Scarface 77 359 Posted December 1, 2019 Report Share Posted December 1, 2019 Senior Leader - KSI Ronin 77 @ThaHomieRonin This individual has spent this year as not only as a Senior Director but as the Current Chief of Staff which is essentially the guy that runs all of Clan Ops. Under him we have seen very important changes throughout KSI such as the modifications to the requirements of Squads/Officer ratio. This man devotes so much time into this community from being apart of the board of directors, being a mentor to alot of leaders within KSI such as myself, helping members with questions and finding them homes in new divisions as well as handling all the drama and problems that arise daily throughout the community. He never complains and will volunteer himself to handle everything if you need him. He is the personification of what a "Leader" is and i can think of no better person to be our Chief of Staff. Divisional Leader - KSI Grifful 7 @KSI Grifful 7 This man has been one hell of a leader for SL in 2019. But as the Divisional Leader of SL for the 2nd half of the year he has truly shown why he deserves his position. Under him SL has continued to grow and thrive where they currently have the 2nd most members in KSI as well as the only division with 5 7s staff members in it. In this staff he has trained or mentored all of them (except Swag who transferred) and was integral in guiding them from SGT to 7s staff members. He gives his division all his time and is constantly working to improve it and make it better each day. Squad splitting is a goal he has helped obtain on 2 occassions (Prestige and Glory) and going on a 3rd. Everyone in the Division knows and respects this man for his hard efforts and i have no doubts that his name will be called to be a director some day. Co-Founder - KSI Swag 77 @KSI Swag 7 This guy had one hell of a year in 2019. For the 1st half he was basically the last man standing in LS as a 7s staff member where he assumed the role of Div leader, Founder, Co-Founder and Acting General. He faced adversity at every turn but despite all the negative things people around him did, his love for this community never wavered. After LS was closed he was transferred to SL where his presence was felt immediately. It wasnt a seamless transition but after some time he established himself as a pillar to support the division and that culimnated in. His promotion to the 3rd ever Founder of SL. He is always there to support his members and never shies away from a challenge. He is also a college student and a father and all the while Ive worked very closely with him over the last 4-5 months and i can honestly say NO-ONE loves this community more than swag. I cant think of any other man for Cofo if the year then this man. General - KSI Rogue 7 @KSI Rogue 7 This man is undoubtedly one of the biggest reasons for SL Success in 2019. Coming in early in the year he rose the ranks to make General of Imperial SL. Not including the adversity he had to overcome to get there, his tenure as general was game changing. He helped introduce Pubg as a gametype in SL and made it not only successful but established is as a staple in the division. He did everything you could ask for from a general, recruits were always coming in (2-3 time divisional top recruiter himself) , promotions done on time, events hosted all the time, played with Damn near everyone in his squad and never complained once. He split his squad in a very short time despite having low numbers and morale to start with. He has helped mentor alot of SL members including his 2 predecessors whom are currently generals , KSI Dcrunk (Imperial General now) and KSI Aj1 (Prestige,SL general). He ended his reign as general post split to become a co founder but it was his time as General that makes me feel he deserves this award. Captain- KSI Dcrunk @KSI DCRUNK This guy is one of the best things to happen to SL this year. He started his career in Knights SL where he grew very quickly through the ranks to Captain due to his effort and desire to be the best officer and leader for his squad as well as his division. He set an incredible example for those below him with his recruiting ability (SL top 3 recruiter and winner on multiple occasions) and his ability to learn new things quickly and apply them. He even supported another captain in his squad to become a general before him because he felt it was best for the squad at the time. He would then go on to transfer to a new squad (Imperial SL) which operated differently then Knights and even played a different game altogether (Pubg). Despite any hurdles he had to overcome , he made his presence known quickly and established himself once again as the prototypical captain that can lead a squad when the general isn't available. This led him to become the new General of Imperial when they split to create Prestige. In short this guy was nothing short of phenomenal at every rank he has been in but its his time as a Captain where he truly shined. LT - KSI Codyo @KSI Codyo Cody has been a unique bright spot in the history of SL in 2019. He was put in a situation where he was not meant to succeed unfortunately. The inital squad he joined and became an officer in would close prior to him becoming LT in a very drama filled way. He would then be transferred to Knights SL and become a LT. Mind you he had 0 help prior and Noone really taught him anything, yet he would go on to look for help with his training and man did he really blossom into a phenomenal officer. His time as a LT displayed his ability to recruit, get promotions and events completed on time while consistently being there for his members. Well respected and beloved in Knights for his endeavors that would later lead to his promotion to General. He is an ideal LT i would love to have in any squad of mines. SSGT- KSI Sasuke08 @Forzt08 Sasuke is in the military and currently serving in Japan. He has been an officer in Knights for the better part of 2019 but due to his time difference and responsibilites to the military he has stepped down to ssgt more than once to allow others to get positions they have worked hard for. He has mentored and helped train alot of officers in Knights despite being a SSGT for. A few of them. I have no doubt if he was finished his military duties and back in the states he would of been a general by now. His body of work and time in the position is the reason i felt he was the best choice for ssgt of the year. SGT- KSI PandaLeafy @Bootasious Leafy is the only SGT i know that hosts his very own game night every week for the past 6-7 months straight. He makes sure EVERYONE gets invited and will always do it on games that allow some members who dont have like Cod or Pubg to come play. His game nights always have a diverse crowd of new names and old names and is always a good time. He will play with anyone and will just hop in parties and chat. No-one has given more out of their pocket then leafy who has bought games for people so they can play in his squad and in SL. Between his activity and his generosity mixed with his love for KSI and his fellow members he definitely deserves SGT of the year. Will finishshortly KSI DC 77, KSI Rogue 7 and KSI Cody 7 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2
