Loyalty Paradox 707 Posted November 26, 2022 Report Share Posted November 26, 2022 Welcome to the 2022 Of The Year Awards! This is a yearly event which is designed to have members from all over the community recognized for their achievements in the community within the calendar year. To nominate someone for one of these awards they need to have held a rank prior to today. Before you nominate someone think back throughout this entire year, from January until now, and find the person you can think of that best filled each Rank & Position in this community, from Member all the way to Senior Leader. RULES 1) No Favouritism i.e. - This person is my friend, as such he should get this award 2) You cannot self Nominate! 3) Be as descriptive as you possibly can be! Tell us absolutely everything you know your nominated person has done within the year of 2022. 4) Fill as many categories as possible! - Don't be shy! 5) You can only nominate one person per category, and you can only nominate one category per person 6) Please only post once and if you are going to add in nominations, please edit your topic. If you make a second post, we won't count it. Please fill in the below template for your nominations to be eligible: Category: Gamertag: Forums Account Link / @: Reasons they deserve this award: Categories For nominating: Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors): Director: Division Leader: Co-Founder: General: Captain: Lieutenant: SSGT: SGT: CPL: Forums Staff (Mods, Senior Mods, Admins): Department Head: Department Member: Member (Overall best member of the community for the year): So to sum up, when you are doing your nominations, select a category from the list above. Then fill in the template from below. For example: Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI ShotDrop 7 Forums Link: @KSI ShotDrop 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Reasoning with lots of facts, as descriptive as you can be as to why this member deserves this award! This will close on the 15th of December. Good luck and happy voting all! - KSI Paradox7 and the AAP Department. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 3 2 2 5
KSI WldMama7 113 Posted November 26, 2022 Report Share Posted November 26, 2022 Category: Board Gamertag: KSI Swagg77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: This year has been a tumultuous year for ES. Despite this Swagg77 has been there listening to my concerns and being there supporting when things went down. I don't know if he knows how much he has helped when I was trying not to panic when literally all leadership in ES left except for me. It would have been easy and say to hell with it and close ES but instead he and the director team is giving us a chance to rebuild and get it right. Even before everyone left Swagg77 was there listening when I needed to vent or answer my questions even the hard ones. He doesn't sugar coat things which is a good thing as sometimes we need brutal honesty to get to where we are being the best we can be. He is one of the silliest and goofiest people I know when it comes to gaming and those off the wall comments are just a part if who he is and would not change it for the world. To a wonderful friend mentor and leader thank you. Category: Director Gamertag:KSI Uppish Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Uppish 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Although I met Uppish in Clan Ops meetings I really hadn't had the chance to get to know him as a leader or person until more recently. Because of the mass exodus from ES he became our director and I can't ask for better. He has a way of putting things into perspective or insight into issues in a way that I may have missed. He is always willing to listen and give advice when needed or helps me to understand what needs to be done. Uppish is as determined as I am to rebuild ES and make it able to prosper by laying a firm foundation. At times I feel like I am floundering but he always reminds me Rome wasn't built in a day that it will take time but we will get there. Category: SSGT Gamertag:KSI DC77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI DC 77 Reasons they deserve this award: DC decided to step back into Clan Ops and chose to come help ES. I can say that he is stepping up in a big way. He has been hosting workshops and assisted training our potential officers. He is making his presence known and getting to know our members. Our leadership styles are different but that's ok it gives us a different perspective and allows us to discuss and get the job done. I am greatly thankful for all he is trying to do. We have a long way to go to rebuild this division and having him here can help make the difference we need. Thank you for all you do. Category: sgt Gamertag:KSI Onehand8 Forums Account Link / @: @Killermolly8 Reasons they deserve this award: For those of you who don't know this young man you are missing out. He is a pleasure to game with and is a wonderful friend. He will always have a special place in my heart as I know much of his story and all I can say is he is rising above where he comes from. He is always laughing and energetic in parties and gaming with all members. He will be the first to tell you that he is trash at a game but continues to play because he is having fun. He currently is a PO in his squad and I am so proud of him and can't wait to see him as an officer the sky is the limit let's get it. Category: Member Gamertag: Goblin Ch0pper Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Ch0pper Reasons they deserve this award: When he saw issues happening that bothered him he stepped up and voiced his concerns. He is our very own social butterfly. Always joining parties and playing odd games that he really gets into lol but still participate and engages our members. If ES were to ever have a mascot he would definitely be it. Please continue to be your loving goofball self for this division would not be the same without you KSI Uppish 7, KSI ODINN 7 and Loyalty Paradox 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3
Joker 77 25 Posted November 27, 2022 Report Share Posted November 27, 2022 Catagory : Senior Leader (Board) Gamertag : KSI VENUM 7 Forums link: @The ChadMin Reason: this man has been a wonderful mentor to have, hes been there for the whole division of ES when we needed a shoulder to cry on and hes helped correct our division and steer it in the correct course it needed to be. Venum deserves more credit than what he receives, when he talks to you he doesnt demean or belittle you for a mistake youve made. He talks to you like an old friend youve made years ago and doesnt make you feel like an outcast. Hes the type of person that goes out of his way to be close to those that may feel like an outcast.....which is probably why webops is the way it is. Catagory: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI Nyquil 7 Link: @Nyquil 7 Reason: i havnt had the pleasure to work in a division yet with him but within the short time ive had the chance to know sleepy ive understood why people respect him. When i was a Gen in ES he quickly became someone i could talk to about my struggles with. He made me feel like what i said mattered and helped guide me. Sleepy isnt like most 7s where theyve forgotten their reason as to why they became a leader. Instead he shows that everyday to everyone around him. His actions is CS are in part the reason as to why that division is great. Hes helped build the rising leaders there and has set the core values that he runs on. Catagory: Forums Staff Gamertag: KSI Jewels 7 Link: @KSI Jewels 7 Reason: To put this the best way i can, she is the first Senior join mod in web ops history to be inducted into the web ops Hall of Fame. Jewels came in on fire doing things that regular join mods never did. She got promoted and REWROTE the Senior Join mod position to where its NOW the standard of what to do at that position. As we speak shes taking leaps and bounds to alter the Webops team for the better. Shes always making sure everyone understands the join area whether youre in the department or not. Let me remind you, shes in the web ops Hall of Fame! A list that has less than 10 people on it. VENM VII, Loyalty Paradox and Rizz 7 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI ChiefyBoiYT 1 Posted December 4, 2022 Report