KSI Sub 7 195 Posted December 5, 2023 Report Share Posted December 5, 2023 Welcome to the 2023 Of The Year Awards! This is a yearly event which is designed to have members from all over the community recognized for their achievements in the community within the calendar year. To nominate someone for one of these awards they need to have held a rank prior to today. Before you nominate someone think back throughout this entire year, from January until now, and find the person you can think of that best filled each Rank & Position in this community, from Member all the way to Senior Leader. RULES 1) No Favouritism i.e. - This person is my friend, as such he should get this award 2) You cannot self Nominate! 3) Be as descriptive as you possibly can be! Tell us absolutely everything you know your nominated person has done within the year of 2023. 4) Fill as many categories as possible! - Don't be shy! 5) You can only nominate one person per category, and you can only nominate one category per person 6) Please only post once and if you are going to add in nominations, please edit your topic. If you make a second post, we won't count it. Please fill in the below template for your nominations to be eligible: Category: Gamertag: Forums Account Link / @: Reasons they deserve this award: Categories For nominating: Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors): Leader (co-founder, founder, div leader): General: Captain: Lieutenant: SSGT: SGT: CPL: Forums Staff (Mods, Senior Mods, Admins): Department Head: Department Member: Member (Overall best member of the community for the year): So to sum up, when you are doing your nominations, select a category from the list above. Then fill in the template from below. For example: Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI ShotDrop 7 Forums Link: @KSI ShotDrop 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Reasoning with lots of facts, as descriptive as you can be as to why this member deserves this award! This will close on the 20th of December. Good luck and happy voting all! - KSI Sub 7 and the AAP Department. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 2 2 5
Nauzyio 2 Posted December 5, 2023 Report Share Posted December 5, 2023 Category: captain Gamertag: septicade Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Septicade Reasons they deserve this award:has been a reliable person septicade helped me since day 1 he has been an active member of our gaming community he also puts in the time and effort to have everything done in my opinion he is one of our communities pillars KSI Septicade 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Septicade 25 Posted December 6, 2023 Report Share Posted December 6, 2023 Category: Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors😞 Gamertag: KSI SWAG 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Swag has been working his butt off to ensure that we have the best staff in KSI, that the Discord is engaging and has a space for everything we could possibly need and that we have the best possible resources for training and engagement. Swag frequently talks to members no matter their rank, joins in on gamenights and meetings and makes his presence known, usually by bringing joy and laughter to the members and being an overall good sport, which is what we need down to a T. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWAG!! Category: Leader (co-founder, founder, div leader): Gamertag: KSI WldMama7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WldMama7 Reasons they deserve this award: Mama treats KSI like an extension of her family, she's always willing to help, whether that's hosting gamenights, helping recruiting, inviting members or just joining in and bringing her general fun attitude with her, Mama has done more for KSI in the few years she's been here than i've seen even some of the OG's putting in, she's forged a new, brighter future for KSI off her own shoulders and you'd have to be a fool to not see it. Category: General: Gamertag: KSI HEFNER Forums Account Link / @: @KSI HEFNER Reasons they deserve this award: Hefner runs Fallen like its his baby, frequently sacrificing sleep in order to invite those few members or talk to someone who needs someone, he's made Fallen what it is today which is a powerhouse running forward, he ensures we only recruit the best, we only promote those who work for it, that every member gets a fair chance and every member is included, Hefner does his absolute best for Fallen and goes above and beyond every single day. I've never seen a Gen who cares more about the community as a whole than Hefner does. Category: Captain (see paradox) Gamertag: KSI Tiger 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Tiger 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Tiger is always active within the squad, she frequently hosts gamenights and she's always there when a member needs her, if someone is having a bad day Tiger is the first one to reply and send a party invite to talk to them, she's incredibly hard working and caring, she's an inspiration to every member and sets a fantastic example of not only how to be a good officer/member, but how to be a decent human being. Category: Captain: Gamertag: KSI Fire38 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Fire38 Reasons they deserve this award: even know I'm not in Fire's squad I can still see the amount of work he puts into Valkyrie, he pulls in recruits like its no bodies business, he hosts multiple gamenights every week, and even when he isn't hosting a gamenight you can bet you'll find him gaming with his members, he's one of the most active officers you'll find in KSI and goes above and beyond every single day, he may be an officer for Valkyrie but hes always willing to help out the other Squads when needed, even helping them find recruits when they're struggling. Category: Lieutenant: Gamertag: KSI Celebi Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Celebi Reasons they deserve this award: Celebi is the living embodiment of no KSI member left behind, when he's online you can guarantee you'll get a party invite and game invite within 5 minutes, he takes the pillars of KSI to heart and puts it into his officer duties every single day, he's always helping members and he's always there when you need him. Category: SSGT: Gamertag: KSI WaviestSnow Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WaviestSnow Reasons they deserve this award: Wavy has worked hard for his SSGT roll, overcoming his anxieties and doing what's required of him, he's always trying to come up with new ideas on how to improve member retention and enjoys hosting tournaments for the members in his own time, wavy has a Strength of character that is unrivalled by anyone in KSI and his parties are always full of laughs and a generally positive atmosphere, it's like a breath of fresh air. Category: SGT: Gamertag: KSIxLEGIONx7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSIxLEGIONx7 Reasons they deserve this award: Legion has been going out of his way to help us officers out with our duties, he brings his friend group along into gamenights which instantly livens them up and he got on their cases when we needed to get security checks done, ensuring when they got on he'd pull one of us officers in IMMEDIATELY, he genuinely cares about this community as a whole and wants to do his part to help improve the overall atmosphere of the community. Category: Department Head: Gamertag: KSI Sub 