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KSI N1NJA 7 (awarded)


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Name: KSI N1NJA 7 Co-Founder of Ground Zero

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/358-ksi-n1nja-7/

Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance

Reason-/-Evidence: He is always there for his members and is always handing out a helping hand for the members of Ground Zero

Name: KSI N1NJA 7 Co-Founder of Ground Zero

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/358-ksi-n1nja-7/

Award-/-Achievement: Silver Outstanding Service

Reason-/-Evidence: He created the most active squad I have ever seen in my stay in KSI. Unity has a constant 30 members on everyday for squad events and things. He has taught his leadership to keep his traditions of this and they are one of the strongest squads currently in GZ.

Name: KSI N1NJA 7 Co-Founder of Ground Zero

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/358-ksi-n1nja-7/

Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service

Reason-/-Evidence: Without question he deserve this he has been in KSI for a while and not once have I seen N1NJA not around helping others and doing his job to the fullest.

Name: KSI N1NJA 7 Co-Founder of Ground Zero

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/358-ksi-n1nja-7/

Award-/-Achievement: Mentor

Reason-/-Evidence: He has at least 5 people from just Unity that will say yes to this but that not even counting the rest of the people in GZ.

Name: KSI N1NJA 7 Co-Founder of Ground Zero

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/358-ksi-n1nja-7/

Award-/-Achievement: Trainer

Reason-/-Evidence: He has without question done this time and time again.

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^ witness....not aap.......AAP agree as a vote......witness's provide proof

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.....if no activity will be closed.....and asked to reapply at a later date when support can be given

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you made the nomination meaning its your place to get Said evidence and witness's involved...not ours

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Member Assistance: i have personally seen ninja go out of his way to help people and give assistance when its needed.

Outstanding Service: i think this goes without saying, ninja has been in KSI for over a year, and is constantly doing a great job.

Mentor: I kno for a fact that ninja has atleast 5 people that has him on their bio's for mentor.

Trainer: i kno for a fact that hes trained atleast 30 people.

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for mentor, the mentorees need to come and post that they have been mentored by him.

I vote yes to Assistance, Outstanding Service and Trainer based on his Co-Div vouching for him.

No to mentor until mentorees post.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Member Assistance (YES)

Outstanding Service (YES)

Trainer (YES)

Mentor (people need to post)

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I agree with all awrard nominations he has helped me personally many times on a wide verity of things including personal topics he's a mentor and a freind

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Ninja is the one person that has single handily effected my KSI "career" and made me the leader that I am today. I know that If i EVER have a problem that I myself cannot solve, Ninja will be there to help with an unbiased opinion. He also takes the time to sit down with people individually and explain why things are done the way that they are. EVERYONE in GZ knows who ninja is and knows that they can come to him for anything.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Member Assistance (YES)

Outstanding Service (YES)

Trainer (YES)

Mentor (YES)

Closed....all awarded

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