KSI BadKitty 7 356 Posted September 2, 2018 Report Share Posted September 2, 2018 Name: KSI RiiOT 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/46-ksi-riiot-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service: Level 3 Reason-/-Evidence: I don't think there are many members, past or present, who haven't at least heard of KSI RiiOT 7. He has played a huge part throughout Clan-Ops, Web-Ops, and Department-Ops. Saying that, it's an amazing feat to earn your 7 in all of the ways currently possible. Some of you may know what you need to accomplish this, most probably don't. In order to earn your 7 three times you must have accomplished these three things: Become a Co-Founder within Clan-Ops Become a Head/Co-Head of a department Become a Senior Forums Moderator He has gone above and beyond all of those requirements, and has recently been promoted to User Support Admin on the forums that we all utilize on a daily basis. RiiOT has been a mentor to me, and countless others throughout his time within KSI. Whether that has been training new staff on the ins and outs of the forums, or just giving advice on how to better oneself as a leader. I must not fail to mention everything that he has done since becoming the Head of AAP. It is/was amazing to see how he brought new activity into the department. So far, some of the accomplishments you need to take note of are: Revitalizing the Outstanding Service Awards Bringing the DoTM's back to life Will be working with the News Department for the DHoF Divisional Milestones have made a comeback There are so many more things that I think need to be brought to your attention, but then I'd just be sitting here typing at you for the next four hours, so I'll just put in the highlights. Division Creator: Created a new division with Sir Luci: (LB) Former dedicated member of the GFX team Previous Co-Head of AAP Previously Awarded Forums Staff of the Year Previously awarded OS Lvl 1 and OS lvl 2 I believe I have tried to be as factual as possible, even though I want to go on and on of how great of a member I think RiiOT is. However, I really like inserting my own opinion into things so: RiiOT definitely deserves this award. AWOL, Kalakoi, December and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Hex 77 207 Posted September 2, 2018 Report Share Posted September 2, 2018 With the accolades previously listed that RiiOT has achieved, It is needless to say that I share the same philosophy in that RiiOT absolutely deserves to be awarded the OS Lvl 3 award for the amount of time, work, and dedication he has poured into this community for several years as well as many more to come. The feats hes been able to establish within the AAP speaks enough to the caliber of leader he is and his commitment to success and driving the community forward. Through talking to RiiOT and working under him as a baby mod, it is constantly made clear to me that he does his job to the utmost degree and then some. He is constantly patrolling the website, informing Mods on their duties, offering help, and putting inn his own work when hes not running his department. As Cat mentioned, looking at the new and revitalized AAP department and the fact that is no longer a chore or a task to go visit their section on the forums, but something that the members are actively pursuing and looking forward to posting in, is a night and day difference from the department just a couple months ago and is thanks to the work of RiiOT and the staff hes put together. I very much hope that RiiOT receives this award as he deserves it much much more than I do mine and it would be a small thank you in return for his years of service. Plus, hes the best to go 'Sploring with #SadBoyHours #StuffBoisPodCast KSI RiiOT 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 6 2
Scarface 77 359 Posted September 4, 2018 Report Share Posted September 4, 2018 I will be dropping my vote to witness for this award. When it comes to Dept Ops , the one name that come to my mind is Riiot (*Sorry Scotland*). This man has been nothing short of a mentor to me since taking the reigns of AAP and showing me exactly how a Department head runs a department. Lets break down the list of things this man has done mind you BY HIMSELF as the co-head then Head of AAP. (Scotty & Emmy helped as well but this isn't about them :D) - He revamped the Outstanding Service awards, so the process is now completely different then its previous incarnations. More thought is put into how we as AAP staff members under him tackle each and every OS level award and is always there to provide feedback or his insight which is always helpful. If you look at the past 2-3 months under him you will see an increase in nominations for awards that were at one point, rare to see nominations for. Overall AAP hasn't ever seen this much activity and excitement towards the section since I became a member of KSI back in April of 2017 and I think that is 100% due to Riiot. - DOTM's are around now because of Riiot (and Airborne). This allows people to go and apply for awards not for themselves or someone they know, but for their division. Awards like KSI Tags , or Full 7's staffs are just a few of the award brought to us all because leader's like Riiot recognize the need to remember all the hard work we put into our divisions and gave us something to show it off to the rest of the community. - Divisional HOF while it was an idea originally crafted by myself, it wouldn't be where it is right now , being one of the newest KSI programs with Riiot. He helped in every single aspect of the process from requirements down to how the nomination/voting process would work. He did this knowing it would increase the workload of not just himself , but his staff and like any good leader he knows he surrounds himself with people who will back his play and complete any assignment given because you know he is working his butt off too on his end. - New Awards like Take the Plunge or Approachable wouldn't even be an award had he not of pushed for us to brainstorm ideas and give his insight on them. Now fast forward a couple of weeks and you see SOO many new posts in the AAP section applying for these things. Any good department head brings ideas to the table that will not only increase traffic in their respective sections but will help inspire people to delve deeper into AAP and enjoy helping others get awards they deserve or receiving hard earned awards themselves. - As a moderator , he is quick to update on all department access and removals. He ensures his sections are cleaned up of any locked topics and is just on top of his game all the time which lead to him getting promoted I believe from Senior Mod to User Forum Moderator. I firmly believe the work he has done in AAP has been nothing short of Outstanding. This along with his former track record in Clan ops, His current title as User Forum Mod shows that no matter what facet of KSI he is apart of (i.e Clan , Web or Dept Ops) he is a leader and makes those around him want to be better and work harder to match his stride. It is my pleasure to witness for this award as I firmly believe if anyone deserves Outstanding Service Level 3 it would be Riiot. KSI RiiOT 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2
AWOL 69 Posted September 6, 2018 Report Share Posted September 6, 2018 It is my pleasure to attest to this Outstanding Service Level 3 (Gold) Award for @KSI RiiOT 7 Although I'm not currently connected to Web-Ops and/or Department-Ops in any way, I see (and benefit from) the vast amount of time, effort, and dedication KSI RiiOT 7 (RiiOT) puts forth simply by my use of these forums. Please note that my attestation will differ significantly from those above based on my personal experience and observations. I first met RiiOT in January of this year through a post I made in the Open-Door Area (Suggestions) here on the forums. As a person who, at the time, did not use the forums often, I was extremely frustrated with minimum post requirements pertaining to Graphics Department requests and other departments with similar requirements. RiiOT read my post and his response - above all others - stood out to me, as he was courteous, professional, and seemed to really understand what exactly I was trying to convey/where I stood. To this day, I truly appreciate his well-written response and his genuine empathetic tone (at a time when other leaders responding to my post issued downvotes; some giving caustic, incendiary responses). As time passed, I've interacted more and more with RiiOT, whether here on the forums or on Demonic Mayhem's Discord Server. These interactions have only served to solidify the fact that RiiOT remains the very same humble, courteous, professional, and extremely hard-working person I first met. From that first meeting right here on the forums, RiiOT remains a driving and ever-present force on KSIforums.org. I've witnessed RiiOT's promotion to Head of the Awards and Achievements as well as his promotion to User Support Administrator. Through all of this, RiiOT, by my observation remains kind, humble, and gracious. It is my opinion that RiiOT has not forgotten where he started in KSI, and his humility and ability to empathize with members of all ranks and positions - whether in Clan-Ops, Web-Ops, and/or Department-Ops - above all the copious awards and recognition he's received, speaks volumes for his character and is but only fragment of why he deserves the Gold Outstand Service Award. From a Clan-Ops perspective, RiiOT is an interactive "Super Sergeant Ultra First Class" (showing his sense of humor by his title) in Demonic Mayhem's Discord Squad. He's frequently on the Discord app. with words of encouragement, important announcements, and friendly banter with members of Discord Squad or the general population of Demonic Mayhem. At one point during a Clan-Ops workshop, I was asked by the workshop's host, "Where do you see yourself in KSI one year from now?" Not realizing the breadth and depth of RiiOT's time, experience, accomplishments, and sheer dedication to KSI, I quickly answered, "I'd like to be where RiiOT is." The more I've learned about RiiOT and what he's accomplished and continues to accomplish in KSI, I now realize that this will take far, far longer than one year's time! RiiOT inspires me to work harder to accomplish my goals here in KSI, and I'm certain he does the same for so many other members across KSI, no matter the rank or position held. RiiOT is a true pillar of this community, and I sincerely appreciate his time, hard-work, and unwavering dedication. I'll end my attestation with words that I'm certain RiiOT is familiar with. By and through his service and actions in his years with KSI, and as outlined by those leaders/witnesses posting above, RiiOT is objectively one of the best leaders in this community, and by my observation I believe he sets the bar for the very award he's been nominated for by, "...show[ing] success in going above all expectations and provided the best legacy for those that follow them. [RiiOT is] undoubtedly [one] of the best leaders KSI has seen or produced." ~ Gold Outstanding Service Award Requirements KSI RiiOT 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Airborne 7 565 Posted September 8, 2018 Report Share Posted September 8, 2018 Let's get some more witnesses in here for this, please be as detailed as possible Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2
