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KSIxXxAnubisxXX Awards (Awarded)

KSI P0W3R 77

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Name: KSIxXxAnubisxXX (KHAOTIC ET)

Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4277-ksixxxanubisxxx

Award-/-Achievement: Headhunters, Mentor, Member Assistance award

Reason: Previous Headhunter and Headhunter Commander for MW3, Currently has 24 members mentored, Has given members guidance on many issues that they had and has handled conflicts between members in the squad and out and makes sure that the members in the squad are safe.

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I have witnessed this as well. As a member of Headhunters, I confirm that he was leader of our squads, maintaining practices and involvment for our squad. He signed us up for some ET division competitions for the HH to go against other squads.

I was not personally mentored by Anubis, but as an up and coming officer in Khaotic I have witnessed him mentoring others in a sense officer training for myself. Leads Khaotic when IntenseLust has other business to attend to. Great at either answering questions or getting the right person to answer the question for him.

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I witness this award! KSIxXxAnubisxXx is an excellent leader to the KSI community. He has recruited and mentored me, along with answering my never-ending list of questions. He's also hilarious and a fun person who loves gaming!

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