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KSI MsCheddar 7

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About KSI MsCheddar 7

  • Birthday 12/22/1985

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  • Gender
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  • Gamertag
    KSI MsCheddar 7
  • Squad
    Eternal Souls
  • Rank/Title
    ES Co - Division Leader

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KSI MsCheddar 7's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. I am witnessing for KSI Tommie Lee OS level 1 & 2 awards!!! He has split two squads. He has ran the elite for DL. He currently over 4quad and has the RCT tag for DL. He has caught numerous members trying to slip into DL that do not belong. He is always online training and mentoring ma members for many many hours. If he says he's going to do something it will be done.
  2. I witness for KSI CheddarBob 7 for this award!! I see first hand all the things that he has to deal with!! He has taken a division from from nothing and He Got a promotion and got to split a division make 3 new squad tags and make sure everything run smooth!! Stays up late helping members out even tho he has to be up at 2:30 am to be at work! People non stop send kik in the middle of the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O Yes He deserve this award!!!!!
  3. I witness for Tommy Lees trainer award he has trained well over the amount needed to be to get the award
  4. I witness for KSI Nick20 members assistance award! I have been in many party when Nick has helped his members in his squad as well as others. He is a Great Gen
  5. This member deserves these awards and then some! He is always there for his members and goes above and beyond for them! He Will answer any questions you n
  6. UBeedum is a great leader! Always checking in with his members not just his gets but all members. If you have a problem ubee is there to help and solve the problem he has gone above and beyond for his members and deserves all the awards
  7. Im so proud of Wicked!!!! We are doing are squad split at Sundays Squad Meeting!!!!!

  8. Gamer Tag: KSI MsChedarBob Link to Fourms Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/users/13790-ksi-mschedarbob/-gen"]http://www.ksiforums.org/users/13790-ksi-mschedarbob/-gen
  9. UBeeDum7 Should get member assistant. He has helped me many times as well as many other KSI members. He us always willi ng to help.
  10. Im loving leading Wicked as Gen!! I am very proud of my squad!!

  11. I feel KSI Bucknife7 deserves member assistance because he has went above and beyond to help members in DL. He continues to do it now as a 7. Always willing to help when you ask.
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