KSIxMotoMoto 12 Posted December 10, 2019 Report Share Posted December 10, 2019 Category:Division Leader Gamertag: KSI VENUM 7 Forums Account Link / @VENUM 7 Reasons they deserve this award: I first met venum in late 2018 when i first joined KSI. back then he was only co-founder. when i stepped into the roll of officer my first time, venum was always someone i could go to if i needed anything. From helping with the forums to guiding me as an officer , he always had an answer. He as one of a few helped guide me to the rank of captain. shortly after i left KSI. When i came back venum was the div leader. once again venum had a hand in helping me reach captain rank and to even pass that and become gen of Samurai. No matter what i throw his way, he never fails to be there. i have personally watched venum dedicate him self to every thing he does as a div leader and member of KSI. Category: General Gamertag: KSI MAJESTY 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Majesty Reasons they deserve this award: Majesty was one of the first people i met when i joined KSI. i watched her rise through ranks. no matter what shes hosting be it workshop or game night she made things fun. any time we needed help as officers she was there with the answers we needed. If she didnt have them she made sure to get them. majesty had to face many problems as gen of samurai. from dwindling squad numbers to losing officers, she never gave up. She faced each hardship and kept going. Through everything she got the ability to rank up to cofo her current rank. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI HARLEYGIRL Forums Account Link / @KSI Harleygirl Reasons they deserve this award: AS an officer of Samurai harley has hit the ground running. from officer duties to keeping up wit squad members, she approaches everything with enthusiasm and dedication. She is always there for her squad no matter what the reason. if there is some thing harley doesnt know she finds a way to get what she needs. there is no doubt that she will be a great leader in this community one day. VENM VII, KSI Inked 7 and KSI HARLEY 7 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI TyraTreXxuS 58 Posted December 10, 2019 Report Share Posted December 10, 2019 (edited) Category-General Gamertag- KSI Shocker Forums account @KSI Shocker Reason why he deserves the reward. Shocker has done an amazing job at being a general getting recruits that are really interested in the gaming community and promoting the people. He makes sure everyone gets together for game nights and makes everyone feel welcome. He keeps people updated on the new upcoming events and game nights. Hes there to answer questions whenever needed. And does a wonderful job at making sure we are all having a great time as a squad. Edited December 10, 2019 by TyraTrexXus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSIxROMEO 7 185 Posted December 10, 2019 Report Share Posted December 10, 2019 Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Gruntier 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Grunt has always been there when he is needed the most. Whenever we need advice, support, knowledge, or even just help covering a Gamenight, Grunt is there. I've personally looked up to this man for a long time. He has been a mentor to not only myself but countless others. He has taken his role as a director to a hole new level with the amount of effort he puts in. I've seen quite a few come through and assist but nothing on the level of Gruntier. No matter where this man goes or what position or title he holds, he will take it to new height. Category: CoFounder Gamertag: KSI MeShell 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI MeShell 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Since I've known Shell and have had the opportunity to work with her, I have seen some of her highest of highs and probably witnessed some of the lowest of lows. It has been a wonderful experience every step of the way. When she decides to take something, she dives in head first and comes out dirtier then all the others, and you best believe, that Poop got handled. She doesnt know just how major of a role she has played in the success of this division and continues to be. Even when she is completely overwhelmed with her work and IRL she still pushes through and gets the job done. She has been a mentor to many, friend to even more. She goes out of her way to make sure everyone has what they need and are happy. Category: General Gamertag: KSIDntAskImAwfl Forums Account Link / @: @KSIdontask Reasons they deserve this award: DontAsk or Pam, was only a General a few months before Life struck and she sadly had to step down. Still, with her limited time as a general, I dont think I've ever seen someone have such a HUGE impact on not only the squad, but the whole division. Its doesnt matter who you are or what your position, she will make time for you. Sit with you for hours just listening to all you have to say for no other reason than she truly cares about every single member of KSI. Everyone in her squad looks to her as a guiding light and mentor. Everyone loves and respects her deeply. She played a HUGE role in the growth and split of Venom into Sinister. Recruiting, hosting gamenights, spending time with the members. And making everyone feel welcome. Pam truly embodies what it means to be a leader in KSI. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Joe 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Joe 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Well I'm pretty sure EVERYONE in KSI either personally knows, or knows of KSI Joe 7. He has up and down the ranks of KSI a few times now, but no matter his position hes has always shown and treated every member with respect and kindness. He is truly a recruiting monster, (he wont like reading that part lol) but it's true, and every single person the Joe has introduced into to KSI has had a 1st class welcome. He makes sure everyone meets as many people as they can. When he was a Captain in Venom this was no different and he even helped bring about and became the 1st General of Sinister. Even to this day he goes out of his way to make sure everyone is taken care of. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI Shocker Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Shocker Reasons they deserve this award: When Shocker rejoined KSI, he hit the ground running. Working his butt off to make it up the ranks. During his training, he absorbed everything like a new sponge. As a LT he really stood out from others in his position mainly due to his drive to do great. He has always gone above and beyond at every position hes held. As a LT he was eager to learn as much as he possibly could. As he recruited til he couldnt anymore. Lol he jumped on the promotion list and made sure to introduce the new members to other squad mates. Its was so refreshing to see someone coming up with such an attitude about KSI. He cares about each and every one of his members and trys to be there for all as well. He does all this while also being active duty in our Navy. He is a true inspiration for many members and officers alike. Shell, KSI Shockr 7, DntAskImAwfl and 1 other 1 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3
KSI Joe 7 178 Posted December 10, 2019 Report Share Posted December 10, 2019 Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Gruntier 7 Forums Account Link: @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Gruntier has made such a huge impact on KSI this past year as a Director. From working behind the scenes with the Board, to all the stuff he does with DW and DM, as you always see him in invite only parties with the members from both Divisions, Grunt's work ethic shows through and through. He truly cares for all of KSI and ensures that it remains safe and fun for all the members. He is still there when you need him for advice as well one on one, as he always makes time for anyone in a professional like matter that only he can do. Grunt is on top of everything, from the paperwork, to being there for all the members. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSIxROMEO 7 Forums Account Link: @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasons they deserve this award: I could write a novel for all Romes has done this past year, but will keep it briefer. I've seen many Division Leaders throughout my time in KSI, but none unique like Romes. He truly is there for each and every one of the members. He doesn't care about his rank, and only is doing his position to unselfishly help all of DM out. He loves DM so much, along with the members, and is practically there for all of DM, basically 24/7. He still recruits for squads when he has the time and hosts game nights for squads and the entire Division as well. He treats KSI like family. From being acting General, to Co-Founder, Romes never complains and does what's best for the Division, first and foremost. He is extremely Professional in all he does and only asks others to do things that he himself does first. DM would not be thriving as it is right now if not for him. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI MeShell 7 Forums Account Link: @KSI MeShell 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Michelle has been a driving force in DM this past year. It's hard to pick which category Michelle is the best of, as she truly is an embodiment of what every good Leader in KSI should be. Michelle truly cares about all the members in all of KSI. She is active with all the members in all the squads, hosts fun game nights for any squad that needs it, or asks and is there for the Generals anytime they need anything. Michelle will be there for basically any member in DM. Just send her a msg or party invite, and she'll drop what she's doing and jump in to help. Her guidance and advice helps out a lot too, and she is a wonderful addition to the DM 7 staff. She continues to show all the members in DM why they joined, and that is to have fun and play. Michelle will play any game she has with anyone too, and always make the atmosphere in the party fun too. DM is very thankful to have her here, always helping out with something. Category: Member Gamertag: KSIDntAskImAwfl Forums Account Link: @KSIdontask Reasons they deserve this award: DntAsk, better known as Pam or Pamela to most, is like a guardian angel that looks over DM. She is the member that watches over all of the other members in not just DM, but all of KSI. From her encouraging msgs she sends to people privately, to being there for other members when they need someone, DntAsk is a driving force that motivates, nurtures, mentors and just goes above and beyond in all she does. She is a life coach to us all. No one is as selfless and kind as DntAsk. She literally puts other members before herself, always. The advice and vast amount of knowledge this woman has is utterly amazing. She is someone that basically anyone can look up to. Everyone is so thankful to have her around. The DM Discord server is filled with positive vibes, because of her as well, as is any Xbox party or anywhere else is. She is without a doubt, one of the best members/leaders I have ever seen in all of KSI. DntAskImAwfl, KSIxROMEO 7 and Shell 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3
KSI Barb 7 109 Posted December 10, 2019 Report Share Posted December 10, 2019 Director: KSI TexAngel 7 @KSI TexAngel 77 Tex is extremely approachable. I know when I have a question as a new Gen, she is there to answer and clarify things. Once when I was clarifying a policy she heard me out and gave me leeway to implement the policy in way I felt made more sense. It makes a big difference when you have leaders that hear and listen to what you bring to them and that you even have access to bring those thing to them Division Leader: KSI Hatter 77 @Hatter 77 KSI Hatter 77 pulled us from a failing division up to winning Div cup. She spurred us to participate in KSI activities like SYTYCW & WW among others. The division became a family and when Succubus lost it's beloved gen, she helped pick up the pieces and helped us to move forward. General: KSI Squeek 7/Madame Squeek @Squeek 7 KSI Squeek 7 was a great gen. she pulled the squad together and was loved by the whole squad. She inspired the members to get involved and had a way of telling it like it is without feelings getting hurt. She messaged all the members in the squad individually and could tell you anything about any of them and what their situation was. Captain: KSI Pathfinder @KSI Pathfinder Pathfinder has a way of cutting to the chase and seeing the "real" issues. Sometimes we get so caught up in the details of thing we miss the overall problem. He is also not afraid to stand up for what he believes is right. Lieutenant: KSI Lonewolf684 @KSI LONEWOLF684 Lonewolf is a great officer who you never have to repeat any instruction and often takes on things he doesn't have too. In the last year I have seen a very shy man come out of his shell enough to bring in a few recruits and encourage them to become officers. SGT: KSI Calico @tiredCalico Calico is one of our most active members in Succubus. She comes to almost any activity we host ( except Karaoke!) She has co-hosted game nights and even rounded up squad mates to get an impromptu Monster hunter and Ark game nights together. She is always willing to help members that are not as high a level as she is and as such embodies "A KSI member never leaves another KSI member behind"! TexAngel 77 and Hatter 77 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 3
