KSI Airborne 7 565 Posted January 6, 2021 Report Share Posted January 6, 2021 Name: KSI Dropshot 7 Link to Forums Account: @Mr. DropShot Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service lvl. 2 Reason-/-Evidence: Speaking from being around Drop for literal YEARS we have worked together, it's a crime that this man doesn't have OS lvl 2 already. He has been around for most of a decade, and he has contributed In several areas of the community, making his way to earning a "7" in each possible way, clan ops, web ops and dept ops. He was a great resource for the Courts, as the guy has stayed a Judge since like 2013 (correct me if I'm off on that Drop). Every time we had new hires or something to work through, it was like having a Court encyclopedia because he was there for all of it. As Department Head of T&E, maybe people don't know about all of the time and effort put into making these annual events what they are. He does have a support staff, but HE is a large reason as to why the events are ready to go, year after year, without any real hitch. I promise it will be noticed when he hangs up that hat. Now he is also Head Admin, and although I'm no longer a web ops member, he still comes through clutch every time I have had an issue I can't fix myself with the forums. He is readily available, and is WILLING which hasn't always been the case with Admin Staff. I'll let other witnesses attest to his time in clan ops, as we never worked in the same divisions at the same time, but there is no reason based off of his other efforts alone he should not have OS lvl. 2 Mr. DropShot, Kakashii 77 and Loyalty Paradox 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2
KSI xLittio 64 Posted January 6, 2021 Report Share Posted January 6, 2021 Dropshot is someone that i've looked up to for a while now, I met him and worked with him when he was still a senior forums mod, and since then he has shown time and time again that he is a great leader. He's always professional when dealing with situations and tries to help when there's ever a question in the chat, and likes to crack a joke a few times to help ease the atmosphere which makes working a lot easier. He is also one of the few leaders willing to speak his mind and saying how it is, which is something that helps things move faster and helps out everyone in the end. Dropshot is an amazing leader and proves to be, and him being the head admin shows that, with helping every single day. He deserves this OS and should already have OS 3 months ago. Kakashii 77, Mr. DropShot and Loyalty Paradox 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 5
Kakashii 77 110 Posted January 6, 2021 Report Share Posted January 6, 2021 Dropshot is hands down one of the backbones that holds KSI together. his time and experience has molded dropshot into a human computer when it comes to KSI operations. He is somebody if you go to with questions, he will give you the answer, and if for some oddball reason he doesnt know, he can find somebody who does in an instant. He is a die hard, and is well respected by just about everyone in KSI who know his name. He always looks to make KSI events the most enjoyable for its members, so that people come back for more. The amount of time and effort and planning he puts into whatever he does, is exceptional, and not very many people can do his job, but he does it so well. Dropshot is without a doubt in my mind, well deserving if this award. Keep it up big dawg! Mr. DropShot and Loyalty Paradox 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2
Squeek 7 114 Posted January 7, 2021 Report Share Posted January 7, 2021 @KSI Airborne 7 Please provide a multitude of witnesses to attest @Mr. DropShot goes above and beyond the call of duty and shows the community further Outstanding Service! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
DntAskImAwfl 227 Posted January 7, 2021 Report Share Posted January 7, 2021 Name: KSI Dropshot 7 Link to Forums Account: @Mr. DropShot Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service lvl. 2 Reason-/-Evidence: I am surprised that KSI Dropshot 7 does not have his OS2 already with all he does for the good of KSI. Personally I witnessed him going above and beyond just in the last Turkey Bowl. With all the stuff DM went through during that time we were excited to be a real part of KSI as a whole. It might sound weird but our members wanted to be heard and show that DM was still breathing. The challenge poll was their answer. As many of our members got on to vote they found themselves not able to get on forums due to an email issue. Dropshot, no matter what time of day or night was there to save us. All I had to do was shoot him a message and within 5 minutes the member was taken care of and voting. I started feeling guilty for the amount of messages I was sending but Dropshot always made it seem like it was absolutely no big deal. He definitely went above and beyond to help DM during a tough tough time. Mr. DropShot and Loyalty Paradox 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2
xKami 805 Posted January 8, 2021 Report Share Posted January 8, 2021 I'm also here to support you man. @Mr. DropShot I'm very surprised to see that you don't have OS2 already. When I was over him in Web ops he was always quick to respond to the game plan at hand. He was never afraid to call someone out who was in the wrong by holding them accountable. Most of the time when I brought something to the table that I thought needed to be talked about in the join area he would already know how to respond because he saw it. He always showed me respect in KSI and out which is a great attribute in itself. Just reached out to him today about something I had a question about and he responded in 5 minutes with his answer. Thank you for all your hardwork and dedication when I needed it the most. "That Admin Panel is pretty cool right" "#ToxicMods4Life (Most just say things but this is truth.)" Mr. DropShot and Loyalty Paradox 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2
