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KSI VENUM 7 ES Hall of Fame Nom


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  • Chief Operating Officer


Award Divisional Hall of Fame 

Account @Chad 2 Badd

GT Used during that time XxShOtSoChO9xX KSI SOCHO KSI APOLLO6 KSI VENUM 6


This might be a long shot here but I'm going to nominating myself for the ES Hall of Fame

I originally joined KSI in May of 2014 in Hydra ES originally I never wanted to join the community but after some encouragement from my friends I gave in and joined KSI I came into that squad when it was close to splitting numbers and I went to the new squad Ragnarok ES as a 1st LT eventually working my way up to 2CPT but as time went on I feel I was taking more of the leadership role going to Gens Meetings, hosting work shops, making sure that recruits were coming in and being trained efficiently because the Gen was AFK majority of the time in the squad however during this time I encountered my first adversary which was a director and his wife who was manipulating her way to the top of the squad which led to the confrontation between myself and them now as time goes on it became very clear that there was a plan against me I was threatened with a demotion even though I was the main recruiter bringing in at least 3 a week but eventually the stress became to much an I transferred to Banshee ES where I met my second and third conflicts originally the squad was at 80 members but due to improper squad management the squad had 60 members of fluff and was told if I couldn't get the squad back up in a set of time it would be closed now this was in my first month of Gen but I took it as it was and worked on getting recruits and getting a officer staff and within 4 months I along with my staff got the squad back up to around 65 to 75 with a good amount of officers now during this time my mom had gotten sick with meningitis and she needed a lot of help so I stepped down as Gen an took a leave from KSI but I returned to KSI later that year in Ragnarok ES when a friend needed officers to split it so I did come back to help with it and made it back to LT by recruiting and training as well as mentoring potential officers and giving out knowledge to then current officers eventually the split happens and I get Captain now to say the split was a success would be a lie the new squad ended up getting a third of the members we should've and the previous squads staff dipped out leaving it without a Gen and I was given the opportunity to become that Gen but unfortunately that didn't happen as someone else was given that spot so I stayed with the new squad Griffin ES because it was a project squad essentially it was a late night designed for the New Zealand and Australian members and I definitely wanted to be apart of that so me and the Gen got to work growing the squad with quality members and quality officers however I started to get that burn out feeling and I stepped down to be a member until the moment I was fluffed out

I know with these statements we look for achievements and that good stuff but I didn't really know about the awards back then and they dont reflect now due to time but I can definitely say I recruited over 100 people during my time in ES and trained just as many now with only making General I can't say much on that however throughout my time in ES I was an officer majority of the time and that's where I feel I left a mark on the division but like I said this is a long shot I can only provide one witness and that's King but I feel I have laid enough facts out for you all for at least a consideration

Witness @KSI xKing 77

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