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KSI Ryu 7

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About KSI Ryu 7

  • Birthday 06/14/1988

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  • Interests
    Games, movies, ladies ;), working out, military, asain history, etc
  • Gamertag
    KSI Ryu 7
  • Squad
    Demonic Mayhem
  • Rank/Title
    DM Founder

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  1. Most likely gonna get joked on later. But i been listing mostly to the OST of both Saint Seiya Omega and Yugioh 5D's Its great workout music lol.
  2. All these members are in DM (Demonic Mayhem) Co-founder of the Yr - Havoc 7. LInked to: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8645-ksi-havoc-7/ Reason: Has been on the grind for KSI since he was Gen. Is busting his butt as we speak to take care of even the lower ranked to make sure they have fun in the community. He is unbias and has shown more drive in this yr than most directors have in their own careers. Founder of the Yr- Lion 7 Linked to: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6581-ksi-l10n-7/ Reason- Like the above mentioned member, has given his all to ksi. He has put forth effort to attend and delegate many issues and has (from what i've seen) shown a 100% success rate. He not only cares for all in ksi but even while going thru personal problems he has maintained his hardcore leadership skills and enforces the rules as a 7 should. Gen of the Yr- Jumper 7 Ex Co-founder/Adviser of DM Linked to: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8727-ksi-jumper-7/ Reason- He has done alot for DM especially Rage DM. After becoming GEN he set the bar high for others to follow in and has given alot to asure that he would not follow in the footsteps of past gens and fail. He became a 7 because of his devotion to the community and its because of him that im even allowed to share the title of 7. He has been my pal since i did my first name change and he hasnt changed for any reason. He never lets ppl get under his skin nor does he wavier in the face of personal problems. He shows the skills and potential to be one of if not the greatest member of KSI and i hope that would u read this you will think so as well. Capt of the Yr- KSI JUICY HERO Rage General Linked to: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12865-luna-wolf/ Reason- Although she was a capt before the promotions, Juicy has always shown great leadership skills in both team leadership and being the best Capt i've had the pleasure of working with. With her backing me up, Rage managed to rise in not only numbers and activity but in good ready to go members. She doesnt let the "guys" of KSI scare her nor does she let them out do her. She was my best recruit and even if it sounds lovey dovey, one of the best Females i've had to the pleasure of training and working with and will work with till the end of my time in KSI. Her desicions need no support because they are always valid and well thought out. She will rise to any occasion and will do so with a love for the game and BR in hand. Member of the Yr- KSI OnyxWolf 3rd Capt Rage Linked to: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14550-ksi-onyxwolf/ Reason- Although he is probably the most active member of DM he is also the best capt currently in DM. Due to his leadership skills and charisma he has brought in more recruits and trained most officers than most in KSI after his name change. He has constantly shown greatness even when ppl choose to shun and "try his gangsta" he remembers and acts on the CoC and i've never been more proud. During this yr he lead a team of ppl who im proud to say did exceptionally well in the Spirit Week during the HH tourney. He has not quit doing what he does best and is steadly growing to a point where he will surpass even myself or Lion 7 in terms popularity and devotion to the community. He not only deserves this award but unlike more capts he is hungry for it and will achieve it without fail. LT of the Yr- KSI CrimsonWolf (yes he is brother to the afor mentioned capt) 2 LT Linked to: N/A Reason- Like his brother, Crimson has shown alot of promise than most in his rank this yr. He has gathered and trained an impressive number and after my promotion to Gen, continued the Swat Team with great leadership. He took part in the Spirit Week even and did an exceptional job working with a team he barely played with. Along with his skills ingame, he has taken to the role of LT quite easily and shows the potential to become an even better officer. He also cares for his rcts and plays with them on the regular and keeps up with there personal details such as if they will be online or if they have family or work problems that would hinder activity. He has done so much better since his promotion it makes him a great candiate.
  3. still cant shrink pics to profile size, still cant do the sigs right, im a forums failer lol

  4. cant add pic argh!!!

  5. cant add pic argh!!!

  6. Welcome to the forums KSI Dragon Hero :)

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