Share Posted December 4, 2022 (edited) Catogory: Department Member Gamertag: KSI SubZero Link: @SubZero SubZero is a amazing guy to play with and definitely shows he is dedicated to this community Catogory: Staff SGT Gamertag: KSI 0GSMOKE @OGSM0KE619 If weren't for him I wouldn't be in KSI, he has been a good sport to others around him and he is chill Category: GEN gamertag: KSI Stack Link: @KSI Stack Has proved he is a great leader and holds to his word Edited December 4, 2022 by KSI ChiefyBoiYT Loyalty Paradox 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Rita 250 Posted December 5, 2022 Report Share Posted December 5, 2022 Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Swag exemplifies leadership in every way I can imagine. He is caring, hard working, selfless and knowledgeable. Swag has been CoS for quite awhile now. That in itself is no small feat as senior leadership positions within clan-ops are a very stressful and demanding responsibility. Swag has not only taken on this responsibility, but has added to it, all while keeping his humility and approachability. Any day of the week you can find Swag online gaming with members of the community, and where some leaders form tight knit groups they play with regularly, Swag has had a different approach. He is constantly meeting and gaming with new members of the community regardless of their rank or title and has made himself accessible to anyone in the community that needs him. That not only takes a lot of character, but also a lot of dedication. Out of the countless leaders I have met in KSI, Swag has distinguished himself as one of the finest ones I have met. He embodies everything it means to be a member of KSI and is more than deserving of the recognition that comes along with that. Category: Member Gamertag: KSI Hatter 77 Forums Account Link / @: @Hatter 77 Reasons they deserve this award: When thinking of what award to nominate Hatter for, I found myself a bit perplexed. Not because I couldn't think of an OTY she deserved, but because it was hard to think of one she didn't deserve. Hatter performs at an extremely high level in every aspect of KSI, so there were probably at least four OTY categories I could have chosen to nominate her for. That's when I had the realization that Hatter is deserving of the Member OTY. Member OTY is the very best member of KSI, regardless of position or title, and I'm very confident pitting her against anyone for this award. Hatter is not only a phenomenal Co-Founder but is a phenomenal Department Head and a phenomenal General. All positions that she has held and thrived in this year. Hatter does all of this while also being a full time mom and wife to her family. She is able to juggle so many responsibilities, and yet is still the most recognizable and respected leader in WD. She is constantly pushing her members and leaders to become the best version of themselves, while also upholding that same principle for herself. She exemplifies KSI in every way I can think, and out of all the years I've been in KSI, she is the most deserving person I have come to know for this award. KSI WldMama7, Loyalty Paradox, KSI Uppish 7 and 1 other 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Deku 12 Posted December 6, 2022 Report Share Posted December 6, 2022 Category: Member Gamertag: KSI Nyquil 7 Forums Account Link / @: @Nyquil 7 Reasons they deserve this award: I have several several things to say about sleepy. And honestly I very much dislike getting mushy over stuff, but I can’t lie. If it weren’t for sleepy I would not be where I am today, or have the passion I have for KSI if not for him. When I joined KSI I had originally only wanted to be apart of a great community and just have fun. But seeing the way he acts and treats his fellow members and how great full they were for him, it built a fire in me. I wanted to be someone others could lean on. Now every step of the way I look towards Nyquil, as my “unofficial mentor” weather he knows it or not, and I strive to be better than him. Well, to maintain the same if not more level of trust and faith the community has in him. Honestly, Sleepy is probably one of greatest examples of a true KSI member, which is why it was difficult to choose what “rank” to nominate him for. But that’s just it, he doesn’t represent just a rank, he’s a true KSI MEMBER. Category: general Gamertag: KSI Nezuko Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Nezuko Reasons they deserve this award: When it comes to Nez, he’s definitely one of those people you get a sense of who he is just by seeing him around and instantly like him. But once you ACTUALLY get to know him, you couldn’t not find a better friend. He strives to make peace in tough situations. He works his butt off to make his members feel included. He looks careless on occasion, but like they say, never judge a book by its cover, cause with Nez, I can personally attest that you will be wrong. Category: SSGT Gamertag: KSI OGSM0KE Forums Account Link / @: @OGSM0KE619 Reasons they deserve this award: Ngl he’s a good guy, cares a lot for his people. He’s a tough sumb**** but if I need something, he’s one I’d go to without a second thought. Smoke has one of those personalities/Auras where members will/can gravitate towards him and just have a great time. I couldn’t be more thankful to know that he will always have KSI and my back. Loyalty Paradox and Rizz 7 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Popular Post KSI Jewels 7 82 Posted December 8, 2022 Popular Post Report Share Posted December 8, 2022 Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI VENUM 7 Forums Account Link / @: @The ChadMin Reasons they deserve this award: Venum deserves this award for so many reasons. From the moment I joined Web Ops, Venum has always been there. He will answer whatever question you throw his way. If you ever need someone to cry to, Venum is there. I don't know how many times I've cried in a party to Venum, but he's always there to listen, no matter what. He is an amazing mentor and friend. He always wants to share his knowledge with everyone and anyone. He gives you all the tools you need to excel and will push you because he wants the best for you. He always jokes and says he's retiring and all the mods say back to him "if you go, I go." And the reason for that is Venum makes Web Ops. There is no Web Ops without him. You hear people say "Oh this division is home" Nah, Web Ops is home. And Venum makes Web Ops a home and a family. #ToxicMods Category: CO-FO Gamertag: KSI Nyquil 7 Forums Account Link / @: @Nyquil 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Nyquil 100% deserves this award because he goes over and beyond with everything he does. Ever since I came to CS, he's always making sure I'm doing good and doing the best I can. He's always around and wants people to be at their best. He's constant pushing others becaus he knows you can give more and he always expects more too. I haven't had a lot of mentors in clan ops before but he's an awesome mentor! Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Swanny Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swanny Reasons they deserve this award: Swanny honestly deserves this award. I worked with him a lot in ES and even helped train him and he was great over there. And then I joined CS and man he really took everything he's ever been taught and ran with it. He's gone over and beyond. The second I said I wanna be an officer again, he made sure to help me and pushed me because he knew I could do it. He made me feel welcomed when I first joined back. He's definitely an amazing Captain and I can't wait to see what else he can accomplish. KSI Swanny, Loyalty Paradox, VENM VII and 2 others 1 1 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI Azrael 7 148 Posted December 9, 2022 Report Share Posted December 9, 2022 Category: General Gamertag: KSI Nezuko Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Nezuko Reasons they deserve this award: Nezuko has been exceedingly helpful to me in my reacclimation to KSI after my hiatous. Anytime i've had a question, an issue or whatever Nez has been right there helping me learn and grow. I haven't been back for super long but Nezuko has definately been a big part of continuing my enjoyment and drive in helping others yet again. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Deku Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Deku Reasons they deserve this award: Deku has been one of the officers that have come to me and asked if i ever need anything or have any questions even when I don't come to them first. Deku has helped me learn the new ins and outs of KSI since my return which has been a great boon to me regetting my footing. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI Toga Forums Account: @KSI Togax Reasons they deserve this award: Toga is always trying to bring people together in parties and have interactions. Very sweet individual who wears their heart on their sleeve. Has made me feel welcome and included in everything she's done and has been integral in helping me relearn the ropes as i move up the ranks. Toga is a LT that deserves to move up as she cares deeply about the community. Category: CoFounder Gamertag: KSI Nyquil 7 Forums Account: @Nyquil 7 Reasons they deserve this award: In my time being back I have observed Nyquil busting his ass in working to make Oblivion and CS as a whole better in all aspects. Even though he has things going on in his life IRL, he still finds time to step in and assist anyone that needs it regardless of rank. If anyone deserves OTY its Nyquil. Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI Swagg 7 Forums Account: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they Deserve this award: Being the mentor who taught Swagg all he knows I have been supremely impressed with how he's handled himself coming up the ranks, and now that he's a Senior leader he has continued shining and showing the up and comers what KSI sprit really is. Loyalty Paradox, Deku, Rizz 7 and 1 other 1 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI Fatkid 5 Posted December 12, 2022 Report Share Posted December 12, 2022 (edited) Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI Tögax Forums Link: KSI Togax Reason they deserve this award: Since meeting Toga after recently joining KSI, Toga has been nothing but helpful and kind, and she has always helped me out when I was struggling with either getting my name changed, or with getting forums things done, etc., Toga has been helpful and kind and patient the whole way and it’s made me feel very welcomed in the community. I feel she has been a great supporter for everyone I’ve heard talk with her and she’s always a great person to have around and I believe that’s a great quality to have as a person and as a community member. Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums Link: KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this reward: Since joining, Swag has been really encouraging and always a wonderful person to be around. He’s always made me feel like a part of the family and I believe he’s been doing a great job as a leader and a supporter through the weeks I’ve been here and I really like the way he takes care of situations and always makes everyone around him feel like a big family and I believe he’s been a great guide for the new people like me. Category: Staff Sergeant Gamertag: KSI Azrael 7 Forums Link: @KSI Azrael 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Azrael is a a great guy. He always helps out others and makes sure everyone is always having a good time. He’s always a good energy to have around and is just all around a good person to hang out with and have in a community. Edited December 28, 2022 by KSI Fatkid KSI Nezuko, Persephone, KSI WldMama7 and 1 other 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI RIOTGIRL 27 Posted December 14, 2022 Report Share Posted December 14, 2022 (edited) Category: Board of Directors Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: I believe Swag deserves this award because he has extreme motivation to continuously improve, grow, and maintain those in ES. Throughout the struggles and hardships ES has faced, Swag has been there promoting positivity, activity, and proactivity. This is the kind of leader I look up to and this is the kind of leader I’d like everyone to strive to be like. He’s an inspiration to everyone in the community. No matter how many circles are made, you will find swag right there spinning along with it all. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Category: Sergeant Gamertag: KSI Mayor 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Mayor 7 Reasons they deserve this award: If youve ever played with him then you would understand. Not only does he bounce parties and make everyone feel included but he also brings fun and laughter into the parties and games he is in. Keep it up. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI WldMama7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WldMama7 Reasons they deserve this award: Not only has she helped keep activity up, but she has been the mother of everyone within the community. From the ups and downs Mama has been the ideal positivity spreader. Thank you for everything you do. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Edited December 31, 2022 by KSI RIOTGIRL Added new people. Loyalty Paradox and KSI WldMama7 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSISharkie666 52 Posted December 15, 2022 Report Share Posted December 15, 2022 (edited) Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Tiberius#196 Forums Account Link/ @: @KSI Tiberius 194 Reasons They Deserve This Award: The reasons why I believe KSI Tiberius#194 deserves this award is he steps up when absolutely needed every time anyone needs help he tends to go above and beyond the call of duty to help them out and takes charge of a situation whenever it is needed he puts up with a lot of stuff and always seems to have a cool head about it even when times get tough Category: Member (Overall best member of the community for the year) Gamertag: KSI Hatter77 Forums Account Link/@: @Hatter 77 Reasons they deserve this award: The reasons why I think KSI Hatter77 deserves the award are that when KSI Mamatank went on LOA she stepped up to help Samurai out a lot she helped out in the officer meetings even though she has a lot on her plate to help bring Carnage back to good standings she was there for us as well helping us with scheduling and talking us through some hard times and she is always there if you need to talk stuff out Category: General Gamertag: KSI StarFire Forums Account Link/@: @KSI StarFire Reasons they deserve this award: The reasons why she deserves this award are that she is always willing to game or hang out with everyone in WD equally she'll invite people who aren't in her squad to come play with her and her squad members and always makes us laugh and tries to have fun gaming with everyone she'll join discord calls and make us all laugh and talks about her experience in the military and in KSI and just an amazing person to hang out with encouraging her members to hang out with other members in KSI and have fun talking to them get to know them like a family and has been on top of things during times of trouble and times of peace Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Uppish 7 Forums Account Link/@: @KSI Uppish 7 Reasons they deserve this Award: The reasons why I believe KSI Uppish 7 deserves this award are he's always there to talk if you need him if you need to ask him a question, he normally has an answer for you and whenever you need someone given, they're roles in the discord server you can normally go to him, and he'll give them their roles right away if not a little bit later or he direct you to someone else if he won't be able to get them any time soon but all in all he is a very helpful leader of the Divisions he is over and always a fun guy to talk to Edited December 15, 2022 by KSIKillerCrock didn't the right nomination category for Uppish Loyalty Paradox, Hatter 77, KSI WldMama7 and 1 other 1 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSIPoppabear 3 Posted December 15, 2022 Report Share Posted December 15, 2022 Category: Co-founder Gamertag:KSI WldMama7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WldMama7 Reasons they deserve this award: I been with Wldmama7 since she first joined KSI and I watched her rise throught the ranks from pvt to the rank of co-fo, I watched her struggle with the highs and lows of the squads from her crying because she felt that she was doing something wrong to her jumping for joy