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KSI LaZyGaMeR 7 Multi (Awarded)


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Name: KSI LaZyGaMeR 7/ CARNAGE, PHOENIX, OUTLAW/ Twisted Warfare

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2493-ksi-lazygamer-7/


General of the Month,

Captain of the Month,


Bright Idea



I am nominating myself for "General of the Month" for the month of June 2012. I created and became the General of CARNAGE on 5/20 with about 45 members. I lead my squad as we went from 45 members to 100 members within 2 weeks. On 6/2 we were officially full and helped recruit for other squads within the division.

I feel as if I went above and beyond my required responsibilities by hosting "leadership enrichment" lobbies for the SSGT's to GEN's within my Division (Twisted Warfare) so that our division had confident leaders on the squad level.

I have spent countless hours this past month, making sure that my squads members were having fun by introducing multiple competitive activities including a Team Defender team, GUN CROWNS, Head Hunters, and bi weekly FFA, 1v1 tournaments, and Recruitment Challenges where they had a chance to win 800 Microsoft Points.My guys never were left in the dark as I sent multiple messages, daily, to make sure they all felt included in everything going on. My squad was also, arguably, the most active squad in TW this past month.

I also believe that a lot of the officers within CARNAGE are/ will be, some of the best leaders in TW because of the techniques I used to train/ mentor them individually.


I am nominating myself for "Captain of the Month" for the month's of April/ May 2012. I became a CPT of NEMESIS in April, a few weeks after a very large poaching inncident took place, effecting multiple squads within TW. NEMESIS lost our General and most of the active members when this happened, leaving NEMESIS with 34 members and an unmotivated officer staff.

After I was promoted to CPT, acting as a stand in General for KSI Karma Killz, NEMESIS went from 34 members to 100 members within two and a half weeks- as I individually worked with multiple SGT's to ensure they were ready for officer/ leadership positions.

During this time, the TW/ET split was being planned and NEMESIS was told that we had to wait an additional 2 weeks before we could split. Although we had 100 members at that time, I lead a group of members within NEMESIS as we recruited 50+ members for other squads within TW (Vortex, Rival, Outlaw).

I used innovative techniques to motivate/ boost morale of the leadership within NEMESIS and the results were stunning! We had enough SGT's for three squads.

Three of the members I trained/ mentored to be leaders now have squads of their own (KSI Alpha Dog- NEMESIS TW GEN)(KSI POWERS- PHOENIX TW GEN)(KSI WiLD BoI- CARNAGE TW MAJ) and countless others are in officer positions throughout TW.

Some of you may remember around this time, KSI QueenJess 7 sent out a message on XBL saying "I would like to give a shout out to NEMESIS TW for being the most improved squad I have seen in a long time. These past couple weeks I have witnessed AWESOME recruiting and AMAZING leadership! GET SOME!" (Dont ask me how I remember that word for word lol)


I am nominating myself for the "Donor" award because I have not only donated $10 to KSI a few months ago but I always donate Microsoft points to Weekend Warfare for her to use them as prizes for our members.


I am nominating myself for the "Bright Idea" award for a particular technique that I tried and trued as a CPT in NEMESIS and still use today. I would send a mass message on the squad tag saying "Congrats to the following members who have decided to change their gamertag to reflect our community and all we stand for....(list of members)" This technique delivered stunning results as PVT's/CPL's were changing their Gamertags so fast that we could not keep up. Leaders throughout TW are using this technique now and have actually taken the time to thank me for this info.

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You cant nominate for "Of the month" awards, when they start up again someone can nominate you.

Odin will have to verify donor.

And can we get witnesses/links for bright idea.

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I would like to witness the bright idea for this because I can honestly say I have never heard of anyone else doing this for name changes via squad tags prior to this and am honestly amazed at how we had not figured this out yet lol. So would like to say this is an orginal idea that I have heard for the first time and this technique will be passed at the next div leader meeting to start using this on all levels. This will get these generals more sgts to have them have options as a LT instead of being forced to chose between the lesser of 2 or 3 evils.

