KSI Dilf 51 Posted July 29, 2021 Report Share Posted July 29, 2021 Name: KSI Sleepy Link to Forums Account: @Sleepy Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service Level 1 Reason-/-Evidence: KSI Sleepy has been from the get go THE STRONGEST OFFICER that Chaos Syndicate has recruited. He has surpassed all of his peers in terms of ability and knowledge and I feel he will overtake me soon. He's the big pp mfer in the room when he walks in and I lean in on him for help much of the time. If not for his ability to do WHATEVER it takes, Calamity might not have survived the split from Doom. He has the strength, will power, and ability to continue on when things look bad. I am blessed to have him in my officer corps and I cannot wait to see what he is capable of as a General when he gets there! Not to mention how much I trust him with everything I have. This dude has been instrumental to the success of Calamity and will continue to do as such wherever his career here in KSI takes him. With love, KSI Sinon, Gen, Calamity. Rizz 7, KSI Kurosei and KSI Uppish 7 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Shatner7 284 Posted July 30, 2021 Report Share Posted July 30, 2021 @Sleepyis without a doubt everything you look for in an officer and a member. I saw it as a General, and now being able to look back as a Co-Founder at everything he's accomplished since he's been in KSI really solidifies it. I see all of the good parts of me in Sleepy, and the best parts of what make him unique and the best at what he does. He's wise beyond his years, IRL and in terms of KSI. Even if you're not in the same squad, or same division, you've at least heard of his name in some shape or form. He resonates and represents what KSI stands for, and what we should strive to be. Give him any task, and it's taken care of with ease. Not only does he have the hearts and minds of his squad, he has those of anyone that's spent any amount of time around him. He's always happy and upbeat to the best of his ability, but he also shows that he's human and wants to be better. Hell, I want to be better when I'm around him. I've watched him damn near single handedly keep his squad together at times, and y'all know how tough a squad split can be at first. He doesn't let the tough times get the best of him, and he isn't afraid to ask for help or advice. That being said, he's a rare person who can learn from his mistakes, and never make it again. He truly cares about this community and lives it daily. There's been a lot of officers that have came and went, and got there for all of the wrong reasons, but Sleepy is none of those. I look at this guy and I see the future of KSI...he just exudes that vibe to me. I see him in my position, I see him leading a division, and I see him taking a board position. He simply has what it takes, and there's no doubt in my mind that he'll achieve all of that someday. He is more than deserving of this award, and I'll go ahead and call it now that he'll be up for Captain of the Year this year. I'm more than happy to provide more in depth details, but I'll leave that up to the rest of the witness statements, because I know they'll touch on anything that I haven't. KSI Uppish 7, KSI Dilf and Rizz 7 1 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 2 2 4
KSI Tea 7 108 Posted July 31, 2021 Report Share Posted July 31, 2021 I meet Sleepy when he was first Recruited in to the community and ever since he has done nothing but surpass and over come so much more than I couldn’t even do myself. Everyone calls him the recruiting god, but sleepy is more than that. He is more that what he is good at. Sleepy is an amazing individual as a whole and the best leader I have seen in a very long time. Anyone can do officer work that is not what makes that individual good. It is what they do with it. Sleepy is an individual you can count on, who you can talk to with out judgment, and someone who stands up for justice when no one else’s will. He has had a huge hand in building Calamity and helping split Doom that I know he will be the best General CS has ever seen! But don’t take it from me ask his members, look at the calamity stat chat and look at the growth of his squad right now. I did not have a hand in his mentor ship but I was able to sit and watch him grow and I could not be more proud of any other member in the division. He is more than worthy of this nomination. @Sleepy KSI Uppish 7, Rizz 7 and KSI Dilf 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2 2
KSI Big Mack 92 33 Posted July 31, 2021 Report Share Posted July 31, 2021 I met him through a mutual friend and he is amazing always sending me invites and always checking up on me and has amazing ideas that I feel like we should all learn from. KSI Dilf, KSI Uppish 7 and Rizz 7 1 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3
Loyalty Paradox 707 Posted August 1, 2021 Report Share Posted August 1, 2021 @KSI Dilf Please bring forth a multitude of witnesses attesting to this members OUTSTANDING SERVICE! Description - 'Member has worked harder than most around them to earn their stars as a member through determination and efforts in the face of adversity' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 3 2 2 5