when she knew she did her job to the best of her ability, her dedication to the KSI family can be found with any members that you talk to. Her willingness to help any squad member with any issue at any time, her attention to detail and her unqestionable drive to go the extra mile to insure that every job she done gets 110% at that in my mind make her one of the clearest choices for co-fo of the year KSI WldMama7 and KSI Uppish 7 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI x Dxrki3 9 Posted December 19, 2022 Report Share Posted December 19, 2022 Category: General Gamertag: KSI Nezuko Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Nezuko Reasons they deserve this award: Personally, I feel Nez has really stepped up from being Captain to General and really helped to encourage me to complete my training to become an officer, along with others nez was there for me when I needed someone to talk to and is an overall good person and definitely someone who I feel deserves this award. Not only do I feel he deserves this award, I also feel that next year/in the future he will definitely progress to do even greater things for Oblivion CS KSI Nezuko 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI VELOCITY 16 Posted December 22, 2022 Report Share Posted December 22, 2022 (edited) Category: Co-Founder: Gamertag: KSI WldMama7 Forums Account Link / @KSI WldMama7 Reasons they deserve this award: Ever since I have joined back into Clan Ops Wld has been the driving force to making ES the best that it can be. Wld should deserve any and all of the awards possible because she will literally do anything to make sure that everyone is happy and gaming together. She is always starting parties and inviting members so that they can connect with each other and become friends. She always answers any questions people may have and is very helpful and if she doesn't know the answer to it then she finds out for whoever is asking. She is the face of ES and your work doesn't go un-noticed! Thanks for everything you do for our division. Category: Forums Staff Gamertag: KSI VENUM 7 Forums Account Link / @The ChadMin Reasons they deserve this award: This guy deserves OTY every year from here forward. Everyone doesn't give this man enough credit that he deserves. Always answering questions and always available if you just need someone to talk with. This man actually has helped me a lot especially when I thought I wouldn't be able to join KSI again. He has been the driving force for Web-Ops that's why it's amazing as it is today. I could go on and on about why Venum deserves this award but I'll leave it short and sweet. Thanks for everything that you do for KSI your work doesn't go un-noticed my friend. Edited December 22, 2022 by KSI VELOCITY KSI WldMama7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Chief Operating Officer VENM VII 571 Posted December 22, 2022 Chief Operating Officer Report Share Posted December 22, 2022 Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Swag deserves this honor for a multitude of reasons he is one of the most if not the most dedicated leaders in this community whenever a issue arises in Clan Ops he's the first one to step up and get right to work fixing the issue he's constantly bouncing around parties hanging out and gaming with the members and making sure that they're getting a true KSI experience during their here when you look at all he does for the community he gives it all his blood sweat and tears this place wouldn't be what it is without Swag Category: Forums Staff Gamertag: KSI Jewels 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Jewels 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Any of the Forums Staff could be nominated for this award as they all bring something unique to the table that makes them deserve it but Jewels has had a major impact on Web Ops this year from going from Join Mod all the way up to Forums Moderator which is a tremendous accomplishment however when you look at it she is more than a accomplishment when it comes to the area she stays on top of her duties as a Moderator during her time as a Senior Join Mod she implemented many things that were successful and in doing so we've incorporated them into the duties of that rank she never shys away from making sure everything runs smoothly and everyone is having the best experience they can have I truly look forward to see what she does in 2023 because if this is a precursor then 2023 will be phenomenal for her. KSI WldMama7 and KSI Jewels 7 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 3 2 2 3 2 2
KSI Tea 7 108 Posted December 23, 2022 Report Share Posted December 23, 2022 Category: Department Head Gamertag: KSI Paradox7 Forums Account Link / @: @Loyalty Paradox Reasons they deserve this award: oh boy what can I say. This lovely British man puts his heart and soul into his department. He spent MONTHS asking myself and drop ways to better the department. When it comes to being on time this man always delivers. Nothing is left to worry if the work will get done cuz it’s already done before I even have to ask. Loyalty is an amazing leader and his members adore him. This can be seen in their interactions. This guy was put through the ringer when it comes to the pervious leaders with in the department but he ALWAYS stuck with it and has made it the best it’s ever been. The department is booming and I can say it is the most fun department to be apart of. The dedication it takes to be 100% unbiased in this department is hard. BUT Loyalty takes the time and shows everyone the same respect no matter the beef they might have. This is seen through out the department for everyone. If the board and myself have things we wanted changed or extended something loyalty is always so amazing in allowing us to have the time. Overall with many other good candidates for the award I believe Loyalty has made his department the best this year. Category: Department Member Gamertag: KSI Sub 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Sub 7 Reasons they deserve this award: I think everyone one in departments know who to go for when it comes to anything department related. This man puts his all into each department he is. With each annual event this year he was on it! From hosting, to being in the event and even marketing sub was there to help in any way he could. When it comes down to this man is a jack of all trades. From T&E, to AAP to graphics he has done it all and well! When sub came to me asking about doing more I said “do what you think you can” and he did and he proved himself more than anyone has in a very long time. When it came down to us talking about where he want to go moving forward in departments it was I think the hardest decision he had to make. But in the end AAP is his true calling and so for he is doing a FANTASTIC job. Sub is also the nicest man in this community. I don’t think I have ever not been in a party with him where he is not trying to brighten the mood for everyone. Working with sub has been an absolute pleasure and honor. He absolutely deserves the OTY. KSI Nezuko, KSI WldMama7, Loyalty Paradox and 1 other 1 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2 2
KSI Sub 7 195 Posted December 26, 2022 Report Share Posted December 26, 2022 Category: Department head Gamertag: KSI Paradox7 Forums Account Link: @Loyalty Paradox Reasons they deserve this award: ever since joining aap last year I have watched this man worked super hard to get aap where it is today. He takes time for any of his staff if you have questions or need someone to chat or to game with he’s always there. he listens to any staff member that may have an idea to benefit in the department. He takes time to make sure that each member of the department gets the correct training and knowledge they need to be successful. He’s increment a new system to help any new member, who joined the department to get the correct training. When I come up to senior staff, he sat me down and told me this is what I need to get done and how to go far with in the department . And since my promotion to cohead, we are always communicating to help each other and throwing ideas around to better the department. I believe Loyalty has made his department the best this year and he will continue to do it. He’ll give anyone the tools and the knowledge to be successful we’re ever it is in the community. I see this man as my mentor and that he deserves the OTY award Loyalty Paradox 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 2 2 5
