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KSI LaZy GaMeR Multiple Award (Awarded)


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Name: KSI LaZy GaMeR

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...ksi-lazy-gamer/


Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)-

-[Any rank]- Member Has worked Harder than most around them to earn their stars as a member through determination and efforts in the face of adversity [-Discretion of the AAP team and its findings upon evidence provided by supporting witnesses-]

I am nominating myself for the Outstanding service reward for my dedication and determination so far throughout my KSI career. When I started off as a Officer in Nemesis, I was dedicated to providing knowledge to everyone within the squad AND division. I've spend countless hours teaching others in KSI and outside of KSI, what we were all about as a gaming community. Since then, I have become a General of CARNAGE TW and I am still determined as I will always be! Determined to help make KSI the best gaming community in the world! =)

Member Assistance

Aid KSI members with helping them find answers to general questions. (Must have at least 3 credible witnesses)

I am nominating myself for the member assistance award because I answer general questions 10+ times a day as a general of CARNAGE.

Hot Topic

Make a topic on the forums that became a Hot Topic (This only applies to topics that are used to better KSI and is given out at the discretion of the AAP) {-Squad chats and Spam Threads Dont count-}

"Privacy settings presents security issue" was a very informative topic that received many views and reply's.

"Recruiting 101" and "Mentoring 101" were so HOT that they pinned them.

KSI Mentor

5+ People claimed this member as their Mentor.


Trained 30+ members in KSI (Must have Cofounder or higher witness statement)

Head Hunter

Be a Member of any HeadHunter teams in KSI.

I will have witness statements from the people who claim me as a Mentor, and a statement from a cofo or higher for the Trainer award. I will also have witness statements for the member assistance award, as needed.

What do you need for the Headhunters award?

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i claimed him as one of my mentors. And he is a part of headhunters. He has also helped me out since ive came back toKSI in changes they have made

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From what I've seen of LaZy GaMeR, is someone who is continuously helping others and sharing knowledge that he may have with everyone that is curious or interested. He's extremely active as far as squad activities, practices, and just general squad gaming. If anybody deserves it its LaZy GaMeR.

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Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)- - Get a Founder or higher to verify that you deserve this.

Member Assistance - Yes

Hot Topic - Post up links to topics

KSI Mentor - 1/5 Mentors witnessed for this award

Trainer - Get Cofounder or Above to Approve

Head Hunter - Get a Cofounder or Above to Approve

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Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)- - Get a Founder or higher to verify that you deserve this.

Member Assistance - Yes

Hot Topic - Yes

KSI Mentor - 2/5 Mentors witnessed for this award

Trainer - Get Cofounder or Above to Approve

Head Hunter - Get a Cofounder or Above to Approve

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Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)- - Yes

Member Assistance - Yes

Hot Topic - Yes

KSI Mentor - 2/5 Mentors witnessed for this award

Trainer - Yes

Head Hunter - Yes

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KSI LaZy GaMeR has been a mentor to me for as long as i can remember.any questions or concerns that i have had i go and talk to him and he helps me. i would say that LaZy GaMeR is more than a mentor. but since i dont know what more than a mentor is im just gonna say he is a great mentor to me and to more people than i could probably count.

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I claim KSI LaZy GaMeR as one of my mentors. He was my trainer when i joined KSI helped me learn quickscoping and helped me to better control my temper while plaaying COD.as well as gave me one on one tips and training on how to be a good recruiter.

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Would seem my witness statement is not needed but just in case the math does not add up later

I can vouch for:

Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)- - Yes

Member Assistance - Yes

Trainer - Yes

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<_<...lol i could have sworn i closed this.....im all satisfied.

I don't think the thread is closed yet but nice work AAP I love the organization I saw in this thread keep it up! I love the updates by the AAP staff on what all was still needed!

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Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)- - Awarded

Member Assistance - Awarded

Hot Topic - Awarded

KSI Mentor - Awarded

Trainer - Awarded

Head Hunter - Awarded


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