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KSI LUDACRIS 7 Awards (Awarded)

Kleer Vision

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Name: KSI LUDACRIS 7 Founder Last Strike

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/604-ksi-ludacris-7/

Award-/-Achievement: Master Recruiter, Master Trainer, Outstanding Performance.

Reason-/-Evidence: He has 95 recruits which is over the rate your suppose to have. He trained 60 recruits and has promoted 32 of them and he does more then train he actually mentors them. Last but not least Outstanding performance. He has brought back 3 failing squad and brought back my squad Forsaken from the ground up and we currently have 95 members. It's more but those are the more important things

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Master Recruiter - Witness from Ludacris' superior that can witness it.

(Master) Trainer - Witness from Ludacris' superior that can witness it.

Outstanding (Performance) Service - Witnesses.

Also, the more testimony and evidence posted, the easier it is to render a decision. Please include everything that you may think might be deemed necessary by the staff.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 11:54 PM, KSI 3Stacks said:

Name: KSI LUDACRIS 7 Founder Last Strike

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...ksi-ludacris-7/

Award-/-Achievement: Master Recruiter, Master Trainer, Outstanding Performance.

Reason-/-Evidence: He has 95 recruits which is over the rate your suppose to have. He trained 60 recruits and has promoted 32 of them and he does more then train he actually mentors them. Last but not least Outstanding performance. He has brought back 3 failing squad and brought back my squad Forsaken from the ground up and we currently have 95 members. It's more but those are the more important things

I am a rank under Ludacris but I can witness that he has over the 120 for master recruiter (Just saying the bit in red an understatement). He yes has done enough training that would put him way over the required 30 members. And for Oustanding Service, Ludacris has worked his ass off over in the Black Ops MW3 side of LS. He has saved Forsaken, Siege, and Annihilate for falling apart. Back when he was a Co-Founder (since outstanding service is for any rank) he was a Co-Fo over a Halo: Reach squad and he didnt even have Halo: Reach and he actually work with me (General at that time) make my squad the most successful of the time. He works his ass off for LS and should be rewarded for his success.
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i was his div and well i was there he did do out standing as a Master Recruiter and Master Trainer as for his Performance i had a hard time finding some one as great as him and if u want i can have more past leader back me up

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I know I'm not 1 of his supiors but pls allow me to post on this: people can go on and on about everything he does and has done!

To me KSI Ludacris 7 is a staple representitve for KSI!

His drive, dedication , leadership and training are by far above all others!

He has been my mentor for close to 2 months now.

His recruiting is insane! He has this persona about him that make people just want to folllow in his steps!

His training isn't just a 10-15 minute talk- he takes time out of his day to actually talk and walk you through anything and everything!

While training with him if he comes across something that he thinks is beneficial to some1's training he inccludes them!

He goes out of his way to help his members, recruits and trainees!

Ex: we had a member leave and this member owed micro points to several pvts for a tourny that was held in our squad, Ludacris 7 has stood up and is paying these out!

Its not even his debt! To me that is outstanding leadership and outstanding service for KSI!

When I think of KSI and its solid people , KSI Ludacris 7 is always the 1st person that comes to mind!

He leads by example and to me , that's the only way it should be!

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I witness Ludacris for the Master Recruiter and Trainer awards.

For outstanding service, while i have not been with LS for very long, i do agree that he has been exceptional at his job and has exceeded all expectations of him in his current role an has helped sort issues to help fix LS on a whole

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