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About KSI xGRIMx 7

  • Birthday 08/21/1996

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    names I've had dreynolds5543, KSI ChopsMinion, KSI Dreynolds, and KSI xGRIMx 7 hit me up on xbox
  • Gamertag
    KSI xGRIMx 7
  • Squad
    Fierce WI
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Newbie (1/4)



  1. I was the General of Hyperion at the time and he was my headhunters captain.
  2. I recruited KSI xLUMINAx 7 on march 1st, he put KSI in his gamertag that day and has had it like that since then.
  3. Co-Founder KSI xBANEx 7 (co-founder/FG) Reason: this guy practically took over my position when i lost my internet. He has been a great protege and has helped everyone in our division do their job better as well as inspiring them to try even harder to move up and improve. he has helped everyone non stop and has always lightened the mood with everyone.
  4. i have had the honor of witnessing KSI x2FASTx training people and it was amazing. he is also a charismatic mentor.
  5. I am a Founder in FG and i have witnessed his outstanding training ability he is also an amazing mentor.
  6. Name: KSI xBANEx 7-/-Hyperion Cyric Tempest-/-FG Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12850-ksi-xbanex-7/ Award-/-Achievement: trainer Reason-/-Evidence: KSI xBANEx 7 has 45 trains
  7. I believe that dead deserves this award, he taught me everything i know and then some, and has been helping the rest of the division as well. dead makes sure everyone is doing their job right and has shown many people how to be the rank they are today.
  8. Welcome to the forums KSI Dreynolds :)

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