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KSI SonOfSin v7 (Awarded)

Neuro Kaotic

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Name:  KSI SonOfSin v7 Bane LB

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/340-ksi-sonofsin-v7/

Award-/-Achievement: Mad Max

Reason-/-Evidence: He's the craziest person I know on XBL! If you talk to anyone who knows him they'll probably say the same!

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  • 2 weeks later...

omg omg omg I don't think I've ever been so excited to witness for an award!

SonofSin is probably the most legit MadMax in KSI. This guy... lol... I literally just hung my head a laughed.

I can't even describe the reasons why he deserves this award. I mean, this is the guy that made a thread a while back about how on a map on one of the COD games there's an area that looks like a butt hole. lmfao

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I don't see how SonofSin being 'insane in the membrane' has anything to do with the description fo the mad max award

Member has lost their sanity dealing with KSI or its situations

It's just him being insane and funny by the evidence i've seen

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Oh well let me fix that...

I met SonofSin (SoS) when he was a General over a MW2 squad in Lost Empire... where he split his squad and busted his butt. Then someone got promoted over him based on favoritism.. that upset him... so he left KSI.

Then a week later he decides come back.. and we open our arms to him in LS and say... lets make him play Halo! (bad idea) He hated the game, but could recruit like a boss. After a few weeks, he asked for a transfer because he just didn't like the "rules" that LS had in place.

Then he goes back to LE, and becomes a cofo again butting heads with the leadership because they are holding grudges against him. Anyone who was around then can attest that LE was getting hit, every other week by MEA and random clans, they'd build up and get hit again, repeat process. Then SoS decides to become active on the forums. (bad idea) He then gets banned off the forums several times for speaking his mind. Pretty much leading to his DNH.

Then he comes back again the DNH gets overturned.. because he was a bad boy and he admitted it. Things were good... then his good friend gets into with Bill which means SoS gets into it with Bill ... and they leave and go to KoV, where he camped out for a while... and then after a few months he's back here.. in LB.. so he can get re-educated... because obviously.. the madness he's dealt with in KSI has turned him into a definite MadMax.

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