Rita 250 Posted September 11, 2018 Report Share Posted September 11, 2018 Leaders like RiiOT come around maybe once in several generations of KSI. He is constantly doing his best to improve both the forums in any way that he can, while always being there for the mods and senior mods under him to provide knowledge. RiiOT currently is the User Support Admin for the forums in this role he assists both the forums staff and the member base on technical issues ranging from a variety of difficulty and time consumption yet he always has the time to do whatever is asked of him. The simple truth is from my sphere of KSI it's hard to quite grasp the magnitude of what he does, even with my Senior Mod access on the forums; but one thing is certain, without RiiOT this website wouldn't run at the capacity and success that it is. RiiOT is also currently running the AAP. Taking the department to new heights with new policies being implemented, staff being hired, and awards being created. RiiOT is a true representation of what a leader here should be and I hope you all consider not only the amount of statements but who is saying them. All of these people have been significantly impacted by him and his presence here. In closing, I want emphasize the importance of his role here, he is literally one of the most valuable assets in leadership we have. Over his years of service to KSI and it's members he's influenced hundreds if not thousands of people. RiiOT truly has earned this award 10 times over and i hope you all agree. KSI RiiOT 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Raggard T. Bear 39 Posted September 12, 2018 Report Share Posted September 12, 2018 I was told by the strange cat that meows outside my window when I'm trying to sleep, that if I didn't come here, I would accidentally fall down the steps into a door knob. I don't think he actually deserves the award and I regret promoting him to admin. He used to be a much more fun person, we would put our kilts on and drink the night away, but now he just works and works and works for KSI. Why can't we we just drink play with our bag pipes like the good ole days, atleast when he wasn't running LB with luci, gfx head stuff, senior mod, and aap head stuff. Come to think of it, Riot hasn't been fun in a long time. It has always been all KSI all the time, what a crappy friend he is. If being a bad friend because he is a KSI try hard means he deserves this award, then it's w.e, but I am removing my award from his account. I hate you Riot and I hope you get most outstanding soon so most of your other friends realize you only care about KSI. </3 AWOL, KSI BadKitty 7 and KSI RiiOT 7 1 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
KSI REBEL 7 53 Posted September 15, 2018 Report Share Posted September 15, 2018 All Good, keep them coming. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
Scotland 523 Posted September 17, 2018 Report Share Posted September 17, 2018 Riiot is a one in a million member within this community, someone who sees it for what it is, and should be. When I met Riiot it was in his interview for joining the AAP team, many moons ago, He knew his stuff - It may have been a little out of date info but the basics were there. He moved from strength to strength throughout the department and when I received my own Promotion (Punishment) he was the obvious choice to move into an AAP leadership role. He made each person who he worked with feel welcome and wanted, and was able to ensure that no matter what was going on around the department, his focus was only on the members and the functioning of the department. When the Head vacancy came up, I recall being excited to tease him with a promotion to head, but he didn't care. Like myself he sees the title less important than the job itself. Which while making me very sad that I couldn't have my fun - Made me finally realise what kind of asset has been brought into my camp. Since that fated day when I finally moved him to department head he has moved from strength to strength, rarely needing my support nowadays - He has with the support of his AAP team, Overseen the creation of the Divisional Hall of Fame program, Revitalised the Divisional Mile Stone program, and overseen the largest activity flourish the department has ever seen. While all of the above was ongoing he was also a senior mod of these here forums. He was constantly moving around the forums - specifically clean up the messes that I had left all over the place, and ensuring the the ModCP was clean and shiny for any admins watching us from their podiums in the sky. While my words on his moderating mean little, his efforts are evident due to his position now as a Admin. This is something that less than 0.001% of the community achieve and it is through only hard work and dedication that this is achieved. Since becoming an Admin Riiot took over Leaders & Department Access granting, monitoring and removing, and boy does he do it quickly. Typically if any access is requested it will be fulfilled same day - a change which was greatly appreciated by the entirety of department Operations, I am sure everyone else appreciated it too, however I cannot speak for them! The summarise all of the above - Riiot consistently goes beyond what is expected of him, or anyone in a similar position. He cares for this great community with a burning passion that will not go out anytime soon, and is reflected in each action he takes. KSI RiiOT 7 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Admin Guy Retired 104 Posted September 21, 2018 Admin Guy Report Share Posted September 21, 2018 Back from the dead to post a cool thing. Riiot has gone down to the ends of hell and back to show that he is not only one of the