KSID0ngus 0 Posted December 27, 2022 Report Share Posted December 27, 2022 (edited) Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI HEFNER Forums Account: @KSI HEFNER Reason I think they deserve this award: KSI Hefner has worked diligently to create a safe and fun gaming community for people of all mindsets. He's able to communicate his thoughts clearly when things need to be done. Hefner has spent hours and hours training potential officers so that they learn the correct order to do things and how to properly handle situations that may arise. He's able to get his officer duties done while also finding time to have fun with the members of his squad. When another officer needs assistance, he's usually the first to offer a helping hand. He's active on discord and Xbox, almost daily. Although he's in a different time zone, he tries his hardest to play with both UK members and US members. Edited December 27, 2022 by KSID0ngus Forgot to add last sentence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Popular Post Rizz 7 101 Posted December 28, 2022 Popular Post Report Share Posted December 28, 2022 Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI MFLSwagg 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Mr.Pickles has done a lot this year, everything from helping me learn my rank as a new General to now helping me as a CoFounder. One of the key moments in the year I’d like to speak about is when I got promoted to Gen, I got handed a squad with 30 fluff and was buggin out. Swag ended up giving me a fresh start and let me fluff all out so I could get a true number, my squad name was even made fun of to the point it demotivated my officers and he let me change it. That day changed everything for my squad, it motivated my officers and helped me build a successful team. It even made our members feel better and have a since of pride for their home. Now to speak on some IRL things, this year has been extremely hard. I’ve lost a lot of people, but swag never abandoned me. No matter how hard I may have been to deal with at times, he was always there to listen. Regardless of me screaming, crying or just all out anger for the world. He’s a rare find in this world, and truly is a good person. I hope when you read this, you know I appreciate what you do for myself and this community. Category:Division Leader Gamertag: KSI Shatner 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Shatner7 Reasons they deserve this award: It’s hard to find where to start this one, Shatner is family honestly. When things got bad for me IRL, the man offered to fly me out and give me a new start. Something he’s done more than once. He’s always been accepting of my flaws not only as a leader but as a person and never tried to push me away or dip on me. He’s been there with me through everything this year. To speak on some KSI related things, he’s the main man that taught me the general rank. He let me make my mistakes, but taught me how to fix them aswell. He never tapped out on my squad or me, even when things were looking really bad. Shatner is a one-in-a-million friend, you’ll never find another like him. When he says he’s got you, he means it. Keep doing what your doing brotha, great things from here <3 Category:General Gamertag: KSI T StackG Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Stack Reasons they deserve this award: Stack and his squad has been through a lot this year, but he always bounces back. No matter what you throw at the man, he always figures it out. His attention to detail and unwavering drive are some of the main attributes that contribute to his squad’s success. As far as his attention to detail goes, he’s a power house with paperwork. He’s always on time and goes in depth to explain his topics/situations with great detail. Stack is a great example of what it means to be a gen, I’ve asked him multiple times if he’d like to go to Cofo one day or what his goals in this community are and he always replies with something along the lines of “ I’d just like my squad to be healthy”. His squad is his true love in the community, I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll see great things from him this coming year. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Nezuko Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Nezuko Reasons they deserve this award: Nezuko was a phenomenal Captain, always on top of paperwork and working with POs. He ran the squad in my absence a few times and never did bad. I’d even come back to a better squad sometimes. If you gave him a task, he’d complete with ease and in a timely manner. He dealt with a lot ranking up due to the health of our squad at the time but never gave up. When he got to Captain is when he really started to shine, he found his voice and sense of direction on his own. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI OGSM0KE Forums Account Link / @: @OGSM0KE619 Reasons they deserve this award: Smokes want to learn and teach was second to none. He was a literal sponge, he absorbed any bit of knowledge given to him. He used every moment as a learning experience and worked on his weaknesses while building his strengths. His ability to teach is phenomenal, he’s relatable and personable. He also picks up on how individuals learn very quickly to adjust his workshops or behind the scenes talks to better help the individual. Category: Staff Sergeant Gamertag: KSI Deku Forums Account Link / @: @Deku Reasons they deserve this award: Deku was a great SSGT, his ability to self educate was amazing. He took to the forums to learn everything he could before we even had an opportunity to teach him. He was very “by the book” and punctual, honestly one of his greatest qualities as an officer. He’s a very pure hearted person with one goal, to help whoever he can. That’s rare to find nowadays. Category: SGT Gamertag: KSI Azrael 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Azrael 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Azrael came into this community ready to learn, unlike a lot of old 7s that come in there was no sense of entitlement. He was he to work and earn his way back to the top. His ability to adapt to the new methods of this community is insane. He comes with an experienced approach to situations and is a well of knowledge and history for KSI. I have no doubt Azrael will make his way back to the top. Category: Member Gamertag: KSI Swanny Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swanny Reasons they deserve this award: Swanny is great dude, he’s always pushing out events and promoting anything within his division. He’s great with member retention, even getting to those harder to reach members. He’s a down to earth person and that makes him easy to talk to, you can check his account any time he’s online and I promise you he’s hanging out with his members. Keep it up Mr.Swanson, can’t wait to see what this year has planned! KSI Stack, KSI Nezuko, KSI Tea 7 and 2 others 3 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2
