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KSI Jezrien 7

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KSI Jezrien 7 last won the day on November 17 2013

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About KSI Jezrien 7

  • Birthday 05/07/1993

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    The Forums.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Jezrien 7
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  1. Recently been trying to get back into Runescape 3 and I figured I'd see if anyone here still plays. My username in game is: Jezrien
  2. What can i say about Doctor? Well, I have known Doctor since he was a General in SH, and a Mini Mod. Now look at him, GM, BoD, and he ending up running SH as the head of division. That's an impressive resume no matter what way you look at it. Doctor is the epitome of perseverance, never wavering in his commitment to KSI no matter what might get thrown his way, and for that alone this man should receive a medal. He is always helping anyone and everyone who asks for it, and always looking for ways he can assist in bettering this community. At the time of Doctor running SH i was running LS, and i can tell you that from my viewpoint that he went far above and beyond anything he needed to do. He fought tooth and nail to keep SH going as long as it did, and i can honestly say i couldn't have done any better. When it came to clan ops he did not care what he needed to do, how much, how far, how detrimental to himself, it got done. Period. Because let's be honest, if you want something done and done right? You go to Doctor. Every time. As for Web Ops i had the pleasure of working more closely with him, i have been a member of the AAP while he was Department Head, and a Mini Mod while he was a GM. Doctor taught me a decent amount of what i know about the forums, hell he teaches a decent amount of what everyone knows about the forums. As GM he works closely with the team to make sure work is getting done quickly and efficiently, as well as making sure to be lax in areas that do not require a iron fist. As Worst brought up Doc has a CRAPTON of mod actions (meaning he does ALOT of work) there were a few times Doc and i fought over mod actions lol In the end there is alot more i could say, but it doesn't really need to be said, we all know Doc has earned this as he has earned everything he has received in KSI. I am proud to have known and worked with this man and envy those who get to in the future. <3
  3. Things sure do change quickly.

  4. As Scotland's former Cofo, Founder, Co Div, and current Moderator working with him as section mod I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this guy has always been outstanding, I agree with Shivah when she said it's a wonder he hasn't gotten this award yet. This is the kind of man who puts his all into everything he does. Being General of LS's longest running squad is no walk in the park, and on top of that he maintains constant activity on the forums while preforming beautifully as a section mod. Let me go into further detail. Echo has been from the top to the bottom and back up to the top more times than I can count. Scotland took over Echo at a time when it was at one of its lowest, he increased activity not only in the squad itself, but in the forums. Scotland is one of the instrumental people that lead LS's high forums activity. As for clan ops I haven't been around LS in quite a while but I can tell you one thing, this was the type of member you always knew would rise through the ranks to hit general at least. Personal note to Scotland, you were always meant to be general, from the day you joined, we knew it. I am proud of you.
  5. Proud Father as of 6/02/14. Thank you shoutout to a few people who helped me through this stressful time. KSI QueenJess 7, KSI Ragnarok 7, KSI Doctor 7, KSI Apocolypse 7, KSI Luci 7, KSI Mufasa 7, KSI Fuzzymeep 7, KSI Ace 7, KSI infinite 7, KSI Blaziken 7 and many more. Proud to be apart of this great community and I hope to continue to benefit KSI for as long as I can.

  6. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Jezrien 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1291-ksi-jezrien-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Forge Team, (Head Hunters, Swat, and Griffball.) Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Well I am currently running a Forge team in Overload TW. As for the other team awards I have run all of those teams/ been a part of them multiple times in my KSI career I actually didn't realize I didn't have them as I had them on the other forums back in the day lol... I am not sure if there are many people around now to witness, but let's see. While I am here. What are the exact parameters of Hammer and Nail?
  7. I am posting this nomination for: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17806-ksi-arceus-493/ So, this is his nomination. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Doreah/ 4CPT/ Overload, TW Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20463-ksi-doreah/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Im nominating doreah as Capt of the month she deserves it because she has been very active, and has also helped me put together a swat team that has started to return slowly everyone In overload loves her and honors her as a queen she has been working the most out of all officers and sticks out very well so this is why I think doreah deserves to be Capt of the month
  8. Member Assistance: 2/3 Mentor: 0/5 Os Lvl 1: More witnesses. Trainer: Yes.
  9. Member Assistance: Three crediable witnesses claiming this members assistance. Mentor: Five witnesses claiming this member is their mentor. Os Lvl 1: Bring on the witnesses. Trainer: Cofounder or higher to witness. (Preferablely someone above this member.)
  10. Drama Queen: Bring on the witness. Please remember to be descriptive and make sure you are witnessing for Drama Queen.
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