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KSI Arceus 493

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About KSI Arceus 493

  • Birthday 02/19/1997

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    Its All Arceus
  • Date Recruited
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    Last Strike
  • Rank/Title
    Sgt (9/13/18)

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KSI Arceus 493's Achievements


Member (2/4)



  1. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Arceus 493 Award:New Member certified Evidence: attended the new member workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI M3NTALIST 7
  2. Name: KSI Hatter 7 Forums: @KSI Hatter 7 Award: Outstanding Service Level 1 Reason: She is the completely qualified for the OS1, im a witness to her hard work and dedication to this Squad im a returning member and ive never been more welcomed into a squad like i have this one. Keep up the Fantastic work
  3. I'm waiting for school to start

  4. Since, Im her 4 LT would like to be a witness for KSI Doreah to have outstanding service and member assistance she has helped me and others the best she could she has also been extremely active in overload and in meeting that everyone couldnt make she is outstanding
  5. Founder KSI Pinky 7(Founder-TW) Link to forums account: http://www.forums...58-ksi-pinky-7/ Pinky has been there from the very start she has been working her butt off to keep Overload alive and all while also keeping the new squad Viral alive also when we all lost majority of our officer staff to the (KSI that should not be named) Pinky was there to back us up and keep us going. Pinky is an amazing role model and she has pushed me more into staying in Overload and KSI as a whole. Without her we all would be nothing and I Thank her for that Every time we are in a party this is way Pinky Deserves this Award. Lieutenant KSI Doreah(2nd LT-TW/Overload) Link to forums account:http://www.ksiforums...463-ksi-doreah/ Doreah is like a very outgoing teacher she is my mentor but that doesn't mean anything at all she has been there for me even before I asked to mentored by her she has been working very hard and deserves an award not just because of that but for being a very outstanding Lieutenant. Captain KSI Swiftfox(Overload TW) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...16751-swiftfox/ Swift sometimes is the laziest but when its time to work he goes and over achieves and it is shown by him being the only higher up since that incident a few weeks back he has brought KSI Overload back into the spot light and has Overload shining brighter than it has in a long time. I can ask him for help with anything like school work and he is there to walk me through it so that my grades don't drop so swift should get this award. AND Thanks to who ever has read this
  6. I clam vader as my mentor because when i first joined KSI Overload he was the most helpful and very professional person and he makes me want to become a Higher up and to pass on what ive learned from him to others
  7. Founder GT-KSI Nico 7 (TW) Link- http://www.ksiforums...sinicodollaz-7/ Reason- Ksi Nick has been there for me and every other TW Member even if its to play a couple of games with other members,or to help get their numbers up in a game night Nick is their to help out,he is also a outstanding role model as a 7. General GT- KSI Darth Vad3r (Overload TW) Link- http://www.forums...si-darth-vad3r/ Reason- The reason for Vader getting this award is because he was recently sick an in the hospital, but was still on smart glass helping out the best he could he would keep all the officers motivated and working through the whole day. Captain GT- KSI SwiftFox(Overload TW, 4CPT) Link- http://www.ksiforums...16751-swiftfox/ Reason The reason SwiftFox deserve's this award is because he has been there for the whole squad and doesn't just so back he keeps pushing forward even when it gets tough he's a awesome Role model and he handles Everything like a true boss all while being interactive with the squad. LT GT- KSI Doreah(Overload TW 2LT) Link-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20463-ksi-flareon-136/ Reason- The reason KSI Doreah deserves this reward is because I have never seen anyone work as hard as her,she recruits non stop every day,very active on halo 4, and she is a terrific trainer she is a perfect example of a role model to the whole squad. All the above members work hard to get to where they are and the hard work pays off because of this Tw an Overload would be no where with out the selected members ....some other members to but these few shine the brighest !!!!!!
  8. Ksi Darth Vad3r Overload Tw Gen http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15242-ksi-darth-vad3r/ Since ive meet vader he isnt like anyone who you can just go to with ur problems.he's the type of person who will stop and get something done right when you ask him you need something. He's tht one dude who makes ur whole day. To me vader deserves this award for his hard work and dedication and never giving up on Overload.
  9. well im happy im still in KSI i am trying to get my froends to join right now

  10. Welcome to the forums camm762 :)

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