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Open from 3-31-2012

Closes on 4-7-2012


Please try not to nominateyourself its makes you look like an ASS.

please put reasons WHY somebody deserves the award


Senior Leader of the Month -*

Member noted as best in that rank (Senior Directors, CEO, CAO, COO and Board Members can recieve this)

Director of the Month -*

Member noted as best in that rank

Division Leader of the Month -*

Member noted as best in that rank

Co-Division Leader of the Month -*

Member noted as best in that rank

Founder of the Month -*

Member noted as best in that rank

Co-Founder of the Month -*

Member noted as best in that rank

General of the Month -*

Member noted as best in that rank

Major of the Month -*

Member noted as best in that rank

Captain of the Month -*

Member noted as best in that rank

Lieutenant of the Month -*

Member noted as best in that rank

Forum Staff of the Month - *

Best member of the Forum Staff of the Month, Moderator Staff thru to Admin Team

Writer of The Month -*

This award is given to the NewsTeam member who has written the best news article of the month that is Published on any KSI website.

Member of the Month -*

Member was the Best member of the month (ANY MEMBER CAN BE PUT IN FOR THIS)

Top Recruiter of the Month -*

Recruited the Most Members Correctly in the duration of a month.

Top Donor of the Month -*

Donate the most to KSI within a month.

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Co-Division Leader of the month - KSI Greg 7, This guy is always on his game and always will be. He continues to stay active with as many members as he can within his division and has never shown a shadow a doubt in the decisions and ideas he generates. He has Mentored nearly everybody in DM and is always their for a helping hand when someone is stuck for a solution.

Co-Founder of the month - KSI Bloodlust, Being a general of a Cod squad, it was quiet surprising how well he is doing as my co-founder. One his first day, he wanted to join in with any lethal games and lobbies just so he would know the members he would be co-operating with. ?He has helped me a lot with my job and I believe he will always try his hardest for the squads underneath him to to the best they can.

Member of the month - KSI PurpNotPink, This guy has been in KSI before and when i recruited him from the forums I was not prepared for the sheer amount of work this guy was going to do. He has continually been active with Lethal more than any member I have seen in the past. He is always there when a lower ranking member needs a hand and often brings ideas to the table during the officers meeting every week that make Lethal greater. In the past month he has been promoted to Lieutenant, recruited members, trained members, mentored members, been to every meeting and bought his own prize to hold a competition for Lethal only to promoted activity. He has become the driving force behind Lethal. If this guy doesn't get this award, which i think he deserves, Then i wish to put him forward for Lieutenant of the Month.

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Co-Division Leader of the month - KSI Greg 7this man is possibly the best person i know he has mentored everyone he can get a hold of he runs DM with an allmighty rule. he deserves this rank and probably even of the year.

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Senior Leader of the Month -*

KSI QueenJess 7

Director of the Month -*

KSI xApocalypse 7 - His hard work on the Internal Affairs help get Ground Zero out of the dumps. Him and all the staff of the IA, I give a big thanks.

Division Leader of the Month -*


Co-Division Leader of the Month -*

KSI Greg 7 - He worked hard to get DM to Flagship and I only see good about this member always playing with his members and getting things done.

Founder of the Month -*

KSI Summer 7 - Where would SH be without her, SH has done so well after the split of Ground Zero not but only 3 months back and are back up to splitting range and this person here is one of the main reason it is.

Co-Founder of the Month -*

KSI N1NJA 7 - This guy here is the man, He is always helping as much as possible to get things rolling and keeping everyone motivation up without him GZ would of feel into the drama and never looked back.

General of the Month -*

KSI FREAK 7 - Created one of the most active Squads that KSI has ever seen. He had a gamenight for every day during the weekdays and had at least 16 people attending them.

Major of the Month -*

KSI Mufasa 11B - Damn, Mufasa here is without words of the strongest members I had in KSI to date. He worked his butt off and earn the respect of many. He is always getting people motivated to do more and it showed with the growth of his squad from 75 to 100 within 2-4 days. He is the equivalent of two of me.

Captain of the Month -*

KSI ImPeRiiuM - This man has worked hard to get the job done and get things ready for the split of Unity he only shown 100% since he joined back later last month. Definitely a person to watch in the future.