KSIkinSLAYER 15 Posted December 2, 2019 Report Share Posted December 2, 2019 Please fill in the below template for your nominations to be eligible: Category: Gamertag: Forums Account Link / @: Reasons they deserve this award: Categories For nominating: Senior Leader(Board members, Senior Directors): Director: Division Leader: KSI Hatter 77 She worked hard to bring my squad and this division from the brink of destruction Lieutenant: KSI 1ScaryS0B General good guy to have around he works hard to keep people from rioting KSI Pritch and Hatter 77 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Karisaur 11 Posted December 2, 2019 Report Share Posted December 2, 2019 Category: Div Lead Gamertag: KSI Hatter 77 Forums Account: @Hatter 77 Reasons they deserve this award: I can honestly say throughout my time of knowing Hatter I haven't always gotten along with her but I've never seen someone who has lead with such devotion and unbiased hand. Between helping each and every member she can be at their full potential and hosting and supporting her generals she made an impact on all of us anyways she could. She would attend gamenight for every squad and inspire all of us to participate and try our best. No matter where I've been after the transfer to this division i felt alone and like leaving the community. But she noticed I was absent and she helped me remember why I joined KSI and why I continue to stay: because I love this community. At it's best it's a family: we all play together and support each other regardless of our personal issues. When someone's hurt we all support them: when they win we all hold them high. My point is I've never been in a division so active and so welcoming in so long. I can honestly say without her I wouldn't have stayed. She made me feel welcome again and remember that were all here for each other! Family sticks together! I hope no matter what happens she never loses her desire to help others within KSI because if anyone can bring back a division from the brink of decay it's her. #Team Hatter Hatter 77, KSI Pritch and KSI DarkAngeI 7 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSIxRONL68x7 149 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 Category: CPT Gamertag: KSI Athydian Forums Account Link / @Athydian91 Reasons they deserve this award: This member has given more than a 100% of his time to help the division and squad grow as a whole and bring a virtual dead squad back to being more active and communicating among the rest of the squad. He has given his time and sleep to do this. He has been available to everyone even after working 15hr days to help with the squad, to me that is dedication to his position and squad. Categories For nominating: OTY Category: Gamertag: KSI SLAPPING 69 Forums Account Link / @KSI Demon 666 Reasons they deserve this award: Since his div transfer this member has worked hard in getting this squad up and running again. He is in parties with as many members as he can promoting morale and game play among the rest of the squad. He has gone without sleep to get recruits in and introduce them to other squad members. He is an example of what a LT is supposed to do and shows up coming SSGT's. Categories For nominating: LT OTY Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI RiiOT 7 305 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 Unfortunately in my role I dont get to work with many clan ops officers! Senior Leader: KSI December 77 Forums Account Link: @December Reasons they deserve this award: As the newest member of the BoD December has hit the ground running. Going from running your own department then suddenly being in charge of operations for all departments is now small task, I can see how it would be easy to crack under pressure like that, but December stepped up to the challenge and took it all head on. I think we can all agree December has plans for all departments way before he ever joined the board just because of the person he is, always looking for ways he can help and improve any areas of KSI not just his own. During his start as CDM December had to make alot of big decisions in a fair few of the departments and took on a huge workload because of this the departments are at an all time high for activity and functionality. I cant wait to see the new heights December takes Dept ops too. Forums Staff (Mods, Senior Mods, Admins): KSI xKing 77 Forums Account Link / @: @Mr. King 77 Reasons they deserve this award: King is my right hand man in Web ops. for a minute until recently its just been me and him keeping the wheels turning and I dont think it would have gone as well as it has without his support. Not only does he pick up the slack when I cant do stuff due to my work schedule/time difference but he keeps the join/rejoin running like a well oiled machine and still has time to bounce ideas off of/with me. Hes always thinking to the future for web ops and what our next moves could be for the betterment of the website and the community at large. King is a wealth of information for the forums and members know they can hit him up at any time for help. Lets not sleep on that this guy recently got Most Outstanding and thats no easy feat. No brainer this award should go to King this year. Department Head: KSI Airborne 7 Forums Account Link / @: @Airborne Reasons they deserve this award: Airborne took over as AAP head at a difficult time in the AAP, alot of members had stepped down and activity around the area was low. Airborne stepped up as the head and rebuilt his team stronger than ever. He had to make some difficult decisions such as closing some areas of the AAP so the area could thrive. He continues