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Sub 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Sub has done some amazing work since taking over AAP, he gives his staff the space they need to do their work and gets on their case when required, he's always coming up with innovative ways to improve AAP and make it more enjoyable for the staff, we couldn't ask for a better Head of the Department. Category: Department Member: Gamertag: KSI Azrael 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Azrael 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Azrael goes above and beyond for AAP, pushing the current topics forward, ensuring the other staff are doing our part whilst also doing more than his fair share, he frequently gets with members to help them get the awards they qualify for and is always doing his best by the department. Category: Member (Overall best member of the community for the year): Gamertag: KSI PandaLeafy Forums Account Link / @: @Bootasious Reasons they deserve this award: Panda instantly improves the atmosphere of any Party or gamenight just by his mere presence, he brings a smile to every members face who makes contact with him and he's an absolute pleasure to be around, he cares deeply about the members and does his best to attend every gamenight and meeting that's posted. KSI WldMama7, KSI Sub 7 and Bootasious 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI WldMama7 113 Posted December 8, 2023 Report Share Posted December 8, 2023 Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors): Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: This for me is probably one of the hardest to decide who deserves this award more. Both @KSI Slick 7 and @KSI Swag 77 have been working their tails off for this community. But at the end of the day I know I could rely on Swag to be available to answer questions and he continues to push me to be better. But if it was not for the support of both of these gentlemen I would not be in the position I am today. Unfortunately real life and family commitments prevent SLick from being around as much as he would like. Swag has built the discord server that we use now for clan ops and its so cool compared to what we used to have. Swag is listening to what the members want and continues to strive to make being an officer as easy as possible while still challenging in ways so that we are able to have some of the best leaders come from within. Swag is also listening to the needs of the community and is being more flexible in most areas a slightly softer touch than the Swag of old. I am blessed to have this gentlman as a mentor and someone whom I call family. Category: Leaders Gamertag: KSI Akame 77 Forums Link: @KSI Akame 77 Reasons they deserve this award: @KSI Akame 77 has been my partner in this leadership position for a while now and I can honestly say that he takes a huge load off my shoulders. Most dont fully understand what a Div lead does or the amount of planning for the future is involved but he does and he helps me take care of the day to day stuff while being my red flag spotter when I am trying to make plans and points out the things that could happen to prevent success. His insight and his forethought can be invaluable at times. He also lives in the UK which can be difficult to be fully present because of the time difference but somehow he seems to make it work. I am proud to have him as a 7 by my side and as we look to the future he could eventually take my job as we continue to grow and move forward into the future we invision for our community. He definitely can be sweaty on just about every game and he will tell you hes an asshole which i am beginning to think is a UK phenomenon but I can tell you for all his outward assholeness he is a big softee with a huge heart that many dont take the time to see. Thank you @KSI Akame 77 for being on this grand journey with me and I cant wait to see what the new year brings for us both!! General: Gamertag: KSI Hefner Forums Account Link / @: @KSI HEFNER Reasons they deserve this award: Where to begin on this general because I can take it all the way back to Samuraii to where we are today. This general stuck it through thick and thin even when the leadership of his division overlooked him and his abilities he didnt give up. From the closing of his squad not once but twice to making the current Super squad Fallen to taking the officers of 3 different squads bringing them together and making it work. To working with sgts within the squad to fill in vacancies while training up po to officer working his way through the ranks and remaining steadfast reliable knowledgeable @KSI HEFNER is the epitome of what I feel a KSI officer should strive to be. He may not be the loudest the most flashy but he gets the job done tries to help his officers be the best they can be and is continually seeking knowledge to become better at his current position. Hefner reconizes what he and his officers needs to work on and is continually working towards being the best he and his officers can be. I could not ask for a better general than @KSI HEFNERI am lucky to not only have him as a general and member of this community but someone whom I have come to know as a close friend. Captain (see paradox): Gamertag: KSI Tiger 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Tiger 77 Reasons they deserve this award: This catagory is hard for me to decide as there has been only a few in this position and each excels in their own way but I feel @KSI Tiger 77 fills this position in the best way. The relationship Tiger has with her Gen is hands down one of the best I have seen between an officer and their General. Tiger ensures that the communication is at its best and if she isnt sure of something she will ask. Tiger has helped Hefner from the start of Fallen and these two are partners in the best way possible. Tiger knows her weaknesses and is continually working on strengthening them constantly. She is always checking in on her officers and has a special relationship with the members. In her squad she is the one everyone goes to if they need someone to talk to or to just hang out dont even have to be on the same game she will make you comfortable and just hold a conversation. Tiger helps to ensure that the officers in her squad get good training and she makes sure they know to message her if they need help. Her and Hefner have been the best team together I am proud of them both. Captain: Gamertag: KSIPROPHECY7 Forums Link: @KSIPROPHECY7 Reasons they deserve this award: Prophecy is a force to be reconned with. He has taken Valkyrie in his hand has organized the officers kept his Gen on point through his organizational skills. Prophecy has had a hand in training nearly every officer in the officer corps at this time. His insight and ideas are helping Valkyrie to continue to develop its own identity. The members reconise his wiseass comments and sense of humor but they also know if there is an issue that he will follow up and ensure its handled appropriately. Althought he has been through the ranks before he is willing to learn and to change how he does things which makes him flexible and open to new ideas. Lieutenant: Gamertag: KSI Fire38 Forums Link: @KSI Fire38 Reasons they deserve this award: Where to begin when describing why this young man deserves this award. For those of you who dont know before all the changes Fire was an officer previously and it was a toxic situation in which he stepped down from