Popular Post KSI Shatner7 284 Posted December 28, 2022 Popular Post Report Share Posted December 28, 2022 Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Well it's been one heck of a year, full of many high and many lows, but we've persevered. With Swag at the helm as Chief of Staff, it's been an incredible experience navigating through it all with the knowledge, drive, and dedication he brings to the table. There's yet to be a situation that's too tough for him to handle, and he approaches them with the grace, wisdom, and calmness of a monk in several where even i've about lost my cool. I do have to make a side note that this particular category was extremely hard for me to decide, because having Swag and @KSI Slick 7 as the dream team of senior clan ops leadership makes it impossible to choose! But Swag, you edged it out this year with ya big teddy bear self. Luh you boo boo, smoochy smoochy, xoxo, teehee! Category: DIrector Gamertag: KSI Uppish 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Uppish 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Uppish is like, pretty cool. Should totally give him awards. Nah, Dobby and I have been through some trying times this year, but we've made it through mostly unscathed. The difficult decision making hasn't lacked at all, and really put us to the test within our prospective ranks! Watching him thrive as a director, and provide his input to leaders throughout the community has been pretty awesome to witness. He has a never give up attitude to the point where some could consider it beating a dead horse, but ya know what? There were a couple of horses left for dead that he managed to revive, and now they're healthier than ever. Sure, they need their follow-up appointments and such, but they're actually healthy, rather than seemingly healthy enough to place at the horse show. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI Nyquil 7 Forums Account Link / @: @Nyquil 7 Reasons they deserve this award: I've watched this guy go through every situation imaginable in each rank, and he's always managed to come out on top. He's one that you never count out, because it'll be the worst mistake you could make. He'll be the best at whatever he does, just to prove you wrong. Some could certainly consider it petty, and there's a time where I wouldn't necessarily disagree...but...BUT, he's grown along the way, and his heart and mind are in it for the right reasons. I remember the aha moment when he realized how to turn his squad around as a GEN, and that's a big part of what's lead to where he his now. That moment changed his perspective and approach, and it's what unlocked the LVL 99 blinged out All Star within him. That's shown no signs of slowing since his step up to co-founder, as he continues to shine and spread his excellence across the division. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Stack Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Stack Reasons they deserve this award: Stack is the definition of tubthumping. He gets knocked down, but he gets up again, you're never going to keep him down! He took over a squad that was in dire straights, and very well could've closed, but his work ethic, attention to detail, and dedication to his members prevented that from happening. He seriously eats, sleeps and breathes KSI to the point where he has to be told to take a break, rather than advised lol! You'd be hard pressed to find a more involved General than Stack, and he's a huge part of what makes this division and community so great. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Nezuko Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Nezuko Reasons they deserve this award: Nezuko was really this sort of meek and mild mannered kid, who didn't speak unless spoken to, kept to himself a lot, and just wanted to be a good member. Over time, he decided to step up and progress through the ranks, eventually earning his way to Captain under Nyquil. Nyquil had some serious IRL events happen, and it was just Nezuko left to run things. He took the initiative to help train POs, mentor them, and grow his squad to keep them healthy and alive. Without him taking such initiative, Oblivion could have easily fallen. During all of this, he came out of his shell and built his own leadership style, which is what lead to to easy decision to promote him to General once Nyquil moved up to Co-Founder. Where many have fallen and given up, he stayed and prevailed. Category: Department Head Gamertag: KSI Paradox 7 Forums Account Link / @: @Loyalty Paradox Reasons they deserve this: The bearded wonder himself has really turned AAP around, especially compared to the wild west it used to be. It's structured, there's accountability, training out the wazoo, and the constant push to help this community and it's members receive the recognition and accolades they deserve. While he may be no Devin Townsend, he's certainly a strapping young lad that has my admiration and respect. Category: Department Member Gamertag: KSI LeviMOFB Forums Account Link / @: @KSI LeviMOFB Reasons they deserve this award: My dude put in some amazing work this year, helping to revitalize AAP and shape it into what it is today! Man STAYED up in my DMs making sure I was on task for the things I needed to complete for the department (which i'm highly thankful for, given my crazy schedule), and was always down to hang out and chat it up to check in and see how i'm doing. There's times where he really went above and beyond the role of Senior Staff, and he's become someone I consider a great friend because of it. Without his dedication to AAP, some amazing hidden gems would not have received the recognition they deserved, and things really wouldn't have ran as smooth as they did. Loyalty Paradox, KSI Uppish 7, Rizz 7 and 2 others 1 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 2 2 4
KSIxFryed420 11 Posted December 28, 2022 Report Share Posted December 28, 2022 (edited) Category: general Gamertag: KSI Pathfndr Forums account name @KSI Pathfinder Reasons they deserve this award: path has always been here for anyone who’s needed advice with situations when available and he is always willing to help anyway possible and has helped me along side other officers and vanquish staff and members to help in me getting where I’m at today and for the reasons above is why i believe you should be nominated Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI JaxyBoi Forums Account Link @KSI JaxyBoi Reasons they deserve this award this man has been solid to the core and has definitely went beyond what he had to just to help me with my becoming of an officer alone side many others and goes beyond to help anyone as much as he can and I’d like to recognize him for everything he’s done for me and vanquish as a whole this is my reasoning why jaxyboi shoud receive this nomination Category: member Gamertag: KSI Hatter 77 Forums Account Link / @Hatter 77 Reasons they deserve this award: has went above and beyond to help out anywhere she can assist while handling her own business and generally a good person to talk to and has a open mind and I feel that hatter deserves this award as my token of appreciation for everything she’s done for me and ksi Edited December 28, 2022 by KSIxFryed420 Wong forums tag the first time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Hatter 77 330 Posted December 28, 2022 Report Share Posted December 28, 2022 Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Category: Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors) Forums Link: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Swag deserves this award for a slew of reasons. This man NEVER FREAKING STOPS. He’s the lifeforce of Clan Ops. Without him, we wouldn’t have a community. This man puts our community before most anything else in his life. Got an issue in a div? Don’t worry, Swag has an answer to fix it. He doesn’t hesitate to throw himself into the mix to fix things either. Swag has put up with a lot of bs, hell, even a lot of my Poop, throughout the last year. He’s stood true and pushed KSI towards what needs to be done, and does it with a smile and laugh. He lets nothing get him down, and will continue to be what this community needs to carry on. Gamertag: KSI Uppish 7 Category: Director Forums Link: @KSI Uppish 7 Reasons they deserve this award: As a Director within KSI, Uppish doesn’t have his work cut out for him, at all. He’s pulled in a 3 way tie for first, and the finish line is never in sight. He doesn’t let this stop him though. As someone who’s RL is hella hectic, he still makes time for those who need him. He’s always at my beck and call if you will, making sure that I have whatever it is I need to move WD forward. Up doesn’t take no for an answer, anyone who knows him knows this to be true. He finds that .00000000001 chance hole in something and turns it into the most fathomable outcome needed to continue to make things great. He’s been a HUGE factor in the turnaround of WD, as has been a respectable teacher moving our staff forward. Gamertag: KSI Shatner 7 Category: Division Leader Forums Link: @KSI Shatner7 Reasons they deserve this award: Shatner has been around the block, he’s like Jenny ya know? He’s seen the high’s and low’s of what a div can do. Throughout it all, he’s stood tall and never faltered. Shatner helps even if you’re NOT in his div. He’s a man you can go to with questions, and he gives you 100 different outcomes, without telling you “what he would do”, but pushes you in the direction you