Lieutenant of the Month -*


Forum Staff of the Month - *


Writer of The Month -*


Member of the Month -*

KSI Mufasa 11B - Explained above.

Top Recruiter of the Month -*


Top Donor of the Month -*

Odin decision.

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Senior leader: KSI CHAOS 7

With his mass knowledge of KSI, he has been able to help through all of my troubles this month. He suprised me when he persuaded a guy that despises kill confirmed to start playing it again.

Director: KSI RIKU 187

RIKU has done a great job as a director so far. He is allways willing to help out and he knows his stuff

Div Leader: KSI Illusion 7

This guy has done a great job since he has had his division. His ability to maintain his numbers is quite excellent

Founder: KSI Caius 7

This guy has done one heck of a job since my absence. He deserves this award because of his willingness to help others


Same as Caius. Since my absence, he has also done a great job

General: KSI T0XIC Bolt

He leads one of the most active squads in my division. Because of him, his members morale are very high and they are influenced by his words

Major: xKSIx FACE

Also like T0XIC Bolt. He is a very respected member in my division and he does quite the job

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Senior Director: KSI CHAOS 7


Division Leader: KSI Illusion 7

Co Division Leader: KSI Greg 7

Founder: NA

Co Founder: KSI LAZAR 7

General: KSIxTuff1981

Major: xKSI FACEx

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KSI Caius 7 for all the great meetings and knowledge he spreads through this community.

In the absence of KSI GOGETA 7


Jess BC if you need something she will make time for anybody no m

KSI reaper for general for his support and being there when u need him the most

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senor director: Ksi QUEENJESS 7

director: KSI APOC 7

Div leader: KSI dramatic 7

CO Div leader: KSI greg 7

founder : KSI caius 7

co founder KSI Lazar 7 lol


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Senior Leader of the Month -* KSI QUEENJESS 7

Director of the Month -* KSI APOC 7

Division Leader of the Month -* KSI DRAMATIC 7

Co-Division Leader of the Month -* N/A

Founder of the Month-* KSI CAIUS 7

Co-Founder of the Month -* KSI LAZAR 7

General of the Month -* KSI Wickedkillz

Major of the Month -* N/A

Captain of the Month -* KSI SonicShadow

Lieutenant of the Month -*KSI Vigilante

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Senior Leader of the Month -KSI QUEEN JESS for taking time to play us peons

Division Leader of the Month -KSI RIKU 187 for being there for us from the jump start

Co-Division Leader of the Month -KSI Gogeta for pulling through the groundation with a strong force on the forums.

Founder of the Month -KSI Caius 7 for wipping our division into shape and bring order and knowlege to people in much need.

Co-Founder of the Month -KSI SLIKYBOY 7 for his work with Global 4

General of the Month -KSI ToXlc B0LT for kicking ass in Van Halen.

Major of the Month -KSI Face for all his hard work in avenge 7 Fold with recruiting, being active on forums and searching out educational opertunities.

Lieutenant of the Month -KSI Frozen for being on of the best recruiters I've seen with maturity, intelegence and very friendly. willing to learn and help out. active on forums, comes to game nights

Forum Staff of the Month - KSIxTed1981 for helping when i randomly asked

Member of the Month -KSI Frozen for being on of the best recruiters I've seen with maturity, intelegence and very friendly. willing to learn and help out. active on forums, comes to game nights and more

Top Recruiter of the Month -KSI Frozen for being on of the best recruiters I've seen with maturity, intelegence and very friendly. willing to learn and help out. active on forums, comes to game nights

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Co-Division Leader of the Month -*

KSI Greg 7- I think he deserves this award because he always is active with all the squads and tries to set up many custom games and matchmaking lobbies. He has a very good style of leadership by giving advice and giving complements when a person might feel sad or frustrated. He works with everyone on improving their leadership skills to be a KSI leader.

General of the Month -*

KSI Dragonborn- I think he deserves this award because he has helped our squad rebuild from about 20 people when we had to get rid of a lot of people from the squad. He always plays games with the squad, and recruits many people. He also runs a squad that is very hard to recruit from (a Battlefield 3 squad) and he makes it very successful.

