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KSI ZOMBYGaL 7 last won the day on December 26 2014

KSI ZOMBYGaL 7 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 12/24/1988

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  • Rank/Title
    Division Leader

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KSI ZOMBYGaL 7's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/4)



  1. Can't believe Ground Zeros is gone


  2. Founder Gamertag ( rank-division ) KSI DUFFS 7 Founder GZ Profile link http://ksiforums.org/profile/16880-ksi-duffs-7/ Reason why the deserve this award Duffs is a very harworking postive an motivation he is always working on new ideas an goals for each of our squads.An he motivates them to to work hard to reach them.Duffs is always there to help if anyone needs with any question idea or issue even one on one training.Duffs truly is the ideal founder an truely desreves this award. General Gamertag (rank-division) KSI TOMTWIN General Titan GZ Profile link http://ksiforums.org/profile-25454-ksi-tomtwin/ reason he deserves this award Tom has really came into his own since he became Gen pulling the squad together getting his new an old officer staff working together as a team an accomplishing there goals an growing there squad as well as helping us build a destiny project squad.His hard work dedication an knowledge have really paid off an shows in his happy active squad. Captain Gamertag (rank-division) KSI Hamma Cpt Bravery GZ Profile link http://ksiforums.org/profile-28880-hamma82/ reason he deserves this award Hamma is a very outgoing knowledgable an is always working with the members of his squad training making sure the happy an playing together.He is always there if anyone needs help or just needs someone to talk to even extending a helping hand to the other squads.Hamma is a natural leader an i see great things in his future. Lt Gamertag (rank-division) KSI Pride52 Titan GZ Profile link http://ksiforums.org/10633-ksi-pride-52/ Reason he deserves this award Pride is his gens right hand man a works hard helping him keep things organized an helping the other officers reach there goals.Pride is also a ace recruiter an forger an is consistantly building new custom games to help keep there members active at gamenights. Member Gamertag (rank-division) KSI Danger15 Pride GZ Profile link http://ksiforums.org/profile-ksi-danger-15/ Reason he deserves this award Danger since joining GZ he stepped up wanting to help an do more he goes above an beyond hes constantly recruiting repeating messages from his gen an squad tag an getting his squad mates together an playing together an helping out were ever he can.Danger is a motivated hardworker with loads of potential an a real joy to have in GZ.
  3. Happy Birthday ZombyGal!!!! :)

  4. Name/Gamertag KSI DUFFS 7 Current rank Founder of GZ Nominating for CoFounder Link to forums account www.ksiforums.org/profile/16880-ksi-duffs-7/ Reason i feel this member deserves this award Duffs really hit the ground running when he became Cofounder of GZ his har work an enthusiasm working with each of his sqads training an motivtitng an coming up with fun ideas to help them move forward.He hard work an dedication has made a big difference in all our squads an he is a true joy an asset to have in our division. Name/Gamertag KSI Kenzuminx 7 current rank/title Cofounder of GZ Nominating for General Bravery GZ forums profile link www.ksiforums.org/23887/ksi-kenzuminx-7/ Reason i feel this member deserves this award Kenza has shown alot of hard work an dedication to her squad always staying postive even thru the tough times.Chaning gametypes on the 360 to keep her squad happy an active adjusting her officer staff to mke sure she had the right team to help hre squad forward.Then finally to the big step an moved her squad to Xone an Halo 5 an all her efforts an positivity have paid off she truely what a good Gen should be.
  5. teams gamertags team Marvel team captain KSI DUFFS 7 teammate KSI Vermilion98 teammate KSI H3LLBRING3R backup KSI S I O gametype Halo 4
  6. Gamertag KSI ZOMBYGaL 7 Division Ground Zero Gametype Halo 5
  7. Division Ground Zero Xbox 1 Team Captain KSI Hydrotech I am King Sic KSI Jamaru Alt 1 DARKxHUNTRESS Alt 2 KSI TripleZs Xbox 360 Team Captain KSI MeChAniic 7 KSI Rumble KSI Sound Echos Alt 1 KSI Kenza Benz Alt 2 KSI TomTwin
  8. Division Ground Zero Xbox one Captain KSI GODOFDEATH KSI Pennichillen PlatinumMad XxTBC401xX Alt 1 Alt 2 Xbox 360 Captain KSI RED EyEss 7 MasterRob Terror twin tylernumber10 alt 1 KSI 3Lab alt 2 Fatality
  9. Division Ground Zero Skype name ttttavie Representatives Gamertag - KSI Huntress Song of Choice - Fish by Clara C.
  10. I can wittness for this member Beater has bein in Pride GZ with a gold KSI tag since Mar 22 2014. I was im the lobby when he changed his name
  11. I can wittness for KSI ETHRE he has had a KSI tag since 5-29-13.
  12. I can wittness for scarecrow is hardworking an dedicated to ensuring things in his squad are running smoothly.He is a great asset to his general making sure things are getting done when he is or isn't there.He takes the inititive to work with an train the sgts in his squad to ensure there being trained in recruting properly.He also makes sure everyone is having fun an enjoying themselves.Scarecrow is a awesome captain an a joy to have in GZ.
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