should go in. When it comes to CS though, he loves his members. He’s always there, just a message or inv away. As a teacher, Shatner stands true to what KSI was founded on, and lets nothing stop him from molding his members. He is a fantastic friend to have, as well as a mentor for those in need. Gamertag: KSI WldMama7 Category: Co-Founder: Forums Link: @KSI WldMama7 Reasons they deserve this award: As one of my fellow Co-Fo’s here, I get to talk with Wld a lot. She is earnest, sweet, and utterly amazing. She doesn’t care about herself, but about her members. She has literally been put through the firey pits of hell, and has come back fighting with a life shining brighter than a friggin diamond. When it comes to the restructure of ES, Wld, for a lack of words, is what is keeping them afloat. She pushes to make things better. She’s letting nothing stop her in her feat of making sure ES still carries on. Between her RL and KSI, she's STILL here making the best for her members. Honestly, Wld deserves this with just the struggle she has been put through, and continues to take head on with no questions asked. Gamertag: KSI StarFire Category: General Forums Link: @KSI StarFire Reasons they deserve this award: Picture this, Sicily 1912… jk jk. But seriously, WD 2022… Vanquish revamp. Newly transferred, never really wanted to be on a staff. StarFire dove in DEEP, not just with her feet, but head first. She backflipped and hit the ground running. This woman, she’s just amazing. Her “montre” was to make WD great again, and did it with flying colors. Work didn’t phase her in the least. She balanced her RL (son and husband), with her school life (college girl!!!), and community life, and made it look EASY. There wasn’t a task given she couldn’t do, or at least wouldn’t go down trying her hardest, and still does. As the General of the newest squad in WD, Abaddon, she doesn’t let things get the best of her. She fights for her members and keeps them moving in the general direction of forward. WD definitely wouldn’t be where it is now without her hard work and massive dedication put forth. She deserves this Gen OTY, and that’s all I have to say about that. Gamertag: KSI Tiberius#194 Category: Captain Forums Link: @KSI Tiberius 194 Reasons they deserve this award: Tiberius has been a strong force within Samurai WD for a very long time. He’s a “no holds bars” kind of man. He’s knowledgeable, and if there’s something he doesn’t know, dude will blow you up about it. Ti is the kind of staff member who sticks his neck out too. His heart lies with his squad, his members. He’s gone above and beyond for them, and doesn’t let anything stop him from going forward. Ti learns quickly, and trains hard from what he’e been taught. He lets absolutely nothing stop him from his goals within his squad. Gamertag: KSI JaxyBoi Category: Lieutenant Forums Link: @KSI JaxyBoi Reasons they deserve this award: Jaxy is the epitome of what a LT needs to be. He’s a member within WD who loves his squad, his Div, and his community. He’s always asking questions to better himself, as well as to push his squad forward. Jax is a force to be reckoned with in Vanquish. He loves his members and doesn't care what he has to do to help them. He takes out members and PO's for recruiting, loves his impromptu gamenights, and encourages learning throughout the community. No matter the time, if anyone needs something, Jax is there. He’s a strong force within Vanquish, and will continue to be so. Gamertag: KSI Rita 7 Category: SSGT Forums Link: @Rita Reasons they deserve this award: Rita, Rita is, well, just freaking amazing. This man has been through the rough of it in WD. When Poop hit the fan back in Nov here, he stayed. He pushed through, and gave in to the coming back as an officer to make sure Carnage didn’t fall. He’s been an utterly GOD SEND in the rebuild of this squad. For a few weeks he was the only staff member that Carnage had, and persevered through everything I asked, with no questions asked. When dealt with a task, he gives it 110%, going above and beyond. Without RIta, I can honestly say Carnage wouldn’t be where it is now. He’s part of the heart that keeps beating here, and wholeheartedly deserves SSGT OTY just because of this. Gamertag: KSIxLEGIONx7 Category: SGT Forums Link: @KSIxLEGIONx7 Reasons they deserve this award: Legion is just, well, Legion. This man is AMAZING! He’s ALWAYS around. He’s ALWAYS helping. He’s ALWAYS here for Vanquish, and well not just Vanquish, but KSI in general. (Insert his Christmas giveaways). As a weathered Vet of this community, Legion is a phenomenal leader, even as a SGT, but prior Staff member within Vanquish. People flock to Legion because he’s so laid back and loving. WD is lucky to have this man, and honestly, we really are. He is the old school super glue (you know the kind, that one that you could literally dab onto something and would hold together for life???), that keeps WD moving forward. Gamertag: Dabbasaur Category: CPL Forums Link: @Towely gamer17 Reasons they deserve this award: Dabb gets a rough rapp sometimes within Clan Ops. With him high functioning autism, he can be an acquired taste some days. But Dabb doesn’t let this stop him AT ALL. When it comes to this community, Dabb wears his heart on his sleeve and loves the members. He’s always one of the first people to reach out and find out how they are doing, or if they need anything. He will drop what he’s doing to talk to someone. Dabb is that guy who is always around, even if he’s not on, and is always willing to be there no matter what. Gamertag: KSI BLITZ11 Category: Forums Staff (Mods, Senior Mods, Admins) Forums Link: @KSI Blitz11 Reasons they deserve this award: What can I NOT say about Blitz. This man works his BUTT off for Forums. Between his RL and Clan Ops life, he still manages the time to do his Web Ops. He’s always reaching out making sure the 7’s staff is getting with their join/rejoins, whether it be for interviews, recruitments, what have you. (This is highly appreciated as I’m the WD person for the join section). Thank you for everything you do! Gamertag: KSI Paradox7 Category: Department Head Forums Link: @Loyalty Paradox Reasons they deserve this award: Para, This man is made of magic. AAP has absolutely had a face change thanks to him, and the team he’s put together. If there’s an issue, yo he solves it. He makes sure that people are in the KNOW of awards, even old stuff, and pushes it out to make sure members can obtain the cool sparkly stuff! Para likes to keep things fresh too. I’m seriously looking forward to 2023 and the tricks he has up his sleeve! Gamertag: KSI Atom 7 Category: Department Member Forums Link: @Brnk Atom Reasons they deserve this award: Plain and simply, Atom is a hard working man when it comes to T&E. He makes the things happen, has an amazing form of communication, and just does what needs to be done. Anytime I have had an issue with an event, or needed something, Atom has ALWAYS been on point with getting News what they need to make an article happen. Time isn’t a question either. Atom is the all around go getter that keeps T&E moving forward, and I’m glad he’s someone I work with often! KSI WldMama7, Loyalty Paradox and KSI Uppish 7 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2
