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Popular Online Marketplaces Ban the Sale of Unusual Items

Sungazer's Wife

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Popular Online Marketplaces Ban the Sale of Unusual Items

Etsy has announced that they have had to ban the sale of drugs and human body parts (excluding teeth and hair) for legal reasoning and the protection of their consumers. They state that while the medical items themselves may not cause any issues, it is the way that it makes medical claims on the website to either cure or relief illnesses does in accordance to their policies. This is similar to what happened to Cheerio’s in May of 2009, where Cheerio’s openly made the claim to lower cholesterol over a period of six weeks by four percent. Cheerios was given fifteen days to revamp their marketing campaigns or they would thereafter they would have to file for a new-drug application due to how they marketed their claims. While they still do market they lower cholesterol and chances of a heart attack, they are not classified as a drug. It’s a word game, more or less that Etsy sellers will be playing with their products.

Among other strange items being banished from online marketplaces, hexes and spells have been banned from eBay listings. Just in time to spoil Halloween fun, beginning August 30, 2012, you will not be able to find listings for advice, healing sessions, magic, hexing, blessing services, magic potions, prayers, conjuring, tarot card sessions, or psychic readings. What is troublesome is that even though this will stop some of the fraudulent merchandise, this may also affect the sales of Harry Potter items, for instance, Wonderbook: Book of Spells for the PS3’s sales may be restricted due to the restrictions of listings. However, it may be saved by a clause that it is of ‘tangible value’. Hopefully with the new restrictions being instated on both marketplace websites, it will not put a damper on your holiday seasons (however, I have no idea what a person would be doing with miscellaneous body parts…)


(Dooren, J.C., 2009, May) Cheerios’ Health Claims Breaks Rules, FDA Says – WSJ.com Retrieved from: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124216077825612187.html

(^To be formatted into article).

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