in an honorable way to Captain of Valkyrie toady has been an incredible journey watching him grow mature and become the Fire of Valkyrie quite literally. Fire gets the officer corps fired up motivated and ready to tackle each day. He messes around on discord getting members involved and touches upon that competitive nature of his fellow gamers when advertising his gamenights. Fire is also open to constructive criticism and is learning that sometimes a softer touch is needed but he can turn it up when needed. His enthusiasm and exuberance is catching in his squad. I am super excited to see where he goes as he continues to move up because I feel like he has that x factor that is hard to describe but you know is there. SSGT: Gamertag: KSI Crayons Forums Link: @KSI Crayons Reasons they deserve this award: Crayons is such a unique individual that at first your not quite sure how to take him but the more you get to talking to him the more you realize how intelligent and funny this guy really is. He is currently the heart of his squad whether he realizes it or not he can be in any party with any member of his squad and he is able to just vibe with them depending on the mood. Sometime he is quiet and just listening and other times he is just a goofball having fun cracking you up with his off the wall statements and jokes. His work ethic is unbelievable and although he will tell you he just wants to stay a SSGT because he is afraid of letting his squad down I can tell you that this young man is going to continue to grow and thrive in his squad despite his self doubt. In fact that self doubt is how I know he is amazing because it shows he really cares about his squad and this community. SGT: CPL: Forums Staff (Mods, Senior Mods, Admins): Department Head: Department Member: Member (Overall best member of the community for the year): Gamertag: KSI Septicade Forums Link: @KSI Septicade Reasons they deserve this award: IF you are wondering why I am nominating Septicade for this award its because he hasnt been in any of his officer positions long enough to claim that position for the year!! Septicade is just such a wonderful gentleman even though he would tell you hes an asshole I definately disagree with that position. Even with the demands of being a dad a mate and working a full time job to support his family he continues to make time for this community and he makes the most of his time, oh did I tell you that he is also doing all of this whilst residing in the UK and as you know KSI is on EST time which can make doing all that he does even more difficult. His honesty and dedication are what we need more of from our officers in this community. He is one of those folks that you hardly ever get to really belly laugh but you can hear the snicker in his voice when he is trying not to give in to laughter. That stiff upper lip saying really does apply to him. He is always doing workshops and helping to train the officers and the potential officers of his squad. You often find him hanging out in the discord so he can be available to our members on pc ps or switch and often his members and or officers simply follow suit and before you know it theres a party going on in the discord. We need more officers and members like him in our community because he truly cares about our members but still has the ability to remain objective in situations. He is going to be a strong leader in this community watch out @KSI Slick 7 he might be coming for our jobs. Thank you @KSI Septicade for all you do!! KSI HEFNER 7 and KSI Septicade 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3
KSI Azrael 7 148 Posted December 8, 2023 Report Share Posted December 8, 2023 Senior Leader KSI Slick 7 @KSI Slick 7 Reason: Slick busts his ass for this community, he spreads himself out to every corner of the community and is one of the realest but respectful people i know. You can always count on him to be honest with you and be quite frank but at the same time you don't feel like your being talked down to. He is a 7 I myself aspire to be like and is more than deserving of this award. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Sub 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Sub 7 Reasons they deserve this award: This one was very hard for me because I have 2 awesome CPT's that have busted their butts in working with me to get Oblivion back on its feet again. I settled on Sub because he has been my right hand guy every step of the way since I got promoted to GEN. He's had his ups and downs but when he's on point there isn't anyone who can match his work ethic and enthusiasm for the squad. He's up at all hours, holds multiple gamenights at times and can be relied upon to take over if someone has something come up. Sub loves his squad and loves KSI. SSGT KSI Crayons @KSI Crayons Reason: KSI Crayons is a special individual. But special in this case is that he has a wonderously unique personality, rare type of humor, and a deep deep caring for the people and things he cares about. He embodies the family atmosphere KSI strives to have. His work ethic is beyond reproach, and I can say I am truly blessed to have someone like him in my life and as one of my officers. He brings with him a healthy dose of questions and ideas in full measure and there just arent that many people like that nowadays who have the ability to openly question things. He is always starting parties to get with members, he comes to any meeting I or the 7's set up. I could sing his praises more and more because everyday he does something new to earn my respect and admiration. To quote him: He's not just a KSI member to me he's family and he makes me so so proud I could burst. SGT BluBunny222 @BluBunny222 Reson: Bunny is a go getter, leaps to help get things done, has drive and initiative in the things she has to do for her rank all while taking care of a little one. The amount of work she puts in is not only impressive its motivating to the other officers because she's a shining example of what it means to be in the officer corps. Reliable and loyal she puts the members first which in my opinion is quite praiseworthy. KSI Slick 7 and KSI Sub 7 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI Taz 7 0 Posted December 11, 2023 Report Share Posted December 11, 2023 Category: General Gamertag: KSI Azrael 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Azrael 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Since i have joined KSI. KSI Azrael 7 has always been not only friendly & a welcoming Squad leader, but has always set me up with the proper resources to help better develop my journey within KSI. From training to introducing me to officers & members to never letting me feel left out. i feel i can come to him for any questions or concerns. not to say i dont feel that way about the rest of my upper leadership. he is just a individual i met first as i came back into this KSI family. So coming to a conclusion this is why i feel KSI Azrael 7 deservers this award. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI HEFNER 7 49 Posted December 12, 2023 Report Share Posted December 12, 2023 (edited) Category: Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors😞) Gamertag: KSI SWAG 77 Forums Account Link / @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: The Pickle King has been working his butt off to ensure that not only do we we have the best staff in KSI, but also that the Discord is engaging and has a space for everything we could possibly need and that we have the best possible resources for training and engagement. Swag frequently talks to members no matter their rank, joins in on gamenights and meetings and makes his presence known, usually by bringing joy and laughter to the members and being an overall good sport, you can see he wants to do better for the community and you can see he's trying to improve the community overall so we can all be a better stronger KSI. Thank you for everything you do @KSI Swag 77 Category: Leader (co-founder, founder, div leader): Gamertag: KSI WldMama7 Forums Account Link / @KSI WldMama7 Reasons they deserve this award: Mama treats KSI like an extension of her family, she's always willing to help, whether that's hosting gamenights, helping recruiting, inviting members or just joining in and bringing her general fun attitude with her, Mama has done more for KSI in the few years she's been here than i've seen even some of the OG's putting in, shes even managed to get them back active again which is a legendary accomplishment in itself she's forged a new, brighter future for KSI off her own shoulders and you'd have to be a fool to not see it, this one thing that she dose in this community which reminds me of myself and that's no matter who she is talking to she will do her best to get a feel for that person and do her best to connect with that person and believe me when i say this some times that makes all the difference when talking to someone because they then actually feel like a members and not just a number that right there is what still keeps things going it can also give some people a second wind and that there is what we need more officers/leaders in this community that do similar things. Thank you for everything you do @KSI WldMama7 Category: General: Gamertag: Forums Account Link / @: Category: Captain (see paradox) Gamertag: KSI Tiger 77 Forums Account Link / @KSI Tiger 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Tiger is always active within the squad, she frequently hosts gamenights and she's always there when a member needs her, while working together we've been constantly brain storming ideas to help the squad and community overall, when i pitch ideas to her, she may give me abit of jip for it jokingly, but she is always doing her best to be open minded and she dose here best to put things into practice weather that be changes that's happened overall or simply striving to keep certain good habits going no matter what it is tiger is determined to prove that old saying wrong of "you can't teach a old dog new tricks" let me tell you i believe tiger has managed to do just that we have had a vast majority of changes in this community recently this year and tiger dose here best to get into new habbits and leaving the old ones behind she dose really good at it too she's always looking to better herself and everyone around her, lastly with the old Major role being put back into use & only being rolled out this year its thrown her into a whole new scene and it hasn't been easy but she demonstrated what ksi stands for she strived to gain the knowledge and continues to, she's shown strength at times where its needed the most and she's shown her integrity, and by doing all of that she's got the major role down nicely. Thank you for everything you do @KSI Tiger 77 Category: Captain: Gamertag: KSI Fire38 Forums Account Link / @KSI Fire38 Reasons they deserve this award: even though I'm not in Fire's squad I still see the amount of work he puts into Valkyrie ive also seen the changes hes gone through himself to better him self as a officer, he pulls in recruits like its no bodies business, he hosts multiple gamenights every week, and when he isn't hosting a gamenight you can bet you'll find him gaming with his members or helping someone out, hes a good example for upcoming officers in Valkyrie and goes above and beyond every single day, he may be an officer for Valkyrie but hes always willing to help out the other Squads when needed, even helping them find recruits when they're struggling. Thank you for everything you do @KSI Fire38 Category: Lieutenant: Gamertag: KSI Celebi Forums Account Link / @KSI Celebi Reasons they deserve this award: Celebi is the living embodiment of no KSI member left behind, when he's online you can guarantee you'll get a party invite and game invite within 5 minutes, he goes out recruiting, hosting game nights, generally hits all his duty's with very little time he has to because of his work schedule be honest he really takes the pillars of KSI to heart and puts it into his officer duties every single day, he's always helping members always looking for more ways to improve and he's always there whenever someone needs him or he will bend over backwards to be there for who ever and if he cant you see how much that effects him because he genuinely wants to do all he can for this community. Thank you for everything you do @KSI Celebi Category: SSGT: Gamertag: KSI WaviestSnow Forums Account Link / @KSI WaviestSnow Reasons they deserve this award: Wavy has worked hard for his SSGT roll, overcoming his anxieties and doing what's required of him, he even got a console just so he can try to recruit on both platforms, when he was ill he didn't want a loa even though he was so bad he could only crawl to get around i had to make him take one bless him but if that doesn't shout dedication for this community then i don't know what else will he's always trying to come up with new ideas on how to improve member retention and enjoys hosting tournaments for the members in his own time, wavy has a Strength of character that is unrivalled by anyone in KSI and his parties are always full of laughs and a generally positive atmosphere, it's like a breath of fresh air. Thank you for everything you do @KSI WaviestSnow Category: SGT: Gamertag: KSIxLEGIONx7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSIxLEGIONx7 Reasons they deserve this award: Legion has been going out of his way to help officers out with our duties, he has been even making the effort to use discord more frequently he brings his friend group along into gamenights which instantly livens them up and he got on their cases when we needed to get security checks done, ensuring when they got on he'd pull one of us officers in IMMEDIATELY, he genuinely cares about this community as a whole and wants to do his part to help improve the overall atmosphere of the community and that is why i believe he deservers SGT OTY Thank you for everything you do @KSIxLEGIONx7 Category: Department Head: Gamertag: KSI Sub 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Sub 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Sub has done some amazing work since taking over AAP, i hear he gives his staff the space they need to do their work and gets on their case when required, he's always coming up with innovative ways to improve AAP and make it more enjoyable for the staff . Thank you for everything you do @KSI Sub 7 Category: Department Member: Gamertag: KSI Azrael 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Azrael 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Azrael goes above and beyond for AAP, pushing the current topics forward, ensuring the other staff are doing our part whilst also doing more than his fair share, he frequently gets with members to help them get the awards they qualify for and is always doing his best by the department. Thank you for everything you do @KSI Azrael 7 Category: Member (Overall best member of the community for the year): Gamertag: KSI Septicade Forums Account Link / @KSI Septicade Gamertag: KSI Septicade Forums Link: @KSI Septicade Reasons they deserve this award: so if anyone is wondering why I am nominating Septicade for this award and not a officer position it is simply because he hasn't been in any of his officer positions long enough to claim that position for the year! he has a fire lit underneath him making huge strides in being a officer and and just overall a great member! Septicade reminds me abit of myself hes gone through similar hardships in ksi and life itself but he still dose his best to not let that mix with KSI that in itself take Strength, Even with the demands of being a dad a mate and working a full time job to support his family he continues to make time for this community and he makes the most of his time, Not to mention he is also doing all of this whilst residing in the UK and as you know KSI is on EST time which can make doing everything he does even more difficult. The way he is with his honesty and dedication i think we need more of that from our officers in this community. He is consistent in helping to train the officers and the potential officers of his squad. Also after putting our heads together and deciding we would be leading by example most days you'll find him hanging out in the discord so he can be available to our members on pc ps or switch and often his members and or officers simply follow suit and before you know it there's hangouts going on in the discord. We need more officers and members like him in our community because he truly cares about our members but still has the ability to remain objective in situations. Honestly He is going to be a strong leader in this community. Thank you for everything you do @KSI Septicade Edited December 13, 2023 by KSI HEFNER KSI Sub 7 and KSI Septicade 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Crayons 3 Posted December 12, 2023 Report Share Posted December 12, 2023 Category: General Gamertag: KSI Azrael 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Azrael 7 Reasons they deserve this award: @KSI Azrael 7 was the 1 who saw that I had potential even when I soo scared of F#cking up even the smallest of tasks especially after my past history of being a PO in wrath and KSI Azrael 7 was able to get me out of that hole and made me in the officer I am today KSI WldMama7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Celebi 12 Posted December 13, 2023 Report Share Posted December 13, 2023 Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors): Category: COS KSI Swag 77 @KSI Swag 77 Reason: The reason why I am nominating Swag is because he does a lot for the community and for every sqaud! Always giving ideas to put out there and making the discord servers more enjoyable! Also likes to help out with every officers and pushing us on where we need to be! You are awesome the pickle king! Leader (co-founder, founder, div leader): Category: division leader KSI Wldmama7 @KSI WldMama7 Man where do I begin? The reason why I am nominating because not only she is helping Fallen to do its very best but also taking some time to play with the members and helping us fellow officers to achieve our goals! She is also been working with me one on one as a mentor! Love her vibes and keep doing what you doing Mama! Category General: KSI HEFNER @KSI HEFNER Do I have to nominate oh wait yes I do! Ever since he has the role of a Gen he is doing amazing job keeping everybody on their toes! Making sure everyone is ok and keeping the squad on float! Even though the times may be different but it doesn’t stop him for doing what he can! Then he has been helping out a lot with us officers so we can move on to the next step! Keep doing what you are doing bro! P.S Happy birthday! Category Captain :KSI Tiger 77 @KSI Tiger 77 The reason why I am nominating Tiger is because she’s awesome! She has been working a lot keeping everyone together and helping out any issue that may arise! Just being there for the members and doing gamenights! When the general isn’t there she also does a great job of being a potential General when Hefner isn’t around! Lieutenant: N/a SSGT: KSI WaviestSnow @KSI WaviestSnow Heres another good one to nominate! The reason why is because he is doing the job great! By doing promotions, game nights, even workshops to help the potential officers! Even though I don’t see him online when I’m online but I do during the day he is very active and doing a great job being a Staff Sargent! Keep up the great work bro! SGT: KSI Lucifer @ApollyonHexe The reason why I’m nominating Lucifer because he is a great person to talk to on Xbox or on discord! Always letting me or any of the officers know when he is going to be away and chilling the parties and discord when he can! I know things are tough right now in IRL but it will get better trust me! CPL: DaHomieRonin @ThaHomieRonin when he came back to KSI even though I didn’t know him for that long he likes to give out advice and helping out when he can! Also he has been great for being an active member for coming to Gamenight and chilling in the Xbox parties! I heard he used to be an officer but maybe one day he can be again! Category: Member KSI Septicade @KSI Septicade The reason why I’m nominating because even though he is a captain of the squad still a bit early for that! But as an overall member he is a great guy and takes pride of his work! Also he likes to make sure everyone in the squad is ok and doing his duties as a Fallen officer! By doing gamenights, workshops, impromptu game nights and so much more! I see a bright future of him passing even further in the ranks and cannot wait to see what’s next! KSI HEFNER 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSIPROPHECY7 44 Posted December 14, 2023 Report Share Posted December 14, 2023 Category: Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors) Gamertag: KSI SWAG 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Since beginning my journey as a officer this go around, Swag has been a pinnacle piece in officers in KSI being able to come to 7s with out fear knowing that a issue will be resolved in a timely professional manner, and even though we all know he loves his pickles and has a goofy side he knows when things need to be serious and always has new ideas for the Officer Corp, Swag will take time out of his day to hop between gamenights checking in on members and even join in on the game if time allows it, no matter what day or time it is when swag joins a party he brings a level of joy most wish to achieve. I am happy to be serving as an officer under Swag and hope for another year or 2 before his old butt decides to retire. BTW Happy Birthday Swag.