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Forza Horizon

Sungazer's Wife

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Forza Horizon, the newest addition to the Forza Motorsports series, is unlike any other previous Forza. In previous Forza Motorsports, it had much more sophistication than their newest addition that is more like a teenage to young adult street racer.

In Forza Horizon, you free-roam a very large open world, and this is how you get to your options of the paint shop, Dak’s garage, the autoshow, race central, car club, and the marketplace, and races unlike the predecessor. I found this to be a major negative for me, the reason being because I enjoy racers because of their “pick-up-and-go†simplicity. Instead of simply being able to put it in and select a race, I have to drive to each race. Luckily, early on into the game, the paint shop, Dak’s garage, the autoshow, race central, the car club, and the marketplace come with the option to “fast travel†for free.

In the game, Dak’s garage can be an extremely expensive place to upgrade my cars for races or pleasure, so throughout the game I smash “UPGRADE†signs and for each upgrade sign that I smash (there are one hundred signs total scattered throughout the open world), I receive one percent off; all the way to 100% off all upgrades.

Another upside is that people can no longer be lazy and hire a driver in Forza Horizon to go through the seven ‘wristbands’ (instead of ‘years of play’ in previous Forza: Motorsports) and earn credits along the way while doing nothing. (I must admit; I was one of the lazy people towards the end of my final years.)

This game also throws in a scavenger hunt for those who are up for the challenge of finding a car and restoring it to its glory days. I have yet to find one in my first three days of ownership of the game, but it gives you a general area to comb through to find the barn.

Lastly, I can say that all their effort into making the game look like an actual representation of real-life Colorado was not wasted. It was made in such perfection that I could personally drive out to Colorado and enjoy its picturesque landscape just as much as I have in Forza Horizon.

While this is far from the “pick up and go†racer and the sophistication I was expecting, I still recommend the Forza series to anybody who loves to race.

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Forza Horizon, the newest addition to the Forza Motorsports series, is unlike any other previous Forza. In previous Forza Motorsports, it had much more sophistication than their newest addition that is more like a teenage to young adult street racer. [Rephrase that, it doesn't quite make sense. The "it" for example, I know what you mean by it, but the word feels out of place. Almost like you had something there originally that made sense, and then deleted what was there, leaving that behind. The rest of the sentence after that is a bit of a mess. "much more sophistication than their newest addtion that is more like a teenage to young adult street racer." Ok, so. There are two conflicting thoughts here. That the previous games had more sophistication, and then whatever you are trying to imply with the rest of the sentence.]

In Forza Horizon, you free-roam a very large open world, and this is how you get to your options of the paint shop, Dak’s garage, the auto show, race central, car club, and the marketplace, and races unlike the predecessor. I found this to be a major negative for me, the reason being because I enjoy racers because of their “pick-up-and-go†simplicity. Instead of simply being able to put it in and select a race, I have to drive to each race. Luckily, early on into the game, the paint shop, Dak’s garage, the autoshow, race central, the car club, and the marketplace come with the option to “fast travel†for free.

In the game, Dak’s garage can be an extremely expensive place to upgrade my cars for races or pleasure, so throughout the game I smash “UPGRADE†signs and for each upgrade sign that I smash (there are one hundred signs total scattered throughout the open world), I receive one percent off; all the way to 100% off all upgrades.

Another upside is that people can no longer be lazy and hire a driver in Forza Horizon to go through the seven ‘wristbands’ (instead of ‘years of play’ in previous Forza: Motorsports) and earn credits along the way while doing nothing. (I must admit; I was one of the lazy people towards the end of my final years.) [i never played the previous games, so I have no idea if this doesn't make sense because of how you word it, or because I have no idea what you are talking about.]

This game also throws in a scavenger hunt for those who are up for the challenge of finding a car and restoring it to its glory days. I have yet to find one in my first three days of ownership of the game, but it gives you a general area to comb through to find the barn.

