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KSI Dragon014x7

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KSI Dragon014x7 last won the day on January 9 2015

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About KSI Dragon014x7

  • Birthday 11/07/1972

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    Austin Tx
  • Gamertag
    KSI Dragon014x7
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  1. Happy Birthday fellow KSI Member

  2. I will witness for apk he has been in KSI for well over a year with gold and with a KSI gamer tag in fact he was a Sgt when I was a staff Sgt in KRONOS. This guy has been one of the most loyal and committed member I have seen short of a few in KSI.
  3. Sorry about the delay on this. I will witness for bender on these he has helped with not just one division DL and a squad there to grow after he transferred he has been an integral part in two or three squad splits in ES he has recruited and trained as far as I can tell more than what is required for these awards.
  4. I will witness for Brutus on this award. Ever since Brutus has been in KSI I ahve the opportunity not only work with this member buut also see him grow not only as a memeber but as a leader as well. the reason that Brutus deserves this award is because of all he has brought to ES from not only recruiting for his squad but for other squads as well. I have personally seen this member stay up late and get up early not only to help his members but anyone that came to him and asked for help. This is including other divisions as well. His dedication and tireless work ethic is one of the reasons that ES became and is still becoming the great division it is today.
  5. I will witness for mr apk. While I was general he trained many members for me in undead. He is one of the most dedicated, loyal, and respectful members in KSI. He deserves this award for his trains easily over 30 trains.
  6. I will witness for ubee on being a mentor. He while we were in ES as well as here in ES was always there to answer any questions that I had and helped teach me what I know about here in KSI.
  7. I can vouch for Odysseus on this he has trained not only members from his squad he has trained them for other squads as well. His dedication not only to ES but KSI as a whole is something to see.
  8. I will witness for Tommie as well he is deserving of both of these awards because of his tireless dedication to dl has been a privalage to watch. Tommie is an incredible asset to dl he helps any and everyone who needs it.
  9. I will witness for cheddar on this award. With all that cheddar has gone through in the time that I have been in KSI from cofounders leaving to sgts and general acting like fools on that alone he deserves this award. I have seen cheddar deal with things that would make a normal man go insane but I guess we can't really consider cheddar as being normal. So yes cheddar has my witness on this award.
  10. What can I say about nick? Nick has been a great asset to both DL and now ES he was promoted to general for his dedication and commitment to his squad. While as first captain I watched this member run a squad and grow a squad while his general was MIA. Nick has trained countless members and is a valuable asset to ES. Nick should receive all of these awards in my opinion as well as others later. Thanks nick for all you do if you read this.
  11. General: KSI MSChedarBob http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13790-ksi-mschedarbob/ Ms cheddar is an incredible asset to KSI she is deserving of this award because not only has she split a squad in October she is o the verge of doing it again. She leads one of if not the best squad in ES. While in DL she helped not just her squads but others as well. Here in ES she is doing the same. She is an incredible asset to KSI and her tireless dedication and commitment to KSI and her squad is second to no other general and for that she is deserving of general of the month.
  12. KSI cheddarbob is deserving of all these awards he is in my eyes the greatest member of KSI that I can think of. His continuous dedication and service not only to the three squads that he is over but to anyone that comes to him for knowledge or advice. He has been and continues to be the best mentor a member of KSI could have. I have personally seen cheddar go above and beyond helping members from private to co div and higher. I can not put into words what cheddar means to DL and ES. Cheddar is the definition of service.
  13. Ms cheddarbob has trained members not only from her squad but other squads as well. She is incredibly helpful to a not just me but to all of the members in DL when she was there and now here in ES. I have seen her mentor to multiple members. It is truly a honor to have her here in ES and I know she will be an incredible asset to KSI. She deserves these awards plus many others.
  14. I'm not sure I can say much more than what has already been said about ubee. He is truly a great leader, trainer ,recruiter, mentor, founder, and so on. He is truly a great asset to KSI. His tireless efforts in DL as well as here in ES are greatly needed as well as appreciated.
  15. Ubeedum has been and continues to be a very valuable member to DL. His dedication and hard work on a daily basis proves that he should get member assistance. I can also vouch for his head hunters team that he ran in DL because when I was the captain of the undead head hunters team we faced ubeedum a head hunters team. Back to member assistance he has helped me before I was promoted and continues to help me daily. Ubeedum is an incredible asset to KSI and I hope he is going to achieve great things.
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