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KSI Seraphim 7

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About KSI Seraphim 7

  • Birthday 12/05/1995

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    SOCCER and travel
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KSI Seraphim 7's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. KSI Killer 7 has worked both under me and beside me for a couple years now and in that time periodhis service to the community has been above and beyond ive seen him due tremendous work training not only his own officers but sharing his knowledge with others from other squads and divisions with learning the ropes for officers and sgts to climb the ranks as well as help with real life problems all of which is nothing that had to be told or taught to him but whathe naturaly wanted to do not only for the community itself but for the individual members inside it making sure everyone counts tackling problems on the forums even if he didnt know himself he got down and dirty and educated himself so he couldhes donated to the community spent all of his time making his division the best and his work shows for it self im proud he calls me his mentor and friend becuase i could not have asked for a better one that loves this community as much as I do
  2. About time you amended this profile handsome man! :wub:

  3. Hello sir 7.... have a cuppa tea and a crumpet on me

    1. Loyalty Paradox

      Loyalty Paradox

      What a rude ass for not replying lol

    2. THC KingChaos

      THC KingChaos

      i know right. Maybe not a crumpet fan

    3. KSI Seraphim 7

      KSI Seraphim 7

      Omg lol i rarely check my own profile

  4. Division:Last Strike Team manager:KSI Seraphim 7 Team memebers name and link to forums account if they have one. 1 KSI kebabboy http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39710-kebabboy7/ 2 KSI Gizmo http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39417-ksi-gizmo/ 3 Ax Assasin xA 4 KSI Zenometa 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16509-ksi-zenometa-7/ 5 KSI F1R3 6 KSI Danger15 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32821-ksi-danger15/
  5. I can witness for KSI KILLER 7 that he has been in KSI with a prefix for well over a year
  6. I witness for killer king as his cofo- killerking is someone i look up to he came into the squad seeing all the good he can do in KSI he immediately started learning about recruitment,coc, sop the whole nine yards and once he learned he started executing like crazy getting recruits like crazy with high retention help train recruits help fellow officers learn thier duties and single handedly raising the bar for excellence not only for his squad but the division as a whole hes the most active on the forums hes constantly moving his squad forward in members and officer development and his reach even goes out to other squads as well so yes if anybody deserves and outstanding service award its him the guy that does the most service for his squad and division
  7. Hi seraphim! Just thought I'd say hi and I'm grateful I got you as one of my leaders and there to help me when needed!:) you are a great co-founder and deserve to move higher in the ranks Cx idk if you get told enough but you should know!^.^ okie bye bye now! :)

  8. KSI KILLER KiNG http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35003-ksi-killer-king/ Awards -Helping hand Member assistance Trainer Reason for helping hand Killer king has given multiple people in his squad name changes or helped get them dlc Reason for member assistance Killer king has always wanted to make even the lowest ranked members in his squad as knowledgable about all aspects of KSI from forums to responsibilities as well as SOP's for squad level problems so he answers any and all questions or problems his members have Reason for trainer On his road to becoming a gen killer has had to train multiple people below to the highest standard and continue to keep that quality embedded in his officers by holding workshops constantly
  9. Hello, fellow T&E/Web Staff member. If you have any questions or wanna talk, feel free to hit me up :)

    P.S. I'm the Senior Staff over the Web side of T&E :P 

  10. Happy belated 20th birthday Sero. I'm sorry I missed it.

    1. KSI Seraphim 7

      KSI Seraphim 7

      It's ok why didn't you just message me on kik

    2. KSI M0ONLight

      KSI M0ONLight

      Sorry but I deleted my KSI Kik account. 

  11. Man looks like ls is gonna take the cake again
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