KSI Shockr 7 40 Posted December 10, 2019 Report Share Posted December 10, 2019 Div Leader: KSIxROMEO 7. Forums Account: @KSIxROMEO 7 There isnt much one could say about Romeo that hasn't already been said, but I'll give it a try. Ever since I've joined KSI and all throughout my time here, this man has been a constant mentor to me and many many others within DM. In fact, it would not be a stretch to say that DM wouldn't be as successful as it is today without Romeo. He devotes much of his off xbox time to the community, even going as far as jumping into parties while at work on the xbox app. Got a question about KSI? He knows the answer. Need guidance on direction for your own KSI experience? Hes your man. He personifies the ideal member that an up and coming officer wants to be and always makes the sacrifices necessary to ensure each and every member is taken care of, is having a good time, and genuinely feels welcome in the community. Even when the temptation of rank would take others to loftier heights. He is deserving of Division Leader of the Year because there is noone better suited to the title. He is the likable, down-to-earth leader that DM as a whole respects, and endeavors to emulate. Co-Founder: KSI Meshell 7 Forums Account: @KSI MeShell 7 If Romeo is the foundation of DM, then Shell is the cement that holds it together. Everywhere you look with DM, or in KSI as a whole...you see her Gamertag written all over it. Her leadership within Clan Ops as a Co-Founder, Head of Productions, and her many hours of behind the scenes work she puts in speaks volumes of why she deserves this award. She is constantly Streaming and organizing events, often times being the principal driving force that is making sure everything goes off without a hitch! She is a devoted member of DM and the community as a whole. Her mentorship to the new up and coming officers has ensured that a positive mindset, knowledge, strong leadership, and genuine care for the members has been passed on to the future leaders of DM. Capt: KSI TyraTreXxuS Forums Account: @KSITyraTreXxus Tyra is a name that not everyone hears too often. If you havent, then let me be the first to tell you, she is hands down one for the best Captains that a squad could ask for. In the beginning, things were rough due to the lack of officers and busy lives outside of KSI. Not to mention the numerous obstacles she dealt with on a daily basis IRL that would have caused lesser people to quit. But not Tyra. Throughout every challenge, Tyra never once gave up. Never once said she couldnt do it, and stepped down. She is the longest standing officer that Cruelty currently has, and that is for good reason. She is well respected, knowledgeable, friendly, has a genuine care for the members she leads, and is never too busy to lend an ear to those who need it. Someone who works that hard, and does so with a smile should be recognized for it. Anyone would be hard pressed to find a better candidate for Capt OTY. SGT: KSI Joe 7 Forums Account: @KSI Joe 7 If you were recruited into DM within the last few years than there is a good chance KSI Joe 7 is the gentleman who brought you in. First impressions are everything, and as these things go Joe is one of the best. As many of us can relate to, IRL can be full of unexpected challenges. However, that hasnt stopped Joe from continuing to be an active part of the community he loves. He always has time for the members, and is a trusted confidant/mentor for many of us who know him. Even when making that time comes at the cost of sleep, and his own mental fortitude. Though your ears may be a little worn down from the experience (yes he talks alot), he his a genuine person who is always willing to help those in need. CPL: LeafyIsntHere0 Forums Account: @Leafyisnthere0 Leafy is a rising star in Cruelty, who is always a generally pleasant guy to be around. Even though he may mercilessly crush you at every shooter known to man, hes never the type to rub it in your face. He constantly is seeking out new people to play with, and is actively including people he doesnt know simply to make them feel included as a part of this community. For every officer leading the front, there is a right hand enlisted that is carrying out the business at hand. Leafy is that person, and is worthy of CPL OTY. Shell, KSI Joe 7 and KSIxROMEO 7 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Sir Galahad 53 Posted December 10, 2019 Report Share Posted December 10, 2019 Category: Department Member Gamertag: KSI Akame 7 Forums Link: @KSI Akame 7 Reasons they deserve this award: In all my time in Tournements & Events, I have never seen a more dedicated member of the dept rise to where he is now. Always down to help his fellow staff members when needed as a drop of a hat. Helps train new members of the dept and takes under his wing for advice and tips. Interested in the inner workings of the dept, helping the leadership with new projects. I know the struggles as with akame we are apart of the UK crowd along with being members of T&E. Which most events don't start till 8pm EST or 1 am our time. But his dedication to hosting these events knows no bounds as he's helped run tournements nearly every week and during annual events every day. I couldn't ask for a better staff member within the dept today Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
Popular Post Shell 218 Posted December 10, 2019 Popular Post Report Share Posted December 10, 2019 Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Gruntier 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Grunt oversees two divisions, which can be a handful at times. Despite being such a busy man, he makes himself readily available whenever someone needs advice. Grunt has assisted in many instances where a neutral mindset was needed and was, and still is able to provide excellent advice. He is quiet at times but when he does speak his words are well thought out. As a Director, he’s had to step into the shoes of other ranks as well in order to help his divisions in any way possible. Grunt is the ultimate role model that everyone should turn to and learn from. He’s kind-hearted, serious, and [just a little bit] toxic all at the same time. He has mentored many great members throughout KSI, and has taught me a lot since transferring to DM about a year and a half ago. I’m proud to say that I have learned from one of the best! Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSIxROMEO 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasons they deserve this award: There are so many things I could say about Romeo, so here is a bunch of stuff that really stands out to me. Romeo is the heart and soul of DM. Even though he’s a workaholic, he makes time for all members. He attends any gamenight he possibly can, whether he’s at home or using the xbox app. Romeo wants everyone to have a good experience in KSI; if someone is going through a rough time he will make time to listen and give advice if needed. He doesn’t force people into a role they’re not ready for, or is very understanding if someone needs to step down due to IRL. He knows IRL comes first and that we will make due with what we have because he has faith in the 7s staff and Generals, which is very important. Even with the slight inconvenience of not having Generals for all squads, Romeo has taken on being “Acting General” until a new Gen is found. He tries to minimize the pressure on others by taking on as much as he can and making sure others are happy and having fun; he puts others before himself. What really makes him an excellent leader is that he isn’t afraid to speak his mind. He is both stubborn and opinionated, which can be a good thing when in the leadership position that he is in. He wants what is best for his members and is willing to go the extra mile to make our voices heard, even if he takes the brunt of it. As long as the members in DM are happy, Romeo is happy. We couldn’t ask for a better person to run our amazing division. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Joe 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Joe 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Joe has held so many ranks throughout the year, but I think he excelled the most as General and deserves General Of The Year. As a Captain, Joe aided in the split of one of our squads and created Sinister. As an officer, he was the powerhouse of the squad and recruited on a daily basis and tended to any promotions as soon as they were needed. Joe continued that trend as a General. His new squad, Sinister, went from approximately 50 to 90 members over the course of a few months. Unfortunately, Sinister was faced with the “DM curse” and was short on officer staff. Even with this inconvenience, the squad ran smoothly. Joe would host game nights where ever needed, and he was (and still is) always in very large parties outside of game nights hanging out with and getting to know members in his squad. So many members throughout DM flock to Joe, he is a great guy to be around; he’s funny, kind, and a good listener. He takes the time to get to know each and every member in his squad on a personal level, and refers to most of the members by first name. He’s done so much for DM and continues to amaze me each day. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI TyraTreXxuS Forums Account Link / @: @TyraTrexXus Reasons they deserve this award: Tyra is Cruelty’s longest standing officer. Over the year she has brought it many recruits and is always one of the first to hop on any promotions. Like a lot of us, Tyra has experienced some real life issues that would normally shy us away from being in an officer position. Despite those issues, Tyra has managed to stick it out and continues to bring her positive, fun-loving attitude to any party she hops into. She is a great asset to her squad and Cruelty wouldn’t be what it is today without her. Category: Department Head Gamertag: KSI DropShot 7 Forums Account Link / @: @Mr. DropShot Reasons they deserve this award: Even if you haven’t met him, KSI DropShot 7 is probably a name you can recognize almost anywhere. Drop is very well known throughout the community and has been around for many years now; he is a Div Leader, Courts Judge, Forums Mod, and Head of Tournaments and Events (T&E). Since being promoted to Head of T&E, each annual event has run smoother than the previous one. People don’t realize the amount of pressure and stress Drop is faced with when ensuring every event runs smoothly as possible. But, he makes it look easy due to the great amount of organizational and communication skills he’s gathered over the years. He’s had to make quick decisions when it comes to event changes, and communicates effectively and efficiently with other departments in order to spread the word of said changes. Drop is not afraid to speak up and I’ve witnessed him bring many good ideas and conversations to the Leadership Council. He does not make decisions based on what he’s feeling, but with the help and input from community members. He’s done a lot for KSI over the past seven years and continues to be involved in anyway possible and contributes in a positive way, always. I am excited to see where he will take his department and for the good things he will continue to bring to this community. Category: Department Member Gamertag: KSI Soap 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Soap 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Soap has been a great asset to Productions. Over the past year he’s really grown as… our Lead Editor. He was recently promoted to Senior Staff for the hard work he’s put into the department. If you’ve checked out our YouTube Channel, you’ve most likely seen the work he’s done. He has become a master at making montages for members throughout the community, and he’s aided with making more content to put on YouTube such as Weekend Warfare Recaps, Clips of the Week, Friday Fails, Upload Studio Montage Competition Winners, and recaps of the Annual Events. Soap has many ideas that he’s recently shared with me that will help Productions grow in the right direction. Category: Member Gamertag: KSIDntAskImAwfl Forums Account Link / @: @KSIdontask Reasons they deserve this award: What can I say about Pam that hasn’t already been said before? She is truly an amazing person and such an inspiration to members in DM. She has been hosting joint game nights with all of the squads in DM, and her presence here is very well known. Everyone loves Pam; her game nights are the highlight of every week and she always has a full party filled with fun and laughter. She is there for all members in the division, if someone is having a rough day she lends an ear. Personally, there have been many times where I’ve been down in the dumps and Pam is right there ready to listen and comfort me, and help in anyway possible. She goes out of her way to talk to the members and most definitely puts their needs before her own. She is selfless, caring, warmhearted, and a wonderful woman to be around. For these reasons she was inducted into the DM Hall of Fame! I can’t think of a more deserving person for this award. KSI Soap 7, KSI Joe 7, Mr. DropShot and 2 others 2 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Grifful 7 108 Posted December 11, 2019 Report Share Posted December 11, 2019 Senior Leader(Board members, Senior Directors): KSI Ronin 77 / @ThaHomieRoninTestimony: In 2019 KSI Ronin 77 accepted the role of CoS and has knocked it out of the park. Clan Ops overall seems to be proving as he continues to lead from the front. Ronin had a huge effect on me, and the way I run my division. There has been numerous times this year where we have sat in a party for hours, and during these late night parties he has explained a lot of the low points of KSI in its