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KSI Doreah

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About KSI Doreah

  • Birthday 05/14/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Staten Island, New York
  • Interests
    Gaming, music, and all things nerdy
  • Gamertag
    KSI Doreah
  • Squad
    Overload TW
  • Rank/Title

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  • Twitch
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  1. All this quasi Dubstep is making me headbang.

  2. I will personally witness for Arceus when it comes to this award. I mentored him and taught him everything I was taught and he has done nothing but great things for the squad. He's helped me out when it came to organizing meetings and responsibilities that he knew I needed a hand with. We've been working our asses off to make a swat team within overload even with the limited time that he can be on and all of the stuff we've been hit with and there have been numerous occasions where I've personally heard him offer practice in the game mode to people so that they would be interested. He ultimately deserves this award because he assists people to the best of his abilities and I'm extremely proud of him for doing so.
  3. Someone teach me how to sleep correctly, and how to make the forums love me.

  4. I can put down witness first hand with this one. Swift took me under his wing as soon as I made it known that I someday wanted to be an officer and even higher. He teaches me things about specific duties I may not know about first hand and has shown the utmost faith in me when it comes to new things that I've yet to do.
  5. I can witness that this girl puts in serious work and deserves an award for it. She's above and beyond when it comes to member assistance because she's been around a while and has absolutely no issues helping out someone. I had to run a meeting a while back. Because I was the highest ranked member online that day and she co-ran it with me with no problem.
  6. Div lead KSI Sworn 7 (Div Lead-TW) Link to forums account http://www.ksiforums...-♥-♣-titan-♦-♠/ Reason why: Sworn stepped in when everything went down with our squad and he helped us stay afloat. We were stranded directly after a split with a half-officer staff and he came in and made sure that we were okay and didn't fail. Founder KSI Pinky 7 (Founder-TW) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...58-ksi-pinky-7/ Reason why: She is one of the loveliest persons I've had the pleasure of meeting and I've gotten to know her better through the less than idea circumstances surrounding Overload as of late. She's handled the things that she has been given with great stride and I aspire to be a leader like her someday. Co-Fo KSI Terrors 7 (Co-Fo-TW) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-terrors-7/ Reason why: The few times I've met Terrors and have had a chance to play/speak with him I've enjoyed myself and he's great at his job, I think he deserves the award immensely. Captain KSI Swiftfox (Overload TW) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16751-swiftfox/ Reason why: Swift took me under his wing and has continued to teach me everything I need to know about being a leader and there's no way I could ever thank him enough.
  7. So....about that uh, yeah. :)

  8. I claim Vader as my mentor. He recruited me and kept me under his wing throught my rise in overload. He's explained different things to me when I asked, even if if was 'above my pay grade'. It's thanks to him that I want to rise higher in the KSI ranks and hopefully someday be a general, founder or even a seven.
  9. My mom says I'm cool.

  10. General Gamertag - KSI Darth Vad3r (Overload TW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...si-darth-vad3r/ Reasoning: Vader brought me into KSI with open arms and for the first time since I've been on Live made me feel like an equal instead of just some random chick who either gets cussed out or completely and totally degraded. He's an amazing Gen, helping me out with things even while he isn't in top condition and that means the world to me. He's a great guy, and I honestly believe that he deserves this. Captain Gamertag - KSI SwiftFox (Overload TW, 4CPT) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...16751-swiftfox/ Reasoning: I'm broke, beyond broke about 80% of the time. When I came into KSI and started moving up the ranks Swift pulled me to the side and we chatted one day and he actually bought me my name change without a second thought. He's helped me figure out the things that usually one might have to figure out on their own; even if it's stupid little things like how to make my training more interesting or something like that.
  11. Welcome to the forums deejaymcknight :)

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