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You cant nominate for "Of the month" awards, when they start up again someone can nominate you.

Odin will have to verify donor.

And can we get witnesses/links for bright idea.

Damnit! Seriously? I checked every one of the pinned topics in the AAP forum section because I had a feeling that I wouldn't be allowed to nominate myself and I found nothing at all about that information anywhere in the AAP forum section. That is why I thought it was the same as the rest of the award types.

I apologize If I am mistaken and if there is information posted about these "self nomination restrictions", could you please send me a link so that I am satisfied.... because, as of right now, someone owes me about a hour and a half of my life back, which is the time I took writing the original post in this thread...lol

I am honestly pretty upset about this because, I feel deserving of these "of the month" awards and I now know that without somebody else taking the time to sign on to the forums and fill out the request form to nominate me for these awards, im pretty much screwed out of them. That actually doesn't sound very right/ fair.

Was there a certian reason why you guys came up with that self nomination restriction for the "of the months"?

I have been thinking of all different types of scenerios in my head for the past 30 minutes, about how being able to self nominate yourself for a "of the month" award could potentially be a issue of any kind and I cant think of any at all. I can actually think of more potential issues with the self nomination restrictions.

For instance, even if someone decides to nominate another member for a "of the month" awards, the nominators perspective would be entirely different than the nominee's perspective. For example, the nominee would be able to explain more in detail about the effort they put into the squad/ division and the different innovative techniques they used to get a squad from 20 to 100 members in 2 weeks. Whereas the nominator may only know that the squad grew from 20 to 100 members in 2 weeks.

Wouldn't that hinder the nominee's chance of getting the award and the deserved recognition? Wouldn't the small details be especially important if there were multiple members nominated for a "of the month" in the same rank? (which would be pretty cool in my oppinion.)

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Adding to what in my previous post.

I have been thinking of all different types of scenerios in my head for the past 30 minutes, about how being able to self nominate yourself for a "of the month" award could potentially be a issue of any kind and I cant think of any at all. I can actually think of more potential issues with the self nomination restrictions.

For instance, even if someone decides to nominate another member for a "of the month" awards, the nominators perspective would be entirely different than the nominee's perspective. For example, the nominee would be able to explain more in detail about the effort they put into the squad/ division and the different innovative techniques they used to get a squad from 20 to 100 members in 2 weeks. Whereas the nominator may only know that the squad grew from 20 to 100 members in 2 weeks.

Wouldn't that hinder the nominee's chance of getting the award and the deserved recognition? Wouldn't the small details be especially important if there were multiple members nominated for a "of the month" in the same rank? (which would be pretty cool in my oppinion.)

Obviously, I was subconciously assuming that the nominee would be restricted from providing any additional information to the AAP staff by replying to the nominators topic. If the nominee would be allowed to provide details as needed then, there is no issues at all with the way you guys are doing things and I apologize for being a complete idiot....lol

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Gamer not to step on the AAP toes here but the of the months was done as a people are nominated for the of the month award for X month and they the AAP staff would then discuss and hand out said awards at the start of next month. With recent changes in the AAP staff there haven't been some of the months for a bit which is why you just so happen to find yourself in that time period where what you posted makes 100% sense. BUT yeah those awards are selected after nominations and then voting by the AAP staff in their secret area to who the winners are.

Here is a link of the last one:

and that is Feb's one so yeah the staff right now is back in place to setup the of the month award system back in place but that is why recently you saw openings in the AAP posted uptop the forums because they were way understaffed and couldn't do it.

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Donor - Yes

Bright Idea - Yes

Of The Months - No currently we are getting this system back and running and the self nomination rule was put in place for a reason. Great leaders train others well to get involved in the forums then they should have a problem getting nominations for awards. If you like to talk about this LazyGamer get with me on pm or xbox. But we are currently revamping the awards system at this time and sorry for your inconvenience.

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