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KSI NoBe SL DHOF Nomination


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Nobe was a keystone in SL when he was in Prestige. Almost everyone knew KSI NoBe and his accomplishments in SL. He became general of SL due to his hard work and dedication. He was a recruiting powerhouse that kept flooding the squad with new members and he was always available to help anyone that came to him for whatever reason. He was a beast trainer and almost everyone he trained became a successful officer as well. He definitely deserves to be recognized for his hard work in the division he started his career in. He did amazing things in the division and he was always open to game and help anyone that came to him.  I believe @DrIqM6I.gif"KSI ATH3NA 7 @q5WEequ.gifKSI Swag 77 @KSI Slick 7 etc can help explain everything else that he has accomplished in his SL career.

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Nobe is def worthy of the SL HOF. Dude was everywhere everyday and not in a disorganized way. Was he the greatest of all time? No but who the heck is lol. He as an officer rocked the show and he’s doing the same now in WD. Dudes a beast at recruiting, member retention, game nights and workshops and let me tell you he don’t just run some run of the mill type Poop, dudes got that old school to him. He explains the ins the outs and the smaller details hosts seem to overlook or forget about since it’s not in their notes. Nobe is someone even I as a director respect and cherish as he’s a real one. He admits when he’s wronged or made a mistake and does his damndest to fix it immediately. Dudes a nuke in sheeps clothing haha. He’s also never full for knowledge and is constantly trying to better not only his squad but the community as a whole. Nothing but respect for the guy. 

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What to say about KSI NoBe. Well first and foremost he is the sweatiest of the sweats. Lol but really, he’s beast in everything he does. From recruiting to training to making sure everything get done that needs to be done. He’s always the squad’s head recruiter, he can knock out the weekly squad goals by himself alone all while helping others learn to recruit. Members look up to not only his leadership skills but his gaming skills, always wanting to learn more and do more with his guidance. He makes himself available to anyone who wants to learn whenever he has the time. He executes his workshops flawlessly, always with a great personal touch, and game nights have been a great time for all involved. He’s constantly active on discord and encouraging members to do the same and be active within the community. His commitment and drive will push him farther and faster than most. He sets an exemplary example of what a true leader is to all around him. He’s more than deserving of this award for his service. 

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My thoughts about NoBe....

I was personally recruited by NoBe back in Oct 2021, on a normal week night, when he wasn't even trying to recruit...we were just running it in rocket league and decided to join his party with Athena and Eslin. This was also at a very hard time in my life. He taught me most of what I know about KSI as a whole! Either history, recruiting, corps knowledge, anything you can think of; I went to him. We've went recruiting together when I eventually became an officer just to be closer to him and be in his core and I was never as successful as I was with him. I know I'm not much of a member currently, but because of NoBe, I am in this community and still cherish the friends I've made because of him. Because of his recruiting and member retention, I am still here.

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