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DE: Cold War Gun Game (8/28/22)

KSI Atom 7

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Call of Duty: Cold War Gun Game (8/28/22) 


This event is a part of KSI's Donor’s Event 2022! The event will begin promptly at 8:00 PM EST, with signups being closed 2 hours before the event. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Signups posted on another player’s behalf will not be accepted. 


IMPORTANT: To signup for this event, you must have the 2022 Donor Award on the forums by the time the weekend kicks off, NO EXCEPTIONS.


Please use the following format:





KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status.  If at anytime you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who quit a match will be disqualified.

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2022 Donor's Cold War Gun Game Results

1st place: KSI Atom 7 (WD)

2nd place: KSI Sasuke08 (WD)

3rd place: KSI Pathfndr (WD)


KSI Pathfndr (WD)


KSI Togax (CS)

KSI Celebi (WD)

KSI Sasuke08 (WD)

KSI Atom 7 (WD)

KSI WldMama7 (ES)

KSI Bane 7 (ES)

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