history. In doing so, he has taught me many different ways of thinking and perspectives that our members use when they make both good and bad decision. He has shown me what works in clan ops and what wont. Without him, I would not be the 7 I am today, from a perspective standpoint. Director: KSI Skarzx 77/ @Scarface 77 Testimony: Hands down I think he is one of the best leaders KSI has to offer. Skarzx has a way where he can fire you, and you will still leave the party laughing and smiling. Our members are drawn to him because he speaks of his experiences as lessons for others to benefit from. In 2019, he assembled the foundation I used to keep SL as a high-tempo division. He has invested his time into SL, and he knows all of our members. He is always quick to jump in the party and interact with our members. He has also had a huge influence over me and I owe my career to him. In the beginning of my career, I was not in a good place. Skarzx singled me out and made it his mission to teach me what he knows. Every victory SL has had, he has played a key part of. Skarzx is universally adaptable. It does not matter where you put him, he will find a way to rock with it and make a division twice as better if the members are willing to follow his path. Founder: KSI Swag 77 / @KSI Swag 7 Testimony: Swag came into SL at the end of August and since then he has fit perfectly within the SL 7's staff. Right from the start he has motivated our Generals to reach for better heights. You will always find Swag in a party mentoring a leader coming up. Swag made it his mission to achieve this rank, and since then he has been a key asset to SL and has made my job extremely easy. Swag is always the first 7 in a party when things get out of hand. While I was on LOA, I typically worry about SL. But not this time. Swag has proven to me that his experience and reputation speaks to his capabilities in clan ops. Since he has became a Founder, he has been extremely active on the recruit club, rejoin section, squad and officer meetings. His influence has been wisely spent on bringing up the new generation of leaders for SL. Co-Founder: KSI Rogue 7 / @KSI Rogue 7 Testimony: Rogue has been vital to SL's success. He has properly trained two going on three successful Generals for SL. He has split Imperial and formed Vanguard with KSI DCRUNK. Rogue has been acting Gen over one of my squads for about two weeks now. Before his arrival to that squad, activity and morale was low and the officer core was non existent besides two outstanding leaders. Since he has take over as acting General, that squad now has an extremely capable and competent officer core. That is because Rogue excels at forming new leadership. Rogue is a strong leader and because of it, he attracts strong people to follow his path. Rogue is always someone you can rely on, he has earned the divisions respect by constantly making himself available to everyone and to really listen our members. Our members feel safe with Rogue, there has been a couple of times that our members have to came to Rogue privately to vent. Rogue is the heart of SL. SL could not be the division it is without him, he is SL's ace in our sleeve. General: KSI Codyo / @KSI Codyo Testimony: KSI Codyo has single handily been responsible for SL's success across the division. But, before I get into his division wide accomplishments, I want to take a minute and paint a picture of Codyo in early 2019. Cody was in Conquest, SL. Conquest at this point had become a pot of brewing toxicity. The Officer core was not established, and the officers around him used highly unethical techniques to secure their next promotion. Cody was in a place where it was normal to slander competing leaders and to get away with it due to a complacent General. But, Cody never broke his integrity. Cody was actively recruiting and tried to do his part. Cody had seen what a Poop squad looked like. So, when he became the General of Knights, SL. He did everything in his power to make it the place it is today. Knights is a powerhouse that consistently brings new life into SL. Knights has also been the best squad at fluffing, and providing a clean Omega. Now, to his accomplishments. KSI Codyo is the reason why SL has 5 squads and at one point a full 7's staff. Cody made the selfless decision to send his best Captain to another squad, so that the division could pull KSI Rogue out of Imperial and make him a 7. Cody knew this decision would cost him a squad split, but he saw the greater goal of the division, and that was to provide outstanding leadership to all squads. SL will always be thankful for this outstanding leader. Knights is now at 73 members with 9 Officers, with little to no fluff. KSI would be a better place if we had more Generals like him. Captain: KSI DCRUNK / @KSI DCRUNK Testimony: KSI CRUNK. That is a name that most of KSI is familiar with and its easy to see why. DCRUNK bleeds what KSI is all about honestly, integrity, commitment, and all around he is just a good personality to have around. DCRUNK was in a tough spot before he became a General. He was widely known as one of the hardest working Captains that SL had to offer. DCRUNK was a Captain in Knights before he came to Imperial. During his time in Knights and Imperial as a CPT, I think he has most definitely earned this award. In Knights, he was the guy that everyone knew. He was just as respected as the General of Knights because of the philosophy he offered to his fellow CPT's, LT's, and SSG's. Like Rogue 7, DCRUNK specializes in mentoring and knows how to get the best out of people. DRUNK has earned recruiter of the month twice, and has been featured in a couple of News articles for his accomplishments. DCRUNK is also a father, a wrestling coach, a history teacher for high school students. He manages his time effectively and even though he has a heavy plate, you almost couldn't notice. Because the passion that he speaks with on KSI matters is contagious, he has successfully motivated his leaders below him to keep pushing. DCRUNK no doubt will wear my shoes one day. Lieutenant: KSI NiKKixDoLL / @KSI NiKKixDoLL Testimony: KSI NiKKixDoLL has been one of the two lifelines that has kept Prestige alive. Nikki has consistently proven to be the backbone of squad that is now on the rise. You will always see Nikki in a party interacting with our members. Her greatest strength is how she uses her influence in her squad. She continues to mentor her SGT's in becoming great SSG's like KSI Astuchii and KSI Evan3scent who have given Prestige new life. NiKKi deserves OTY because when she saw her squad in the decline, she didn't wait for someone to instruct her on how to fix it. She just went to work and made it happen. She, alongside KSI Deathwish have been pivotal in keeping Prestige alive and now prospering in to greater heights. The squad now has 75 members. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2
KSI JonahAlex12 34 Posted December 11, 2019 Report Share Posted December 11, 2019 Category: General Gamertag: KSI WHISKEY7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WHISKEY 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Up until recently Whiskey has been practically the only general I know. He was there when I first started my KSI journey and has helped me every step of the way. He is always there to motivate the squad and gets everyone involved and truly lives up to our motto of never leaving another KSI member behind. He crafted wrath into what it is today and has helped it flourish and continues to do so even after his recent promotion. The squad wouldn’t be here today without his help and commitment. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Siren82 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Siren82 Reasons they deserve this award: Siren has been in the same squad as me since I joined and has always been a shining example to others. She is super enthusiastic and is always willing to give a helping hand when needed. She has helped me through my journey in KSI and I wouldn’t be where I am today without her guidance and support. She truly deserves this reward, and this is proven by her recent promotion to general of Wrath squad where I’m confident she will continue to be an outstanding member of KSI. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI RezMeIn5 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI RezMeIn5 Reasons they deserve this award: Rez has thoroughly proven his dedication time and time again. He is someone who I look up to and respect for his hard work and time he puts into KSI even throughout his busy days. His recent promotion to captain is well deserved and acts as proof to how much hard work he puts into KSI. Category: SSGT Gamertag: KSI LadySatan Forums Account Link/@: @KSI LadySatan Reasons they deserve this award: I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as enthusiastic at recruiting as LadySatan. From the very start of her time as an officer she has smashed every recruiting target set. She is always a blast to game with and makes everyone laugh and have fun at gamenights. Wrath wouldn’t be the same without her. LadyLilith6 and KSI Siren82 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
refined GT3 RS 38 Posted December 11, 2019 Report Share Posted December 11, 2019 Category: Div lead Gamertag: KSIxROMEO 7 Fourms account link: @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Romeo is insane at his job, he is always giving advice out when you need it and even when you don't. He is always hanging out with the members even if he is working. He is an amazing leader, and I can say for a fact that I look up to him. KSI Joe 7, KSIxROMEO 7 and Shell 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Akame 77 241 Posted December 12, 2019 Report Share Posted December 12, 2019 Category: Director Gamertag: KSIFiremomma7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSIfiremomma7 Reasons they deserve this award: I've Known momma a long time and the reason I believe she deserves this award is simple, she is hardworking, caring and above all she ensures every member old or new is welcome into the community, as a director she is a busy lady doing what duties she has to do but at the same time regardless of however busy she is she always makes time for her members if they need a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to or even if they are asking for advice on how to be the best officer they can be. She thoughtlessly gives up her own gaming time to help everyone because you can tell she enjoys doing what she does and it is just those basic reasons I believe momma deserves this nomination Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSI DropShot 7 Forums Account Link / @: @Mr. DropShot Reasons they deserve this award: Ahhh dropshot otherwise known in our division as trashpanda self titled COD GOAT the reason I belive he deserves this nomination is again simple, I had a rough year inside and out of KSI and upon my return to Clan Ops I joined Nemesis DL and at the time Dropshot was not only the Div Leader but also acting general and he made not only nemesis but the entirety of DL know who I were and that they were to be as welcoming as possible and honestly I instantly felt more at home in DL than anywhere else in the community and I have Drop to thank for that, he also reignited the passion for the community within me and for that I am grateful, with his no nonsense attitude yet still being one of the members of his division he has garnered a lot of respect from his division and it is well deserved and that is why I am nominating drop Category: General Gamertag: KSI SnowQueen Forums Account Link / @: @KSI SnowQueen Reasons they deserve this award: ahhh snowqueen now I believe she deserves this award for a few reasons, 1, when I first met snow she was shy, lacked confidence and always doubting herself, 2, she has a vast knowledge of the division and her members as well as what is needing to be done and 3, when you get to know her she is the most compassionate and understanding individual you will meet but out of those points I mentioned one of them shouldn't even be a thing and that is her lack of confidence and self doubt, she has a vast knowledge of what is required of each and every role below her and what needs to be done to progress forward and she is highly capable of doing so and I believe that with her personality and charisma she can be one of the best leaders this community has seen in a long time. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI FearTheSLnC Forums Account Link / @: @KSI FearTheSLnC Reasons they deserve this award: Mr. Fear now I first me fear upon my return to the officer ranks and my first impression of him was that he was overwhelmed with his position and after we talked a few times and broke each role down he suddenly became a different person, he was brimming with confidence and he understood what he had to do and as well as getting used to his role he made everyone feel welcome and a part of the squad, I moved up the ranks with fear to the point we were both captains, now fear gained an opportunity to get that coveted general seat but there was a catch, he had to move squads to do so and again the nerves came back to him so he took some time to think it over and he took the leap and moved squads and he is now a general over in Athena DL and he is excelling at what he does I believe he has a bright future and will be a great leader within this community and that is why I am nominating him. