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KSI NARUT0 - Helping Hand and Good Samaritan Nomination

KSI Rogue 7

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Award: Helping Hand, Good Samaritan

Gamertag: KSI NARUT0

Forums: @KSIAJAnthony7953

Evidence: Over the course of the past few months, KSI NARUT0 has helped 7 members change their gamertag to reflect KSI. Out of the 7, 4 are still within the community. The four that remain are KSI Urisdae, KSI STALVSTER @STALVSTER, KSI COUN7RY 94 @WBG COUN7RY 94, and KSI JessiGirl. Then KSI STALVSTER had been wanting to play PUBG but didn't have the money so KSI NARUT0 bought it for him so that he would be able to play with the rest of our members.

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For good Samaritan you need to help 5 people you named 4 we will need 1 more person that he has helped @KSI RogueLSG88 and we will need for them to verify that he game them name changes @STALVSTER @WBG COUN7RY 94

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He helped with 7 name changes, like I said 4 of which are still in the community, I can also give you the names of the previous members who received names changes that he paid for. He just never got any due recognition at the time. Then later on, he bought STALVESTER PUBG so that he could play with our squad.

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