Major of the Month -*

KSI Jupiter- I think she deserves this award because she was a General in Menace DM and that squad merged with Rage DM and she had to become a Major in Rage DM. She accepted that without making a big fuss about not being General any more, and she imitiatly figured out what the squad was doing, such as teams and games, and helped organize those activities.

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Member noted as best in that rank

Director of the Month - KSI APOCALYPSE7KSIAP

Member noted as best in that rank

Division Leader of the Month -N/An/

Member noted as best in that rank

Co-Division Leader of the Month -KSI ARC 7K

Member noted as best in that rank

Founder of the Month -KSI CAIUS 7

Member noted as best in that rank

Co-Founder of the Month -KSI VILLAIN 7KS

Member noted as best in that rank

General of the Month -KSI KINGPIN 7KS

Member noted as best in that rank

Major of the Month -KSI SAS JACKELKSI

Member noted as best in that rank

Captain of the Month -KSI NOCTURNUS, KSIxLEGENDS

Member noted as best in that rank

Lieutenant of the Month -*KSI DUKEJR, KSIxMONKEY

Member noted as best in tha

This award is given to the NewsTeam member who has written the best news article of the month that is Published on any KSI website.

Member of the Month- KSI ARC, KSI CAIUS 7 K

Member was the Best member of the mont

Top Recruiter of the Month -KSI ZONG xL118xZONGx

Recruited the Most Members Correctly in the duration of a month

Donate the most to KSI within a month.

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Senior Leader of the Month -*

KSI QueenJess 7- Helps everyone in every way possible


Director of the Month -*

KSI RiKU 187- Has shown true leadership and has gone out of his way to help and assist his divisions.

Co-Division Leader of the Month -*

KSI Greg 7- Basically carried DM for a few months now.

Founder of the Month -*

KSI Caius 7- Has gone out of his way to ensure that every member of our community is happy.

Co-Founder of the Month -*

KSI Bloodlust- Has helped multiple people, and has shown true leadership skills.

Major of the Month -*

KSI Jupiter- Had to take a setback in their rank in order to keep their squad running smoothly.

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Senior Leader of the Month- KSI Ace 7

Reason- for assisting the radio team to start back up again and for all his dedication to KSI he is a mentor to alot of us

Co-Div: KSI Greg 7

Reason: KSI Greg 7 has helped DM get to the 3rd largest division and has stuck by KSI even when he watched his friends leave and join XD for rank but it takes dedication to rebuild a division that has lost so many leaders that is what KSI Greg 7 had shown

Co-Fo: KSI Blood lust

Reason: Bloodlust has been the most dedicated cofo DM has had for a long time he gets members active and he is a role model and an inspiration

General of the Month KSI DragonBorne

Reason: KSI dragon borne has proven many higher ups wrong by sustaining a BF3 squad which is a hard game to recruite in he also has maintained the squad throughout the XD incident and even after the 4th captian attempted to poach from it he is a general that people should aspire to be like

Forum Staff: Spider VI

Reason: Spider has helped many people including my self with forum related issues he has also contributed much time and effort towwreds KSI he is truly a person that all members should try to become

Writer of the month: KSI Veilsix 7

Reason: for his article People or Numbers: Putting a face on our members his article has shown many people in KSI that there recruits are real people not just numbers on a squad tag

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Senior Leader of the Month -

KSI Balphy 7- Chief know it all himself has proven time and time again that he is actively trying to improve KSI for the better. Education that he has established ans is still working in has proven that it gives great results. His willingness to improve programs in KSI even if that means getting dirty is admirable.

Director of the Month -

KSIxAPOCALYPSE7- He is a very well structured leader and his members are carbon copies. He is an active leader who takes time with his mentors. He is always willing to teach and learn.

Division Leader of the Month -*

Co-Division Leader of the Month -

KSI ROMAN 7- Roman is a leader who has personally invested himself in TW. Every day he is willing to help TW anyway he can. Always wanting to receiving TW updates, squad by squad, Roman has improved TW anyway he can, and he is always trying to keep the peace in the division.

Founder of the Month -

KSI H0P 0FF 7- DR has had its hiccups, but H0P 0FF has stayed loyal. His members respond to him well due to the trust he has built with them. He is a good leader that DR has greatly benefited from.

