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Ultimate Team Summer Camp Event

Summer approaches, so it's time to hit the gym and Create a Fighter in EA SPORTS UFC 3 Ultimate Team. The Training Camp Event will run from May 10 to June 7, with each week bringing new challenges to complete to help you train your fighter.

Jump into Training Camp Solo Challenges and complete the scenario-based tasks to earn style badges used to progress your fighter’s training, allowing you to make key decisions such as weight-class, style and additional move slot.

Open Campaign Packs found in the UT Store to collect the stat badges needed to complete your fighter’s training and improve them from Gold tier to Master tier. Which badges you’ll need depends on how you decide to train your Create a Fighter.

The Camp

At the start of the event, claim your free Starter Pack from the Ultimate Team Store. This pack will contain your camp tickets and a few of the stat badges you’ll need to make your first training choice, selecting the weight-class for your Gold Create a Fighter.

Continue completing the weekly Training Camp Solo Challenges to earn style badges and open Campaign Packs from the UT Store to acquire additional stat badges. You will need to collect style badges and stat badges to make your second training decision, selecting the style for your Create a Fighter. This choice will also improve your Create a Fighter to Elite Tier.

The last step in your fighter’s Training Camp is to choose which additional move slot your Create a Fighter will have. Each slot will require a different variety of stat and style badges depending on the slot you decide is best for your fighter. Additionally, this choice will improve your Create a Fighter to Master Tier.

Issues and Fixes

No current issues or fixes stated

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As of this moment UFC4 will be released in September 2020 no official day has been announced yet

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EA Sports made an update due to the situation we are experiencing with the eventful year for everyone  UFC 4 will be released holidays 2020

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