most productive and effective front end forum staff that this site has seen, but one of the most innovative as well. Back in September of 2012 I joined the AAP as my first Web-Ops department, and this fine fellow just so happened to be running it. He had so many things in place to ensure the effectiveness of the team and bringing on new members into that effective beast. The man is a living encyclopedia of information that can assist you on the processes of the department, to even the history of it. In 2013 him and myself co-founded the divisional milestone program as well, giving the divisions as a whole an opportunity to earn recognition from the department. From a staff side of things, he’s been assisting with the forums and the mod staff for as long as I can remember. Heck, he was a senior mod when I joined the team, and it doesn’t surprise me that he’s taking on the admin role so well now. His man man has been a driving, motivating force in web ops for a long time to people like myself and other staff. Weare able to do better because of his work ethic and ideas on how to improve each day. He’s also a legend, so yeah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
I am FuzzyMeep™ 704 Posted September 21, 2018 Report Share Posted September 21, 2018 Riot has been apart of this community, off andon since 2005, in that time he has both been in and ran several depts (Gfx, AAP) been a senior mod and newpy promoted wicked active admin, through out all the ranks of clan ops including opening out "reeducation" division Light bringer with luci (and he didnt kill him) through his times out of ksi hehas always come back with a bang when ever life and powers that be allowed it. In just the last 2 years he went from being hired as a senior mod, earning forums staff of the year, taking over the aap, redoing the core rules and structure of it. Bringing the outstanding service to the future, bringing back dotm, being promoted to admin and doing an outstanding job. His first 10 years in could have earned him the os3, but the last two have cemented it 100%. He is a funny knowledgeful inspiring leader of the community who spends a lot of time improving the environment for all future and present members (also a dope member of ASM) Fun fact for riot I met riot when he was out of ksi in 06/07 and prior to me joining. we played a lot of halo 2 with his pal killer dan, never talking about his ksi history, we lost touch during the move over to 360. Fast forward to the end of 2008 i was moving my way up and a director in ksi and he returned to ksi and he asked if i was the same fuzzymeep (obviously the name is a bit obscure) thus rekindling the friendship and making him the longest semi consistent friend i have had on the xbox Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
Kalakoi 143 Posted September 24, 2018 Report Share Posted September 24, 2018 These are great, keep it up! The more witness statements, the better! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Kalakoi 143 Posted September 27, 2018 Report Share Posted September 27, 2018 48 hour warning until deliberation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Impy 460 Posted September 28, 2018 Report Share Posted September 28, 2018 I have known Riot for nearly six years, and I’m thankful to have met and created a friendship with him. Despite things that have happened that would have turned someone less dedicated away from the community, Riot has a commitment and a drive that not many people do. He is always among the most open and friendly moderators (now admins) around, and his welcoming and understanding disposition creates a safe environment for KSI members to come confide issues and questions about the forums. He has a deep understanding of the mechanisms that keep KSI running and has become a sort of peer leader in the community. His ability to undertake nearly any challenge presented to him — whether it be staring a division with Luci, running the mod staff, or reinventing AAP to be more open and rewarding — has never wavered. If he undertakes a challenge, he follows it through to completion. His actions and demeanor are an example of what all KSI members should strive to be and the mark he’s left on the community is so immensely positive that it can never fully fade. Riot fully deserves this award and I fully and completely agree with everything stated above. He has my complete support and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for him. KSI BadKitty 7 and KSI RiiOT 7 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2
Kalakoi 143 Posted October 1, 2018 Report Share Posted October 1, 2018 Taken to staff discussion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
Kalakoi 143 Posted October 3, 2018 Report Share Posted October 3, 2018 Outstanding Service Level 3: Yes AWOL 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Rockdogg 7 154 Posted October 3, 2018 Report Share Posted October 3, 2018 OS LVL 3: yes AWOL 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
December 601 Posted October 3, 2018 Report Share Posted October 3, 2018 Outstanding Service Level 3 - Yes AWOL 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Folkstyle 73 Posted October 3, 2018 Report Share Posted October 3, 2018 Outstanding Service Level 3- Yes AWOL 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
KSI Airborne 7 565 Posted October 3, 2018 Report Share Posted October 3, 2018 Outstanding Service lvl. 3: Yes AWOL 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards 2 2 2
Kalakoi 143 Posted October 5, 2018 Report Share Posted October 5, 2018 Awarded and Closed AWOL 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Awards
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