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Word Processors

Sungazer's Wife

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If you are on the news team, or applying to be on the news team, a word processor will be greatly helpful. It picks up common misspellings and grammatical errors; however, it does not always pick up all errors correctly and sometimes screws it up by words not being in the word bank. (Example, I know somebody named Gregory Fitts. Fitts is not a word that's in the dictionary, but Fits is. If you do not pay attention to the dialog box that pops up while running spell check and grammar check, you could accidentally change Fitts to Fits in my example.) Just the very fact it picks up common errors and misspellings will greatly help with your rough drafts.

Open Office, KOffice, LyX, NeoOffice, LibreOffice, AbiWord, Bean, and Calligra Suite are free word processors that are equivalent to Microsoft Office.

Open Office webpage: http://www.openoffice.org/

KOffice webpage: http://www.koffice.org/

LyX webpage: http://www.lyx.org/

NeoOffice webpage: http://www.neooffice.org/

LibreOffice webpage: http://www.libreoffice.org/

AbiWord webpage: http://abisource.com/

Bean webpage: http://www.bean-osx.com/

Calligra Suite webpage: http://www.calligra-suite.org/

This might help you choose a word processor: http://en.wikipedia....word_processors

Helpful hint for those who struggle: If you start writing/typing properly even when you're being casual with friends, it will make proper grammar and spelling second nature. For those who are currently in school, it would make their grades higher in all subjects (but mathematics of course). It takes hard work. I remember being one of those kids who would write, "i luv u," "r u busy," and the likes. It was incredibly difficult for me to learn to type proper instead of the shortcut ways, but over time it's only proven to better me.

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