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI LilDucky Forums Account Link / @: @KSI LilDucky Reasons they deserve this award: now for probably my most difficult nomination, I have to nominate miss ducky for this one for probably the most simplistic of reasons and that is her commitment to her role, even though now she is a captain she has set the bar for what a lieutenant has to do and that is being punctual with everything she does be it security checks, recruiting, officer check-ins, game-nights or even just being there as a mentor and someone to be fun to be around, ducky takes her role seriously but always makes sure to get across to the members that regardless of her position within the community she is there to have fun just like the rest of us and that in my opinion is the most important aspect of being an officer to show that even with all the responsibilities you can still have fun and that encourages even more members to take that plunge into the officer ranks and that is why I am nominating miss ducky Category: SSGT Gamertag: KSI Nifty Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Nifty Reasons they deserve this award: senor nifty, now this gentleman surprised me, when he decided he wanted to move up the ranks I were tasked with training him and I were surprised by his commitment to learn what he had to do and the passion he showed to be an officer, everyday for i'd say atleast 2 weeks he was constantly asking questions and seeking knowledge and it is that which kept this member in mind when it came to these nominations, that eagerness to learn and to be the best he could be has stuck with me, in all my years in the community rarely have I seen someone with such enthusiasm and he reminded me a lot of myself in my early KSI Days and he has proven that with that eagerness to learn you can be not just a great officer but an amazing officer and asset not just to your squad but your entire division and that is why I am nominating Nifty. Category: Department Head Gamertag: KSI Galahad 7 Forums Account Link / @: @Sir Galahad Reasons they deserve this award: ahhhh Galalalala the white knight of the departments, being a fellow brit he has the same struggles I do, with events being at 1am GMT (8pm EST) we lose a lot of precious time to our sleep schedule but gal has it even more so with being the co-department head of T&E, not only does he have to support Dropshot (Head of T&E) but has to be there as a standby support member for the department if anything goes wrong or requires him to get involved as well as ensuring that the months schedule is up and we have hosts designated for each event which requires setting a meeting time where everyone in the department can attend and he does so with what seems like effortless planning and that is why I am nominating Sir Galahad Mr. DropShot and KSIfiremomma7 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 3
KSI WinterMoth 27 Posted December 12, 2019 Report Share Posted December 12, 2019 Category: CoFo Gamertag: KSI Dragons 7/KSI DK 7 Forums Account Link: @DK7 Reasons they deserve this award: Dragons has stuck around as both Insanity’s & now Hellborn’s CoFo for a pretty solid 2 years. As a 7, when it came time to transfer members over to another division, he made it happen. Not sure which promotion he wants more: me becoming a gen again or him becoming DM’s next Founder? Thanks for putting-up with our shenanigans--cheers, mate! Category: Gen Gamertag: KSI Fats McGee Forums Account Link: @KSI Fats McGee Reasons they deserve this award: Fat’s motto and rule of life is to give everybody a second chance. Even though his not general anymore; I would be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to show my gratitude for his patience and determination. As everyone in DM knows: Insanity was merged and disbanded. Through a very rocky officer staff, Fats managed to help not only his fellow officers with the transition, but everyone in the squad; giving everyone an opportunity some members never thought they would have--a fresh start with a new squad of their choice. Category: SSGT Gamertag: KSI J0KER DM Forums Account Link: @KSI J0KER DM Reasons they deserve this award: J0KER is probably one of Hellborn’s youngest officers, but that doesn’t stop him from being mature and reliable. Way to go with the recruits, man! Never misses a meeting (officer or squad), is always punctual, and always willing andKSI J0KER DM able to make the best of any Xbox party. When Hellborn splits and KSI Dragons 7 becomes DM’s literal grandfather, J0KER is my #1 pick for who I take with me. He has shown what it means to be an officer Category: Member Gamertag: KSI Zordon Forums Account Link: @KSI Zordon Reasons they deserve this award: Zordon came on the scene pretty early is already a 4th Lt; which should tell you everything you need to know about him. Somehow he has & plays all the latest games; besides the fact he could probably beat me at most of them! Despite having a kid, he’s still punctual, kind, and happy. If there’s someone I could see possible passing me someday in the ranks it would be him. KSI Zordon 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI Kilroy69 3 Posted December 12, 2019 Report Share Posted December 12, 2019 Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Forums Account Link / @Chi Town’s Finesttown’s-finest/content/ Reasons they deserve this award: very out going member. Always putting the squads best interest out before anything. I am very proud to be in the same squad with him and can’t wait to see him as a gen one day Category: Gen Gamertag: KSI xJAM Forums Account Link: @KSI JAM Reasons they deserve this award: he is a very good general. He is always on top of his game and treats his privates the same way he would treat the cofo. I am true ly thankful for him recruiting me and staying on with me all those hours to get tom where I am. I know we will make a perfect 7 and promote KSI in the best way possible Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI xKing 7DS 795 Posted December 12, 2019 Report Share Posted December 12, 2019 Senior Leader: KSI RiiOT 7 @KSI RiiOT 7 Since I had first met Riiot he has always been a mentor to me in a way. Even tho he lives in the UK and our time zones literally never match up, he always makes time to sit and discuss ideas and future plans with me. Even if he has already went to bed he will still give me a quick response when he wakes up or if its something important he'll stay up until we figure out a game plan. This man right here gave me a chance and is the reason why I was the Mod and am the Senior mod I am today. Director: KSI TexAngel 7 @KSI TexAngel 77 When I was first promoted Director, Tex and myself instantly became best friends. She has had my back on any situation that has arrised as well as I've had hers. If I ever forget to post notes or anything of the sorts she's the first one to grab it for me and then hit me up and give me Poop about not posting them lol. She's always there when I have questions and always there when I just need someone to vent too. Tex is a great friend but also a great mentor. Without her even knowing, she has helped make me the director that I am today and I hope she will continue to be a role model for those to come. Division Leader: KSI VENUM 7 @VENUM 7 My boy.. Imma just start with hes made me super proud in such a little time.. Venum has been hit with every obstacle a new division leader can possibly be hit with from, having a massive number drop from fluff, losing his 7 staff, shutting down a squad, and even losing officers and Generals. The thing about Venum tho is that even tho he had all this happen he doesn't let any of that bring him down and he continues to push for more while his head his held high. He has put so much work load on himself to help better DW and I will honestly say without KSI VENUM 7 there is no Divine Warriors. Thank you for your service sir. Founder: KSI Hatter 77 @Hatter 77 Running ES wasn't always the easiest thing for me to do, between working a full time job and just not having the time to be on as often as I wanted, Hatter played a big part in helping me keep ES maintained and running appropriately. Hatter was basically running the divison while I sat to the side and watched what she had to bring to the table. Every now and then she asked me some questions but she always spot on with the recruit club, getting people pumped up for and involved with community events and just really kept things alive while I was on LOAs, at work, or even if I was just to lazy to go get my controller. She was definitely one of those Founders who you wanted and needed and she's also a big part of ES's success during my tenure. Co - Founder: KSI Tiger 77 @KSI Tiger 77 I got the pleasure of really meeting and getting to know Tiger when I became WD's Director. The first conversation we had together she said to me "Please don't be like the rest" and from then on I already knew that working with her was gonna be amazing. Tiger is the type of person who wants to get Poop done but wants to make sure the members are having fun doing it.. Something people don't know about Tiger is that she's the heart and soul of WD bascially been running it alittle after she was promoted to Co-Founder and has been taking on so much workload that any normal person would've just said F*ck it and left but Tiger stayed and fought through it all. Recently, Tiger has gotten some much needed help from 2 amazing Co-Founders Ron and Rogue and has finally earned herself her much deserved spot as WD's Division Leader. I'm very proud of all her achievements and dedication. THIS is the time of leadership I love to see in this amazing community. General: KSI Jynxie 7 @KSI Jynxie 7 The day Jynx was promoted to General is the day I knew I was about to have myself an amazing Co-Founder a few months down the road. Jynx has always put her heart into literally everything she has done from day one, as Gen she was always getting her officers and making sure that they all had an assigned task that was gonna help not only improve Banshee but ES as a whole. Banshee was always the Squad to beat, literally banshee was the power squad that everyone wanted to either be better then or atleast come close to there levels of success that was very much thanks to jynx. She built herself an army and she was ready to go to war, if there was an open Gen spot in any division and I had to pick 1 person to take that and bring it to new heights its KSI Jynxie 7 Captain: KSI xKamikaze @Chi Town’s Finest Kam has always been a hard working fella, from back in his LW days, to his DW days to his current WD days. Kam transferred over to Malice the same day I was brought up to director so I got to see the things he was able to do first hand. He was a huge pick up for Malice because Kam is always one to insert himself where ever he is needed and is literally an open book of Knowledge. Kam is a top recruiter, a mentor to many and an amazing friend to all. I can't wait for the day I get to announce or be there to hear his promotion to Gen because hes the type of guy who will take it and run with it no questions asked. Lieutenant: KSI Athydian @KSI Athydian I didn't get to know Athydian for very long but with the short time that we've known each other I feel we've build a friendship. After a couple big moves made in WD, Abaddon took a bit of a hit losing there Gen, some officers and a good chunk of members. One of the first 2 people there to pick up the pieces was Athydian. He got right to work day 1 and he hasn't looked back since, Athydian is a recruiting, training, knowledge machine and he's a big piece of the Abaddon puzzle. With his very decorated past in the community he continues to help and stride for more and I'm happy to have him on my team SSGT: KSI Shooter @KSI xShyster Shooter is my first born child end of story. Nah but forreal tho, Shooter has been a massive part of Cyanide since the day he was promoted up. He learned fairly fast and has became one of our best officers in WD. Never being afriad to ask questions or to step up when needed. Shooter has made it very clear of his goals here in the future, currently sitting at 2CPT of a freshly split Cyanide he is helping his squad grow in numbers and activity to get back to where they were just a few weeks back. He will pretty much stop at nothing to make sure all members are happy, and enjoying there time in KSI. Member: KSI LEGION @KSI LEGION Mr. Legion, I legit love this dude. He has been a member of KSI since before I was born (not really but hes old) I always hear stories about his HD days but let me tell you about his WD days! This man helped make a BIG impact on Vanquish, when Tiger and Taywick said Let's get it done he said watch me. He is one of the most active, outgoing members this community has ever saw doesn't matter what division your in, squad, or even community he is always gonna welcome you with open arms and that is what makes Legion the member OTY VENM VII and xKami 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 4 3 2 2
