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What tier 10s to get depending on your play style

KSI Sungazer 7

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I will add more tank types to either another post, or add them to this one at another time.

Tank Destroyers: (I'm leaving out the Russian TDs because I don't have enough experience with them. Feel free to add input)


Medium-Close Range (Good - great armor)



best frontal armor in game, commander hatch is not a weak point, has a decently hard hitting gun with great penetration, 

no turret, very slow movement, decently long reload

Firepower: 70

Survivability: 52

Mobility: 9

Concealment: 27

Spotting: 84


decent frontal armor, has a turret to rotate the gun, same gun as the T110E3

less armor than the T110E3, turret does not rotate 360 degrees, decently long reload

Firepower: 70

Survivability: 70

Mobility: 15

Concealment: 30

Spotting: 84

JagdPanzer E100 (Jageroo)

great frontal armor, small commander hatch, hard hitting gun with great penetration

no turret, very slow, slow reload

Firepower: 80

Survivability: 59

Mobility: 8

Concealment: 9

Spotting: 84

Badger (can also be used as a long range sniper)

decent gun, good penetration, fast reload, great armor (if hull down), no commander hatch, lower profile compared to most other TDs

no turret, decently slow, average damage gun, armor is only great if you can hide the lower plate, which has decent armor

Firepower: 60

Survivability: 67

Mobility: 17

Concealment: 42

Spotting: 85


Medium-Long Range (Decent armor and accuracy)


FV215b 183 (Death Star)

has a turret, biggest gun in the game that isn't an Artillery, has the highest potential damage in one shot along with the FV4005 for non-artillery, decent armor

turret does not fully rotate, long reload, decently slow, only good ammo is HESH Shells (premium high explosives) due to highest chance for one shots or massive damage

Firepower: 96

Survivability: 74

Mobility: 17

Concealment: 31

Spotting: 85

FV4005 (Death Barn/Poop Barn)

has a turret, same gun as the FV215b 183, has the highest potential damage in one shot along with the FV215b 183 for non-artillery

turret only moves 180 degrees, weak armor, long reload, decently slow, only good ammo is HESH Shells (premium high explosives) due to highest chance for one shots or massive damage

Firepower: 88

Survivability: 42

Mobility: 14

Concealment: 5

Spotting: 84

FOCH 155

good gun, good penetration, autoloader, decent speed, decent armor

no turret, extremely long reload, easy to hit commander hatch

Firepower: 48 - 69 (Don't let the 48 fool you, it will still hurt you really bad)

Survivability: 43

Mobility: 28

Concealment: 41

Spotting: 78


LONG RANGE/Sniper (Weak armor/great accuracy)


WT Auf E100 (Waffle)

fully rotating turret, good gun, great penetration, 6 shot autoloader 128mm (5 shot if using the 150mm gun), the only tank in the game that can kill every other tank before needing a reload

virtually no armor, easily spotted due to very low concealment, extremely long reload, decently slow

Firepower: 60 - 66

Survivability: 65

Mobility: 15

Concealment: 5 (updated from 2)

Spotting: 40

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