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KSI twahl (Awarded)

KSI twahl 7

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Name: KSI twahl HD

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3394-ksi-twahl-hd/

Award-/-Achievement: See List

Reason-/-Evidence: See List

Head Hunter

Be a Member of any HeadHunter teams in KSI. Led ALPHA TW HH and apart of IMPULSE TW HH

Sniper Team

(HH Sniper group Proficiancy, halo, mw2, mw3, Black ops, BF3)* Not claiming to take this, but in TW we made a sniping squad that continues after I have left.

Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)-

-[Any rank]- Member Has worked Harder than most around them to earn their stars as a member through determination and efforts in the face of adversity [-Discretion of the AAP team and its findings upon evidence provided by supporting witnesses-] See "Silver Outstanding"

Silver Outstanding -(Lvl 2)-

-[General Rank and higher]- Member out performs all expectations of Rank and Duty. Along with accomplishments that set them above others of the same rank as a shining example of what all KSI members should aspire to become -[Minimum requirement of six months in KSI]- I feel as though I was an exceptional General and member of KSI. On a daily basis people told me how they would like to be in my position and do exactly what I did. Honestly, I was a General for 4 months and lots of people came and went, whether it was 2 days or 1 year, I've influenced, guided and saw people to positions because of my actions and leadership. Many of my own leaders would see to it to comment and be my evidence.


Any Idea proposed by members that is productive and used widely in KSI, (Does not need to be original, however any creditations must be shared equally) I have created many game modes used inside of my old squad and TW including a sniping squad (HH snipers basically) and thoroughly implemented 2-day weekend meetings that most of TW uses now.

Member Assistance

Aid KSI members with helping them find answers to general questions. (Must have at least 3 credible witnesses) Will gather witnesses with time, From giving simple advice on the forums to giving out life advice in real life problems. Helped 100's of people on Xbox and on the forums. If I've helped, please comment with evidence in this award.

KSI Mentor

5+ People claimed this member as their Mentor. I have mentored many, many, many people.


I believe that this is self-explanatory and most people know me for my quarrels with KSI Worstplayer

Hot Topic

Make a topic on the forums that became a Hot Topic (This only applies to topics that are used to better KSI and is given out at the discretion of the AAP) {-Squad chats and Spam Threads Dont count-}

Made a few "HOT TOPICS" Including ones in the Design area and TW area, (May not exist due to time passing)


Trained 30+ members in KSI (Must have Cofounder or higher witness statement) Will have KSI Rocky 7 (my Co-Fo) or Any leaders in TW to confirm this.

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OS Lvl1- witnesses of your "outstanding service"

OS Lvl2- even more witnesses. Of your. "outstanding service"

Mentor- 5 legitimate members claiming you to be there mentor

MA- 3 legitimate members claiming that you have and do "assist" other members in KSI

Hot Topic- would need to see links

Bright Idea- prove that your idea is. Widely. In KSI

Drama Queen-..... witnesses

HH- members that confirm you were on HH team

Trainer- witness. Statement as you said

Sniper Team- Members of this sniper team to confirm

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OS Lvl1- witnesses of your "outstanding service"

OS Lvl2- even more witnesses. Of your. "outstanding service"

Mentor- 5 legitimate members claiming you to be there mentor

MA- 3 legitimate members claiming that you have and do "assist" other members in KSI

Hot Topic- would need to see links

Bright Idea- prove that your idea is. Widely. In KSI

Drama Queen-..... witnesses

HH- members that confirm you were on HH team

Trainer- witness. Statement as you said

Sniper Team- Members of this sniper team to confirm

Also when it comes to the bright idea award, many squads have sniper teams. That's why there is an award for it. I also know of squads that have 2 meetings on the weekends. While no one may have influenced you to come up with it, it has been thought of before.

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It's used throughout an entire division and in the text I believe it says it does not need to be original, so my statement is changed to "I claim that I did not come up with idea, but implemented it into my own squad and other squads eventually and effectively adapted the idea. It was an idea based on giving people the opportunity to give them a chance at deciding if/when/which meeting they could make it to instead of feeling as though they had one chance to make it. This is also a good ofea because it gives members the sense of opinion AND opportunity in KSI, which is also important because when I was new, we had one meeting, if you missed it, boom, you were in trouble." Is that a little better wording?

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The fact of the matter is you are claiming that something that is being used widely in KSI is a result of you using it in your squad and in TW. Interpreting the award in the way that you are is a slippery slope and awarding you for sniper teams and meetings would mean having to award people who "came up with" game nights for their squad

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Head Hunter

Sniper Team

Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)-

Silver Outstanding -(Lvl 2)-

Member Assistance


I witness to all of those. Twahl has done those things to the best of his abilities in all honesty.

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I would have to agree with Outstanding lvl 1, twahl is truly good Poop and an outstanding leader, i would not go as far as the silver...atleast not at this time, but in the future if twahl goes for the silver and higher, nothing will stop him but him self

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Head Hunter

Sniper Team

Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)-

Member Assistance

KSI Mentor

DramaQueen Can anybody witness this?

Trainer I have my Co-Div, Founder and a General in TW. Not sure if that is enough

Revised List.

Red needs witnesses.

Orange I believe is complete.

Light Blue is questionable.

Green is a go.

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Head Hunter

Sniper Team

Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)-

Member Assistance

KSI Mentor

DramaQueen Can anybody witness this?

Trainer I have my Co-Div, Founder and a General in TW. Not sure if that is enough

Revised List.

Red needs witnesses.

Orange I believe is complete.

Light Blue is questionable.

Green is a go.

Basically yeah and sorry for falling asleep and not posting this last night
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Drama Queen: If the award is what i think it is, twahl is a drama queen. I will witness to that one as well. 50% of the things we did not agree on did result in drama. The forums, I would think what he has done has been considered drama do an extent.

Member Assistance: I do believe twahl has been an assisting member in TW for a while. If i need more of a testament please let me know. :smile:

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