KSI xHoots 10 Posted December 13, 2019 Report Share Posted December 13, 2019 (edited) Category: GENERAL Gamertag: KSI xJAM Forums Account Link / @KSI JAM Reasons they deserve this award: JAM deserves this recognition for the hard work he puts in each and every day he does a lot for the squad between member retention hosting workshops and getting everyone involved he is aslo someone that pushes people to do their best he also challenges members to do more and get more involved. i know that i can go to him for anything i might have to bring to him. Category:CAPTAIN Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Forums Account Link / @Chi Town’s Finest Reasons they deserve this award: I belive this person should get this award because he is always busy with the tasks he does with in KSI 24/7. Kamikaze always finds a way to game with the members. Kamikaze likes to listen to not just my ideas but everyones. he is very good at keeping up with everyone and motivating them. Kamikaze is a mentor to me because he is always there to listen and answer any questions or concerns that i may have. he also likes to teach people something that they might not have known before. Category: SGT Gamertag: KSI xGrimm Forums Account Link / @KSIGrimmReaper Reasons they deserve this award: Grimm drserves this recognition because he is always going out and trying to get recruits to grow his squad he is an awsome problem solver and he likes to talk to everyone about their questions comments or concerns Edited December 13, 2019 by KSI xHoots Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Minion xo 92 Posted December 13, 2019 Report Share Posted December 13, 2019 Category: Senior Leader/Board Member Gamertag: KSI December 77 Forums Account Link / @: @December Reasons they deserve this award: December has worked his ass off this year to ensure that things run as smoothly as they can. He has faced many obstacles but pushed forward and persevered through every one. He is very community orientated and does a lot to help maintain a healthy working environment for all members. He gives a lot of his time to the KSI and is very driven in the sense that he doesn’t hesitate to throw himself into organising and marketing events for everyone. He’s a highly intelligent individual and isn’t afraid to point out and correct you when you’re in the wrong. He helps you in a way that’s not condescending and douchey. For someone with a strong sense of sarcastic humour, he is very patient. Though there are those out there that only see the tough guy act he puts on, he’s a sweetheart really who would do anything for anyone within reason. That and he makes some pretty dope graphic requests. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSI VENUM 7 Forums Account Link / @: @VENUM 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Venum is a fierce leader. He is always positive and cares deeply for everybody. One of his best qualities is his good heart and ability to not just listen but hear. He is fair and when you are wrong he will tell you so. Venum has helped to remind me of my Why on countless occasions. He treats everybody as equals showing preferential treatment to nobody. He is honest, loyal and trusting, all great attributes of a great leader. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI MR MOTO Forums Account Link / @:@KSIxMotoMoto Reasons they deserve this award: MOTO is a genuinely good honest person. He puts his all into everything he does and makes sure he sets aside time for everyone. He aids and assists all members in his squad making sure they’re all content and enjoying their time in the community. He’s an inspirational person to look up to both as a superior and a friend and it’s truly a privilege to be in the same division as him. Category: Department Member Gamertag: KSI WHISKEY7 Forums Account Link / @:@KSI WHISKEY 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Although I haven’t known this guy for long he truly is a top notch fella. He puts in a lot of work and dedication to the news team and strives to make sure everything runs smoothly as possible. He is extremely understanding and helps wherever he can however he can. His wit and light humour are admirable qualities and he is respected throughout the community. Category: Overall Member Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Forums Account Link / @: @Chi Town’s Finest Reasons they deserve this award: He’s a kind, genuine, patient soul, he’s respectful, courteous and above all else he is fair. He is also extremely humorous and is always there with a fresh scoop of banter and jokes. He is always down to game or just to chill. He is extremely generous and is always available to lend an ear, offer advice or a controller! Kami has been there for me since I first joined back in May 2018 and I still appreciate everything he has and continues to teach me both in KSI and real life. xKami and VENM VII 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Dragons x13 228 Posted December 13, 2019 Report Share Posted December 13, 2019 Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Gruntier 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Over the past year working with Grunt has given me the chance to see what kind of leader he is. Throughout everything that has happened this year, the good and the bad, he has made it very clear that he will always be here for the members. Anytime I see him on he is constantly communicating and helping anyone he can, and has been known to not even get on a game just to help resolve issues in a very professional manner. I have personally been impacted by his wisdom and judgment several times this year and everytime I have been glad with the way things turned out. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSIxRomeo 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasons they deserve this award: this past year has been a big year of growth for romeo with everything he has been put over and has had to go thru. Time and time again he has proven he knows exactly what he is doing. On several occasions this past year, if it wasnt for his abilities, things could have taken a turn for the worst and I would not be here. Category: CoFounder Gamertag: KSI MeShell 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI MeShell 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Seeing what all this woman has accomplished with her squad, the division, and even with the added burdens dept ops, has been amazing. Her level of involvement with the division and community is something to be jealous of and over the past year, I have even appreciated it on several instances. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Wh1skey7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WHISKEY 7 Reasons they deserve this award: There is alot this man has accomplished this past year, at various levels and ranks, but the one rank that has stood out as what he was the best at was General. Imo, general is THE HARDEST thing to do in this community, and this man made it look easy. He kept his officers on point with everything, leading by example. He was/is constantly engaging everyone he can. Every thing he does, he handles professionally and still keeps a laugh going. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Uppish Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Uppish Reasons they deserve this award: uppish has been all over the place with everything he wants to be involved in this past year, but while he was captain, I've got to say was the most focused, engaging, and diligent captain I have ever seen him. While he was captain in hellborn, he was already handling everything the general should have been handling, such as keeping promotions and recruiting flowing as well as keeping the squad active in/out of gamenights. *still editing Category: Gamertag: Forums Account Link / @: Reasons they deserve this award: KSIxROMEO 7, Shell and KSI Uppish 7 1 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
Popular Post KSI Gruntier 7 152 Posted December 13, 2019 Popular Post Report Share Posted December 13, 2019 Category:Board Member Gamertag: KSI Ronin 77 Forums Account Link / @ThaHomieRonin Reasons they deserve this award: I haven't really known Ronin for very long I knew of him but we mainly hung out in different circles until recently this year. I’ve seen a lot of the different things that he does for clan ops and KSI as a whole. Now Ronin is the type of person that likes to get stuff done he doesn’t like procrastinating or having other people do his work for him he truly leads by example which is very admirable and has earned my respect several times over. Now some of the things Ronin has done for this community for KSI’s benefit. Now the problem for Ronin is that he gets a lot of heat sometimes for what he does which isn't fair but it comes with the job. Now Ronin keeps his head up and continues to push forward. (usually drinking dish soap in the process) Out of all the board members I see Ronin going above and beyond doing more than his fair share always keeping himself involved and informed on everything going on in each and every div by talking to the directors at least once a week along with talking to the Divisions 7 staff. He also trusts his team of directors to go and be hands on and handle situations instead micromanaging us but at the same time offers advice and corrects any mistakes I make instead of letting me continue to make mistakes. Granted I am a little biased because he’s the main board member that I work with. It truthfully has been a bit of a bumpy road but as a team we have gotten through everything and every team needs a great leader and Ronin is that leader and he more than deserves this award. Category: Director Gamertag: KSI TexAngel 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI TexAngel 77 Reasons they deserve this award: I’ve known Tex for quite a while the whole year actually first as my director and then as a fellow director. As DM's director she was always active with us staying hands on but at the same time she gave us the space to do our own thing. She recognized that we had a good thing going offered advice when possible but never pushed change on us. She taught me a lot on how a director can and should do there duties. After I got promoted up to a director she continued to give me sage advice and help out with the little things and made me feel welcome to the directors team. Anyone that knows Tex knows that she gives her best and is always willing to help people out which is wonderful to see. We might give each other a hard time if anyone has seen us in a party together but in truth it’s our mutual respect for each other, and I know that I’m not alone in that sentiment (respect for Tex not giving her a hard time although a lot of people do like to give her a hard time also) Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSIxROMEO 7 Forums Account Link / @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasons they deserve this award: What can I say about Romeo that others have not already mentioned I guess my unique perspective. The truth is like other people on here he could easily fall into several other categories but Div lead definitely takes the icing in the cake. Romeo over this last year has certainly been through some thick and thin situations has he handled them all perfectly no nobody ever does Romeo like the rest of us has his faults he can be very stubborn and hard headed and a few other things that I won’t go into (because there might be children reading this) but in all seriousness he might be all those things but one of his greatest strengths and on of many reasons why I’m nominating him for this award is because of his heart. He might talk a big game and try to act all rough and tough ( which he is) but at his core he is a big softy. He deeply cares about his division and it’s members and it shows. He is always trying to make things better always takes the time to talk to and play with all his members ( usually falling asleep in party's) Sometimes his passion for his Div gets him in hot water but he will never stop trying to help. When Romeo took over as DM's Div lead I knew that DM was in excellent hands while his methods are different than mine (as it should be not trying to raise a grunt clone army) his ideals on how the past, present and future of DM should and can be is the same he wants a fun family like atmosphere something that he along with several other people has been successful in implementing. Romeo’s journey or adventure hasn't always been the easiest but I’ve never seen him give up he’s been acting GEN over several squads while being div lead and takes on more work than anyone else because he leads by example as any great Div lead can and should. He’s always out bringing in new Recruits hosting game nights and doing everything in his power to ensure that those around him don’t get burnt out. The truth is I could go on for quite a while about Romeo but the main point I would like to point out is that despite any faults that he might have he always does his best to make those around him the best person that they can be which is what KSI is all about. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI MeShell 7 Forums Account Link @KSI MeShell 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Where to start with MeShell she (as many people reading this that have met her can attest to) is a genuinely nice person. As much as she tries to be the MT7 which according to a recent revelation to me from her it’s all my fault because I’m the OG MT7 that corrupted her among others( I’m not denying it). But truth be told she is the type of person that no matter who you are she wants to help if you let her. She always seems like she is the life of the party. Since becoming a Co-Founder this year she has continued to help DM be the home that it is. She was acting GEN for quite awhile after becoming a Co-Fo (this time in the right Div Rip CD) she has continued to help her fellow 7's and anyone else that she can because that is the type of person she is she could sit idle by and do nothing but that would go against her core being. She has a way about her that forces you to try new things like ROBLOX she even got this old man to try it out ( more than once I’m ashamed to say) and I actually enjoyed it not so much the game but the people I was playing with. It is a natural talent of hers and it has helped bring the people within DM closer as a family. She like everyone else has her faults ( which I’m not going to mention them except her biggest one always calling me old the truth hurts) and her ups and downs but she doesn’t let that define her she gets knocked down so to speak she gets right back up. She along with several others are the reason why DM is so successful not perfect no Div is perfect but very successful because the members are happy. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Starset 7 Forums Account Link @KSI Starset 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Starset really worked hard to turn his squad around and get it on the correct path. He did everything asked of him and then some. Working hard on getting rid of his fluff, getting members more active and building up an officer staff pretty much from scratch. He does have a few faults ( like his obsession with shoes) but he has done a great job on motivating people into stepping up and helping out. He is a natural leader and more that deserves his promotion to Co-Fo but I believe that out of all the ranks he’s been this year he was best at being GEN. He has been a big help with getting DW back in the right direction and will continue to be what DW needs. It’s not easy running a squad sometimes especially when it’s in a rebuilding phase but he made it look easy never venting down always keeping a positive attitude. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Harley Forums Account Link @KSI Harleygirl Reasons they deserve this award: Harley has been killing it as a Captain this year even though she has been one for a short time she has been doing the job of a Captain for quite a while. She always takes the time to get to know the members and is always very protective of people. A lot of people call her Mama Harley and for good reason she is always keeping people in line when they get out of line but most importantly she takes care of her people like a mother hen. She always goes out of her way to pay special attention to those that need it not because she has to but because she wants to. She does everything that is asked of her and more to help everyone out it’s the type of person that she is. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSIDontAskImAwfl Forums Account Link @KSIdontask Reasons they deserve this award: Pam is the type of person that always wants to help people out and make life better for everyone. No matter the rank she has held over the last year she has always been one of the most caring and nurturing people around. All of her game nights are always jam packed for hours at end people tend to gravitate towards her. She is one of those people that people can always be relied upon to do the right thing not always for herself but definitely for those around her because that is the type of person that she is one of the most kind hearted people that I’ve ever known. She always takes her responsibility’s seriously can always be relied upon to perform her duties without having to be asked to or be monitored. She knows how to be an officer and isn’t afraid of doing work. I could have easily nominated her for several other categories but I feel that as a LT she has really excelled this year. Category: Department Head Gamertag: KSI Venum 7 Forums Account Link @VENUM 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Venum and I haven't known each other for very long but about the time I was put over his Division was about the time he became head of PO. Now over my time I’ve seen a few people take on this responsibility and even though he still has some kinks to workout (No pun intended) he is constantly trying to improve his department. Some people try to push their department and literly force it down people's throats to make their department relevant but with Venum it’s different. He wants PO to be there and used as a tool for the people in clan ops to help not hinder the divisions. I can remember a time when PO was trying to constantly push the info out workshop this workshop that but with Venums PO under his tutelage he just wants the info there available for the people and to have his people available for any Division that needs the help. Even though he is busy with his other responsibility’s like being Div lead or forums mod he finds a way to balance everything and do what’s right for KSI. Category: Department member Gamertag: KSI WHISKEY7 Forums Account Link @KSI WHISKEY 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Whiskey is an up and comer in KSI he has made leaps and bounds within clan ops recently becoming a Co-Fo but I feel as though in department ops he really outshines the rest of his fellow members. He has risen through the news department recently becoming Co-head. His journey involved a lot of hard work and dedication doing things that I’m incapable of doing as you can see in my typing. Whiskey goes through and corrects other people’s mistakes which can be very taxing mentally but he didn’t complain he just kept doing what he does best help out. I heard high praise coming from Tex about his work which is for good reason Whiskey is the type of person that always wants to help and always does his best. There is a lot of stuff that I don’t see that he does do for his department but others do and he deserves this award among many others. Category: Member Gamertag: KSI Joe 7 Forums Account Link @KSI Joe 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Joe is a hard one for me to write about mainly because I’ve known him for so long and pretty much nominated his for what seems like a hundred different awards all of which he more that deserves and then some. No matter what rank or what is happening with him in real life both of which have been constant rollercoaster rides for him he doesn't change at the heart of who he is. From the day I meet him what seems like a lifetime ago and at other times just the other day ( I guess old age will do that to you). He truly is the rock that holds DM together there’s not one squad in DM that Joe hasn't personally helped in one way or another whether it be as an officer or as Joe does best someone to talk to (when you can get a word in lol) he does talk a lot but he also listens offers advice his best rank would be DM's councilor because at one point or time he always seems to end up talking to people listening to their life story’s and offering advice on how to proceed. Very few people can say a mean thing about him ( I’m one of them always hating on his clear obsession with Alexa bliss) but in truth he always means well and always wants to help out his fellow KSI members and is the true embodiment of what KSI stands for Knowledge he taught me a lot (including how to be toxic?) as I came up through the ranks and he has helped out countless others. Strength he is one of the strongest people that I know in KSI he has been through a lot of hardship but he is still here still strong as ever. Last but not least Integrity Joe always does what he thinks is right is he always right no but he doesn't stop doing it and always and I mean always tries to do what’s right and he never looses his moral compass. He is far from perfect none of us are but I can’t think of anyone else in KSI that is more deserving of this award he is always there for his fellow members and is a large part of why DM has such good member retention is because he is so welcoming to everyone. I know that I wouldn't be in KSI today if it wasn't for this man and I know for a fact that I’m not alone. Shell, VENM VII, KSI Starset 7 and 3 others 3 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Popular Post Mr. DropShot 228 Posted December 13, 2019 Popular Post Report Share Posted December 13, 2019 Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI Gambit 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Gambit 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Throughout the year, Gambit has been my acting director, Department Head, and currently oversees the Leadership Council. Through these various ranks he has held, one thing always remains constant: his dedication to grow as a leader and help grow those around him is unmatched. No matter how annoying or tedious the task is, this man will always go the extra mile to make sure the correct leaders are trained and put in the right place to succeed. Gambit is one of the few leaders I have ever met in this community that, even at his own expense, will do everything possible to leave a division, department, or member in a better place then it was before he took over. Just like he aspires to be half the Call of Duty player that I am, I strive to be half the leader he is someday. Category: Director Gamertag: KSI TexAngel 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI TexAngel 77 Reasons they deserve this award: While she was over my division for only a small part of 2019, Tex is someone that continues to make an impact on me and has played a huge part in why I am the leader I am today. She was put over DL during a very rough time for the division, and always remained positive and optimistic no matter the circumstance. She is someone I continue to look up to and towards for guidance whenever needed. Tex has been a mentor to me for a long time now, and I am not sure where I would be in this community without her to pick me up when I am down. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSIfiremomma7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSIfiremomma7 Reasons they deserve this award: If I had to pick a few people that had taught me the most during my time in this community, firemomma would definitely be towards the top of that list. During these last 2 years in DL there have been two people that have stuck through the ups and downs no matter how hard it was: myself and momma. While I have been in and out of clan ops for 7 years now, 90% of what I have learned about being a leader in this community has come from her during these last 2 years. Firemomma has been a staple in DL for a very long time now, and there is no chance this divisions would even be around without what she has done these last few years. Even as director, she is always willing to go the extra mile to do anything she can to help this division benefit. Category: General Gamertag: KSI SnowQueen Forums Account Link / @: @KSI SnowQueen Reasons they deserve this award: When I think of SnowQueen, I think of the word "Change". This last year SnowQueen has gone from someone who was very shy and quiet to someone who has blossomed into an outspoken, amazing leader in DL. Since becoming general over Nemesis, she has constantly came to me with many amazing ideas for the squad, and is someone who I genuinely enjoy brainstorming with when it comes to the future of her squad and DL. While she may try and scare you at times, she is honestly one of the most genuine, down to earth individuals I have had the pleasure of working with during 2019. Because of this, she knows her squad better than anyone I have ever seen before, and knows what her members want and don't want. She is someone who has made me enjoy my time in DL this year, and I am super excited to work with her moving forward. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSIGinObiwan Forums Account Link / @: @KSIGinObiwan Reasons they deserve this award: Before coming General of Ares, this man had many obstacles to face while climbing through the officer ranks. During and shortly after the previous generals reign over the squad, its members and officers were very unmotivated and there was little hope about where the squad would go moving forward. Even long before his promotion to General, Gin was working endlessly to turn the morale of the squad around and get them back on track, which he did in outstanding fashion. The members enjoy him just as much as he enjoys spending time with them, and the officer staff looks up to him like the fearless leader he is. He isn't afraid to think outside the box and try something new, and instead of being upset with failure, he learns from the mistakes made around him and helps his squad build from those mistakes. Gin is someone else that I am very excited to work with moving into 2020. Category: Forums Staff Gamertag: KSI xKing 77 Forums Account Link / @: @Mr. King 77 Reasons they deserve this award: When I think of Web Ops, I instantly think of King. No matter if he is training new mods, running the join/rejoin section, or making sure the forums are kept nice and tidy, King goes above and beyond to make sure everything is running smoothly on the Web Ops side of things. Whenever there is an issue or one of us mods need help with something, King is almost always the first to step in and guide us in the right direction. On top of this, many members around the community know they can hit up King regarding any forums related issues they may have, and he is always more than willing to help them out. As a Divisional Staff Member I can also say that the Join/Rejoin section has ran the smoothest it has in a very long time since he took over that area. King is someone I look up to in Web Ops, and has continued to show how much of an asset he is to the community. Category: Department Member Gamertag: KSI MeShell 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI MeShell 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Since I became Department Head, it has been very clear that my main focus was to make sure Annual Events were ran much smoother than they have in the past. That being said, this would not be possible without support from others in departments, and especially without the help of Shell. Shell and I have worked countless number of hours together brainstorming, planning, and putting everything in place to make sure events the second half of this year run as smoothly and efficiently as possible. On top of working with each other as department heads, Shell has also been one most active and helpful members of T&E since joining the department earlier this year. She has hosted as many events as nearly anyone on the staff, and always comes to meetings with amazing ideas for events and how to further the productivity of the department. It is clear that Annual Events would not be in the same position they currently are without the help of Shell. She is one of the best assets department ops has seen in a very long time, and someone I am super excited to continue to work and grow annual events with in the future! Category: Member Gamertag: KSI Akame 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Akame 7 Reasons they deserve this award: During 2019, Akame has surprised me more than any other member in this community. After his rough ending in LS, it would have been very easy for Akame to lay low or even leave the community, but he did the exact opposite. Since rejoining into DL, he has helped his general completely turn around Nemesis and build the squad into a very strong squad in DL. Akame is someone who many in this division look up to for guidance and look towards when they need a friend or someone to talk to. On top of everything he has done in DL, Akame has also been a staple in departments this year, especially in Tournaments and Events. Working alongside of myself and Galahad, he has helped completely reshape the staff to where it needs to be for this department to succeed. I am not sure where DL or T&E would be without Akame, and I can confidently say that Akame has a bright future in both areas of the community. KSIGinObiwan, KSI Akame 77, Shell and 2 others 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2
