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About XJKrawler

  • Birthday 02/17/1978

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  • Interests
    Gaming, anything to do with Cars, rock krawling/off-roading
  • Gamertag
    KSI XJKrawler
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  1. I am the general of Blackout and he is the captain of our core headhunters team
  2. I will witness for this as I was a SGT. in Wreckage when he started over a year ago and has had KSI in his name for more than a year now
  3. He changed it right away I would say towards the end of June and that would be June of last year
  4. I will witness for KSI Raiderfan as I am an original member of wreckage I remember when Raiderfan was recruited into Wreckage over a year ago and run lobbies on black ops 2
  5. Pantsir should get this award for member assistant because he is great at helping anyone that needs it from the welcoming committee to helping with T&A and now a newly appointed general in wreckage he has hosted multiple game nights during the week to helping squad members get on the forums he is just a great member to look up to and follow
  6. I will witness for what I can wolf Is a good person and has been a great general for Wreckage getting the squad back on track he is a very outspoken and upfront person and has helped me grow in KSI along the way
  7. I will witness for all the above I was recruited by him about a year ago I was trained right away and made me feel welcomed to the squad and has been there to answer any questions brought to him and help out any way he could he is a great asset to HD and KSI
  8. LT KSI PANTSIR 89 4CPT Wreckage HD http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16959-ksi-pantsir-89/ The reason he deserves this is because he has been a very hard working LT he has hosted multiply game nights a week for as few or as many people that show up. He is also a very people friendly person helping out who he can with new recruits making everyone feel welcome as they come into KSI. Also with his resent promotion to CPT I see other great things in his KSI future
  9. I'll witness for him I was his first recruit when he was just a sgt. in Blackout and he has moved up in the ranks helping with whatever he can when he can improving HD along the way so I think he is deserves this award
  10. Welcome to the forums XJKrawler :)

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