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KSI Airborne 7

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Name: KSI AIRBORNE 7/Co-Founder/Divine Reign

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...ksi-airborne-7/

Award-/-Achievement: Trainer, Donor

Reason-/-Evidence: Trainer, I have 31 trains over the course of the 7 months I have been in KSI.// Donor, I have held multiple microsoft point tournaments in DR both as a General, for name changes for members, and as a Co-Founder, to help the squads below me do better and have a reason to compete.

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Trainer - Would like a few more witnesses, but the Co-Founder or higher witness statement has been met.

Donor - Odin to confirm

Shop Awards - You have to "use" the items when you view your purchases. Using the purchased items prompts the awards to show up on your awards bar in your signature.

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Lol airborne. What hes saying. Is you have to go use your purchases for them to show up.

And ill be awl witness for the trainer award seen this dude train some of the best leaders

i have

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  On 8/17/2012 at 8:27 AM, KSI AIRBORNE 7 said:

i knowabout the awards, I obught them in the shop, they just havent been added to my awards bar, didnt know how to fix it, since it shows I already bought them. And roger that on more witnesses for the train

If you look at the left box in every post there's 2 awards over there lol they've been there u need to "use" them
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Trainer - Yes

Donor - Odin to confirm, or a witness who received donation as a competitive prize (would require specific competition details).

Shop Awards - Use items, give it a day or two, and let us know if you encounter further issues.

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