Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xSTATICx 7
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Reasoning why the deserve this - This guy was trained by me personally. he knows what he's doing to the nth degree. he is in charge of our training department such as PVT, cPL, and SGT training because he knows what he is doing and goes beyond what he is supposed to as a founder. yeah, he has th e recruit tag but he also mentors others inside of the division to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to to makje the division work . Static is one of my go to guys if i need something done in FG. i can always rely on him to make sure a message gets passed along or if a squad needs help in any sort of way.
co- founder
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xSTREETSx 7, Forgotten Gods
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Reasoning why the deserve this -
what can i say about streets. this guy is the best as what he does. He's been such a success in FG i appointed him head of general oversight and trainign for FG which i consider the most important department in FG at this time. He goes beyond what he is supposed to as a cofounder. if i could i'd let this guy take my place and have no second thoughts about it. this guy truly is an example of what a KSI member is supposed to be.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI xPOWERSx FG CRONUS
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...5-ksi-xpowersx/
Reasoning why the deserve this -this guy has been an amazing general this past month and the past couple months. Powers has been an essential role in FG and has gone beyond his duty as a general and is basically being a mentor to more people than just his squad. since he has taken on general of Cronus, he has built up the squad to be a powerhouse in our division. he filled the squad tag in two months and just split his squad. he has more potential officers than what he knows to do with. this guy has been more than a success since his return in KSI and return as a general. whenever we need a potential general trained, we always send him or her to powers to start their training process and if he gives an A okay on them, we continue the process. So powers definitely desereves this award more than any other general i have ever met.