KSI Uppish 7 525 Posted August 2, 2021 Report Share Posted August 2, 2021 As his Co-Founder, as well as Sleepy's Division Leader. I can confirm, in no uncertain terms that this mans is handsome af... ... and also deserving of Outstanding Service Level 1, and tbh he's close to OS2 too imo. Since being a critical officer in the Doom/Calamity split, Sleepy has become a one man powerhouse in Calamity. Since the split in the beginning of May, I'd put good money on Sleepy being 80% of the stat chat posts. He's recruited, promoted, or trained half the squad if not more and he's still going strong. Sleepy has built his squad from the ground up and leads by example everyday. He's a fantastic Captain and a guy I'm proud and glad to call a friend of mine. Rizz 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 2 5 2 2 2 2 2
KSI MercX 91 Posted August 3, 2021 Report Share Posted August 3, 2021 This guy deserves the OS1 like no other. He completely took the squad split like a boss even though there was a bunch of times where he was struggling. He managed to take the stress and just move forward. Rizz 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2
Bane 7 370 Posted August 4, 2021 Report Share Posted August 4, 2021 43 hours till taken to staff discussion Thursday 8/5/21 6:06pm EST Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 4 2
KSI DC 77 304 Posted August 4, 2021 Report Share Posted August 4, 2021 I don't think @Sleepy deserves OS 1... I know without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that this dude deserves OS1. Sleepy was recruited and said straight up that he was never changing his name; however, this didn't last long and he changed his name from Kasurto to KSI Sleepy. He then took every workshop, training, and mentoring moment that he could and became a powerhouse full of knowledge. His first week with KSI in his gamertag he hit the ground running and recruited 9 people. He was promoted to SSGT, LT, then to CPT. He has won a few OTMs while at those ranks (SSGT and CPT) as well. He also has squad splitter (something he earned within being in the community for two months), good samaritan, novice recruiter, and trainer. I think those awards in the short time that he has been in KSI prove how outstanding this member is, but I will continue explaining why I believe he deserves it. Sleepy is a powerhouse officer in his squad. You could almost argue that without him that his squad would decline to the point of failure. He recruits, promotes, trains, hosts gamenights, and if he isn't doing that, then he is still in a party of 8 or more people on a regular basis playing with his members. Sleepy is so popular that people from other squads and divisions come to hang out with him because of how personable he is and because his events are extremely organized. I have no problem saying that I believe that he is one of the best officers in the ranks in KSI at this time. Sleepy goes above and beyond for anyone that comes to him to the point where he won't admit it to anyone, but it is obvious that he doesn't get to do what he wants to do. He embodies what officers should be within KSI. Any other person would burn themselves out with what he does, but he refuses to stop because his resolve is strong. It is hard to find someone with his work ethic, passion, and dedication that will drop whatever they are doing to listen to a friend vent, help a member who has a question, recruit non-stop, divide his attention between everyone who needs him, and do security checks when no one else can do them. I could continue listing things that he has done, but if I listed them all, then there would be no end to this post. There is not a single negative thing I can say about this member. He is an outstanding member hands down. He is a dedicated Captain that supports and is a leading face in his squad, a strong member of the LC, and a member that puts members above his own needs. For these reasons I believe that KSI Sleepy deserves OS 1. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2 2 2
Bane 7 370 Posted August 5, 2021 Report Share Posted August 5, 2021 Taken into Staff Discussion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 4 2
Chief Operating Officer VENM VII 571 Posted August 5, 2021 Chief Operating Officer Report Share Posted August 5, 2021 OS Level 1 Yes KSI Dilf 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 3 2 2 3 2 2
KSIxRONL68x7 149 Posted August 6, 2021 Report Share Posted August 6, 2021 KSI Sleepy OS1 - Yes KSI Dilf 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Tripped 55 Posted August 6, 2021 Report Share Posted August 6, 2021 Os1 - yes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Fennyishere 87 Posted August 6, 2021 Report Share Posted August 6, 2021 OS1: Yes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
Bane 7 370 Posted August 7, 2021 Report Share Posted August 7, 2021 OS1: Yes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 4 2
KSI DarkAngeI 7 206 Posted August 8, 2021 Report Share Posted August 8, 2021 OS1 - Yes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 3
Loyalty Paradox 707 Posted August 9, 2021 Report Share Posted August 9, 2021 Awarded. Closed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 3 2 2 5
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