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About Asuna

  • Birthday 05/06/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Cair Paravel, Narnia
  • Interests
    Things I Love: Anime, Xbox, Roleplays.

    My Games: Black ops 2, Halo3 ODST, Halo4, Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3, Call of Duty Ghost

    "Remember Remember the 5th of November" Said by V
  • Gamertag
    KSI xXJustyXx
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
  • Division
    Sovereign Legacy
  • Rank/Title

Contact Methods

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Asuna's Achievements


Member (2/4)



  1. Anyone Miss me yet?

  2. Senior Leader(Senior Directors/BoD Members) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - PIck ANyone Link to forums account - Anyone Reasoning why they deserve this - WHo ever is the post hardest worker Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DoCness 7 Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - He is the most hard working director he is friendly with everyone and is always their to help others when they need it. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Pick Anyone Link to forums account - Pick Anyone Reasoning why they deserve this - Who ever is hard working Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shinobi 7 Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - He is very nice and hard working he is always their for his division and ready to help when we need it. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sm0oth 7 Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - He may be mean and lay down the law but he is very nice and always their to help. He is always ready to answer questions and scares me sometimes lol. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Pick Anyone Link to forums account - Pick Anyone Reasoning why they deserve this - Just make sure they are hard working General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Death Hydra Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - He can be scary but he has always been their for me and others when we had questions and has been waiting for a cofo spot for ever. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Pick Anyone Link to forums account - Pick Anyone Reasoning why they deserve this - Just make sure they are hard working LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI x Kittens Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - She is a hard working LT she has been very helpful does what needs done. Forum Staff (AAP/MODS/ADMINS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Pick Anyone Link to forums account - Pick Anyone Reasoning why they deserve this - Just make sure they are hard working Writer Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Pick Anyone Link to forums account - Pick Anyone Reasoning why they deserve this - Just make sure they are hard working Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Pick Anyone Link to forums account - Pick Anyone Reasoning why they deserve this - Just make sure they are hard working GFX Artist Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Pick Anyone Link to forums account - Pick Anyone Reasoning why they deserve this - Just make sure they are hard working Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Pick Anyone Link to forums account - Pick Anyone Reasoning why they deserve this - Just make sure they are hard working
  3. Name/Gamertag:KSI xXJustyXx Rank (If applicable): General of Nitro FI Time spent on the forums (Daily): I spend hours or try to watching everything. Experience and Time in KSI: Almost one year. My one year is next month c: Skype (Required to be on Staff): justin_updegrove Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP and what can you provide for the department? (Please provide details): I should be picked because I have been in ksi long enough to know people and learned how the AAP section works.
  4. Acid does a lot for us he bends his back for us he takes time out of his life to be with us and do stuff with us he is the best member and leader I have ever seen in KSI. He is really the coolest and hardest worker ever for KSI and FI. He knows how to handle situations and knows how to help solve things. He should get this award because he deserves it he knows what he is doing! P.s. i suck at long post c:
  5. They Call Me Asuna I play Sword Art Online with Kirito

  6. Force is the gen and I will get overload for poppa I also have more I will post later
  7. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating)KSI x Force Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14686-ksi-x-force/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Head Hunter Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) #1 on Nitro Squad's Head Hunters Team Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI POPPAxPIGS Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19626-ksi-poppaxpigz/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) He is #3 on SHift FI Head Hunters Team
  8. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI POPPAxPIGS Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19626-ksi-poppaxpigz/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for)Trainer Award Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) He has Trained over 30 members of KSI.
  9. I Witness this award as I see Doccy working him self to insane he is a busy man who always has time for us I don't know how he does all this but I would probably be in a padded room doing the work he does.
  10. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sm0oTh 7 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15541-ksi-its-smooth/ Reasoning why the deserve this - He deserves this rank because he is one of the most hard working member in FI and he just got promoted to Co-Founder he is nice and helpful to everyone in FI. Him being Gen of th month is pretty much self explanatory.
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