KSI DC 77 304 Posted December 13, 2019 Report Share Posted December 13, 2019 Category: Director Gamertag:KSI Skarzx 77 Forums Account Link / @Scarface 77: Reasons they deserve this award: Words cannot describe how phenomenal KSI Skarzx 77 is as a director. He is continuously trying to better SL. Through is guidance SL has become one of the fastest growing and the second largest division in KSI. Skarzx is always trying to better the community as a whole. His knowledge allows him to effectively lead and train. He hosts workshops (lead 101, division leadership, squad leadership, etc.) in order to make sure that officers are properly trained and can understand the bigger picture. I am extremely lucky to have been trained by him. He is understanding and empathetic while also being strict and stern. He manages to balance the division and promotes synergy throughout the community. He is not afraid to ask questions and invoke the open door policy, yet he will always listen to others viewpoints before making a final decision or compromising. He is reasonable and has great perspectives on things because of his experiences. He knows that a house divided cannot stand, and although he may not agree with certain things, he is willing to put aside his personal beliefs to enforce policies. He has high character, morals, integrity, and is extremely honest.He does not beat around the bush, but he is not completely brutal with the truth either. He is the first to defend his officers integrity, but he is also the first to say they screwed up if he knows they are in the wrong. Skarzx has mentored almost every officer in SL, yet he does not seek any glory. He does not brag about what he has done; he only brags about what others in the division have accomplished. Like Skarzx always says (indirect quote): The officers under you should always be better than you. They should take what you give them and develop habits that make them become better, which will lead them to surpass your abilities. If you are training them to become better than you, then the squads and division will always be successful. He is a true leader in this community, which is why I believe he deserves Director of the Year. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSI Grifful 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Grifful 7 Reasons they deserve this award: KSI Grifful 7 is by far one of the hardest working men I have ever met in my life. KSI Grifful was promoted to Division Leader on 6/26/19. Grifful has seen a lot of ups and downs as a division leader, but he did not falter on any occasion. He had his CoFo step down a few weeks after being promoted to Division leader. This man was literally the only 7 in SL for about 2 months, yet he never let anything go undone. He did not rush any promotions or settle on who deserved a CoFo position because he was the only 7. Instead he worked even harder to make sure that SL continued to grow. He went through two moves across the United States and was never offline for more than two days each time. Grifful battled through personal issues but never let them interfere with his responsibilities as Division Leader. With all of that happening he had a general transfer from Knights and took over as acting general (he was literally the only 7 and acting gen for a squad for a while). He is never afraid to make his presence known and to help those in need. He is a true mentor and it shows. Grifful's work did not go unnoticed in SL either. Due to all of the work that he did for the division, Grifful was nominated and accepted into the SL Hall of Fame. He is always willing to help anyone that needs it and is willing to teach anyone who is willing to learn. He has lead SL to become the second biggest division. He went from having a skeleton crew of officers in four squads to having five fully successful squads with a loaded 7 staff. He is always trying to guide officers and share his knowledge throughout the division. One of Grifful's best qualities is that he never doubts his decisions. He is confident about his choices, which allows in members to be confident in him. I believe that KSI Grifful 7 deserves Division Leader of the Year because he has sacrificed literally almost everything, including personal affairs, to better SL and works hard to make sure that both SL and KSI continue to be the best that they can be. Category: Founder Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums Account Link / @KSI Swag 7 Reasons they deserve this award: It is truly outstanding the work KSI Swag 7 has done as a Founder. He transferred to SL from LS after the division closed and quickly rose back up the rank to Founder. Swag is a genuine man who is always trying to get to know everyone in SL. I have witnessed on many occasions (too many to count) where he has jumped in regular members parties to get to know them better from multiple squads in SL. It is truly amazing to see Swag's work ethic in action. He is knowledgeable and gives great advice about KSI and about life. Swag is always online and looking to help members. He is always communicating with the members and trying push more activity in both the forums and discord. He is ridiculously fast when it comes to doing security checks when accepting or pending a recruit. Swag also tries to make sure members feel valued. He cares about every member and their opinion. He hates to disappoint members, but because of his role he has to make tough decisions that not everyone agrees with. Swag is a leader who listens more than he talks. He would rather analyze everything said rather than talk over members just because of his rank. I believe KSI Swag 77 deserves Founder of the Year because of how quickly he was able to earn the respect of an entire division, work up the ranks after transferring from a closing division, and successfully lead with enthusiasm and passion that motivates his members to become better. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI Itachii 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Itachii 7 Reasons they deserve this award: KSI Itachii 7 is truly remarkable in everything he does. Although he could be taking care of himself, he chooses to be selfless by sacrificing a lot of his time and effort for KSI. He sacrifices a lot in order to be an officer in KSI (as does everyone else), but he goes above and beyond. Itachii is locating in the UK, which means that the time zone difference is the first battle he has to face. Itachii works a third shift job and does whatever he is able to do, including taking lunch breaks at work so that he never misses a single meeting. He is one of the best trainers in SL and has ties to multiple squads. He is understanding and knows that different squads are unique due to his experiences, which allows him to be a fair but firm leader throughout SL. Since he works third shift, he is constantly sacrificing sleep in order to play with members. Itachii literally changed his routine and schedule to make sure that his roles and responsibilities in KSI were fulfilled. Itachii is knowledgeable but more importantly approachable. He tries to make sure that every member in SL feels welcomed and is willing to pass down his wisdom to anyone. He is always trying to make parties fun and light-hearted and is quick to make a joke. I believe KSI Itachii 7 deserves to be Co-Founder of the Year because he is willing to sacrifice so much in order to better the division and community that he loves. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Rogue 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Rogue 7 Reasons they deserve this award: KSI Rogue 7 is one of the most down to earth guy I have ever met. He is strongly opinionated but is willing to be open minded. KSI Rogue 7 was a general for roughly five months and there is not much that he didn't do.Rogue is a true leader by example. He recruited, promoted, trained, and hosted game nights. He would never ask anyone to do something that he wasn't willing to do himself. As a general he was awarded top recruiter of SL two times, Outstanding Level 1 award, and the squad splitter award.He always looked out for his squad of Imperial and even declined two Co-Founder promotion opportunities because he wanted to make sure that Imperial was taken care of and not left behind. Rogue is compassionate and would do anything for anyone. I have witnessed several times where he went out of his way as a general to make members feel welcomed. Rogue cares about his members and is understanding of situations. He never fluffed a member that had fallen on hard times unless he absolutely had to due to unfortunate circumstances (LOA runs out, etc.). Rogue constantly bettered Imperial and made sure that his officer staff was properly trained and self-sufficient. Rogue cares so much about his home squad that before accepting the Co-Founder promotion that he recruited 11 members the week of his promotion. He is truly dedicated to KSI and made sure that his squad was successful no matter the circumstances. He valued his members' opinions and did whatever he was able to in order to help the squad grow. I believe KSI Rogue 7 deserves to be General of the Year because of the dedication, selflessness, and loyalty for his squad. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Codyo Forums Account Link / @KSI Codyo Reasons they deserve this award: KSI Codyo was able to transform an entire squad while he was a Captain. He transferred from Conquest (a closing squad) as a LT. He had to take a rank demotion and came to Knights as an SSGT. He quickly rose through the ranks in a month of being in Knights to become one of the most dominant captains a squad could ask for. He played with members, hosted game nights, hosted workshops, recruited, and promoted non-stop as a captain. Codyo is soft spoken, yet everyone listens and respects him. He communicates effectively with other officers and collaborates well in order to help his squad and division succeed. Codyo led as acting general while KSI YeetQueen (Knights general at the time) was in the emergency room sick, and, after her division transfer, eventually became the General of Knights without anyone having issues. He is a natural leader that people follow without questioning. He earned multiple nominations as a Captain of the Month throughout the year, yet he was never fortunate enough to receive the award (even after getting multiple nominations each time). I believe KSI Codyo deserves Captain of the Year because he truly showed what a Captain is supposed to be by being completely general ready and taking over as general when the general fell ill and later again when she transferred divisions. