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SW: Karaoke(06/20/20)

Mr. DropShot

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Karaoke-High School Musical Themed (06/20/20)

This event is a part of KSI's Spirit Week 2020! The event will begin at 8:00 PM EST on the dot. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Please be certain that all participants have read and understood the rules and regulations listed below!

Tournament Rules & Regulations: 

  • All participants must sing a song related to the theme of the event (High School Musical)
  • If there are any questions about if your song is related to the theme, please reach out to KSI DropShot 7.
  • Participants will be allotted 4 minutes to sing their song. If it goes longer than 4 minutes, you will be cut off by the judges, so please practice beforehand!
  • Winners will be decided by the Judge panel’s TOTAL AVERAGE score. In the event of a tie, the judges will decide the winner as well. 
  • You will be judged off of the following categories: Song Choice (Relevance to Theme), Difficulty of the song you chose, and Pitch.

Only Division Leaders (or highest rank available) should post up the team roster below.


Please use the following format:



1. Gamertag of Rep:

2. Gamertag of Rep:

Alternates (Up to 2): 


KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status.  If at any time you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who simply quit a match will with no evidence will be disqualified.

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