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Most Influential Person


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We all come from different walks of life here but to me we all share something. We have that one person or people who have influenced us here whether your a newbie or seasoned vet some has made a difference for you 





I’ll start it off the person who made the biggest impact on me here is our very own CEO @KSI xKing 77I met him back in ES in 2014 where he KSI xFatality 7 he was my CoFo but fast forwarding to 2017 I was PVT overdue for a promotion in Samurai LW and one day he showed up an messaged me saying why are you still a PVT I told him cause the squad was garbage which it was and he said well change your name and let’s change the narrative and after some weeks and seeing the changes taking place I said what the hell and I changed my name and the rest is history I climbed the ranks became the Gen of that squad split that squad became a CoFounder and eventually let that place but it was during that time frame I got interested in other areas of the community due to his influence and how he would talk of them areas such as Performance Operations and Join Staff I’ve been in this community for going on 7 years on and off but in these last 3 1/2 years I’ve achieved numerous things I’ve led a Division a department and I help with the day to day operations of Web Ops I have 7 in all three areas of the community I put in the work to get these but that work wouldn’t have ever came to fruition if it wasn’t for King 

You’ve said to me my respect isn’t given its earned and I feel the same way and you sir have earned my respect.


Now that I’ve said mine I want to see what you the members of this wonderful community have to say about the person or people who influence you

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I think one of the most influential for myself, is my man @Scotland. I've been here a long time, done tons of stuff, but had never poured my maximum effort into Departments. Scotland helped show me some of the positive differences you can make in this community, solely by being a leader in Departments/making department programs and policies that try to benefit the member base. He was a big reason I stayed in KSI at all after the falling out I had with the rest of the FI 7's staff. I'm genuinely glad I got to meet this guy when I went to Europe, and he is still one of my friends I constantly hit up. 

There are quite a few people I could mention here throughout the years, but with my position as CDM I feel like this made the most sense to mention.


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Honestly, looking over my 6 year KSI career it’s really boiled down to 3 people.


First, it would be @KSI Nick 7  aka Mr. Big Earrings. Although he’s not around anymore, he was the guy who sparked the fire in me to join the community to begin with and worked with me in my time in Legendary Warriors. He was instrumental in my growth as a Clan Ops leader and took me under his wing. I will forever be grateful for him.

Secondly, @Impy. Impy played a big part in getting me involved in the Department Ops scene back in the day. I was a News Writer for him for awhile during his time as Department Head and he was over me as Chief Department Manager when he promoted me to Department Head of History. He was always there to help guide me in the right direction and made me feel like a valued member and leader in this community.

Third and Finally, @KSI Airborne 7 . Airborne has been my mentor since day 1 of joining the AAP Department. He pushed not only myself but the whole department to be great. He helped revitalize and enrich my department leadership skills and it always readily available to lend a helping hand or just have a casual conversation. I owe this man a lot for believing in me and taking me under his wing. I constantly bounce ideas off him and gameplan stuff with him to ensure that the AAP is constantly evolving and catering to recognizing members through all walks of the community. I credit my success to this man. Without him, I would not be the leader I am today.


Thank you all for everything you do.

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Personally, the person who has influenced me most here is @KSI Swag 77 This guy is such an inspiration to me and many more without a doubt. He’s always calm and collective no matter the situation. When he joins meetings or chats he always has something positive and inspirational to say. Such a hard working and dedicated person to this amazing community as always. He has had such an impact on me, for the opportunities he has personally given in the past. Believing in me when I though I lost all hope and thought the battle was over. He’s a busy guy nowadays doing big things for the community everyday. It’s absolutely mind blowing how much he has achieved for this community. I really hope that I continue to find my why within the community. As well as follow in his footsteps and achieve great things.

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  • 3 months later...

So honestly there are several influential people in this community. 

@KSI Uppish 7 this man does so much for various different parts of the community and is always someone you can count on. His work ethic is something I want to strive for in myself as well as one day to be able to spell just like him! Uppish has taught me so much and has made me a better officer, news head, and person and someone I see as a mentor. 

@KSI DC 7 If DC is standing still something must be wrong with him. He has made the education  as a whole with information included better than it ever has been before, with being the head of Education, LC, AAP he is still in clan ops promoting and RCTing like the rest of us are. His determination to make this community better is by far out stands anyone i have seen before. DC is a great mentor who continues to strive to keep generations of officers to continue. 


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  • 4 months later...

My man @KSI Grogu 7 

Dude is a phenomenal member and friend. Throughout hard times dude held it together not only for himself. But for those around him. When you need someone there to help you see the light. You can count on him. 

Man influences me to strive for higher than the top. 

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