized 7 from their division to do so. All teams must be online and ready to check in at 7:30pm EST. Division - Xbox ONE or 360 - Team Captain Gamertag - Team Members Gamertags - Alternate 1 - Alternate 2 - The rules for this event are as follows: Xbox One Tournament and XBOX 360 will run simultaneously. Every division is allowed one team of four per console, one team on the Xbox 360 and one team on the Xbox ONE. No individual member is allowed to participate on both teams on both consoles. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Tournament will be on the Search & Destroy game type. The game type will be standard S&D not MLG. With a few restrictions; no score streaks and no dlc weapons will be allowed. The tournament will be double elimination meaning a team has to loose twice in order to be eliminated. No mods, rapid fire controllers are NOT permitted. Each team can only utilize 1 substitute from the listed alternates. *KSI cannot control game lag, or teams connection status. If at anytime you are having issues with connections, please contact your T&E Judge AFTER completing your game. Teams who quit a match will be disqualified* SIGN UPS WILL BE LOCKED 30 mins BEFORE THE EVENT BEGINS!
  6. Use the following format to sign your representative up for this event. Only highest ranking leader in each division are to sign up teams/reps, unless they appoint an authorized 7 from their division to do so. All representatives must be on Skype and ready to check in at 7:30pm EST. Division - Skype name - Representatives Gamertag - Song Choice - The rules for this event are as follows: ONE representative per division! For streaming purposes, Karaoke be held on Skype! Make sure your division rep has Skype and is ready to go when it is their turn! The rep needs to be able to do a Skype call (YOU NEED A MICROPHONE). The rep will have a maximum of 3 min to sing, so plan accordingly. All songs must be radio edits. No extreme profanity, drug references, sexual violence, or racial jargon. The judging for Karaoke will be based off of the following criteria: On a scale of 0-5 - Voice (how well they sound) - Preparation (how well they know the words to the song) - Confidence (how much they get into the song, do they play an instrument, do you hear YouTube in the background) - 0-5 for each, total score out of 15 SIGN UPS WILL BE LOCKED 30 mins BEFORE THE EVENT BEGINS!
  7. Use the following format to sign your teams up for this event. Separate both teams for XB1 and 360. Only highest ranking leaders in each division are to sign up teams, unless they appoint an authorized 7 from their division to do so. All teams must be online and ready to check in at 7:30pm EST. Division - Xbox ONE or 360 - Team Captain Gamertag - Team Members Gamertags - Alternate 1 - Alternate 2 - The rules for this event are as follows: Xbox One Tournament and XBOX 360 will run simultaneously. Every division is allowed one team of three per console, one team on the Xbox 360 and one team on the Xbox ONE. No individual member is allowed to participate on both teams on both consoles. Halo will be a multi-team event with 3-4 teams composed of 3 players on each team. The game type is King of the hill, and the top two teams (teams with highest score) will move onto the next round, except for the final round where winner takes all. Game load outs have been preset with a mix of weapons. No mods, rapid fire controllers are NOT permitted. Each team can only utilize 1 substitute from the listed alternates. *KSI cannot control game lag, or teams connection status. If at anytime you are having issues with connections, please contact your T&E Judge AFTER completing your game. Teams who quit a match will be disqualified* SIGN UPS WILL BE LOCKED 30 mins BEFORE THE EVENT BEGINS!
  8. Official event times and substitution rules added.
  9. Times for Forums Challenge have been corrected to read 12am EST to 11:59pm EST
  10. COD AW rules edited to reflect 4v4, originally said 3v3 which was a typo. - 6/18/15
  11. **OVERALL RULES**: KSI/XBL Code of Conduct applies to ALL KSI related events. Be respectful! No trash talking. All maps have been pre-selected, no requesting maps. This is a week for fun, we are a mature gaming community so the expectation is that everyone whether participating in an event or not, is respectful and on your best behavior. All team captains need to make sure that their service tag/clan tag is set up to read [0x0] which stands for wins and loses for the Call of Duty tournament. All teams (every member that is competing) needs to read and understand these rules as well as the rules for each tournament. Any individual who wins a prize during Spirit Week must follow the directions given to them by event host to claim their prize within 7 days (one week) from the end of Spirit Week. Anyone who does not claim their prize within this time period will forfeit their prize. If a member/team quits during participating in any tournament/event during Spirit Week, it will result in an automatic disqualification for that Division. The procedure for lobby parawill be explained in detail before each tournament with Team Captains. Highest ranking member of each division is the only person permitted to sign up their representatives for each event. (They can appoint a divisional 7 to post on their behalf in case of emergency.) Wednesday June 24 - Pep Rally Forums Challenge: Stream/Event starts at 7:30pm EST Topic will be open on the forums from 12am EST-11:59pm EST No member is permitted to create forums accounts for anyone else, or for themselves aside from their own personal one. Any member found creating multiple accounts will be banned immediately and disqualified from participating