Baxsaa 18 Posted December 28, 2022 Report Share Posted December 28, 2022 Category: Director: Gamertag: KSI Uppish 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Uppish 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Although we haven't talked about much other than clan ops which is our job. He has been not only a great acting 7 but a great mentor and motivator. He has helped Abaddon with so much since we split off from vanquish and for that reason he deserves this award. Category: Co-Founder: Gamertag: KSI Hatter 77 Forums Account Link / @Hatter 77 Reasons they deserve this award: She has gone above and beyond with motivation and overall moral. She is a great mentor and makes sure everyone is doing there job the EXACT way its supposed to be done. She is trying her hardest to make sure our squads succeed and much more and for this reason she deserves this award Category: General Gamertag: KSI Starfire Forums Account Link / @KSI StarFire Reasons they deserve this award: idk where to start. she has been a great leader and GEN, we were all so eager to give up and she said **** no which goes along way with some people. Although she is a new to GEN she is doing amazing work and Our staff could not ask for much more. Category: CPT Gamertag: KSI Nugget65 Forums Account Link / @KSI Nugget65 Reasons they deserve this award: this man has worked his life off to make sure our members are happy. he has given up his own time to join parties and double check if anyone needs help or just to game which makes a lot of our members happy and wanting to stay in the community Category: LT Gamertag: KSI Togax Forums Account Link / @KSI Togax Reasons they deserve this award: she is amazing when it comes to making a safe space for people to hangout and just fully relax and that goes along way with members and other officers Aswell. she truly is a great officer and she deserves this award Category: SSGT Gamertag: KSI Dritish Forums Account Link / @KSI Drifted Reasons they deserve this award: hes new to the core but he is doing amazing and is trying to help the best he can. For that he also deserves this award Category: SGT Gamertag: KSI DarkWolf#281 Forums Account Link / @KSI DarkWolf281 Reasons they deserve this award: he is doing amazing as a PO and needs to keep up the good work one day he'll get the promotion he deserves, but for now he deserves this award Category: Forums Staff Gamertag: KSI Blitz11 Forums Account Link / @KSI Blitz11 Reasons they deserve this award: in my time as a join mod he helped me alot with everything from the basics to more "Advanced" stuff which goes along ways with a person and he deserves this for that. Category: Department Head Gamertag: Loyalty Paradox Forums Account Link / @Loyalty Paradox Reasons they deserve this award: I love the work he does to get everyone the awards they need and coming out with newer awards aswell and for that reason he deserves this award. Category: Member Gamertag: KSIMelinoe Forums Account Link / @KSI BlueWolf Reasons they deserve this award: she is active everyday in our community and reaching out to hang with members but she does this EVERY day so for that she deserves this award Persephone, Loyalty Paradox and KSI Uppish 7 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI StarFire 17 Posted December 28, 2022 Report Share Posted December 28, 2022 Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Uppish 7 Forums Account Link: @KSI Uppish 7 They deserve this award - KSI Uppish has been nothing but helpful to me as I continue to learn my role as General of Abaddon. He is there whenever I have questions or if I need guidance on something. He advises and always says you don't need to take it, but it's a thought. He is actively listening and engaged, so it doesn't feel like I'm talking to a door or whatnot. It's been beneficial these past few months as I'm finding my staff and squad's footing. I'm grateful for what he has done for our Division and can't see what else he has in store for us. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Pathfndr Forums Account Link: @KSI Pathfinder They deserve this award: Path left KSI a while back but came back with a vengeance this year. He hasn't been a General for very long, but you can see that he's taking his squad places. He protects not only his officers but his members. He has taken the time to get to know them and create friendships that I'm sure will be unbreakable as he makes his mark in KSI. Of course, he's had his ups and downs, but he doesn't seem to be afraid to dust himself off and get back in the fight. I'm very grateful he's in our Division as we continue to build and make WD great again. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Baxsaa Forums Account Link: @Baxsaa They deserve this award: Bax deserves this award for numerous reasons, and it would probably take a whole page if I took the time to write down every reason. First off, he's a freaking fantastic Captain, and I'm grateful I have him in my squad. He's a great recruiter and is constantly hoping for parties to hang out with our members. He's always right there when I need extra help and ready to dig in and get stuff done. He cares about his work and want's to do the best he can. He wants our squad to succeed and has put in so many hours to ensure we continue moving forward in the right direction. He is always there to help his fellow officers there and doesn't look down on you if you aren't figuring something out; he will work you through the problem. I'm so glad he's a part of my squad and is a huge asset and friend. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI JaxyBoi Forums Account Link: @KSI JaxyBoi They deserve this award: Jaxy is an amazing individual. He's a fantastic member and officer. He's always trying to hang out with the squads in WD and doesn't just stay with his squad members. He also goes out of his way for his members and is constantly improving himself, professionally and as a friend. I'm delighted to have this guy in our Division. Category: SSgt Gamertag: KSI Driftish Forums Account Link: @KSI Drifted They deserve this award: Driftish has been working really hard these past few weeks. He's also run into a lot of ups and downs and has his own struggles, but he keeps moving forward, refusing to quit and give up. He is still learning to be the best officer and is always looking for ways to help increase member retention. Category: Sgt Gamertag: KSI DarkWolf#281 Forums Account Link: @KSIDarkWolf They deserve this award: DarkWolf has had so many ups and downs, especially recently; however that doesn't stop him from wanting to make Abaddon and WD his home. These past few months, he's been grinding with redoing his workshops, recruiting, and even focusing on the members in Abaddon. He has a lot to learn but seems willing to learn and work on himself. He's been an asset to our squad. Category Member: Gamertag: KSI Hatter77 Forums Account Link: @Hatter 77 They deserve this award: I've known this remarkable woman since 2019, possibly even at the tail end of 2018. Since I transferred to WD from ES, I've seen her go above and beyond and is constantly kicking ass. She is always one to help out her members and officers and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She's a leader who leads and is right there with us. She has been one of the best members, officers, and Co-Fo I've ever met, and I've seen plenty in the years I've been in KSI. She has become my mentor and friend, and I'm grateful for that friendship. If you messed up as an officer, she isn't afraid to let you know and is willing to help you get yourself back on track to where you want to go as an officer. She was a part of a fantastic squad split for Vanquish, which created my team Abaddon. It was a truly remarkable experience to see her work and push toward this goal. She has trained her officers well, and I've enjoyed working with every one of them; because she inspires her people. I'm blessed to have her in my corner. KSI Uppish 7 and Hatter 77 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI Gatyr 27 Posted December 28, 2022 Report Share Posted December 28, 2022 Category: CPT Gamertag: KSI Tiberius Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Tiberius 194 Reasons they deserve this award: dude has been putting in the work every single day no matter how tired this man is he’s always on dealing with anything that needs to be dealt with and he tries to get with everyone as best as he can and he’s always learning more and more each day Category: Gen Gamertag: KSI Mamatank Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Mamatank Reasons they deserve this award: there’s so much to say about this person she wakes up early to check up on everything whenever you check her parties she’s always with a bunch of people she’s always helping out everyone she possibly can and she’s very knowledgeable of her stuff Category: department Staff Gamertag: KSI Shway Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Shway Reasons they deserve this award: this guy is incredible he’s always working on something even when he doesn’t have to he practically breaths and lives Graphics he always giving the other graphic members a chance to pick up a request if one is open and whenever a graphic member needs help he’s always there to help Hatter 77 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
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