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SCARFACE last won the day on July 7 2012

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  1. OutStanding Service: If I am here waisting my time typing then you best believe he has earned it. If his direct superiors have Posted on his behalf then you best believe he's earned it. My Guys could care less about of the months. All of my Divisions do care about and must earn the badges that they should get with no question when they come into the forum area. This is not a merrit badge boyscout game to them. They covet and respect and have dam well earned What is being asked for before asked. Just want to vent. I get upset when you aap boys ask for more witnesses. Who better than those around him..no-one! Who more needed than those both above and below him That are around him...no one!!
  2. Out standing Service:: He goes above and beyond for his division daily. He holds group training sessions. He hold the recuit tag. He holds section mod. He takes great pride and goes to extreme lenghts to get any and all ksi related matters taken care of. Hell He is second in command in one of the hardest dam divisions in KSI...Nuff said
  3. Its in the HH callouts. So why dont you go and make it official there first. Lets start it on the right foot. Thats the least we can do since So much time has been put into this section" especially the 7's HH team"
  4. I know this isnt the right area. but its already posted there so I wanted to let the 7's team know that HD is ready and waiting for you. How about a livestream battle??????
  5. Name: KSI CHEDDARBOB, DARK LEGIONS CO- DIVISION LEADER Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1101-ksi-cheddarbob7/ Award-/-Achievement: RESSURECTION Reason-/-Evidence: TOOK OVER RP AND MERGED INTO DL. TOOK OVER DL WITH LESS THAN A 100 ACTIVE MEMBERS AND BROUGHT THE DIVISION UP OVER 300 WITHIN 3 MONTHS
  6. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Gwood 77, KSI StonePULSE7 (HARMONIC DESTRUCTION Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4022-ksi-gwood-77/ http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3249-ksi-stonepulse7/ Award-/-Achievement: Division Creator Reason-/-Evidence: They have grown Harmonic Destruction to well over 350 with Sufficient leadership in 2 months instead of 3 and it has maintained through the third month with hardly any lost
  7. Since when. Im posting because I believe he has earned these. Im not just picking random awards out of the air.
  8. How is what i am posting considered biased. I am not puting him or anyone else up for of the months. And a little fyi directors and above CAN post replies in award nominations. Unless there has been yet another monthly change that is/was failed to be mentioned anywhere.
  9. How is what i am posting considered biased. I am not puting him or anyone else up for of the months. And a little fyi directors and above CAN post replies in award nominations. Unless there has been yet another monthly change that is/was failed to be mentioned anywhere.
  10. umm I am a director verifying him for trainer. How many do you want for os l1 aside from me.
  11. Trainer: I have personally seen him train well over 30 members Commited: I can attest to this since he start in ET which I ran. Am I not credible enough for member assisstance
  12. Trainer: I have personally seen him train well over 30 members Commited: I can attest to this since he start in ET which I ran. Am I not credible enough for member assisstance
  13. Name: KSI GWOOD 77, CO-FOUNDER,HARMONIC DESTRUCTION Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4022-ksi-gwood-77/ Award-/-Achievement: OUTSTANDING SERVICE LVL 1,MEMBER ASSISTANCE,KSI MENTOR,COMMITTED,TRAINER Reason-/-Evidence: OS LVL1: I* can personnaly attest to this member going above and beyond on numerous occasions in the name of KSI throughout his carreer thusfar and continues to do so. I will be asking for level 2 if he receives this one as he more than deserves this in mine and many others opinions im sure. MEMBER ASSISTANCE:I have watched him personally aide numerous people. Im sure some of which will post up MENTOR COMMITTED TRAINER
  14. Name:KSI CHEDDARBOB 7, Founder, Dark Legions Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1101-ksi-cheddarbob7/ Award-/-Achievement:TRAINER,OUTSTANDING SERVICE LVL 1 Reason-/-Evidence:I can personally attest to him training well over a 100 members in KSI ranging from SH,TW,ET,RP,and now DL OS lvl1: Cheddar has been around me since my beginning in KSI, He has had his setbacks in his personal life but has always bled KSI and gave his all to it while here.I have seen him climb the ranks just to have to give it up"personal". Then come back as if nothing has happened and keep pace just like he was before. Which is in my book excelling at leaps and bounds over others.
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