in Spirit Week. The division with the most votes at the closing of the thread will win. Thursday June 25 - HALO 4 Multi-Team: Stream/Event starts at 8pm EST Xbox One Tournament and XBOX 360 will run simultaneously. Every division is allowed one team of three per console, one team on the Xbox 360 and one team on the Xbox ONE. No individual member is allowed to participate on both teams on both consoles. Halo will be a multi-team event with 3-4 teams composed of 3 players on each team. The game type is King of the hill, and the top two teams (teams with highest score) will move onto the next round, except for the final round where winner takes all. Game load outs have been preset with a mix of weapons. No mods, rapid fire controllers are NOT permitted. Each team can only utilize 1 substitute from the listed alternates. Friday, June 26 - KARAOKE: Stream/Event starts at 7:30pm EST ONE representative per division! For streaming purposes, Karaoke be held on Skype! Make sure your division rep has Skype and is ready to go when it is their turn! The rep needs to be able to do a Skype call (YOU NEED A MICROPHONE). The rep will have a maximum of 3 min to sing, so plan accordingly. All songs must be radio edits. No extreme profanity, drug references, sexual violence, or racial jargon. Saturday June 27 - CALL OF DUTY Advanced Warfare 4v4 SND: Stream starts at 7:30pm EST Xbox One Tournament and XBOX 360 will run simultaneously. Every division is allowed one team of four per console, one team on the Xbox 360 and one team on the Xbox ONE. No individual member is allowed to participate on both teams on both consoles. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be on the Search & Destroy game type. The game type will be standard S&D not MLG. With a few restrictions; no score streaks and no dlc weapons will be allowed. The tournament will be double elimination meaning a team has to loose twice in order to be eliminated. No mods, or rapid fire controllers are NOT permitted. Each team can only utilize 1 substitute from the listed alternates. Sunday June 28 - Awards Ceremony/Tie Breaker: Stream/Event starts at 7:30pm EST Final scores and winners will be announced. In the case of a tie for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.. a Tie Breaker game will be held on XBOX 360 Happy Wars. Each division will be asked to fill the teams aside from 1 host and 1 streamer until both teams are even. Host and streamer will stay in castle in order to not give or make advantages. Any division who cannot furnish a team to compete will forfeit their position and the division who shows will take the higher place overall. In the event that Happy Wars servers are unable to withstand the traffic we will move to COD Black Ops II. (Due to unforeseen circumstances this may change with little notice) DISCLAMER: KSI GLOBAL IS CONSIDERED A "MATURE GAMING COMMUNITY" AND AT TIMES THROUGHOUT SPIRIT WEEK, MATURE GAMES AND MATURE LANGUAGE WILL BE USED. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT KSI GLOBAL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THINGS HEARD OR SEEN WHILE MEMBERS ARE WATCHING LIVE STREAMS. AS WE TRY TO BE RESPECTFUL, WE EXPECT THE SAME FROM MEMBERS PARTICIPATING IN ALL EVENTS. **PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THESE RULES MAY BE EDITED AND UPDATED FROM NOW UNTIL THE START OF SPIRIT WEEK. IF THEY ARE UPDATED A POST WILL BE MADE INDICATING SUCH. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING SPIRIT WEEK, PLEASE CONTACT ANY DIRECTOR OR SENIOR DIRECTOR EITHER HERE OR XBOX LIVE.**
  12. I can confirm that Mah-stinky (Mystique) is eligible for both the -Dedicated- and -Squad Splitter- awards.
  13. You all know how seriously i take the outstanding service awards here in the AAP and honestly Bandit is a prime example of someone who is deserving of this honor. For all who don't know her, Bandit is someone who can make you laugh even when you're in a foul mood, someone who by all rights is rough around the edges but that's only to guard her heart of gold. She cares so much about the people she meets that she fights with a passion to make sure they are having a fun and fair experience in KSI. She could do all of this while maintaining her current rank of CoDiv in DM where she goes above and beyond with helping people and making sure that her members are trained as much as possible in the ways of KSI. But, Bandit doesn't stop there. She is also Senior Staff in T&E where she makes it her mission to assist in hosting and working through as many KSI tourneys as possible. Bandit shows a patience and kindness with members that is rarely matched by other leaders, albeit sometimes her big ole mouth gets her in trouble it's not because she's a bad person it's because she cares so much. Bandit takes advantage of not only teaching by using her own experiences, but learning how to better herself as a leader in KSI by listening and working with others. Bandit is also someone a lot of people talk to because she is open about her lifestyle, and wants to help others become comfortable in their own skin as she has. For this reason alone I feel she is deserving of an outstanding service award, because it takes such a brave and courageous person to help so many people with things that are plaguing our society as a whole. I also know that she's working on a "secret project" that would bring more fun and excitement to KSI and I can't wait to see her idea come to fruition. I'm so proud of you Smokiey you little Bandit! Keep up the great work in DM and in KSI. You are truly and inspiration and I am proud to not only call you a leader but a friend. #ratchetarmy
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