🎂 Category: Leader (co-founder, founder, div leader): Gamertag: KSI WldMama7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WldMama7 Reasons they deserve this award: Where to even begin with why this amazing woman deserves OTM, OTY, HOF, OS1,2,3,4 and many other awards for the continued hard work, love and passion that she puts into this community every single day. WldMama has changed the footprint of KSI in so many ways with her kind sweet heart to the Mama Voice that so many fear but only few have actually endured it and lived to tell the tale. Mama was coming into this community when I was stepping away, she had a rough go at becoming a officer but she never gave up continuing to persevere through any obstacle thrown at her, she saved ES from the brink of destruction and when I rejoined she was the Div Ldr of ES, I quickly became familiar with her when I put in a rejoin and ended up in ES when others fell through, within weeks I became a PO and Mama began to help mold me into the new officer I have become today, she has helped mold most of the officer staff if not all of it in KSI in one way or another with her Wisdom on real life situations or just in general problem solving. Mama is a rare White Rose (look up what they symbolize). She is an amazing Leader, Mentor, Friend and I am proud to call her one of my dear friends. Thank You Mama for all you continue to do for this Community. P.S. I still want some of that damn good cooking 🤣❤️ Category: GEN: Gamertag: KSI SHOOTAH Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Shootah Reasons they deserve this award: This guy right here is like a big brother to everyone in KSI, he is also known as Tony Two Blades according to the ChadMin, Shootah always has had a level mind when it came to issues and always had a funny way of dealing with things that made them less tense. Shootah always makes himself available in Xbox Parties or on Discord VC for anyone to just come hang out and chat. This gentle giant has a fierce side that only few have seen but always manages to keep his cool even when things get chaotic. Shootah continues to grow and learn and pass that wisdom and experience onto the other officers within Valkyrie. I cant wait to see what more he has in store for Valkyrie as he continues to climb the ranks in KSI. Category: Lieutenant: Gamertag: KSI Fire38 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Fire38 Reasons they deserve this award: This guy right here has surprised myself as well as others within this community with his continued Charismatic self. Fire has a tone to him that is unmatched in how much fun a gamenight can be or how interesting a chat can be in discord. There is never a dull moment when speaking or playing with fire in COD or Yu-Gi-Oh. He continues to strive forward with hunger for the more knowledge as well as making sure things are done within the squad as an officer. He can be over zealous at times but in a positive way that I wish more officers could gravitate towards. I look forward to seeing how this man here continues to impress us everyday hope to see him get a 7 in his name someday soon. Category: SSGT: Gamertag: Forums Account Link / @: Reasons they deserve this award: Category: Department Member: Gamertag: Forums Account Link / @: Reasons they deserve this award: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSISharkie666 52 Posted December 17, 2023 Report Share Posted December 17, 2023 Senior Leader KSI Swag 77 Forums link: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons on why they deserve this award: KSI Swag 77 has done a lot over the entire year going from event to event as well as making all the servers more user friendly as well as making everyone who is apart of the community and our friends in other communities being one of the first to welcome the new members into the community to add on he has helped make the workshops better and joining gamenights when he can talking to each individual squad helping them where they need it alongside his cohort KSI WldMama7 Leader KSI WldMama7 Forums Link: @KSI WldMama7 Reason on why they deserve this award: KSI WldMama7 has been since last year working to reform Valkyrie and now this year she had to help reform Fallen and Oblivion all while joining gamenights and helping run events and helping swag 77 make everything better for the servers and the workshops Gen KSI HEFNER Forums Link: @KSI HEFNER Reason on why they deserve this award: Where to start ever since becoming gen of fallen KSI HEFNER has brought new things to fallen and new perspectives to the officer core yes they are small but mighty running gamenights being on till the wee hours of the night his time to help get people into gamenights as well as making sure everything is getting done that needs to get done even pushing events and making sure everyone feels welcome to join Major KSI Tiger77 Forums Link: @KSI Tiger 77 Reason on why they deserve this award: Ever since bringing back the role of major tiger has stepped into this role and made it shine even with her already somewhat busy schedule she still finds time to do all the role/job entitles as well as making sure her AAP and Join Mod stuff gets done over the last year this woman has put a lot into WD as a whole Captain Lieutenant SSGT SGT Member Department Head KSI Sub 7 Forums link: @KSI Sub 7 Reason why they deserve this award:KSI Sub 7 has dedicated a lot of time to the community overall running AAP and being a captain as well as being a join mod as the head of AAP he has big shoes to fill as his predecessor Loyalty did a lot but he has really stepped into the role well running interviews while working and getting awards out in a timely manner without neglecting his other duties as an officer and a join mod Department Member KSI Azrael 7 Forums Link: @KSI Azrael 7 Reason why they deserve this award: KSI Azrael 7 is always one of the first to post on a new topic for awards and runs Oblivion amazingly while doing so this has put in countless hours with myself and Sub to make AAP the best it can be pushing the topics that need to be pushed and helping out where he can KSI HEFNER 7 and KSI Sub 7 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Tiger 77 149 Posted December 19, 2023 Report Share Posted December 19, 2023 Senior Leader- KSI Swag 77 @KSI Swag 77 When I join in the very beginning of the year, I had to have a COS Consult, during this I remember Swag saying there is going to be many changes to KSI as a whole. He keeps that word, and he has implanted many new things to the community. When does he have time to think of these ideas he has come up with, with his job a child and when he is online (which seems like all the time) he is always jumping into parties going to that game night or taking caring of a issue. With the changes he has put into play it is to help the officers and for the members to be able to enjoy their time while they are here. Leader KSI WlDMama 7 @KSI WldMama7 In the beginning I didn't really see Mama much because she was really busy with ES as they did a super squad as a test of how that would go. The super squad went really well so then Mama went into WD and helped with the super squad there. She made sure the officer definitely understood what would happen and the benefits of the super squad. You would think doing it twice was enough nope not for Mama she went over to CS and helped them as well. General: KSI HEFNER @KSI HEFNER Don't even know where to begin, right from the start HEFNER went in the GEN seat with care for the squad. HEFNER is very patient and works with the officers and definitely not afraid to get his hands dirty. He is always playing something that the member wants to play. He takes the time with the officers to make sure they are trained right. If someone wants to go recruiting, he will go recruiting with them. Lieutenant: KSI Celebi @KSI Celebi This man has a really busy life in general but that doesn't stop him. He is online for about 2 to 3 hours a day and he get his officer duties done. SGT: KSI Assualt @assaultman1 Since I meet Assault I see him many different parties, he will party hop just to see how people are doing. He doesn't miss a game night when he is online. If he doesn't have