to renovate and re-imagine parts of the AAP that keep it fresh and fun for our members. As a former AAP Head it makes me happy to see how much the dept has grown (and continues too) under Airbornes leadership. KSI xKing 7DS and KSI Hex 77 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSIxJ0KER 13 Posted December 4, 2019 Report Share Posted December 4, 2019 (edited) Category:General Gamertag:KSI Uppish Forums account link: @KSI Uppish Reasoning:I have chosen to nominate uppish for a few reasons actually 1 I believe uppish puts a lot of hard work and his own personal time into making sure that the Hellborn squad is being run correctly and not o let that but the best we can be it’s clear he his passionate about the community which to me is a reward in and of its self not to mention all the things he has personally done to train me in becoming the officer I am today if it weren’t for his guidance I would be no where near as knowledgeable in what it means to be an officer as I am now so uppish has my personal upmost respect from me and I think he deserves something for all he’s put into the community Edited December 4, 2019 by KSI J0KER DM KSI Uppish 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
LadyLilith6 64 Posted December 5, 2019 Report Share Posted December 5, 2019 Category:General Gamertag:KSI WHISKEY 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WHISKEY 7 Reasons they deserve this award: He goes out of his way to help everyone that he can. Either it be on a game or RL. He always listens to problems. He has helped me a lot especially when I have questions about something he is there to answer them the best way he can. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Siren82 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Siren82 Reasons they deserve this award: She is awesome, she has helped me out with being an officer. she is really helpful with games and she's fun to be in a party with just hanging out. she is a good friend, and mentor. Category: CPL Gamertag: infinityhunt Forums Account Link / @: @Infinityhunt Reasons they deserve this award: He helps out people who ask about a game quest if they are stuck on something he try's to help them the best way he can. He always joins open parties and makes himself available to other members. He offers to help practice game modes for events. Category: LT Gamertag: KSI JonahAlex12 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI JonahAlex12 Reasons they deserve this award: He is a fun person to game with and makes gamenights fun. He also helps people out with quest if they are stuck and, or grinding for a particular quest. KSI Siren82 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Pritch 11 Posted December 5, 2019 Report Share Posted December 5, 2019 (edited) Category: Div lead Gamertag: KSI Hatter 77 Forums Link: @Hatter 77 Reasons they deserve this award: over the past year she has come into es worked her ass off and has flew through the ranks helping others as she could only stopping when her family needed her an working like a robot when they didnt. If I could count how many times I've needed to go to her for an answer KSI related and none it would be to make characters. Edited December 5, 2019 by KSI Pritch Hatter 77 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Zordon 112 Posted December 5, 2019 Report Share Posted December 5, 2019 Category: General of the Year Gamertag: KSI Uppish Forums Account Link / @KSI Uppish Reasons they deserve this award: Uppish took the role of General at the very beginning of my stay in KSI. Not to mention had to act as general before he was promoted to ensure the progress of our squad. Before that time and since, he has been the voice of reason to most around him. Always keeping a level head and solid plan in his back pocket. I have witnessed a major change in attitude, stability, and focus here in hellborn since his reign. Uppish cant stop there, no way. He makes it a point to serve and impact as much of the community as he can, inside and out of his own squad and division. If their is anyone I have met within our community that deserves to be fully recognized for their services it is Mr. Uppish himself. Category: Lt of the year Gamertag: KSI JAK KNIFE 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI JAK KNIFE 7 Reasons they deserve this award: I met Jak before my stay. It was because of his helpful demeanour that I had any interest in KSI. If you need help this is the man to go to. Always willing to teach you a thing or two in game or out. He is always picking up as many game nights as he can and covering for those who have emergencies. I've even been the recipient of one of the many gifts he has given low level players. That's not all there is to Jak. A solid recruiter, always bringing in more quality family members. Jak is always available for training and promotions. Sometimes leaving the other officers a couple bones. Lol. Jak should in no way be under estimated. KSI Uppish 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI xDudu 8 Posted December 6, 2019 Report Share Posted December 6, 2019 Category:General Gamertag: KSI xJam Forums Account Link / @: @KSI JAM Reasons they deserve this award: Doing an outstanding job on hosting workshops and helping me get out of my bubble with the other squads..Thank you so much Jam u have done a lot for me this year since ive join KSI. sorry im not good at writing forgive me. Categories For nominating: Gen of the year Category: Co-Fo Gamertag: KSI xTiger 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI xTiger Reasons they deserve this award: well there is a lot to say about this woman let me just some it up.. she has been my mentor as a captain she believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. She has taught me that u can still game and still be an officer at the same time when I wasn't able to. so thank u so much Tiger on everything u have done for me. Im sorry im not good at writing forgive me. Categories For nominating: Co-Fo of the year Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI M1CK3Y 0 Posted December 6, 2019 Report Share Posted December 6, 2019 (edited) Category: best gen Gamertag: KSI xRogue 77 Forums Account Link / @KSI xRogue 77 Reasons they deserve this award: when she was my gen she actually trusted me when it came to recruiting. She is also a fun person to be around and makes parties and meetings fun. She jokes around alot and enjoys playing with her