Impy 460 Posted January 8, 2021 Report Share Posted January 8, 2021 Having read through the other replies, I can’t help but agree that Drop deserves this award. He’s been in KSI longer than most, and his influence and contributions are a testimony to his dedication and commitment to the community. When I was still active within KSI, Drop was a leader who led by example. He took charge at Leadership Council meetings and made himself available for mentorship and conversations that would help grow better leaders around him and improve KSI for all members. He led T&E through a period of remarkable growth and consistency and he’s been a hallmark on the Forums, helping making community members’ online experiences fruitful and positive. Drop is a model leader and community member and he has long deserved this award. I will always be willing to go to bat for this man because of his high character and positive influence to KSI. KSI as its known wouldn’t exist without contributions and sacrifices from Drop, and to have that type of influence is rare and deserving of praise. Mr. DropShot, Loyalty Paradox and xKami 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
Chief Operating Officer VENM VII 571 Posted January 8, 2021 Chief Operating Officer Report Share Posted January 8, 2021 Dropping Vote to Witness Ever wonder why annual events, weekend warefares, and any type gaming event the community puts on runs so smoothly T&E you know who the head is well that'd be Drop this man makes works tirelessly to ensure that not only his department runs smoothly but we as the community are having a hell of time participating in these events. Now I'm not apart of T&E except for the occasional Karoke contests and i didn't work with him in Clan Ops but I do work with him in Web Ops what he does for Web Ops is phenomenal whether its Join Area or GSM he's always available to lend a hand answer questions or brainstorm ideas on how to make an area better than what it was hes goes above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to the areas he's involved in and its not for recognition its for the members to ensure that their having that KSI experience honestly if Drop doesn't get this award maybe some Ban Hammers will be coming for you from me lol jk #ToxicMods but in all seriousness he deserves this award not because of who he is but for the fact that he deserves it PS never give him a 1 star rating Mr. DropShot, xKami and Loyalty Paradox 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 3 2 2 3 2 2
Shell 218 Posted January 8, 2021 Report Share Posted January 8, 2021 During my time in KSI, we haven’t worked in Clan Ops together, however, I can attest to the Department and Web Ops portions of KSI and how Drop continues to go above and beyond. In Web Ops, Drop is the Head Admin and has that fancy forums name to prove it. Before I even knew Drop I knew of him through the forums since he was a forums moderator. Since I’ve known him, he has always expressed interest in wanting to learn more. He has mastered all areas of Web Ops and due to his great work ethic was promoted to Head Admin in 2020. Drop does some fancy forum stuff with roles and he assigns/removes roles that Department Heads/Co-Heads post up in a very timely manner; usually within the hour. He is always readily available to answer any questions regarding the Join/Rejoin Section or GSM Area, and he also helps with forum IT stuff whenever possible. Drop has a well-deserved Web Ops-related award for his work: Forums Staff Of The Month. Drop has been Head of T&E since the end of June 2019. Since his promotion to Head of T&E, annual events and weekend warfares have never run smoother. I was promoted to Head of Productions literally a week after his promotion and have been working alongside him in Dept Ops for almost a year and a half now. I remember messaging him when I was a new Dept Head at about 6 or 7 am regarding weekend warfare sign ups and I received responses in no time - I was shocked that he replied so soon. He is very attentive when it comes to creating annual event schedules and always takes divisional input into consideration before any finalization. I can’t imagine an annual event running without Drop’s involvement. Through his hard work and dedication to Dept Ops he earned Department Head of the Year for 2019. Although I didn’t really get to know Drop during his time as a leader in Clan Ops, he has earned some notable awards on the forums: Divisional Hall Of Fame, Master Recruiter, Gen OTM: Divisional. Earning these awards is a huge accomplishment and to me means that he has excelled in Clan Ops as well. Let’s not forget that he is in the KSI Hall of Fame and is one of the few to earn their 7 in all three aspects of KSI! KSI wouldn't be where it is today without Drop's insight and leadership capabilities over the years. xKami, Mr. DropShot and Loyalty Paradox 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI xKing 7DS 795 Posted January 8, 2021 Report Share Posted January 8, 2021 Drop.. There's so much to say about this guy. I got the pleasure of first working with drop as a forums mod. We didn't get