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI TossAmidget Forums Account Link / @KSI TossAmidget Reasons they deserve this award: KSI TossAmidget is an unbelievable officer. He was by far one of Imperial's best officers, but he doubted himself. After being told that everyone believes in him and that he has to believe in himself, he quickly began to become a spectacle in SL. He was a true model of what a LT should do. He hosted game nights, trained, recruited, promoted, mentored, and pitched ideas to help the squad become better. He single handedly outworked both Captains that were in Imperial at the time; when one was removed, he actually was promoted to 2CPT (when numbers were still in the CPT ranking) over the 3CPT because of his hard work. Members respect him and always go to him when they need someone to talk to throughout the day. As a LT Toss was able to command parties and frequently hosted the most successful game nights every week. I believe KSI TossAmidget deserves to be Lieutenant of the Year because he is the embodiment of what a Lieutenant should be: always working hard, always motivated, keeping members happy, knowing everyone and making them feel valued, and thinking about others before himself. Category: Staff Sergeant Gamertag: KSI APPLE P1E19 Forums Account Link / @APPLE P1E19 Reasons they deserve this award: KSI APPLE P1E19 (I could argue) is one of the best officers in KSI. I have never met someone so motivated to help his squad or division. He is extremely passionate about KSI and his squad Imperial. At the time of his promotion to SSGT there was only one other SSGT and three LT's,and one captain; however, after I was promoted to general of Imperial there were no captains for a few weeks. As a SSGT Apple was able to recruit, promote, host game nights, host workshops, train, post squad schedules, post promotion lists, and run security checks (without ever being asked). He motivated and valued members and worked hard with other officers to learn as much as possible, so he could be the best officer in the Imperial Corps. He always questioned everything (decisions on promotions, fluffed members, etc.), not because he was disrespectful or in disagreement, but because he was curious and wanted to fully understand why things happened. He mentored members whenever they were available and even trained a few SGTs that would later become officers and are now high ranking officers that have been involved in a successful squad split. His work ethic, dedication, and eagerness as made him a truly outstanding officer. I believe KSI APPLE P1E19 deserves Staff Sergeant of the year because he literally was doing a Captain's job as a SSGT since there were no Captains at the time. Category: Sergeant Gamertag: KSI Bmack42 Forums Account Link @KSI Bmack42 Reasons they deserve this award: KSI Bmack42 is hands down the best SGT that you could ask for in KSI. Bmack actually worked all the way to Captain and could have been general, but instead he decided to decline the promotion and step down due to school related stress. Although he stepped down, he still did almost all of his officer duties. He declined multiple officers to become a SSGT after stepping down stating that he needed to focus on school and would gladly accept after he took his finals. He continued to recruit nonstop and even offered to help with security checks and contacting members to make sure that they get all the new officers added. He is by far an overachiever and is willing to do do anything for his squad. I believe that KSI Bmack42 deserves Sergeant of the Year because even though he is not an officer he still carries himself with high integrity and is willing to do an officer duty (even when it interferes with daily life and studies) to help his squad succeed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2 2 2
KSI SnowQueen 6 Posted December 13, 2019 Report Share Posted December 13, 2019 Category: Director Gamertag: KSIfiremomma7 Forums: @KSIfiremomma7 Reasons: Momma has been one of the many people to help me come out of my shell. She's always there for me with any advice I need, whether it be KSI related or irl. She's one of the most devoted people I know and would do anything for KSI and her members. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSI DropShot 7 Forums: @Mr. DropShot Reasons: Drop (aka Trash Panda) listened to my goals and helped me accomplish them. Coming up with new ideas for Nemesis or DL in general is a breeze because he sits and listens to me. Hes also one of the people who helped me come out of my shy little shell and pushed me. There is absolutely no one I'd be where I'm at in KSI without his guidance. Category: General Gamertag: KSIGinObiwan Forums: @KSIGinObiwan Reasons: Honestly, getting Gin to agree to join KSI was like pulling teeth. He was stubborn up until the day he agreed to join, but that's also what's made him an amazing General. He was dealt a bad hand going into just even being an officer in Ares. Hes turned the squad around from nothing to something. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI FearTheSLnC Forums: @KSI FearTheSLnC Reasons: While fear may be Gen of Athena now, he was my captain first. He was someone I could count on to take control of things when needed. He was always happy to step up and learn. One of the easiest people to get along with and still hasn't let his position now as a Gen go to his head. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI Akame 7 Forums: @KSI Akame 7 Reasons: When I first met Akame I was honestly expecting to meet someone I wouldn't get along with, but he has quickly turned into one of my very good friends. From his experience in the past he has even taught me a few things and helped me. I know I can always turn to him with anything, ksi related or irl. He hasn't let his past in KSI define him or hold him back. KSI Akame 77, KSIGinObiwan, KSIfiremomma7 and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Swag 77 220 Posted December 13, 2019 Report Share Posted December 13, 2019 (edited) Senior Leader(Board members, Senior Directors): Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI Ronin 77 Forums Account Link / @: @ThaHomieRonin Reasons they deserve this award: First off, i want to thank Ronin for helping me with managing LS and much as he did when overseeing me as acting Director for a couple months. Ronin is a true leader in my eyes , cause he reshape my mind to look at things in different directions and to all outcomes when making a decision. Ronin has mentor a lot of leaders within the community and i can proudly say that i put him as one of my great mentors. He deserves this award Director: Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Skarzx 77 Forums Account Link / @: @Scarface 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Skarz been overseeing me since he got placed over me while I was running LS before it shut down. Skarz has always been there for me whenever I needed him for advice. Me and Skarz always got together to come up with game plans and ideas to approves not only myself as a leader, but to approve the Division. Skarz always stays on top SL to make sure we are the best divison, and i love that. There is no one more deserving of this award.. Division Leader: Category: Divison Leader Gamertag: KSI Grifful 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Grifful 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Big man Griffy, i been i observing this great leader since i came into SL, Me and Grifful is like batman and robin when it comes down to running the Division. The reason Griff deserves this award is because he is hungry for greatness. He always wants to find the greatness out of SL and his members. He strives to better himself to better his Division and spend time with them and mentor them . Griff is a legendary MVP General: Category: General Gamertag: KSI DCRUNK Forums Account Link / @: @KSI DCRUNK Reasons they deserve this award: Reasons they deserve this award: Man Mr. DCRUNK, man this member has been a force within SL as a legendary recruiter. Not only has he gotten a lot of recruits, he also has been a great mentor for his squad leadership and members within his squad. Captain: Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Zakrail Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Zakrasil Reasons they deserve this award: Mr. Zak, aka Demoted lol, but this guys sense I been in has been one of the top officers I’ve seen in the SL family. He always pushing himself to become a better leader within his squad to help strengthen his squad. He is always making sure that his members within his squad is spending time with each other and keeping the family atmosphere within his squad family , Zak has great potential one day become a 7 and future leader within this community, no one is more deserving of this award Lieutenant: Category: LT Gamertag: KSI Dakeech Forums Account Link / @: @KSI DaKeech Reasons they deserve this award: I overseen keech a great while as acting Gen of Glory, once I became acting Gen my first job was to find a hungry officer to mentor , and keech was that officer , I nature keech to open his mind and strengthen his sense of urgency to become a stronger leader within the community, and he did just that, even though Glory shut down , he became a great leader within his new squad Knights and hit the ground running , when it comes down to Mentoring and recruiting and promotions. Keech has great passion and potential to become a great leader Edited December 14, 2019 by KSI Swag 7 KSI DaKeech 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 3
KSI TossAmidget 1 Posted December 13, 2019 Report Share Posted December 13, 2019 Category: General Gamertag: KSI Rogue 7 Forums: @KSI Rogue 7 Reasons they deserve this award: KSI Rogue has been an outstanding member of KSI every step of the way since his recruitment in early April of 2019. He quickly rose thru the officer rankings, and achieved the position of General in a month and a halfs time! An incredible feat in its self. But in his time as General, KSI Rogue 7 he managed to save a severely struggling squad and rebuilt the officer core. He personally achieved 53 recruits and 88 promotions as well as sat in on countless others. As if that wasn't enough, he then successfully split the squad in mid September of 2019 and gained his 7 shortly after. Since the day of my recruitment, KSI Rogue 7 guided me, taught me, encouraged me, and supported me. He displays those same ethics with each and every member within KSI. I have personally witnessed him helping fellow members multiple times, whether it be KSI related or personal. Every member inside KSI respects him and looks up to him as a great mentor, leader, colleague, and friend. KSI Rogue 7 is extremely deserving of this award and the recognition of all his achievements. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSIGinObiwan 19 Posted December 13, 2019 Report Share Posted December 13, 2019 Category:Director Gamertag: KSIfiremomma7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSIfiremomma7 Reasons they deserve this award: She knows when to be tough and when to lend a shoulder or a hand. She has been Mom, Caretaker, Mother Hen, Guardian for Dark Legions. We are all very grateful to have her in our corner but most importantly we are happy to have her in our lives. She has shaped people up to be the best versions of themselves and broke barriers where no one else could so people could make new connections. She has done her fair share of lecturing but what momma wouldn't? She has and will always have my respect and be my KSI mom. Category:Divsion Leader Gamertag: KSI Dropshot 7 Forums Account Link / @: @Mr. DropShot Reasons they deserve this award: Stoic and easy going an excellent combination. I see more emotion out of him when he is winning at Modern Warfare than when someone loses their cool. He has been an inspiration to pursue anything that I want because he has proven even with an obstacle or two you can still be sucessful in keeping a division together leading the way to a better division and KSI experience. I know I can always count on him for information and he is always dedicated to the community. Category:General Gamertag:KSI SnowQueen Forums Account Link / @: @KSI SnowQueen Reasons they deserve this award: She has shown tremendous growth since day one. She had a rough start but as she began the rank of Gen she blossomed. She is tough. She does not mind telling you like it is. She can also listen when she needs to and be humble. She has had to learn and endure obsacles that most would not have to and she excelled. She has not once gave up on a member either. Category:Captain Gamertag:KSI FearTheSLNC Forums Account Link / @: @KSI FearTheSLnC Reasons they deserve this award:Anytime there was an opportunity to get things done to help his division or squad he was more than happy to help and still continues to do so as he moves up the ranks. His time as captain showed me he could be a great co-founder one day. Category:Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI Xeno God Forums Account Link / @: @gespi Reasons they deserve this award:Most would move up ranks as they got the opportunity. Time is what seems to be in peoples favor. This guy never quit. Always doing his duties as an officer and when asked to take on more he had no objections. He takes pride in being a part of the KSI Family. He has been here longer than me and never once swayed from his loyalty to KSI. Category:SGT Gamertag:KSI Smokiefudge2 Forums Account Link / @; @smokiefudge72 Reasons they deserve this award: He joined this community I believe simply because of passive peer pressure. All of his closest friends were in it. As time went by he began to see where he could help and he pursued this heavily. He changed his name and decided to keep going. He wants to branch out and play with more people. He has been working to better himself through training to one day become an officer. Category: CPL Gamertag: ChangedVirus431 Forums Account Link / @: @ChangedVirus431 Reasons they deserve this award: When he started there was a hard shell to crack but now he is helping others with D2 raids, and reaching out to give his opinion. His change has happened this year. He is only getting better everyday. He is what any member should strive to be. Helpful, Kind, Informative. Category: Department Member Gamertag: KSI Akame 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Akame 7 Reasons they deserve this award: He always go above and beyond the Call of Duty even in Modern Warfare tournaments! He is always helpful and can always be professional when hosting tournament for that Senior T&E staff definitely suits him but He doesn't stop at just doing his job. He will help others ensure that there events are done well too! Mr. DropShot and KSIfiremomma7 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
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