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About Vengeance

  • Birthday 04/16/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Thomasville North Carolina
  • Interests
    Music, Playing Guitar, Games, Football, KSI
  • Gamertag
    KSI Vengeance6
  • Squad
    Havoc HD
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  1. I witness for this Pantsir is an amazing officer and extremely valued member of HD and KSI he is constantly putting in work to help others he does work very hard on his game nights he is one of the hardest working officers in HD he will stop at nothing to make sure that his squad is on top of there game he is also a training machine who makes sure that when he trains someone it is done 100% right with nothing left out he is constantly working with other squads to make sure everything flows smoothly, here's to you pantsir you deserve it
  2. I will witness for this i know im a little late to the party for this but, Honesty has went way above and beyond the call of duty for his position he is always busy taking care of business he was the first 7 that i ever met back when i was just a sergeant and he had told me that if there was ever anything that i needed to just let him know and he would do his best to take care if it and i believe that this stands for anyone in KSI that need help, Honesty will always be there for his KSI family and i truly believe that he deserves this award
  3. Co-Division Leader KSI xWormx77 Co-Div/ HD http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8981-ksixwormx77/ Reason: Worm does alot of work for HD and all the squads within HD he is always there for anyone who has any questions or concerns. Co-Founder KSI taywick77 Co-Fo/ HD http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11588-chickenwingdaddy/ Reason: Taywick has helped me alot throughout my KSI career and has helped me get settled in to my Generals spot he is there for anyone in Havoc at anytime he is an amazing leader. General KSI Grave General-Tyranny-HD http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17172-ksi-grave/ Reason: in the time that i have got to know grave i have seen that she does alot of great stuff to help improve her squad she is always doing something to improve her squad and i believe she really deserves this award she is an excellent General. Captain KSI Twi5t3d 1CPT Havoc HD http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17185-ksitw15t3d/ Reason: Twi5t3d does an amazing amount of work not just to help me but to help our squad in general he is there for anyone and everyone no matter what the problem is and always represents himself and our squad very professionally. Lieutenant KSI Cisco167 1LT Havoc HD http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16562-cisco167/ Reason: Cisco always has an insane amount of activity on live and on the forums he helps to respresent KSI altogether as a positive gaming community he has a great knowledge of the forums and i do truly believe he's gonna go far in his gaming career.
  4. Prodi Gia Complo Ratus Silens Oro Regnet Exitium

  5. thanks i love it, ive even got my deathbat tattoo man A7X is one of my all time favorite bands right along with lamb of god
  6. Division Leader KSI Mystique77/ HD Division Leader Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5434-ksi-mystique-77/ Reason: Mystique is an amazing div leader and has picked an excellent lineup of leaders within HD he has worked hard since he took his position and has helped to place HD back on top and has helped get us ready for a Division split. Co-Division Leader KSI xWORMx77/ HD Co-Division Leader Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8981-ksixwormx77/ Reason:Worm always works with his members to get the best out of any sitiuation good or bad he always follows protocol and is ALWAYS active and playing with his members he has pushed and worked until he has got us prepared for a split. Founder KSI xHONESTYx77/ HD Founder Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7470-ksixhonestyx77/ Reason:Honesty is always very active with his members and watches over thins closely to make sure that everything is going smoothly he hasn't been a Founder for long but he is proving to be an excellent leader and Founder. Co-Founder KSI Taywick 77/ HD Co-Founder Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11588-tay-the-great/ Reason:Ever since Taywick has become Co-Founder he has worked extremely hard to keep everything within his three squads going great he has done an excellent job of overwatching things and is always there for everyone, no matter what may come up he is always willing to do what needs to be done and take care of things he is very active with any members within KSI, Taywick is an excellent Co-Founder and HD is Lucky to have him. General KSI xSMANx/ Havoc General Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15734-smannnnnnn/ Reason: SMAN has done an amazing job of keeping Havoc at the top of their game we have sat at 90 members for awhile and he has sanctioned a game night almost every night of the week for members to enjoy being a part of KSI, He is always active with his members and it never fails for him to suprise me and his squad with new ideas on fun and important things to do he has set up an amazing officers staff and always does what he believes is right and vital for his squads improvement. Lieutenant KSI PANTSIR 89/ Wreckage Lieutenant Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16959-ksi-pantsir-89/ Reason: Pantsir is an amazing Lieutenant who is always striving to be a better member not just within Wreckage or HD but Within KSI altogether he is always attending Officers and Sergeants trainings to learn how to be a leader he is always extremely active not just within Xbox Live but on the Forums as well i really believe that he deserves it he has done so much since he joined the family.
  7. "Strike With Vengeance Those Who Oppose Your Will, And Lay Waste To All Opposition Set Before You"

  8. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI xSMANx Havoc HD Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15734-ksi-xsmanx/ Award-/-Achievement: Mentor Award, Trainer Award Reason-/-Evidence: SMAN is an amazing mentor who has taught me everything that i know about my squad division and KSI altogether he has mentored over 10 people that i am aware of he has trained over 50 people and overall he is an excellent mentor, recruiter, trainer, and a crucial part to Havoc and HD
  9. I am a witness to this Taywick is a great mentor who always makes sure that everyone knows exactly what there doing when he mentors them he has mentored over 10 people that i am aware of
  10. I would like to think everyone that came out for the anniversary game night it was awesome

  11. thank you all so very much for this i will always continue to work hard and do my absolute best for my squad, division, and KSI altogether i am here for anyone that ever has any questions or needs advice or help with anything, i love my KSI family and will continue to recruit and train until my voice is gone and even then ill buy a kinect and use sign language
  12. they both rule i wish SOAD would put out a new album
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