that game, he will still sit there and conversate with everybody in the party. CPL: Akutio @Akutio When it is time for a game night if he is online, you know he will be there. He isn't one for big parties, but he will be at that game night no matter if it's on discord or in a party. Member Seticade @KSI Septicade This man doesn't know how to sleep. he is always doing something foe the community or his squad. Yes, he might be a CPT but he hit the officer core head on and moved so quickly that you can't put him in for any officer rank but for he has done for fallen from the start he should be recognized for it. (I appreciate all you do). You ask him to get a recruit or go recruiting he is on it He does member retention the whole time he is online. Anything that needs to be done he is all over it. This community could use a lot more members like him. KSI HEFNER 7, KSI Celebi and KSI Septicade 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI Shootah 12 Posted December 19, 2023 Report Share Posted December 19, 2023 Category: Senior Leader Gamertag:KSI Swagg 77 Forums Link: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Reason I Pick him its because he likes Pickles lol no i like swagg he has good direction and great leadership skills to bring KSI to where it is Category: Leader Gamertag: @KSI WldMama7 Reasons they deserve this award: Mama been a great mentor and a big sister to me ive seen her rebuild this whole community from the ground up after it fell apart she bring parties to life she knows how to bring all types of members together to have a great time shes a great asset to this community Category: Major Gamertag: @KSIPROPHECY7 Reasons they deserve this award: the reason why he deserves this is because he is a great Major he keeps me on my toes he is very organized on the ball on details just a great over all officer Category: Captain Gamertag: @KSI Fire38 Reasons they deserve this award: he is great with the members great recruiter and always willing to help member when there done and out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Tea 7 108 Posted December 20, 2023 Report Share Posted December 20, 2023 Category: General Gamertag: KSI Azreal 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Azrael 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Az is like a strawberry; Sweet, reliable and good in everything. Az has been apart of this community for years, longer than most of our board members themselves. Az’s past has made him into the wonderful general that he is today. Watching him work and being one of his members I have been in awe of his capabilities. Oblivion has seen some stuff since I have been a OG member of and I can attest that Az has made it better than it was before. With active staff and members who enjoy being there the difference from a year ago is uncanny. The turn around rate has left me stunned and I am hard to shock haha! Az leadership can even been seen at smaller levels of the squad with members going to him for needs that may not even be squad related. With myself Az has been an amazing person to lean on in my time of needed. Az is a good man, a good leader, and an amazing general. There’s no one I could endorse more. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Chunks Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Chunks Reasons they deserve this award: Oh chunks, what a sweetheart. Like cotton candy grapes( yes it’s a thing and they are good!) His sweetness knows no bounds. Chunks was one of my members when I was leading departments. I was lucky enough to work with him on many things and got to see his work ethic and kindness first hand. As a CPT Chunks works so hard sometimes I worry he works to much! The man is a machine that keeps going for his members. Chunks always has the members needs, wants and ideas in mind when he leads. From doing several game nights a week, inviting everyone, and making sure all members are happy. From my recent experience Chunks always invited me to game nights even when I can’t attend. Recently he asked me what I would like to do and when I can so I can attend a game night. That right there is what I look for in a leader. His dedication to his squad and even the community is powerful and inspirational. Any time I join a party the warmest welcome is from him. I have been in the community for a while seeing leaders fizzle out or become stagnant however, I know chunks will go further than I ever did. Category: LT Gamertag: KSI Crayons Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Crayons Reasons they deserve this award: Crayons is like a pineapple; sweet, sometimes a little sour at times haha and always a beautiful individual. I work odd hours and Crayons is on and always happy to have more people in his parties. His humor always makes me laugh and teasing each other is always a good time. As a LT crayons goes above and beyond his duties. His retention is unmatched than any other LT I have experienced. Always a sponge learning, asking questions and looking for more to do with his time. The man is very knowledgeable as well, always helping others with community based questions and even beyond the community. I am honored to have him as one of my LT. with his work ethic I know he will be a wonderful CPT one day and will continue his KSI career stronger and better than most. Category: SSGT Gamertag: KSI Mrs. Sprinks Forums Account Link / @: @Mrs Sprinks Reasons they deserve this award: I recently go to know Mrs. Sprinks and she is so kind and wonderful. She is like a tangerine, once peeled you will never be disappointed. Always sweet, enjoyable and pleasant. Sometimes it can be hard being a woman in the gaming community world . Trust me I speak from experience on that one! Sprinks is a fighter. I see her work ethic and her ability to be a good mother and good officer. With so much on her plate her time management is always top notch. Always there for her members and willing to help others in need. Not only does she do KSI work at her real life job, but she does more! Holding tournaments for her members, workshops and so much more. SSGT is a hard rank for people learning the ropes of leadership, however Mrs Sprinks is a natural leader. I get to see her leadership anytime I am in a party with her. Her journey into KSI is just beginning and I know she will flourish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2 2