Co-Founder of the Month -

KSI CheddarBob7- TW's newest co-founder but definitely the best. He takes time with his member whether that be playing with them or just taking the time to answer questions. He has trust with members because he has always stood by his word. He is a humble,wise leader that is greatly admired.

General of the Month -

KSI VICIOUSXx - He is a great general that is teaches and learns everything he can. Wants to make sure everything is done right for his squad. He focuses on training members and answers any questions he can. Down to earth leader that i learn from as well.

Major of the Month -*

Captain of the Month -*

Lieutenant of the Month -

KSI IVIercenary- He was just recently promoted to CPT for his great work in his squad. He puts in times in KSI with the members and training. He is a potential leader in the making.

Forum Staff of the Month -

Princess Riiot-He is one that is always willing to help with questions or actions that are needed. He keeps the peace and he is an interesting read in the SB.

Writer of The Month -

KSI VEILSIX 7- His way of conveying a piece to the general public is mesmerizing. When a piece of news is so impactful that it produces raw emotion from members, That talent to do that is not just a talent but a gift. A great writer and someone that keeps the public interest.

Member of the Month -*

KSI LaZy GaMeR - Of all the members i have come across i have never met a member that is so eager to learn and grow in KSI. He is willing to take everything that he has learned and make it conveyable to lower ranking members. He is active on the forums. In my "alma mater", Nemesis, he is a member that will help it build. He has been consistent and a hard worker.

Top Recruiter of the Month -*

Top Donor of the Month -*

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Co-Founder of the Month -*

KSI IRONCOWBOY7 ---- I haven't seen a part of TW that this guy hasn't had his hands on, and improved!!!!! Super helpful anytime I have had a question/complaint and I think that the EXPANSION of TW alone speaks for this Co-Founder !!!! LOOK AT THE NUMBERS PPL !!!!

General of the Month -*

KSIxMetalIndian - The thing I love about this General is that he is always giving everyone small tasks! He has helped push Omega into splitting within the first few weeks I was in KSI. We even have a recruiting hold atm. I never have to worry about ways I can help my clan, he is always open to new ideas ( even from pvt's etc ) and has never been anything but a gentleman to a new female gamer (to KSI). Really would like to see him honored as General of the Month :) .....

Lieutenant of the Month - KSIx1Lt REAPER - OMEGA - Since I have been in KSI this guy has always been around to answer questions and do massive amounts of work that his Higher Ups ((General)) asks of him. He has been very friendly and always makes time to answer your questions with out that "I can't believe your asking me this" attitude!!!!!! I can only speak for how members have made me feel for the last month, and this guy as been nothing but inviting.

......... Havent met many higher ups than those provided in my vote.. maybe next month :) :) :) :)


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Founder-Caius 7

He deserves this award because not only is he an amazing friends,mentor,and leader,but also is one of the most hardworking KSI members i have ever met. His attitude towards FN and the rest of KSI is unbelievable he gives so much time and effort into making FN successful. Our Entire divison owes him a giant thank you and i can not think of anyone else who deserves this more.

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Co-Founder - KSI LAZAR 7


Co-Div - KSI VeilSix7

Div Leader - KSI Dramatic 7

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Reasons. Give them. You want your person to have the best possible chance of winning this award? You have to give us something to work with. Otherwise, we can only go off our own personal experience with said person and some of us have never even met the people you're nominating.


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Apoc, (DIR) he has always helped me with the things i struggled with, always done more than what was expected

Lazar, (COFO) he has never questioned any directive ive given him, he always takes on more than what is expected

Skillz(FOUNDER), skillz goes above and beu=yond to learn everything he can to progress in KSI

Veil(CODIV), is always handling issues,deals with them like a man, cares alot and does everything he can to help others

Chaos(SNR), speaks for its self lol . but even though he doesnt have to, he helps me with things he shouldnt like my div split etc

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Co founder-Ksi IronCowboy- he has made twisted warfare into one of the most active divisions does everything by the book and plays with everyone EVERYDAY.

General- KSI MetalIndian I've been under multiple generals and metal Indian does as good a job as anyone I have been under. He treats everybody the same and does what he has to do to keep the squad running. He will be a cofounder sure enough I can see it now

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