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KSI x Force

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About KSI x Force

  • Birthday 09/19/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Buffalo, NY
  • Interests
    Sports, Old School games, Strategy games, TV shows (including Old School TV shows)
  • Gamertag
    KSI x Force
  • Squad
  • Division
    Forced Induction
  • Rank/Title
    2nd Captain

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  • Kik

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  1. Unicron was one of the first guys to get me back into the swing of things. He's in a different squad but took it upon himself to make sure I was there at the game nights and meeting some of the new members. I had to step down as General of Nitro, FI but wasn't sure I would be able to get back on track. Wasn't sure it would be worth it, really. I've finally attempted recruiting again whenever I get the spare time. Unicron has proven to me he's reliable and one hell of a guy. In my opinion, that qualifies as Outstanding Service, no doubt.
  2. http://rs121.pbsrc.com/albums/o217/Shiningness/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20141112_214524973_HDR_zpsb9b0ba74.jpg~320x480 Notice the Golden 1 in the upper-right. I believe this should suffice.
  3. Forced Induction is going to win. Win, Win, Winnie the Pooh, everything!
  4. The Ghosts tournament team of 4 has to comprise of 4 Generals, correct? Could we not just allow any 4 members of EF that also has a 360 to compete in that? I feel this is the biggest problem because other than that, they could compete in everything else. Same with Halo, if there are members of EF with Halo 4. The Ghosts/Halo tournaments, to me, are the biggest event during this competition. We definitely need to allow them the chance to defend their awesomeness and I truly think this would be the most efficient way to do so.
  5. Justy is, indeed, on Nitro's HH team at the #3 slot. He got my behind whipped into shape to start it up. He's definitely active within the team.
  6. Lieutenant of the Month: GT: KSI xXJustyXx Forum Acct. Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18491-ksi-xxjustyxx/ Squad: Nitro of Forced Induction Reasoning: I've been absent for around 2 weeks now. Justy has been filling in wonderfully. Normally this would be left up to our CPT but he's had RL issues of his own. Specifically, Just has held SGT. meetings every Wednesday. He has attended FI division meetings every Thursday. He has attended Generals meetings on Wednesdays. I've requested numerous megs to be passed down via Kik and he has spammed every member of the squad. He's hosted squad meetings 3 nights a week. He has the most KSI-dedicated work ethic and attitude of any member I know since he was transferred to my squad about 4-5 weeks ago. He's definitely made an impact on the squad dynamic with his amazing attitude and is a model for every Nitro member, including myself. This guy's legitimately my hero. Even before mother nature installed an in-ground pool in my bedroom (flood) Justy has been filling in here and there in Generals meetings and Divisional meetings, as I've been completing internship hours. To summarize... He has essentially been Nitro's General for the past two weeks and he's done a damn good job.
  7. Gamertag: KSI x Force Division: Forced Induction Roster: KSI x Surreal KSI Gunsmokes KSI Beatz Nitro KSI spartan20 Alternates: KSI x Force KSI spartan300
  8. Name: KSI x Force (Nitro Squad of Forced Induction) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14686-ksi-x-force/ Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence:
  9. For Captain of the Year: KSI Invisible 1 - Current General of Clutch within the Forced Induction Division Forum Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16545-invisible-1/ Reasoning: Invisible's time as Captain with Nitro squad of FI was incredibly productive. With a lot of motivation, support, and direct recruitment; Nitro reached a Squad Split into Clutch. There were so many UK members, in fact, Clutch became Forced Induction's first all-UK squad. This, in my opinion, is a monumental achievement and I truly feel like Invisible contributed to this goal A LOT. He was, and still is, insanely active - always being there for the squad. When I was first recruited into KSI, he personally took me under his wing and answered a multitude of questions I had and those questions were always answered nearly immediately after being sent out. Every single week, a game night was organized by him - sometimes there were two in a week and multiple members attended because they were crazy fun. Overall squad productivity was through the roof and furthermore, these gamenights were held at "America-friendly" times despite a 4-hour time difference with the east coast. Gamenights were being hosted at roughly 1-2 AM for his clock and many of them were on weekdays - that shows a tremendous amount of dedication. These gamenights are what really got me involved with KSI and made me appreciate being a part of this amazing community. I applied and was accepted to the KSI News Team after I attended the first gamenight and began a solid recruiting spree. On top of recruiting, and organizing bundles upon bundles of fun, Invisible still managed to keep order and discipline. He followed rules, ensured we all knew how to recruit, was always there to answer questions - all in all, Invisible truly did everything expected of a Captain and a hell of a lot more. I honestly feel he deserves this award but even if it's not presented to him, I'll still think of him as "Captain of the Year." He really whipped me into shape, so to speak, and made me love being here. For General of the Year: KSI TwistDFistS - Current General of Nitro squad within the Forced Induction Division Forum Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12071-ksi-twistdfists/ Reasoning: From what I've gathered during my time within Nitro, TwistD had a lot of things to take care of when ORACLEx7 was promoted. There was low activity, motivation, overall membership, etc. Since taking over, Nitro steadily rebuilt itself into a stable squad - leading to the split into Clutch, on October 30. Every great story needs some kind of low-point, however and like a classic epic, this story sees its low-point just before the end. In the weeks leading up to the split into Clutch, certain Officers decided to transfer out of Nitro or leave KSI entirely for miscellaneous reasons. This left more than a few Officer positions needing someone to fill them. Sure, TwistD could have promoted members who have been in Nitro for a while - but he didn't. He took an extraordinary amount of time to adequately ensure these replacements were well-trained and truly deserving of the title. There was a tremendous amount of pressure on him to simply select Officers and get a quick squad split but he made sure to do what would be best in the long-run. Somehow, TwistD has managed to remain incredibly active on Xbox 360. This is made it very easy to train up-and-coming Officers but understandably, it had to have taken a hefty toll on himself. Unless you've actually been in a squad with a major time conflict like the 4-hour difference between the east coast of America and Europe, you might not understand how hard it is to be on at the same time as your Officers. This requires staying up late, despite needing to get up for work in the morning or for class and TwistD did this every night to ensure his Officers were trained. Lastly, the guy simply has a likable attitude. Squad meetings are laid-back and chill and still extremely informative. Everything that needs addressing gets brought up. The good, the bad, EVERYTHING important and that's very helpful for new members. He does so in a very friendly way, too, but at the same time if you don't do your stuff - the hammer comes down. That's when you get the Private Chat invite. Now, I can only imagine what goes down during those but in the few instances where I've known it to happen, the particular member immediately corrected whatever it was they were doing wrong. If there's anyone deserving of the General of the Year Award, it's got to be TwistDFistS of Nitro.
  10. Volbeat. I went to see them headline and All That Remains was there - they were pretty kick ass too. Volbeat sounds just like they do in the recording studio, some even legitimately better and I'm not one to exaggerate. Doesn't happen often.
  11. KSI x Force 21 Nitro Squad Forced Induction Ya know... this actually might not get done by midnight
  12. GamerTag: KSI x Force Age: 20 Squad: Nitro Division: Forced Inductionswagstikzerdipsydoodlerdanglesaucefest icanhaspost?
  13. Division: Forced Induction Gamertag: KSI x Force Approved by: KSI DoCNeSS 7
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