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KSI ESM awards (awarded)


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Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI ESM Nuclear LS 3CPT

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4700-elitesithmaster/

Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for)




Outstanding Service

Member Assistance

Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for)

Trainer: For the past month any recruit that I had found for Nuclear or any other Squad who send Nuclear members, just because I know that ESM is able to at an outstanding level and I have sent him, personally, 30+ members for Nuclear.

Grifball: He is currently one Nuclear LS's Grifball team

SWAT: He is the current Captain of the Nuclear SWAT team

Outstanding Service: Much like I said with the trainer, he is just a beast in Nuclear. He trains everything recruit that comes into Nuclear and he isnt afraid to do it for other squads either. He is only a 3CPT but he acts much like a General for Nuclear. After Nuclear went into its slide, ESM as a CPL worked with Slash to make it a much better squad than what it was going to become. ESM hasnt ever once cared about what rank he is and he will still amaze us be it at PVT or 3CPT. He also makes ever PVT and CPL feel welcome into Nuclear and their numbers in new SGTs that ESM has worked with shows it. If anyone deserves it for the efforts in Nuclear it would be ESM.

Member Assistance: In ESM's KSI Nuclear time he has helped out with assisting members more than anyone else and most of the people who he assisted arent on the forums yet but i am his Co-Founder and I will witness that there are way over 3 times hes assisted someone

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Trainer - Yes

Grifball - Please get the Gen of that squad to post.

SWAT - Please get the Gen of that squad to post.

Outstanding Service - More evidence, please. (From Gen --- Dir, preferably)

Member Assistance - 1/3

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ESM has been a major help on my quest to get nuclear back to the top and helps out everybody. he is also part of griff ball and swat

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I know my word won't mean much, but I'll tell you about my story. I started KSI as a CPL being recruited by KSI Froggy526. I wanted a clan that had an awesome community of friends, but also had a competitive aspect to it. I wanted to find a group of people that would play swat or snipers or any matchmaking period with me. When I joined, Nuclear was going through a split and Anarchy took quite a few of our active members. We were left with most of the fluff of nuclear and our meetings went down to almost no activity period. Nightlock took over as our impromptu general until Slash took over. Thusly I knew if we were to succeed as a squad, recruitment would have to pick up, but as a CPL I couldn't do much, so I decided to change my name and get as active as possible.

Thusly I became KSI ESM. I taught myself the ropes of recruiting and what all entails with training and recruited as much as possible. I recruited a few members and remained active. I recruited such members as Chancho 3232 (He is waiting on money to change his name) and KSI Sprinklez. During this time I tried to promote activity in the squad, I am currently working with KSI TDOGG 7 to set up a montage for Nuclear, as well as setting up the SWAT team . I also joined the grifball team, and have been working with KSI SLASH 100 and KSI Anatomy 7 to work on ways to promote activity, not just with the pvt's and cpl's in Nuclear, but also the sgt's and officer's in the squad.

I have been given the honor of 3rd Captain in Nuclear, which means to me that I have been trusted to help grow and mold Nuclear back to the way it was. I've became friends with all of Last Strike, and play with privates up to the division leader. I don't discriminate and I believe we can grow from everyone. I try to make sure everyone feels welcomed to the clan and also try to accommodate everyone's wants of the clan, whether it be competitive or cooperative in nature, I always direct them to who they need to speak too.

I thank Anatomy for putting me up for these awards, but also thank Nuclear for giving me the opportunity to show what I am capable of for KSI.

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Trainer - Yes

Grifball - Yes

SWAT - Yes

Outstanding Service - More evidence, please. (From Gen --- Dir, preferably)

Member Assistance - 2/3

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OK This guy is the FUTURE of Nuclear he wants to See this squad come back again And to make a squad again. Nuclear is working on getting more people for the meetings more activities. Its doing fanastic. I See a future for this man. I talked to him for the first time And i was like wow. Just wow like he is Going to be a 7 some day. From what i See he defenitly deserves this award for outstanding service. I have seen members his rank that do nothing. This man is that all you can get package. I See some future leaders in KSI. He is one of them

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Trainer - Yes

Grifball - Yes

SWAT - Yes

Outstanding Service - More evidence, please. (From Gen --- Dir, preferably) -- DoubleJ or Coden?

Member Assistance - Yes

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can vouch for ESM's outstanding servive. He has been a great rolemodel in his squad, and is highly respected. He's been running the squad since the general left and has done an great job doing so.

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