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KSI Shway 7

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Name: KSI Wo1f
Link to Forums Account: @KSI Da Wolf
Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand, Good Samaritan, & Philanthropist.

The Covert Shinobi, Anniversary Subscriber

Reason-/-Evidence: I have gifted 10 subscriptions on KSILive, while also being a helping hand to 10 people by gifting them the subscriptions. And the evidence for this is the fact that I have been awarded Part-time Gifter

So im also putting in for a Staff Award due to the fact that I also subbed to the KSI twitch in April however I already have Spring Chicken. Evidence of this sent to Bane. And I've been subscribed to KSI twitch for 13 months.

Edited by KSI Da Wolf
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Helping Hand: Yes

Good Samaritan: Yes

Philanthropist: Yes

The Covert Shinobi: Yes

Anniversary Subscriber: Yes

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