to close but I got to see all the work and dedication this man put in. Me and Drop really started getting close when I became Senior Forums mod, we worked very well together and he brought alot of ideas to the table and really helped shape web ops to be in the very place it is now. I still remember when drop got promoted to Senior Mod coming to me saying "Hey man, teach me the join area I wanna do more." This is a guy who NEVER gives up and ALWAYS pushes to either learn more or just take on more responsibilities. Currently Drop is our Head Administrator and he has molded the web ops department to where the team works hand in hand and it's a rolling machine. When I picked drop to take the forums I had high expectations and he's went and above all of those. Drop has also been SLAYING as Head of T&E. His staff is always 100% when running events and if we ever come across any hiccups he's the first person to step in to make sure everything gets handled accordingly. Drop has been working on planning more open events to try and pick up activity with other communities as well as our own and has been working with .coms event head to plan future events for both communities to have a great time. The fact that DropShot has been here a few years before me and he's still here to this day stepping up in multiple areas to ensure this community is running smoothly is amazing. This is a guy that without him this community just wouldn't be the same. I'm lucky I've gotten the pleasure of not only meeting him but working side by side with him and being able to call him one of my closest friends in this community hell even a brother. Thank you drop for all you do for not only me but the community as a whole. You definitely did earn your HoF and you have way more to come in the future. Keep slaying brother! Loyalty Paradox, Mr. DropShot and xKami 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 4 3 2 2
Fennyishere 87 Posted January 9, 2021 Report Share Posted January 9, 2021 Keep these awesome statements coming! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI Akame 77 241 Posted January 10, 2021 Report Share Posted January 10, 2021 I Originally met DropShot when i were the Div Leader of LS and he had just been promoted to Cofounder and he was still very new to the leadership role but you could tell straight away that this guy was going places, no matter what came his way he took it in his stride and kept pushing forward. Fast forward a few months and i had joined T&E and there Drop was again a staff member just like myself and it was the first time i had gotten the chance to work with him in any sort of capacity, it was always enjoyable hosting events with Drop as we always managed to communicate effectively and no matter what the event was we had a plan set out such as who was sending messages, who was setting the rules and picking the maps for the event and then who would be hosting the captains lobby to explain the event and the rules of the event and it would always run as smooth as possible with very few hinderances, it was then that i truly knew what type of person and leader that DropShot is. He is a no nonsense guy but always emphasises the main [part of this community and that is FUN. He makes sure everyone is enjoying their time in the event and takes whatever feedback he can to constantly improve things. Fast forward another few months to spirit week (Hell week in T&E) and both myself and drop were promoted to senior T&E staff and thiis man had clearly made his impression on the department head at the time (KSI Gambit 7) and the CDM at the time (KSI Scotland 7) and was promoted to department head just 2 weeks after that, upon taking on the whole department he quickly got things in place that he knew the department needed (an improved structure and retraining of the current staff members) and since then he has run the department that effectively that even when it comes to annual events there is few to no issues that arise. Aswell as running T&E this man ran a division and was also a Forums moderator and he unfortunately made the decision to shut down his home division with the senior leadership of the community but never the less he persevered and kept doing what he does best and making sure everyone is happy and does what is best for themselves and put all his attention into his department and Web ops responsibilities and it is testament to his ability that he has progressed from forums moderator to senior forums moderator to head admin for the forums with his meticulousness for organisation and order. i will finish this statement off by saying that if it wasnt for KSI DropShot 7 becoming a great friend of mine and helping me find purpose in the community ahain i would have most likely left the community a long time ago and without a shadow of a doubt dropshot doesnt just deserve OS level 2 but he deserves so much more for the sweat, blood and tears he has put into this amazing community over his long and arduous 7 year journey in KSI. Mr. DropShot and Loyalty Paradox 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 3