squad. Everyone loved her when she was gen. She was also calm when it came to situations. Edited December 6, 2019 by KSI M1CK3Y Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Rogue 77 54 Posted December 6, 2019 Report Share Posted December 6, 2019 Category: Director Gamertag: KSI xKing 77 Forums Account Link / @: @Mr. King 77 Reasons they deserve this award: King pushes people to become better leaders and instills motivation. King is not the type of leader to sit back and dictate hes not afraid to get his hands dirty and step in where needed he currently our Director as well as acting Div Leader as well as Acting Co-Founder at times, Not only is he involved with the sevens and the officers he also reaches out and games with the members When King first took over WD there wasn't much going we were at a standstill with very slow growth and not much movement going on in the top half. King came in observed for a little bit than got right to work correcting the flaws in the division starting with a new sevens staff, we have all been working together to better the squads and have since split one and are on the verge of splitting another. WD has changed dramatically since King has taken over the squads are all growing and moving in a healthier direction as well as working and gaming together. More and more people are wanting to step in to leadership rolls and all of this is to do with King he has completely changed the mindset of WD. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI xTiger 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Tiger 77 Reasons they deserve this award: When you think of WD you think of Tiger, She has become the heart and voice of WD. Tigers main focus is always on the members, even as a lower ranking officer she made it her personal mission to get to know all of the members within her squad, and now that shes a Co-Founder the only thing different is that its on a larger scale. she goes above and beyond for her members making sure they are all happy and comfortable within their squads. Tiger has been my mentor since the day i joined and has taught me basically everything i know about KSI and to this day shes always there to offer help and advice, and if you every come up with a question she doesn't know the answer too she will make sure to find it some how, Tiger has almost become a motherly figure to WD lol. with the amount of time she has dedicated to KSI and all the things she has done for this division i definitely believe she deserves this award and many others. Category: General Gamertag: KSI xJAM Forums Account Link / @: @KSI JAM Reasons they deserve this award: Jam is very dedicated to his squad, member retention has always been his primary focus he is always there for his members weather its KSI related or they just need someone to talk to jam is there. and as a Gen he always on top of his duties and never needs to be reminded to complete a task. he is very active within the division over all hosting weekly workshops for all the members and attending as many game nights as possible. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Forums Account Link / @: @KSI xKamikaze Reasons they deserve this award: Kamikaze is a go-getter and often times we have to remind him to slow down and take some personal time because if not he would be doing KSI stuff 24/7, as a captain he is very on top of the security preforming security checks almost daily on not only his squad members but any member of the division he can find, hes been a great mentor to the lower ranking officers in his squad taking them under his wing and sharing his vast knowledge with them. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI xShooter Forums Account Link / @: @KSI SHOOTER Reasons they deserve this award: Shooter started off very quiet and almost unsure of where he wanted to be in KSI but since becoming an officer he seems to have found his footing and flourished, as a LT he went on a recruiting rampage which helped lead to the split of his squad and also took the time out to get to know each of the members within his squad. Shooter hasnt missed a gamenight or meeting he always makes himself available when needed even if hes unable to get online. Shooter has been a huge asset to the squad making sure that promotions and recruits are getting done in a timely manner and helping resolve any minor issue that have come up, he has also been a huge help in the splitting process getting with the members to get their preferences and helping to get everyone switched over and set up in the new squad. Caregory: Staff Sergeant Gamertag: KSI xHoots Forums Account Link / @: @KSI xHoots Reason they deserve this award: Hoots has been an outstanding asset to his squad, posting up game night schedules and reminding his fellow officers of any upcoming promotions, Hoots is always looking for something new to learn and always up for a new challenge, he goes the extra mile with any task no matter how big or small. the members of his squad know they can go to him for just about anything, he has been mentoring several members showing them the ropes and encouraging them to move up the ranks as well, he isn't afraid to ask questions or speak his mind, hes always noticing everyone else contributions and sending kind and encouraging messages, Hoots is a pleasure to work with and i see great leadership potential in him and strongly believe he deserves recognition for all that he does. xKami and KSI xKing 7DS 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI Zakrasil 4 Posted December 7, 2019 Report Share Posted December 7, 2019 Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Skarzx 77 Forums Account Link / @Scarface 77 Reasons they deserve this award: He has educated me during lead class and helped me gather a more comprehensive knowledge on the workings of KSI. Category: Founder Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums Account Link / @KSI Swag 7 Reasons they deserve this award: While overseeing Knights SL he gave me guidance and showed me how to push myself to drive forward and meet my goals, and continues to help me today. Category:General Gamertag: KSI Codyo Forums Account Link / @KSI Codyo Reasons they deserve this award: He has helped become a better officer, and helped teach me the in and outs off leadership. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI xHoots 10 Posted December 7, 2019 Report Share Posted December 7, 2019 (edited) Category: co-founder Gamertag: KSI xRogue 77 Forums Account Link / @KSI xRogue 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Rogue deserves this award because she gives 110% all the time she motivates the squad and encourages people to challenge themselves. She also gives other KSI members the compliments and encouragement she also is doing great at squad attention she actively games and talks to new members and already existing members. She gets new members involved with current members. She is also a great mentor I know I can contact her with any questions, concerns or ideas that I have and she usually has an answer for them so this is why I believe KSI xRogue 77 is deserving of this award Edited December 7, 2019 by KSI xHoots Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI thur 0 Posted December 7, 2019 Report Share Posted December 7, 2019 (edited) Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI Hoots Forums Account Link @KSI xHoots Reasons they deserve this award: I've seen him go from a RCT and get in KSI and been hard working for KSI with all of his recruitments and training,workshops and he told me last week "I'm not goning to stop unless jam times me out" so it shows his dedication to KSI Edited December 7, 2019 by KSI thur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Popular Post KSI Siren82 93 Posted December 7, 2019 Popular Post Report Share Posted December 7, 2019 Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI December 77 Forums Account Link / @: @December Reasons they deserve this award: December is always striving for ways to make this community better. He has been dedicated to making the Departments less insular and more of a part of the community – member oriented. December has so much knowledge and is always happy to impart it, frequently going above and beyond to get the information out to members. We were having a meeting and the topic of the newly revamped forums class came up. He was sent a message asking about it and about 15 minutes later he was in the party and we were learning. He is always available to help and if he can’t help you, he will make sure you are connected with the best person for the job. December trained me for the News Department and has taken all of his good qualities from his position as head there to the board. He is patient, but honest and will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Gruntier 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasons they deserve this award: He is a patient man. He listens and considers all sides of an issue. This is evident in always calm, well-reasoned responses to issues that arise. He is friendly and available, despite being very busy. I haven’t spent a lot of time with him, but every interaction has been a positive one. Category: Division Lead Gamertag: KSIxRomeo 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Honestly, I was kind of afraid of Romeo for a while. Maybe intimidated is a better word for it. But, over the last year I have come to realise that he is one of the friendliest and welcoming members of our community. He runs popular game nights with squads and is always playing with all of the members at all levels of the organisation, joking around with them. He also balances the fun with an ability to deal with tricky situations with a firm, but calm hand. He is frequently the voice of reason and doesn’t like to beat around the bush. Romeo always makes himself available – that man hops on at work to make sure that issues are dealt with and important questions are answered promptly. He will talk you through it in voice chat rather than a text to ensure that nothing gets lost in the interpretation of a text. He is dedicated to KSI and ensuring everyone has the best experience here as possible. He is a huge reason KSI feels like a family for so many. Category:Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI Trixie 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Trixie 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Trixie hasn’t been a Co-Fo very long, but she has stood out to me. She has been visible in parties and the discord chats from the get go, not just the casual chats. What really makes her stand out for me is that as an officer she noticed the lack of classes being made available in the Division and now, as a Co-Fo she is making sure they are happening regularly so that everyone has the learning opportunities they need to grow and thrive if they so choose. Category: General Gamertag: KSI WHISKEY7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WHISKEY 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Whiskey is a long time friend of mine, but this is in no way a vote of obligation or favouritism. Whiskey goes above and beyond in every role he is in in KSI. If I could I would be nominating him for Captain OTY and Department member OTY as well, but the rules are the rules, so I digress. As the inaugural General of Wrath he worked diligently to get Discord to the point they could split and then worked equally hard to build Wrath up to the amazing squad it is now. Not only does he work hard, but he also inspires others to do more and be more than they thought they could. He built up an incredible staff of hard working officers and encourages others to get involved in the squad and the departments. While he works hard and asks the same of others, he is also the first to encourage others to make sure they take a break, delegate and not burn out. He is a top recruiter, bringing in amazing new members and is always happy to train and impart knowledge. He created a training program while in Discord and implemented it in his own squad ensuring all officers, as they come up, have the knowledge and tools they need to succeed. He also encourages all other officers to take time and disseminate their own knowledge to help mentor those coming up the ranks after them. Whiskey is the first to hop in chats and get people involved in events. He is always helping other players advance in their games and his game nights are always inclusive and a blast. He is always coming up with ideas to promote positivity and connect the members. For example Wrath Reach Week where every night one week was cohosted with a different squad in DM, forging new friendships and quite frankly bringing the squads closer together. He also created a forums thread to promote positivity and encourages shouting people out to show your appreciation outside of awards nominations. I cannot think of anyone more deserving. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI JonahAlex12 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI JonahAlex12 Reasons they deserve this award: JonahAlex rose through the ranks quite quickly after the creation of Wrath. He is fun in a party and really loves playing with the members, keeping crazy hours for someone living in the UK in order to participate in squad activities and events. He is thirsty for knowledge and has branched out into Departments ops in order to find new ways to engage in the community and its members. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI LadySatan Forums Account Link / @: @KSI LadySatan Reasons they deserve this award: Sometimes you don’t realise how much LadySatan is doing until you look at stat chat and see a sea of her name. She quietly and diligently does the work and doesn’t ask for any praise or acknowledgement. She will hop in and volunteer when no someone else has real life get in the way of a task. She is an amazing recruiter, frequently bringing in multiple new members at a time and integrating them into the squad. She is engaging and will happily try out any game with a member. Her schedule doesn’t always allow her to participate in classes, but whenever one is available for her she is the first to volunteer to sign up. She wants to know more and is striving to be the best officer she can be. KSI LadySatan goes above and beyond and deserves this award. Category: SGT Gamertag: KSI TiMBERKiNG Forums Account Link / @: @KSI TiMBERKiNG Reasons they deserve this award: Timber is always an asset to any team he is on, bringing positivity and a love for the community. He was an officer in Discord and had to step down because real life happens. He is stepping up again now as a Wrath officer and I am so happy to have him working along side me again. As a SGT though he stands out as someone who is inclusive and friendly. It doesn’t matter your skill level he is happy to play with you and teach you the ropes. He truly embodies leaving no KSI member behind. Category: CPL Gamertag: infinityhunt Forums Account Link / @: @Infinityhunt Reasons they deserve this award: Who doesn’t love infinityhunt! He may try to downplay it, but he is an amazing member, playing with a wide variety of people on a wide variety of games. His love of participating in events, weekend warfares and head hunters is fantastic – everyone enjoys cheering infinityhunt on the twitch streams. He has lovingly been dubbed our “home town hero”. He has been named member of the month in our squad multiple times. He is also a crazy font of knowledge about the games he plays and is willing to share that knowledge with anyone playing, or considering playing a game. He is also one to embody no member left behind, as he helps you farm or work on a character even if he doesn’t need to himself. He will abandon whatever he is doing to hop in another game if he thinks he can help you. All around he is a fun member to hang out with and an asset to this community. Category: Department Member Gamertag: KSI Uppish Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Uppish Reasons they deserve this award: Uppish is another person I could put up for multiple OTMs but he stands out to me as a member of the departments. He is always promoting the work they do and works diligently on his duties. He is ever present in the community and everywhere on the forums. Uppish is genuinely excited about all aspects of KSI and what the Departments do to make that possible. He is full of ideas and always has the answers to your questions, or will find them for you and will make suggestions when you didn’t even realise you were looking for a solution (that is some crazy talent there). He is impartial, fair and the first to recognise someone else’s outstanding efforts. Category: Member Gamertag: KSIDntAskImAwfl Forums Account Link / @: @KSIdontask Reasons they deserve this award: The truth of the matter is that I don’t know Pam as well as I should, or want to. I haven’t had a lot of contact with her for various reasons and it is something I am hoping to rectify. Despite that, I still know that she is very deserving of this award. She is loved in DM, really and truly loved. She mentors, she comforts, she is a shoulder to cry on or lean on for so many, she has been many ranks and knows/performs them well. She is a leader, even when she isn’t in a leadership position. She is family to so many people here in KSI. I can’t think of anyone more deserving. TUS WHLSKEY 77, KSI JonahAlex12, KSIxROMEO 7 and 3 others 3 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
DntAskImAwfl 227 Posted December 7, 2019 Report Share Posted December 7, 2019 Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSIxROMEO 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasons they deserve this award: He does everything for this division. He fills in everywhere including subbing in gamenights for officers who cant make it to keep moral and activity high in the division. And if he is not hosting a gamenight he is visiting and participating in several through the night. He still goes on recruiting parties with officers to help and encourage them. He has been acting GEN in 3 or more squads to keep them going (not at once of course) and to make them healthy again. He never shreaks back from responsibility but faces it head on even if it's not the popular or easy way out. He continually checks in with ALL officers no matter what their rank is to make sure they are doing ok and have all the tools they need. When he sees a need he quickly responds for example, all our Destiny 2 players were scattered throughout the div and didn't know what eachother was doing. He started servers on discord to connect them to their specific missions. This has helped tremendously. During the events he is constantly going to each individual member of an over 400 member division trying and helping them to participate. If they aren't on the forums he is right there helping them to log on and if they are he helps them register for events or vote. These are just a very few examples of how he goes above and beyond to make DM one of the greatest divs in KSI. Category: Co - Founder Gamertag: KSI MeShell 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI MeShell 7 Reasons they deserve this award: She does everything for us. She makes her way around and plays regularly with all the squads. Even with as busy as she is in web ops she never is not doing her job in clan ops. She recruits, she clears recruits she host gamenights she is constantly at gamenights, she encourages and builds teams for WW and Events and represents in these all the time. She will download a new game just because members in her div play it and she wants them to feel included. She is constantly in Discord chat making herself known to others in the div. She is very special and brings her own unique talents to DM. Definitely deserves this award Shell, KSIxROMEO 7 and KSI Siren82 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2