Lastly, I can say that all their effort into making the game look like an actual representation of real-life Colorado was not wasted. It was made in such perfection that I could personally drive out to Colorado and enjoy its picturesque landscape just as much as I have in Forza Horizon.

While this is far from the “pick up and go†racer and the sophistication I was expecting, I still recommend the Forza series to anybody who loves to race.

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Forza Horizon, the newest addition to the Forza Motorsports series, is unlike any other previous Forza. In previous Forza Motorsports, the games had a much more luxurious and sophisticated feel than the current Forza Horizon does. In Forza Horizon, it resembles more of a street racer similar to Test Drive: Unlimited.

In Forza Horizon, you free-roam a very large open world, and this is how you get to your options of the paint shop, Dak’s garage, the auto show, race central, car club, and the marketplace, and races unlike the predecessor. I found this to be a major negative for me, the reason being because I enjoy racers because of their “pick-up-and-go†simplicity. Instead of simply being able to put it in and select a race, I have to drive to each race. Luckily, early on into the game, the paint shop, Dak’s garage, the auto show, race central, the car club, and the marketplace come with the option to “fast travel†for free.

In the game, Dak’s garage can be an extremely expensive place to upgrade my cars for races or pleasure, so throughout the game I smash “UPGRADE†signs and for each upgrade sign that I smash (there are one hundred signs total scattered throughout the open world), I receive one percent off; all the way to 100% off all upgrades.

Another upside is that people can no longer be lazy and choose for an AI player to drive for them and collect the race winnings of credits and experience. This game also throws in a scavenger hunt for those who are up for the challenge of finding a car and restoring it to its glory days. I have yet to find one in my first three days of ownership of the game, but it gives you a general area to comb through to find the barn.

Lastly, I can say that all their effort into making the game look like an actual representation of real-life Colorado was not wasted. It was made in such perfection that I could personally drive out to Colorado and enjoy its picturesque landscape just as much as I have in Forza Horizon.

While this is far from the “pick up and go†racer and the sophistication I was expecting, I still recommend the Forza series to anybody who loves to race.


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n the current Forza Horizon does. In Forza Horizon, it resembles mor Italicize the name. other than that, it's cool.

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Forza Horizon, the newest addition to the Forza Motorsports series, is unlike any other previous Forza. In previous Forza Motorsports, the games had a much more luxurious and sophisticated feel than the current Forza Horizon does. In Forza Horizon, it resembles more of a street racer similar to Test Drive: Unlimited.

In Forza Horizon, you free-roam a very large open world, and this is how you get to your options of the paint shop, Dak’s garage, the auto show, race central, car club, and the marketplace, and races unlike the predecessor. I found this to be a major negative for me, the reason being because I enjoy racers because of their “pick-up-and-go†simplicity. Instead of simply being able to put it in and select a race, I have to drive to each race. Luckily, early on into the game, the paint shop, Dak’s garage, the auto show, race central, the car club, and the marketplace come with the option to “fast travel†for free.

In the game, Dak’s garage can be an extremely expensive place to upgrade my cars for races or pleasure, so throughout the game I smash “UPGRADE†signs and for each upgrade sign that I smash (there are one hundred signs total scattered throughout the open world), I receive one percent off; all the way to 100% off all upgrades.

Another upside is that people can no longer be lazy and choose for an AI player to drive for them and collect the race winnings of credits and experience. This game also throws in a scavenger hunt for those who are up for the challenge of finding a car and restoring it to its glory days. I have yet to find one in my first three days of ownership of the game, but it gives you a general area to comb through to find the barn.

Lastly, I can say that all their effort into making the game look like an actual representation of real-life Colorado was not wasted. It was made in such perfection that I could personally drive out to Colorado and enjoy its picturesque landscape just as much as I have in Forza Horizon.

While this is far from the “pick up and go†racer and the sophistication I was expecting, I still recommend the Forza series to anybody who loves to race.

Thank you, Badfur.

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