Mrs Sprinks 1 Posted December 20, 2023 Report Share Posted December 20, 2023 Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: In the short time I’ve been in KSI, I have quickly learned Swag is anywhere and everywhere all at once, whether you know it or not. Swag puts his all into this community. Whether it’s adding to and improving discord, helping mentor officers, engaging with members of all ranks, or just being an overall joy, Swag brings some much needed light into KSI! Category: Leader Gamertag: KSI WldMama7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WldMama7 Reasons they deserve this award: There’s so much that can be said about Mama, but I think the most important is all wrapped up in her name. She is our KSI Mama. From my initial recruitment, this woman had been there every step of the way. She is one of reasons I became an officer. You ask anyone who they would go to in an instant with a problem, whether it be community or real life, and most people will say her. She is there for anyone, no matter the situation or circumstance. She treats KSI like an extension of her family, and I couldn’t ask for a better community Mama. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Azrael 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Azrael 7 Reasons they deserve this award: I honestly don’t know where to begin with Az. Since I began my KSI career, I can honestly say he has been an integral part of my journey and my growth. He has been there for me in every step of the way to mentor, encourage, and nurture me as an officer and pave my path for a brighter future. Azrael is kind, caring, and although he can be stern at times, he does so with good intentions. He pushes us all to be better officers, members, and people in general. He’s always there with a virtual hug or a listening ear when needed, and I couldn’t be more grateful for him. Since I became a member of Oblivion a few short months ago, I have seen tons of improvement that one would have to be blind to see. I couldn’t think of a better General than Azrael! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI WEBBY1y 1 Posted December 20, 2023 Report Share Posted December 20, 2023 Category general Gamertag KSI AZRAEL 7 Az should get this award because he is a hardworking General knows hoe to get the best out of his squad and his officer staff and how he is a team player yes he's a general but he acts like one of us and we all have a good connection he had made me feel so happy about joking ksi at first I wasn't to sure if I had the time but we worked around in and I've been able to do everything I wanted to do if I have a problem then I no to go to him or if I Judy wanted a chat he'd there for me and all the other members yes must getting annoyed lol with load of suggestions I say loll but he's such a hard worker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Robbies2002 4 Posted December 20, 2023 Report Share Posted December 20, 2023 Category: captain Gamertag: septicade Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Septicade I would like to nominate Septicade for the captain award because they have been a super chill person who has been helpful with personally teaching me stuff about the coc and how to run things in ksi. They always get back with me in a reasonable time frame. And they don't get mad when I need them to explain it a couple times when I don't understand something. Category: General: Gamertag: KSI HEFNER Forums Account Link / @: @KSI HEFNER They have been doing an amazing job, keeping the squad running, helping me amazingly by helping me learn the workshops, and overall keeping stuff in line. Not to mention he is patient with people, for example when I asked him a lot of questions he didn't get annoye, he directed me to the right channels and people to get the answers I needed. KSI WldMama7, KSI HEFNER 7 and KSI Septicade 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Swag 77 220 Posted December 21, 2023 Report Share Posted December 21, 2023 Categories For nominating: Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors): Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI Slick 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Slick 7 Reasons they deserve this award: My guy Slick has been my right right hand for last couple years now , over this pasted year me and him have been putting our brains together to help better and reshape how clan ops operates, these last couple months we have made major progress when it comes to clan ops , we still have a lot to go, Slick is always willing to help motivate and aspire his members below him to be the best he can be , I also want to give a shout out to KSI Venum 7 cause he also has been a major impact to the community over this past years as well Category: Leader (co-founder, founder, div leader): Gamertag: KSI WldMama 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI WldMama7 Reasons they deserve this award: Wow , man , what can’t I say about momma, momma is always dedicated to be there for every single member that see comes in contact with on a daily basis, this past year , working with her has been a interesting journey when it comes to rebuilding and restructuring how clan ops works. With everything that happen this year and the bad that was brought to the leadership with in clan ops , Wld held her ground , even when she was going through multiple situation in her personal life , she stayed strong and was there for her members. Wld still got a lot to learn in her career in KSI , the Sky is the limit for her and I’m proud to work with her Category: General Gamertag: KSI HEFNER Forums Account Link / @KSI HEFNER Reasons they deserve this award: Hefner is a stand strong type of guy, he been through a lot of this pasted year when it comes to his squad/divison , and he was dedicated to make a change and stand strong to be there for his members and his squad, he always willing to ask for advice to better himself , can’t wait to see where he can go from where he’s at today Category: Captain Gamertag:KSIPROPHECY7 Forums Account Link / @: Reasons they deserve this award: Prophecy is the paper work guy , with his busy schedule, that doesn’t stop him from staying on top of his duties and make sure that the behind the scene stuff is getting done, he is a team player , and always want to be there for his members Category: Lieutenant Gamertag:KSI Fire38 Forums Account Link / @KSI Fire38 Reasons they deserve this award: Fire is a OG beast, Fire reminds me a little bit of myself when I was coming up the ranks the first time , he is always energetic when promoting his games nights , always spending time with member in discord and Xbox parties, is a very open minded individual when it comes to bettering himself and others around him Category: SSGT Gamertag: KSI Crayon Forums Account Link / @KSI Crayon Reasons they deserve this award: Getting to know Crayon , Crayon is always wanting to find a way to better his squad , Crayon takes the time to ask questions to get a better understanding of things that he need to do Catergory: SGT Gamertag: KSI Septicade Forums Account Link / @: Reasons they deserve this award: @KSI Septicade Sept is a very dedicated member, he is always spreading positive energy towards everyone and a very active member with this discord chats and on Xbox, Happy Birthday Sept , lol inside joke KSI HEFNER 7 and KSI Septicade 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 3
Chief Operating Officer VENM VII 571 Posted December 21, 2023 Chief Operating Officer Report Share Posted December 21, 2023 Leader of The Year KSI WldMama 7 @KSI WldMama7 I'll break it down like this WldMama is the clear example of what a leader should be. Mama is a person who wears many hats in this community she's a person who will go above and beyond for just about anyone I can honestly say this place wouldn't be the same if she wasn't here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 3 2 2 3 2 2
KSI Tiberius 194 8 Posted December 21, 2023 Report Share Posted December 21, 2023 Category: General Gamertag: KSIHEFNER Forums Account Link / @: @KSI HEFNER Reasons he deserves this award: Hefner, in my opinion, is one of the hardest workers in KSI. He is on everyday, checking in on his squad and his officers, making sure everyone is good to go! He makes sure that everyone is feeling included, and has always making sure that people are accounted for. His gamenight are fun, and people like him as a General! KSI HEFNER 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
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