I can attest to OS2. I’ve known kit kat for a short period of time but stalking her division from an IA standpoint before she was promoted to director it was in short one of the most secure divisions we have in this community. A good feat in my opinion. If IA isn’t your cup of tea, she has ran one a department as one of the most if not the most successful head of TnE. With that being said I’ve also played in many TnE events throughout my career and I will say recent TnE has ran smoother than some of the previous I’ve been in. Finally if department stuff isn’t your cup of tea, (we get it you hate tea you communist) then she has a very very solid division in terms of clan ops. Obviously seeing that two of our more recent directors have came out of DM it doesn’t suprise anyone that I’m bringing up the clan ops aspect. Her and gambit along with the entire leadership staff are a well knit crew who handle things in the utmost positive way in the community. They may bully each other a lot but when it comes to work they get it done. It may be the main reason I complain at her the most,she always bounces in matches of pubg to handle KSIregardless of time and it becomes a problem sometimes where I want to blacklist KSI from KSI. That way maybe just maybe we will get a full night without her leaving 3 or 4 times. Don’t usually come in the AAP to witness for people and I don’t even do it for OTY to avoid favoritism but hey she deserves it.