KSI McMooMoo 4 Posted December 8, 2019 Report Share Posted December 8, 2019 Category: Co-founder Gamertag: KSI xTiger 77 Forumslink: @KSI Tiger 77 Reason: Tiger has been nothing but welcoming and happy towards every new member of WD! Not only that but she has always been more than happy to help with any problem that members may have. She deserves the recognition for the amount of time and effort she has consistently put into WD! Catergory: General Gamertag: KSI Fondu Forumslink: @KSI Fondu Reason: At the latter part of this year, Cyanide had split to create Napalm. Fondu took the role of being the General for Napalm, even though he was new to the position, he adapted and learned very quickly! He deserves this award due to the fact that he has been dedicated to learning his new role and being able to take control of any situation quickly and calmly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Nebula 7 21 Posted December 8, 2019 Report Share Posted December 8, 2019 (edited) Category: General Gamertag: KSI xRogue 77 Forums Account Link / @KSI xRogue 77 Reasons they deserve this award: The reason she deserves this reward is because she has gone above and beyond. Always being there for the members, pushing the squad forward and improving it every day. Category:Co-founder Gamertag: KSI xTiger 77 Forums Account Link / @KSI Tiger 77 Reasons they deserve this award: is because ever since I’ve known her she has been super friendly, shown great leadership, and amazing members retention. Edited December 8, 2019 by KSI xShyster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSIxK1NGKHAOZ91 0 Posted December 9, 2019 Report Share Posted December 9, 2019 (edited) Gamertag:KSI xShooter Forums: @KSI SHOOTER Categories: SSGT I believe that he deserve this award because he helped me alot when i was trying to break out of my shell. Plus, when a problem comes up he always has an answer or solution. As well as helping me move up the ranks within my squad. Edited December 9, 2019 by KSIxK1NGKHAOZ91 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
xKami 805 Posted December 9, 2019 Report Share Posted December 9, 2019 Category: Director Gamertag: KSI xKing 77 Forums Account Link / @: @Mr. King 77 Reasons they deserve this award: King has been a Inspirational leader since the day I met him. He gives you the confidence you need to succeed by letting you learn for yourself but at the same time knows when to step in. Everything he has touched in KSI has turned to gold. He spends the time to get to know the members of the division and isn’t afraid to make changes that people might not like to in turn better everything across the board. I came into WD on the same day King did and I can honestly say the place I wanted to transfer to because of the great member retention has become a place where everyone wants to be. I now have the honor to be in the Join area where he gave me the tools to succeed. He always makes himself available when I have a question. My hats off to this guy. Thank You for always taking my ideas into account and making me feel like I mean something to KSI. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSI Venum 7 Forums Account Link / @: @VENUM 7 Reasons they deserve this award: This is one of those leaders in the community that knows how to treat people with the same respect that you have shown him. No matter where the road takes us. This member is always there when you have a question and ready to take shift action if something needs to be handled. This member hasn’t changed at all since the first day I met him in the Samurai Savage days to now. He has his hand in areas in KSI, PO/Clan Ops/AAP/Join Area. These are the places I see him on top of his game and trying to make these places better for KSI moving forward. My experience in the community wouldn’t of been the same without you here. Always remember man if you ever need anything at all I’m here to payback the respect you have shown me. Knowledge Strength Integrity. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI xTiger 77 Forums Account Link / @KSI Tiger 77 Reasons they deserve this award: When you think of people in the community that could be the face of the community only a few stand out in my eyes. Tiger is one of the most approachable people I know and her reach goes far beyond WD. She is always reaching out to members that need help. Sometimes even before that member even realizes that they need a little extra help in the first place. I have found myself lost more then a few times and Tiger has been their to give me the uplift I need by having a open ear. By not just listening to what I was saying, but also by making changes. She proudly wears WD on her cape going out daily to strive to make her division better then the day before. I strongly believe that if Tiger wasn’t in the division that WD wouldn’t be half as great as it is today. Always leading by example by not asking anyone to do anything she wouldn’t do herself. Keep up the great work that you do for KSI and just remember at the end of the day that I appreciate your hard work and dedication to the place I call home. Category: Forums Staff Gamertag: KSI DarkAngel 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI DarkAngeI 7 Reasons they deserve this award: She deserves this award for her hard work and dedication to the join area. She is always putting her best foot forward by picking applications up when needed and getting them completed in a timely matter if complications don’t arise. But if they do she does her best to figure out if these members are the right fit for the community. She just got promoted to senior Join moderator and I honestly don’t think their is anyone else I would want to work side by side with. Keep up the great work that you do for the department and just remember all those headaches were worth it to keep the community safe. KSI DarkAngeI 7, KSI xKing 7DS and VENM VII 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2
