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Earn Free Loot from XBox Live

Sungazer's Wife

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(Perfectcr, 2010).

A unique way of lending a helping hand to your fellow gamer recently underwent an update in June 2012 – The Xbox Live Ambassador Program. Some may heard of it since it is beginning in the fall of 2011, while some others might have not.

It is a simple process to become an ambassador. A person must first apply at: http://ambassadors.x...Pages/home.aspx. While he or she is waiting to hear back from whether he or she has been accepted or rejected into the Xbox Live Ambassador Program, the applicant is being background checked by the Xbox Live Enforcement Team for any enforcement actions against him or her as well as that his or her profile and bio do not violate the code of conduct. If he or she passes both, he or she has an extremely high likelihood of being accepted and becoming an Xbox Live Community Ambassador. Once a person becomes an ambassador, he or she has two ways to help out others by either means of the Xbox Support Forums or on Windows Live Messenger. As an added bonus on the Xbox Support Forums, a KSI member can get the name of KSI out there through the Xbox Support Forums by showing how helpful and friendly KSI can be (names on the Xbox Support forums are gamertags).

Throughout the time he or she has with the Xbox Live Ambassador Program, he or she will begin to reap tenure alongside XP earned through answering questions on the Xbox Support Forums or in chat. Once he or she reaches certain amounts of tenures and XP, he or she will level up and receive awards ranging from avatar props and clothing to Microsoft Points and an arcade game.

If you are still curious about what awards you could reap by giving a helping hand, they can be viewed here: http://ambassadors.x...elsandloot.aspx


Perfectcr (2010, August.)


Author: Tay

P.S. I put this through WritePoint and TurnItIn, and they came out clean before I posted this here.

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Xbox on the title, and if you would like to get technical, it would be Xbox LIVE (All caps). Throwing it out there from a quick glance <3

"heard of it since its beginning"

Make sure to capitalize all of the Ambassador words, not sure if you should keep the end where you say "others may have not".

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