Squeek 7 114 Posted January 11, 2021 Report Share Posted January 11, 2021 Let's keep the momentum and get more nominations in before taking topic to a vote @KSI Airborne 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI Rogue 7 121 Posted January 12, 2021 Report Share Posted January 12, 2021 Dropping my vote to witness: DropShot has been monumental in various aspects of the community. Serving every area of KSI from Clan Ops, to Web Ops, to Dept Ops, the LC etc this alone is a hell of a service and worthy in itself of OS2. Current standing Head Admin. He has a lot on his plate. Yet he has been pushing hard to serve the community to the fullest extent. Head of T&E, a very important department that boosts activity in the community through the various Weekend Warfares and Annual Events. These levels of leadership he has held require outstanding service to the community every given day and week, year after year. Directly, he has helped me out so much in my forums group, accessing forums account for members, activating their accounts. email issues etc. This is but a crumb in comparison to the level of time and service he has given. Most Notable awards to take into account of his time and dedication include: General OTM: Divisional Master Recruiter Divisional Hall of Fame KSI Hall of Fame Dept Head Of The Year Support Spotlight Forums Staff Of The Month Triple Threat @Mr. DropShot Mr. DropShot 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2
Fennyishere 87 Posted January 12, 2021 Report Share Posted January 12, 2021 48 hours until taken to Staff Discussion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSIxAsuma 77 113 Posted January 13, 2021 Report Share Posted January 13, 2021 I have not known DropShot for too long personally. I have heard of his name and thought he seemed like a cool guy. Since I have become a Co-Head in Productions and being apart of the LC, I have work closer with him. Something that I have noticed is that this man is a hardworking, devoted, and charismatic guy. He puts time and effort into making sure that things are up to date on the forums and that T&E is running smoothly and efficiently. There is not a single part of KSI that Dropshot has not been in or is currently apart of. As of right now he is Head of T&E, LC, and Head Admin in Web Ops. These are not small feats to acquire and he does well in his positions. Dropshot continues to amaze me with his insight and experience and how he puts it to great use. This man is more than deserving of this OS2 award. Some of his most Notable awards to take into account include: General OTM: Divisional Master Recruiter Divisional Hall of Fame KSI Hall of Fame Dept Head Of The Year Support Spotlight Forums Staff Of The Month Triple Threat @Mr. DropShot Mr. DropShot 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 3
TexAngel 77 149 Posted January 14, 2021 Report Share Posted January 14, 2021 DropShot 7 what can I say that hasn't been said about this KID. When I met Drop he was just an officer in Dark Legions and I was the newly seated Director for them. One of the first meetings I had with DL he was there for and our back and fourth at each other just clicked. I remember calling him "kid" and him responding by saying "I'm not a kid" and I just laughed and it's been a thing ever since. But the real reason I am here is to tell ya'll how amazing this kid is. When he was a GEN for DL he did such amazing things for his squad and his division. He grew his squad and mentored future leaders of DL and KSI. When Drop became a CoFo he was on fire with things he wanted to try and things he wanted to change. He challenged me as a leader to see a different side of things, to look from the outside in. Drop gave new life to DL and set them on a great path with his fellow 7s. One thing I respected out of Drop was that he wasn't afraid to go toe to toe with me. If he had something to say or something that needed to happen he pushed for it, he fought for it. He always made sure that when he stood toe to toe with me he was respectful and never crossed the line. That alone can and should show you what kind of leader this kid is for KSI. He was always willing to game with just about anyone and hang out with people. He was willing to mentor and guide his members to what ever path they wanted to be on. He is by far one of the best leaders I have had the privilege to work with. Now what this kid has done for T&E and our Web Ops is just outstanding. New ideas for events to help our members have more fun and enjoy their experience in KSI. To revamping our crazy forums and such. I don't know much about the Web Ops side of the house but from what I can see and deal with he runs his department well and fair. He also has a voice in the LC and will help grow KSI long into the future. Mr. DropShot and Shell 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 3
Fennyishere 87 Posted January 14, 2021 Report Share Posted January 14, 2021 Closed for Staff Discussion and Voting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI DC 77 304 Posted January 17, 2021 Report Share Posted January 17, 2021 OS 2- Yes OS 3- Yes Thank you for all you do in this community Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2 2 2
Squeek 7 114 Posted January 17, 2021 Report Share Posted January 17, 2021 OS 2: Yes OS 3: Yes Well deserved! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI xIrish 7 22 Posted January 17, 2021 Report Share Posted January 17, 2021 OS2: Yes OS3: Yes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
Bane 7 370 Posted January 19, 2021 Report Share Posted January 19, 2021 OS2: Yes, but lets spice it up, and also give him OS3!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 4 2
KSI DaKeech 68 Posted January 19, 2021 Report Share Posted January 19, 2021 OS2: Yes OS3: Yes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Loyalty Paradox 707 Posted January 19, 2021 Report Share Posted January 19, 2021 Awarded. Closed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 3 2 2 5
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