Juicee Teea 7 Posted December 9, 2019 Report Share Posted December 9, 2019 Category: Division Leader of the Year Gamertag: KSI Venum 7 Link: @VENUM 7 Reason: I do believe Venum is deserving of this reward. He is always on top of his duties, putting in the hard work to make our Division (DW) the best it can possibly be. While at the same time, he has shown himself down to Earth, and a great friend to have in your corner. He is shown himself to be a fountain of knowledge, and eager to share it. He is always around and approachable, is always willing to talk to you and help you, and in general just a great guy to be around. I dont think there is ever a time Venum isnt online and be productive with his Division. Im glad to have had the Honor to meet Venum and I wouldnt have made it this far if it wasnt for him. More than anything, this is truely why I believe Venum is if not the best candidate for the award Div Leader of the Year. Category: General of the Year Gamertag: KSI Starset 7 Link: @KSI Starset 7 Reason: While I served under Starset 7 while he was General of Elysium DW, he showed to me what it means to be a great Officer and Leader. He busted his ass for his squad, and made it seem like possibly one of the best places to be. That squad has become like a family, and surely he made it that way. He also has been Mentor for me, and worked with me to the best of his ability to make me the best officer I can be. He always held me to a higher standard and I want to show him I have what it takes. At the same time while being a amazing KSI member, he has shown himself to me he is a man, that is also as friendly is be, he also became a great friend over my stay in KSI, he is always there when I need him. Without a doubt Starset is a well rounded individual and this is why I believe is deserving of this award, Gen of the Year. VENM VII and KSI Starset 7 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI HARLEY 7 98 Posted December 9, 2019 Report Share Posted December 9, 2019 Category: Division Leader Gamer Tag: KSI VENUM 7 Forums Account Link: @KSI VENUM Reasons: VENUM is a special kind of person a true leader with a heart. He knows all the ends and outs of KSI. VENUM runs our division the KSI way, he is fair, honest, and kind. He has a way of making everyone feel like they are part of his extended family. He listens with an open mind to anything you have to say, but he is also no nonsense. He has lots of jobs within the community and handles them all with Knowledge Strength and Integrity. Category: Co-Founder Gamer Tag: KSI Majesty 7 Forums Account Link: @KSI Majesty Reasons: I have known Majesty a long time and in another community before KSI. Majesty is amazing leader and role model in KSI, from whom I take pride in saying I have learned a lot about how to be a good leader. Majesty is a real team player. She has always taken her role in KSI very seriously. She knows all the ends and outs of KSI and takes real pride in bringing others into the KSI family. Majesty does her very best to make sure that the members under her are enjoying being part of our community. Majesty is also a great recruiter she has a way of making people want to be a part of this fun and exciting community. Category: General Gamer Tag: KSI MR MOTO Forums Account Link: @KSIxMotoMoto Reasons: Since I have been in Samurai I have watched MOTO grow and become a great General. He is no nonsense and runs Samurai with a firm hand. He is knowledgeable about KSI and makes sure his officers are knowledgeable as well. He makes sure his staff knows what they need to do each day and each week. He makes sure his squad stays active, and has fun. MOTO Works toward helping his squad grow by hosting recruiting parties and he works right beside his officers. MOTO is the kind of General that keeps his squad runs smoothly. I feel he is deserving of this award because he takes real pride in his work. KSI Inked 7 and VENM VII 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 3 2 3
KSI Muffin77 31 Posted December 9, 2019 Report Share Posted December 9, 2019 Category: Co-Fo Gamertag: KSI xTiger77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Tiger 77 Reasons they deserve this award: This member goes above and beyond when it comes to helping others in need whether it be setting up events, workshops, meetings, or if a member has a question. This person spreads themselves across everywhere. Joining parties when invited to answer questions, helping squads grow and split, working with the officers on being ready or the squads with growth or being ready for a split as well as advising a good direction to take. KSI Tiger77 cares about WD and has its best interests at heart. This is the type of member everyone can rely on and know we will succeed as a whole. Whether it be common knowledge, a situation, or building on someone’s leadership skills this member is there for everybody personal or KSI. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Kamikaze Reasons they deserve this award: Someone who doesn’t let the day end early is KSI xKamikaze. This member makes short work of the day to day tasks and squad goals. Always there for everyone he’s here to help things be fun, smooth, and safe. This member is well rounded whether it be training a officer to make sure they are up to standards, Working with officers on how to become successful leaders, sticking around to game and have fun, or correcting issues within the squad. Caring about others before himself he’s someone you count on a task to get done. Reliable, knowledge, strong, and has the integrity to uphold it all. A good example of a core officer and leader. I have no doubts in him succeeding in the future xKami 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSIxIRISHJON 8 Posted December 9, 2019 Report Share Posted December 9, 2019 Category: general of the year gamertag: KSI Drizzle fourms profile: @KSI Drizzle reason for nomination: I would like to nominate KSI Drizzle for everything he has done throughout the year even for the the times he has helped myself and others through some problems I’ve had through the fourms and other reasons. i think it’s a good reason to nominate him as he is very helpful and he has always been there for everyone KSI HARLEY 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
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