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Suggestions for possible New Awards

Awoken Lucifer

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there needs to be a cheddar ribbon lol



Squad Resurrection - General bringing a squad to a split after the brink of death

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i looked but maybe im wrong but can we have some sort of a failure award pertaining to gaming with members and making a unique sometimes funny fail. 

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name: well travled. rank needed: corpral or higher. description. a medal givin to members who have friends in more than 3 other divisions.

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Unsung Hero (: Something along the lines of someone who does a great deeds, always willing to help, but their acts of kindness aren't noticed by many. They help others just to help out of the goodness of their heart. Not to be noticed or praised.

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Unsung Hero (: Something along the lines of someone who does a great deeds, always willing to help, but their acts of kindness aren't noticed by many. They help others just to help out of the goodness of their heart. Not to be noticed or praised.

this one is much better than my idea :)

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Name- sergeant of the month

Description- voted on in of the month awards

Additional comments- sergents are the most important important part of a squad in my opinion. I would love it if we could recognize an outstanding sergent.

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a shouter award  to get it have to be in the top 10 shouter at one point in time 

 and a party awarded have to show up to a late night party have to have me or ninetales witness  

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I would like to propose a change but also a new award or two.

First, the change.


At the moment, under awards we have News Member of the Month / Year. These refer to writers, the name should be changed to News Writer of the Month / Year.  


A lot of time and effort goes into making the News Team run. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes, and if it weren't for the efforts of the News Team's leaders and Editors, the quality of what you see wouldn't nearly be as high as it is currently.


So, with a change to writer's of the month / year, I would like to propose an actual News Member of the Month and News Member of the Year.


As we also lack awards for productions, and the other web ops sections, I suggest having Productions, T&E, Marketing, etc. Members of the Month / Year.  We have plenty of excellent members that provide content for our community, and so I think we should have a way to recognize the effort they put in, and thank them for the fantastic work they do.

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Editor of the month- This award will go to a member of the productions team, for either most improvement or creating one of the most popular videos. :)

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Okay so just like there are divisional milestone i think that they should also have squad milestones for each division this could exict a squad and motiviate them to achieve a certain squad milestone for example a certain amoumt of squad splits that a squad has or how old it is, how many leaders have been born in that squad if it has good forum activity something like this could definitly motivate a squad and i think it would make it real fun and of course with more milestones i was just giving out an example

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I was thinking of suggesting an award to recognize those people who made a squad split (General of the squad splitting/New General going to split squad). I believe its a valid award, since there is a Division Split award to recognize those involved. So if you guys dont think its a good idea. Its fine by me. Its just a thought. :)

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with the new playlist maybe a ricochete team (or a griffbal /ricochette team hybrid)


i know theres an award for attending workshops but what about one for hosting them ( like host 3-5 workshops ect)

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New award:

Stage 2 of drama queen: DIVA

Somebody who has become such a diva about what they do that they put Beyonce to shame

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i konw in DM we have these and ive heard of other divisions doing them and having them but 

what about am award for being a member of Welcoming Committee and Training Committee


welcoming committee = staff is to welcom all rcts and new members and leting others know about it , making new members feel welcome

i would call it Welcome Wagon


traing committee  = staff is to keep track and train the new members in a timely manner, helps get recruits trained faster and put in the corect squads 

i would call it Training Committee ( cant think of something clever)

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